super magical (not really)tama log


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Hi guys well **Rainbow** PMed me but I wasn't there to read it so I called him spike her id **Rainbow**'s PM


I absolutely love your log. I have suggestions for names: 

Steve (my current tama's name xD)

David (one of Steve's bandmates)

Grant (my dad's name xD)


And if you get a girl later call her Sharona (my sister's name)


Also have you read my log it's called "Let's Make Music!" and it's about my music star tama obviously.

so um yeah right now spike is a kikitchi he got a U.F.O and a Mic so the band is called OLE and in the band is a.. Wait just read this





Ringotchi/Colleen/Girl/Bass drum

Flame person/louis/Trom-bone


ok so bye

Hi guys I'm so sorry I wasn't writng in ages but anyway Spike turned into a togethi and got pro debeut so um bye

p.s I'm not gonna be on so much 'cause of school but I'll try my best
