Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Amelia said, "...Maybe it's to much rain..."

Persephone was putting her stuff into drawers, singing.

Leslie ran in in a pose I'll show you on MSN, and said, "We're going to Silvermoon!"

"This is definitly worrying...we havent had this much rain for years."

A random mage ran into the palace, "Storms are just up the north, Sire! They're pretty large ones too!"

Shadow paled, "Silvermoon? I-i'll pass!"

He laughed nervously and went off to the spellbook room

Amelia said, "I'll go evacuate, I'll be back!" She kissed Lor'themar quickly, tensely in case she didn't return, and disappeared.

Leslie grabbed Persephone and then ran to Shadow and grabbed him, making them all appear outside the palace.

Amelia went to be super woman.

Leslie dragged them into the palace. "What's going on?" she asked.

Persephone sat down on a random table and kicked her legs, looking at the ground.

Lor'themar sighed, "It's the end of our world as we know our ancestors predicted. And it seems Shadow expected it too"

Shadow was still fitting, "I DONT WANNA DIE! LEMME GO LEMME GO!"

Leslie wrapped her arms around Shadow's waist. "Stop it!" she yelled, starting to cry.

Persephone said, "So what? Get rid of everyone- that's that."

"This is the problem...It's not just Silvermoon to be evacuated. Our other allies need to be evacuated too..there just isnt enough time."

Shadow calmed down a little, "Gather the mages, warlocks and priests..i'll get them out of here!"

"So what, the place dies off. Save what you can," Persephone said, shrugging.

Leslie let go of him, and backed away. "Persephone, your way to... depressing. Do you want people to die?"

"...This place is over populated. It could use a wipe-out. A chance to start over new."

Persephone looked up at Shadow, under her eyelashes like Leslie always did. "No one is truly ever innocent," she remarked, jumping off the table. "Save the important people, and get out..."

Lor'themar nodded, "That'll work. Gather up the blacksmiths and the mages, i'll adress the civilians"

He left the palace

Shadow sighed, "This isnt happening...Leslie tell me this is a nightmare, please!"

Carter hugged Tundra then walked into Hooters.

Persephone was silent now, careful not to ruin their moment.

Leslie pinched him.

Shadow was all OW!, "ok this is happening...As if it wasnt enough that we had to claw back from extinction once!"

He was crying, "Why damnit! WHY!?"

Lor'themar had everyone Gathered at the central plaza, "Friends, Thallassians and fellow dictators! The end is upon us all! But do not fear or panic. This wave of redemption will quell the conflict of the land and with it, A new age of peace shall arise! We will be delivered unto the arms of our maker! Into the lords garden itself! FOR SILVERMOON!"

The civilians chanted back, "FOR SILVERMOON!"

Leslie held him like a child. "Hush," she whispered.

Persephone went to the Central Plaza. "No cute guys to save me from nothingness," she murmured. She sighed and clapped her hands together loudly.

Leslie said, "Then leave."

Persephone didn't turn to look at him. "...My cousin made me come."

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