Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Persephone suddenly saw Hades as her knight in shining armor. She marveled, and then came back to reality.

Leslie felt all romantic.

Hades was even helping older blood elves through the portal.

Lor'themar was rallying the dictators n such.

Shadow stopped and gently put her down. He raised his staff into the air and laughed, "I havent felt like this since the WAR!"

The end of the staff crackled with his energy, sparking and glowing wildly.

The storm clouds circled above it, each lightning bolt being absorbed by the staff

Amelia appeared. "I-I think I got about two hundred to the U.S," she said, smiling and brushing dirt off her knees. Her white hair was now semi-brown due to dirt in her hair.

Persephone sat down.

Leslie watched.

Hades had a list, "I've gotten half of them to california...wherever that is.."

Shadow kept this up, "It's working!'s actually working!"

no sooner than he said that he was struck by 6 bolts of lightning.

"...There's a list?" Amelia asked, then shook her head slowly. "...I won't ask."

Leslie didn't notice yet xD

The hole in the sky that was predicted finally happened..although it was a black hole that got very close


Lor'themar rushed more people through the portals, "Has anyone seen Amelia?"

Shadow looked above silvermoon, "Aw ****! I guess this is it then..."

Amelia appeared by Lor'themar at the sound of her name. A new trait she had adapted to. "Hello." She was overly calm about the situation.

Leslie grabbed him and appeared back at her house.

Amelia went through the portal all lala~

Persephone looked at the ground.

"...You did your part."

Persephone looked up. "I was just thinking. That's all."

"It was to me.."

"not to be rude but there's a time and place for that, now isnt the time"

He dragged her to the portal

Shadow smiled a little, "and my robes got charred as hell.."

Persephone was dragged into a portal.

Leslie took off his robes and said, "I can fix that.."


And thus the entire population of Azeroth itself was wiped out. After the black hole had passed the landscape was a mirror image of it's former self But in the forests, new sproutlings were already beggining to grow.

Hades appeared in SPB, "That was close..."

Hooray for timeskips xP

Persephone began walking to Leslie's house.

Leslie was now sleeping.

Hades followed all *shrug*

Lor'themar was in a field somewhere, "Just my luck..."

So was shadow. He had burn marks down his back where the lightning had struck him

Persephone turned and looked at him. "Your following me because...?"

Amelia sat in his lap.

Leslie's eyes fluttered open and she yawned.

"I want to know more about you..", He said, smiling a little.

Lor'themar smiled, "At least you're safe."

He hugged her tightly

Shadow didnt wake up, he was too tired xP

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