school stuff


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I had to miss band friday because some guy came in to talk about a magazine fundraiser :huh:
That was the only thing I was looking forward to all day D:
Aww. :[

Its the only thing that like i really enjoy next to all my other classes except gym(Too many jocks! xDDD)...

I only started school again today. I'm not very sociable (in fact I hate large groups of people), so I don't have friends or people to trust and talk to.

Our school isn't bad, well the teachers/staff are pretty cool, but everyone's the same in my opinion. From ages 4-18 there are only about 180, actually we'd be lucky to have that many. My school can't really offer many after school activities, or in school ones for that matter. We have a few sports offered, choir, and that student council thing. ALL the students listen to either, rap, or pop, so I really don't fit in (not that I ever cared). I'm constantly avoided/ignored/feared which is really stupid because I've been stuck with most of these people since day one of my school days and not once did I do anything to hurt them. They think because I look/act different, I should be something to fear. Pretty crappy. Although I suppose it doesn't help that I just dyed my hair green.

I don't like the other girls in my class, they can't be seperated, it's like they're attached at the hip! They move around in pack's, but worst of all my only "friend" tries really hard to fit in with them. That really sucks for me, whenever we have a school assembly or something she always tries to stand with them and be apart of the group. Only thing is, they don't really like her. In reality, neither do I. We hang out only to keep ourselves from being bored during recess, in her mind, better to be bored with me, than be bored and alone. I don't think she likes me either, hopefully though she's sick of me and my anti-social behaviour, because she can be a real two faced jerk. Please don't feel bad for her and think she doesn't have friends, she could if she wasn't always:

1) making fun of/ starting rumors about/ or bragging to/ her only "friend" (me) and pretty much everyone else.

2) really whiney and always has something to complain about, she'll complain to anyone and everyone.

3) I had a thrid one but now I can't remember what it was.

Although she's really annoying, she's also the only one that actually talk's to me (besides the overly friendly people that talk to everyone). And she's not ALWAYS bad I guess.

I'm WAY off topic, and I'm sorry, I sound like I'm being whiney myself don't I? Again sorry.

Basicly my tiny school, and everyone in it, sucks, big time. Just 3 more years ^_^


Sorry for the long post, just needed to get some things off my mind.

Smoker's corner, actually allowed at highschool.


Grade 12s crowding hallways.

Lunch lines, don't get me started.

Our bus takes 573 billion hours in the morning.

French, WAY too easy.

Gym, WAY too hard.

1. no worrys about the long post. i enjoy reading them. makes me feel as if im not the only anti social person. only difference is that people are still my friends even though i can sometimes be mean. i guess thats a good thing but sometimes it makes me feel like an idiot because every one i talk to is like " oh did you hear what such and such did to so and so?" i look at them like they are nuts and remind them i dont get around that much. 2 i hate lunch lines, my bus driver is retarded. i mean she goes in one neighborhood and stops at every house (wich are side by side and really close together) but then for our BIG apartment neighborhood where at least 5 people live in the exact same building ( there are about 10 people who get of on our stop) she drops us off on the HIGHWAY!!! im like wtf! we live so close together but your to lazy to drivr us to our houses but for anyone else they get there own little showfoure (bad spelling i know) to there front doors....

When someone thinks they are the best at something in like Gym, or Art.

And they suck... >_>

Ok so I had my second day today. It wasn't so bad, I think my "friend" (mentioned in my last post) left me to wander the halls of school alone. My school is really small so it only takes a few minutes to walk from one end to the other, so I wander up and down alot lol. But today she didn't even try to talk to me so I'm ok.

What I ended up leaving out last post was what I hated about school. I mean sure I'm some kind of loner but I always found myself happier or more at peace alone. Anyway, the worst things about my school are:

1) The smokers thinking they rule the school. Ewww lol. There really isn't that many smokers left this year must of them graduated already.

2) The little youngs thinking they're so cool. Don't ya just hate that? Little kids, well actually must of the students in my class too, try to act mature or older than they really are.

3) Show offs. There's like a million in my class. Ok well no but there is alot of them. One in paticular, is about to drive me completely batty. lol

4) People copying other peoples homework, actually the people that enable them to do it in the first place. How far in life will those copyers actually get before they realize those people won't always be there?

5) The school is just way to small. We don't enough funding for anything good, although I should be happy we actually have computers :furawatchi: .

6) Ummmmm.... People trying to "fit in". I never did understand why people did this. I've never cared what others thought and I'm sure at 15 (almost 16) that it isn't gonna start now.


There probably is more but I'd rather not burden people with all my rambling.

Again sorry for the long post, I really didn't mean too, haha, it just happens sometimes.

Loner. huh. thats what i told this one girl on my bus that i was. i told her i knew at least one kid from every social group. but you see i dont fit into any of them so i sat and thought about it and realized i am a wanderer. geuss not a loner but real close...

I was hanging out wiv sum ov ma m8s and all ov the sudden, 1 ov ma other m8s (1 i wasnt hangning out wiv) was running and slipped and banged her hed on a metal bench. Me and my m8s ran up 2 her, but a teacher came 2 her. We were all crying and saying u wil b ok! Just trying 2 comfort her. But the teacher just sed: Ofcourse shes not ok! look shes bleeding! It will be a miracle if she isnt braindamaged! My friend who hit her hed cried harder. teacher sed: Dont make such a fuss! And I sed: Dont b so mean! Call the ambulance! Shes hurt! And the teacher sed: Fine I will! Just mind your own buisness! Its your own fault she fell!

I just h8 it wen teachers hav the rite 2 be mean and i h8 it tht they just tell u 2 go away and mind your own buisness wen they arent minding thier buisness! And I h8 our school rules cuz we get a detention 4 everything even if u 4get a pencil and ask your friend 4 1!

Also, in my primary school, I was getting bullied. I told the lunch supervisor tht they were bullying me and pointed at them. She sed: Kk I will look out if they do it again. And they did bully me again. I looked at the lunch supervisor 2 see if she was coming over, and she was talking 2 another lunch supervisor. Just chatting happily. Not looking out 4 trouble. I h8 it wen they lie 2 u and all they do is talk 2 there friends. Even tho it tuc the half an hour 2 get over 2 sum1 who cracked thier hed! Sum1 alredy told the lunch supervisors tht there was a accident and they thought he was joking and gave him detention! Even wen they found out it was true, they didnt cancel the detention! Im so glad 2 get in2 hi school!

that sucks. also i would like to make a request. i know not some people like to type text talk but it is really difficult to read, especially when you have such a long paragraph. not that having it that long is bad because it isnt im just really dumb and dont find text talk purposeful or useful.

I use the school's CONN Director trombone and I saw this little thing that looks like it holds the instrument in place(You'll have to see a pic of a Conn Director's case in order to understand) and I pulled it, noticed it was a compartment for oils and such....And I found a tissue. O______O Some parts were stuck, So to be safe, I flushed it down the toilet and washed my hands incase if somebody used it in the winter. D< I really, really don't want to know why there was a tissue there. Gee, theres always garbage cans. xP

i used to be a bully ( only to boys though) and i would push the boys into fences, sock them, slap them, step on their feet, thump their heads, scratch them, pinch them, and i would also dig my sharp nails into their arms ( the marks are still on their arms since last year ;) ) and u get the point :huh: .but i wanted to change cuz they would always run away from me when they saw me and they would be like really scared of me so i stopped. and i try to act normal and stuff :huh: cuz i wanted them to like me and be my friends and i finally think they are understanding :D

so yeah my life is better..but I HAVE TO DO THIS STUPID BOOK REPORT AND I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HECK TO DO..and with that i need to turn in a trivia game that i have to make on the story and to get an A i need at least thirty cards >=[

i hate 5th grade :rolleyes: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Weird=Mr. F. Everytime somebody came up to him to ask a question, he'd put his hands in a T-shape then start breathing deeply and scream, "OMG! GET AWAY FROM ME! L-L-L-ADIES AND-D-D GENTLE-MEN-N-N! SIT DOWN, PLEASE!" Then he would act like he couldn't breathe and hold his heart. Then he'd run away from his and hide beneath his desk saying, "Goodness me! sit the heavens down!" O_O
[SIZE=7pt]Some people have interpersonal problems and things like panic attacks and claustrophobia.[/SIZE]

I've got both. But I'm not nearly that bad.

If it's real, then it's not his fault.

And if it really is that bad,

he probbably shouldn't be a teacher.


When someone thinks they are the best at something in like Gym, or Art.
And they suck... >_>
Ugghhh. I hate that. My friends have been complaining all day about this girl.. Nor. I think.. that's her name..

She think's she's best at everything. x..x;

and has no friends. I've seen her at lunch.. sitting alone.

When someone thinks they are the best at something in like Gym, or Art.
And they suck... >_>
I know. They brag to everyone saying their the best to try to impress people, but when they actually do it, they're terrible.

i feel kinda bad now. not your fault. i am good at art but i dont personally think so. others say i am though so does that make me good? here is the link to my deviant art account. i would like for some one to take a look. please if you have an account comment. if not write your opinion here instead.

~*~*~ ~*~*~

Sometimes I get all braggish about photography at school, but I'm just giddy about the club starting next week.

Anyways my gym teacher doesn't like me, I talk a lot. :]

Thank you for making this topic!!!!! I just had to let it out somewhere!!!!!

I HATE TO SIT NEXT TO BOYS ALL DAY IN EVERY CLASS! I DON'T EVEN SIT BY ONE GIRL! And frankly, I don't think that's very fair!!! Plus, my vision is 20/40 which means I can't see very well! And what do they do?! Stick me in the back with a bunch of mean boys!!!! MAN I HATE SCHOOL!

Thank you for making this topic!!!!! I just had to let it out somewhere!!!!!
I HATE TO SIT NEXT TO BOYS ALL DAY IN EVERY CLASS! I DON'T EVEN SIT BY ONE GIRL! And frankly, I don't think that's very fair!!! Plus, my vision is 20/40 which means I can't see very well! And what do they do?! Stick me in the back with a bunch of mean boys!!!! MAN I HATE SCHOOL!
Ask the teacher to move you due to vision problems and concentration problems from the guys you sit with.

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