school stuff


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My new homeroom teacher (I just started today) blows up if you take too long at your locker. x.x
They put us in separate tables at lunch according to our gym teachers. How retarded is that?!

The science teacher is really mean. ):

I just started 6th grade today so I don't know much else about the teachers.

If I made it through sixth grade, You can too! > : D


Our 7th garde teachers WILL GET MAD AT US IF WE STAY FAR TOO LONG AT OUR LOCKERS. Even if you can;t get your locker open, no exception. D: Just wait till 7th grade my friend.


My sci. teacher was nice.


Atleast yo don't have that Benjamin Franklin teacher I told you about! xD


I start 7th grade next thursday! :eek:



[SIZE=14pt]*Hugs*[/SIZE]If I made it through sixth grade, You can too! > : D


Our 7th garde teachers WILL GET MAD AT US IF WE STAY FAR TOO LONG AT OUR LOCKERS. Even if you can;t get your locker open, no exception. D: Just wait till 7th grade my friend.


My sci. teacher was nice.


Atleast yo don't have that Benjamin Franklin teacher I told you about! xD


I start 7th grade next thursday! :eek:



I thought you were like, 15 or something xD

I start gr.7 Aug 28

yes another school topic. just to point out i checked first and didnt see any like this. maybe they saw mine and liked it. i dont know. second. i fee lyour pain about evil science teachers. i got one myself. and hang in there! sixth grade can be your worst or best year. just depends. mine was both. they say it depends on your friends, peers, and attitude. Bull. it depends completly on the teachers.

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so any ways today we were makeing jokes about how a praying mantis girl eats the boy. we were like " honey its time " *makes weird eating motion* and " i love you ! i would never do any thing to hurt you. but oh wait! i forgot i have to eat you. is that ok?" thats about all that happened today. oh and i think my friend likes me....

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yeah. today was... "disturbing" first my friend i told you about has been following me around like a starving lost puppy. then as i was walking to the buses this kid walked up to me and said

" do you know eric "fill in my, and my evil cousins last name here"

i said " yes. he's my cousin. (the evil one)

" he dared me to ask you out."

i walked away. then later i was thinking about it and i realized he also muttered something about how eric thought the other girl was his cousin (my best friend. every one thinks we look alike. we dont. period.) so i think i just got asked out by my cousin.

I hate perverted guys too. There's one on my school bus who like ripped off another girl's bra on the bus the other day and she got really p****d too. Thank God it wasn't me xD (And they were lucky to be sitting @ the back. Our driver is an old man :( )By the way that horrible guy I mentioned in my last post is starting to call me booger-face like, out loud in front of ppl! :(
so get back at him. start a rumor even worse!!!!!! here are some ideas:

•you saw him running to the bathroom with his pants wet (then call him pottyhead)

•you saw a picture of hanah montana in his locker (i think the pee one is better but in this one call him mr.montana)

tell me if you try one of these (i cant think of anymore)

Oh and I also hate instigators and bullies they need to leave us short little people alone >.< in other words I've been bullied before I didn't take it though lol they bullied me because I'm short and skinny they said oh your anorexic your a little twig! I got ( oops I meant angry not anger lol ) and knocked them down by jumping on them and I bit one of them in the neck lol and I said Who's a twig now? Haha elementary was too fun XD I hate bullies so much though!

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I thought you were like, 15 or something xD

I start gr.7 Aug 28
[SIZE=14pt]Really? xDD[/SIZE]


3 years off. :(

Its fine.

People do think i'm in highschool though.. o.o



My cousin started in August. She lives in Texas. I don't know when she did though.

Oh and I also hate instigators and bullies they need to leave us short little people alone >.< in other words I've been bullied before I didn't take it though lol they bullied me because I'm short and skinny they said oh your anorexic your a little twig! I got ( oops I meant angry not anger lol ) and knocked them down by jumping on them and I bit one of them in the neck lol and I said Who's a twig now? Haha elementary was too fun XD I hate bullies so much though!
O! M!G! that is soooo funny! i wish i had enough guts to bite someone on the NECK! man. i submit. huh. thats saying something. and i am tall but i have shorter friends and then i know other people who call the short and tiny and they think that it isnt a insult. btw she's really stupid and preppy! yeah i dont like preps.

I have many things i dont like at school:

Showoff bi***y girls: They walk around with their undies showing, and their ****s hanging out like its normal. I absolutely hate those kinds of girls. Sort of like whatshername...xxsexyxvainityxx or something. She is ALWAYS like that.

I have many things i dont like at school:Showoff bi***y girls: They walk around with their undies showing, and their ****s hanging out like its normal. I absolutely hate those kinds of girls. Sort of like whatshername...xxsexyxvainityxx or something. She is ALWAYS like that.
Oh-em-gee your funny! xDDD

I hate that too. :)

The only thing I DISLIKE about school is bullies. I don't have much else to say because school doesn't start for four days.

I really can't tell, do I start late or normal time? Lot's of people start the same time as me, and lots have already started.

The only thing I DISLIKE about school is bullies. I don't have much else to say because school doesn't start for four days.I really can't tell, do I start late or normal time? Lot's of people start the same time as me, and lots have already started.
Where I am all the protetestant(sp?) schools have started, and the others are starting on Sep. 2nd. Your not starting late xD

No clue. and about the arm yeah. i did that once. this girl started playing mercy with me after i tolf her 5 TIMES that i didnt want to play. she kept bending my fingers back so i told her to let go or i would bite her. she said " not until you say mercy!" now being the competitive person i am i would NOT say mercy so i bit her. after that she said " ow! why did you do that?" (she still was bending my fingers) i said " i told you i would now LET THEM GO!" she didnt so i bit her 3 more times. then she quit looked at me and said something (cant remember). i feel like i didnt do anything wrong because i did warn her.

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