school stuff


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these 2 guys that are always harrassing me i mean always!!!!!!!!!!

they grab my butt and ****s all the time :eek: ;) i hate being so busty!!!!!!!!

i already reported them but they keep doing it and i like one of them actually but its still not nice to grab me!!

I just hate it when boys act perverted and stuff like that and when people make me mad and stuff and mostly kids who lie about each other.

to answer oyur question Locky, i have a teacher who really hates me. she has a natural rivalry to kids who are smart enough to realise that she shouldnt be doing the things she does. im guessing she didnt expect someone who wasnt ready to take crap from a teacher who is power happy.

Man, there's this horrible guy in my grade that always bugs other people about ME.

Today is my worst day of school life! I was sick today, but still dragged myself to school. And in morning chapel service I felt a huge urge to cough. So I covered my mouth, and when I coughed this huge snot ball came out of my mouth (yes, my mouth, not my nose! HOW DISGUSTING!!!) It landed on both of my hands so, please understand that a kind girl like me would never intend to damage school property or anything, but I REALLY had nothing else I can do, so I had to wipe it on the bench. You know what? No prizes for guessing, that guy was sitting right behind me and had saw it all. So in assembly later on in the day, we were sitting in our usual places in the school chapel, and he was blabbering to everyone what happened this morning! I told him that I didn't do it (which I did, but I didn't want to ruin my reputation), but he insisted and told MORE people. Now I just wish so badly that he wouldn't tell my crush or my friends (unfortunately he's a BIG blabbermouth :angry: )... Now he might ruin my school life forever! And I'm in freshman year still! This just bugs me soooooo much! :(

Sorry, I just HAD to rant. Don't worry TOO much for me, I'm just a small person among the vastness of the world and the universe xD :) Sorry if that was too yucky, I just didn't have any hankies or tissues...



dont worry about it tamasweetie. it wasnt to gross. about the ranting, thats what this topic is for! because it's nice to tell someone about it all (ugh now i sound like a freakin' shrink. next i'll be doing ink blots xD) and i hope taht boy gets it coming to him! (no people, i am not out to get revenge on every boy, just every single person that bugs me or friends...)

Ugh right on.-Some kids at my school are so ghetto, petty, and immature.

-The classes are boring I take.

-Nobody barley pays attention to me at school.

This is just the beginning of my school year. I mean how do you have 2 fights at the first day of school. -.-
Same D:

I hate school >.>

School just start again...

I go to school in a ghetto, Big time. The kids back talk, laugh at assemblies, boo teaches at assemblies (I did to because I hate the majority of them) And much more >>

I like school,the only think I hate about it is all the work and tests and all that.The people are very kind there.

My band director, Ms.Tengood. ;|

She can be nice, some times she's mean. ;(

At band she said "If your tired well...SUCK IT UP!"

And perverts D:

huh. 2 things. 1. i was reading your siggy and realized that i play flute and my best friend plays trombone. huh. 2. i hate the perverts. we got em you got em. we all have them. lucky for me, no one screws with me. the boys are scared of me. not cuz i'm ugly or anything. more like i threaten them. i tell them if they screw with me i will kill them. they didnt believe me at first then i got pi***d off so i asked " would you rather me snap your neck, or stuff grass down your throat?" that shut them up F.A.S.T. xD i would never really kill them though >.> but if they get WAY out of line and stuff i'll grab their arm and twist it. hard. people think i'm being mean but hello it's called self defense!!! actually i guess i just grew up with that stuff. i learned not to take it. if your asking who i grew up with go back about a page or two and see the part where i talked about the kid i accidently sent flying. seriously it was an accident. but i get tired of the stereo type people that think "she's a girl. she's weak." then i'm like "really *twist* did you think that was weak? kinda makes you think about the saying ""hits like a girl"" doesnt it?"

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I hate perverted guys too. There's one on my school bus who like ripped off another girl's bra on the bus the other day and she got really p****d too. Thank God it wasn't me xD (And they were lucky to be sitting @ the back. Our driver is an old man :ph34r: )

By the way that horrible guy I mentioned in my last post is starting to call me booger-face like, out loud in front of ppl! :mellow:

I hate perverted guys too. There's one on my school bus who like ripped off another girl's bra on the bus the other day and she got really p****d too. Thank God it wasn't me xD (And they were lucky to be sitting @ the back. Our driver is an old man :ph34r: )By the way that horrible guy I mentioned in my last post is starting to call me booger-face like, out loud in front of ppl! :mellow:
[SIZE=14pt]Ewwy. D:[/SIZE]

I don't ride the bus. I live way too close to my school.. :3

I'm happy.

And once these boys found a tampon in the hallways and thought it was a condom. O_____O *Coughwewerein6thgradeomfgcough*

And this boy in my MathRR class, he said to A boy, Casey, "You got hit in the[Female Private Part D: ]?" O//O My teacher probably felt HORRIBLE.. PLease note, she's a female... Ew. D:


boritaco: Thats cool. 8)

Ghetto... I couldn't give a good example. Check Wikipedia. :3

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just to tell every one, i will probably be posting what happened every day. dont call it spam cuz it's not. it is a story about school. that is what this topic is about.

for example today i was walking around my school and guess what i saw? a girl with freaking gold spandex pants, black and gold shirt, big hoop earrings. i was thinking " hello! the sixsties are over! they ended a while back. but i guess it looks like you didnt get the memo. then to make it worse she was still wearing under her gym clothes. (our gym clothes is a gray t-shirt and royal blue jersey shorts) not to be rude but she seriously looked idiotic. i saw her 3 times that day. *shivers* creepy....

My new homeroom teacher (I just started today) blows up if you take too long at your locker. x.x

They put us in separate tables at lunch according to our gym teachers. How retarded is that?!

The science teacher is really mean. ):

I just started 6th grade today so I don't know much else about the teachers.

hello this is a topic about the stuff you get sick of at school write about your teachers, bullies, or other things. If this is a copy i'm sorry i just made this and its my first one soooo.... yeah

as an example the other day my teacher was looking at my paper and i didn't understand part of a 2 point question so she gave me an F

i was ticked i mean the stinken paper was worth 20 or more points. the qorst part wa sshe only looked at that one question she completly disregarded all my other work!!!! :eek: :D :angry:
Another school topic!?

What annoys me most of all about school is when the teacher's don't do anything, yet they nitpick the smallest things. You see kids making out passionately in the hall, while, if you hold hands you get detention.

Bullies really aren't an issue for me. Not a lot of people mess with me, really. I'll cuss them and follow them around until they take it back. B)

I love school mostly. It's challenging, interesting, and fun. I wouldn't leave school for anything. It's also where I converse with my friends mostly.

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