Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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Hii readers,

Sorry about not posting yesterday! And again no pics, just haven't had the time to take some <_< Anyway i have deactivated my Music Star and my V3 so I'm not just running my V4 Boy. Three tamas was just too much to handle with school and Music Stars are not easy to look after :p So anyway this will be yet another suckyish post sorry. But anyway Boy is fine he is 4 years old now so he mates on Sunday!! Which shall be exciting i will deffo have pics of that! He's being getting loads of job mail but he won't get a job because his skill are reallly low! I'm not gonna tell you them because seriously their not good. :eek:


OK all done again reallly sorry about the boring post i may post again later on today with some pics but if i don't it will be tomorrow! Ok cya readers!


From: Sakura-san123 and Boy!

Hey everyone!

Again realllly sorry i didn't post yesterday! I was meant to, but since i only had one pic..... Yea i kinda never got round to it. But now i have plenty of pics because a)Boy has mated!! and B) I have started up my TMGO!! My purple wave 2 to be precise :D


So when i stuck the batteries into my TMGO i pressed download and a Kikitchi popped up! Here's a pic of him coming up to the screen:


Nog. Now i have forgotten what i named this little guy because it was sooo long ago! So i have decided to rename him Adam which i think suits him alot :p . So Adam is doing good he's on 6th gen and he mates tomorrow!! Which is good for me because i don't have school tomorrow! Yes it is a Monday tomorrow but my school has mid-term break yay! I plan on spending the whole day looking after Boy and Adam! Anyway back on subject so Adam hasn't much today since i only just woke up, but yesterday i took him to the park and we caught up with a Violetchi! They had fun building a sandcastle then Adam came home. We also had a fiddle around with some of the toys on my Mametchi fig and Adam had heaps of fun playing with the toy train! I have also being on Music City recently and i plan on taking some pics of my room that i just remade!! So those pics will probably be in my next post.

Version 4

Yay! Boy has mated! And he mated with a beautiful Yattatchi!! I thought they looked sooo cute together! Anyway here are some pics of the marriage:







And i have decided to name the baby Blob :p I don't know why it just sounds like a cool name :lol: So i think i am done!!

I will see you later readers peace out!!


From: Sakura-san123, Boy, Blob and Adam!!

Hey hey people of TamaTalk!


Okey dokey a very tragic thing happened with Boy today! So here is the story......


I was casually watching television in the lounge and after a while i realised that i didn't have my tamagotchi's with me, so i skipped down the hall to my bedroom and when i was half way there i heard the dreaded dun-na-na-na dun-na-na (the dying sound!) coming from my V4!!! So i ran over to my desk and snatched up my poor little Boy and Blob to find them lying on the ground making that horrible noise!! I quickly scrambled around for a pen and stabbed it in the back of my V4 just in time. I pressed download and Boy and Blob popped up again good as new.

So this is my very tragic story! I can't believe Blob and Boy almost DIED!!!! I am such a horrible mother :( But their fine now and they just got a heart in the mail so i think they have forgiven me XD. All done for V4.


My little Adam has had a much more sucessful day today!! Firstly we went to Memetchi's shop and purchased some cute clothes. Then we went to Ringotchi's sweet shop and Adam had a really tasty looking jelly roll for about 800GP. And now for the best part.... Adam got married!!!! He has being nagging at me all day to take him to the date place so i finally cracked and said he could go, so i have some pics to show you (BTW i added the cute little speech bubbles myself using Tinypic and i hope you like them!):






Yes, Adam married a Lovelitchi!! I had to accept her!! :p And if you haven't already noticed by the background in the last pic i finally got the beach themed room!! I have being waiting for AGES for that room!!! It cost 20000GP.

Last thing i need to tell you is that i was on Music City this morning and i have pics of my new room as promised!:




OK and I am all done for this post! Bye readers!


From: Sakura-san123, Boy, Blob, Adam and Lovelitchi!!

Yo Tamatalk,

Sorry about not updating yesterday!! I was really busy! So I'm updating today XD.


Well Boy has left Blob!!! (And that sounds really weird to say :p ) He left this morning and i found poor little Blob crying on the screen. Sadly i had school today, and i had a assembly first thing so i didn't really have time to take care of him and i had to pause him for a little while... Sorry Blob!!! But before i paused him he was taking nap and then when i resumed him he was still taking his nap. So i was able to concentrate on my class for like 5 minutes before he woke up!! I tried my best to take really good care of him and i think i did a pretty good job despite stupid school getting in the way because Blob is now a Mohitamatchi!!! Here's a pic:


Sorry that's the only pic i have of him atm. He also got accepted into Pre-School like all good little toddlers do :D . I was gonna snap some pics of him in Pre-School but.... SCHOOOOOOLLLL!!!! DX. And he's now asleep because it's like 8:40PM here.


It must be a day for babies because Adam and Lovletchi also had a baby!! And at around 7:40AM or something like that a beautiful baby boy was hatched and i have decided to name him Quince.... You might be wondering why the heck am I naming him that!?? Well it's because it just sounded like a cool and unusual name :D . So i have snapped a couple of pics of my wonderful Tama-Go family:



i decided to take them to Kuchipatchi's chinese restrauant in celebration of Quince's birth. They had a very expensive Shark Fin which cost 6000GP.


BATH TIME! Aren't they adorable??? I think the little background detail is sooo cutee!! ^_^ And they are now also alseep... ZZZZZZZZZ. :)

OK that's it for this post readers! I will hopefully be updating tomorrow byees!!


From: Sakura-san123, Blob, Adam, Loveletchi and Baby Quince!

Hi guys,

This will be a very sad post because i don't have any pics and i don't really have much to say sorry :/


Blob has evolved into a teen!! He is now a Hinotamatchi!!!! Which is reallly awesome!!

He also got accepted into normal school and his teacher is Mr. Canvas because i want to raise his social points. His skill points are: 21,10,13 their pretty sad but don't worry I'm working on it!! I have being playing a couple of games with him to keep his weight down and he now weighs 19LBS which is OK for a teen :p . That's all for Blob.


These little guys haven't done much today. I recently took Adam to the park and he met up with a Mametchi, and they had fun playing on the swings. :D Adam and Loveletchi leave Quince tomorrow! And sadly i will again be at school because it's a Friday, but i will be going on a school trip so that should be exciting!!! So i may have to take the battries out of my TMGO once Quince is alone and then i will put them back in once i get home. Sorry i know it's not good but it's much easier than dragging Quince along when he's only a baby and as we all know babies are very demanding!!! All done.


Ok that's it for now readers... Sorry about the sad update, i will probably have a more exciting one tomorrow and hopefully more pics!! Byee!!


From: Sakura-san123, Quince, Blob, Loveletchi and Adam! :)


Firstly before i start my rather crappy log (AGAIN there won't be any pics <_< Sorryeh! I just didn't get round to it today!!!) I promise pics tomoz!! Anyway firstly i would to give a big shout out to Momo8890tamagotchi for a] sending me a PM about my log and b] actually reading my log!! Also everyone else out there that reads my log you all rule too!!!! I hope your enjoying it so far!! Please PM me if you have any questions!! And err if your wondering how my school trip went.... It was cancelled... We didn't have enough staff!!


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Blob is... is DEADDDD!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( I'm not joking!! He died during english today!!!! i went to check on him and i saw him dead!!! I shall be mourning his death in Tamagotchi Memorials. R.I.P my little Blob! I love you and i can't believe that happened! I am such a horrible mother!!! :angry: Sorry this is going to be a really depressing post. This is also half the reason why i don't have any pics. :/


I guess there's a bright side to this post because i now have little Quince in my care!! My beautiful Adam and his awesome wife Loveletchi left last night i will miss them greatly and hope they have a good life back in tamagotchi planet ^_^ . Anyway as i said in my last post i didn't take him to school today, even though the trip was cancelled :angry: Anyway so in my last post i said i was going to pause my TMGO, but i actually didn't i put him to sleep! tee hee sorry if i confused anyone XD. OK so Quince is now a Mattrutchi!! And is currently fast asleep ZZZZZ. I went to the shop and brought him some fries and a pudding because i wanted to spoil him, plus i also played ALOT of games with him :lol: That's pretty much it for Quince.


Again sorry for the boring post. And i forgot to tell you after Blob's horrible passing i have decided to deactivate my V4... sorry guys :eek: So now it's just my TMGO. All done byee!


From: Sakura-san123 and Quince!

Yo readerzzzz!

Sorry about not posting yesterday but i have some exciting news!!! Quince has evolved into Monopatchi!!!! No joke, sadly i don't have apic of Quince as a Monopatchi, but this is my first ever Monopatchi!!!! I am veryyyy proud of my little Quince!! ^_^ But the best news of all is that today on the car trip home from my grandparents house.... He evolved into KUCHIPATCHI!!!!! I had to try and hold in my excitment till we got home but when i got into my room i had a total spaz!! Here's a pic for proof!:


He's so flippin cute!!!! I also have a bunch of other pics to show to make up for not posting any for a couple of days!! So firstly i took Quince to the park today and we ran into a Grippopatchi! And then they played on the swings for a little while:


You can't really see Quince but he i there!! Next i caught Quince doing his usual hygenie routine:


Taking a bath :)


And brushing his teeth!! Cuteness!!!! Here's a realllly adorable pic of him coming up to the screen!!:



I accidently overfed him a little while ago and he got sick and then pooped like a million times XD:


And once i cleaned it up..:


He was all happy again!:



And the only other things we did was go to the shop to buy yummy foods and play around with toys on my Chamametchi fig!! OK that's about all for now readers, thanks for clickin!!!


From: Sakura-san123 and Quince!


OMG really sorry i haven't posted in a while!! It's just that i have being realy busy and Quince hasn't done much over the past couple of days.... so yea... OK lets get on the update!


Quince is mating tomorrow!! Yay!! Just thought i would let you know that ;) . OK so i only have a couple of pics for you today first four are of Quince working at his Chinese restrauant! (Because remember he is a kuchipatchi :D )


We had to wait a while but after a couple of minutes we finally got a customer....


And it was a Chamametchi!!


She ordered the Shumai, so Quince served it to her ^_^


But for some reason she didn't eat it..... Ahh well and after that we also got a ShimaShimatchi! And he ordered fried rice and thankfully... he ate it!! And now for some pics of Quince playing ping pong on the Violetchi fig!:




That was pretty fun and then we came home and i just caught Quince brushing his teeth soo cute, but sadly no pic :p .

And i think that concludes this post here. Don't forget Quince mates tomorrow, i shall have pics of that!!



From: Sakura-san123 and Quince! :)

Yo readers!

Sorry i didn't update yesterday!! I know i was meant to... but err TT was kinda not working for me =/ So i couldn't but i am now so lets get on!


Yay! Quince has mated!!! Here are some pics :lol:





Yes he married a Ringotchi!! It was love at first sight <3 <3. OK so that happened yesterday at around 7:00PM i had just finished my dinner and then realized that Quince was ready for the date place!!! So i took him and then yea.... Anywayz i didn't do much with him today because of stupid school, but i didn't play a game of vegetables and we got a great and won 700GP :) :) And then just very recently i caught Quince and Ringotchi taking a bath:


And then they got hungry so i took a random pic of them eating a kebab :p


Tee hee cuteness XDD.

Okies that's all readers i love you all and i will see you in my next post!

Bye bye!


From: Sakura-san123, Quince and Ringotchi!

Hii people,

Ok before i start, sorry about not posting! It seems like i will start posting less and less as it getS nearer to the end of the year :( It's because my NCEA exams are coming up at school and i have 2 practice exams on Wensday and Thursday.... But tomorrow and Friday i have study leave!!! So i can update tomorrow and hopefully take decent care of my TMGO... Studying might get in the way though grrr :angry: Anyway my TMGO!:


Quince and Ringotchi had a baby girl! Sorry there are no pics of that. So anyway i decided to name the baby Ellie :) And this morning Quince and his wife left Ellie! And i found poor little Ellie crying on the screen so i pressed a button and took the usual care of her in her baby stage, i even had time to fit in a bit of studying for my exams while she was napping!! ^.^ Anyway so now she is a Belltchi cute!!!:


Isn't she sweet??? So the only other i have taken today is of Ellie going to the park to play on the swings with a Gozarutchi:


Sorry about the lack of pics, it's all because of one word:


OK i think that's about it, sorry for the sucky post!

Bye guys!!


From: Sakura-san123 and Ellie!!

Hey all of my readers!

I have finally returned to tamatalk!!! I'm so glad to be back in the world of tamagotchies :)

So this is me bringing back my log, hopefully.

I'm sorry but i cannot log about my tamas at the moment because im not running any, im in the process of actaullly deciding which to start up!!! I am actually typing this at my mum's work, and its my brithday today :D So i should start up a tama to celebrate!!!


OK well this was just a quick post to say that i will deffo be running a tama soon!!

Hopefully it will either today or tomorrow depending on what I'm doing, i think im going out for dinner tonight so it will probably be tomorrow!

See ya!

Sakura-san123 :p

Hey readers!

Well this is me officall starting my log up again, and i have finally picked a version to start up!! And that version is my v4.5! I have really missed playing with this version in particuar so i thought it would be a good start!!

So anway on with the actual log:

So when i put the battiries in the back of my wonderful v4.5 i heard the familar beeeeeep, and then a egg appeared, i pressed download and out came a Tskkomitchi! And her name is Lola! Do you guys remember her from previous posts?? Well its ok if you don't because shde is going to re-introduce herself!! Here she is:

HEY!!! It's me Lola and i'm so glad mum has finally decided to start me up!! I have missed talking to everyone!! Well anyway i am a Tskkomitchi and i am only 2 years old :( So i have a while before i can get married!! Because it is afterall every tamas dream to one day get married and have a cute kid!!! OK well that was basically all i wanted to say, but keep reading my Mum's wonderful log and i will see you guys next time, byee!!!

Well there she was!! OK people so since this is only my post in a while, i don't have any pics :( But i promise i will have some maybe later on!!! I plan on taking as many as i can!! As for Lola there isn't much else to say so i guess that concludes this post!!

Bye for now everyone and i hope you don't mind that this post was a bit short O_O Anyway cya!!

Sakura-san123 and Lola! <3

Hey readers!!!

Ok, well before i get started i would just like to let you know that there won't be any pics for a while because my computer is having some troubles downloading them :( But i promise as soon as my computer is right again there will be plenty of pics!! In the meantime i will try and make this log as exciting as i can without them. :) Right lets get on with it....

SO Lola is doing great, she is very happy that i have decided to keep her running, but ssshhh, just between you and me i think i may have to start up my music star!! Don't tell her!! Anyway so she is still 2 yrs old, which is probably because i had to download her but she will age eventully!!! Her skill points read 42,49,34 and she weigs 60LBS, oh dear i really need to play some games with her and get her weight down! o_O. OK she has this sudden urge to talk to you guys and keeps nagging me about it so i guess i will put her on for a while, here she is:

Yo readers!! Lola here, I am reallu happy that Mum has decided to keep me running!! It's good to know you love me Mummy


OK, really sorry about not posting since the 10th November! I would have it's just that i had a birthday party with some of my friends and i kinda didn't get the chance to come on here and log!! But, i have decided to start up my Music star!!! When i downloaded it, my Masktchi Cho popped up, do you guys remember her from my previous posts???? Well shes back! I have really missed playing with my Music Star and i always have heaps of fun logging about her, so i have actually got a pic or two of her for you guys!


lol, sorry these are the only pics i could snap of her today, and lately i have really being nelgecting little Cho, I feel really bad about it!! She's only 3 years old because of the downloading thing. I hope that she will mate with someone really cute and smart! She deserves someone like that, after how badly i have taking of care of her. So tomorrow since i won't be doing much apart from visiting my grandparents, and studying for stupid English exams grrrr >.> I will mainly be focusing on taking care of little Cho and in tomorrows post hopefully i will have some more pics to show you! So anyway i guess i will give you Cho's stats for the day, then maybe let her and her band talk to you guys and then i will finish up, so anyway here are Cho's stats:


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Age: 3 years old

Weight: 22LBS

Stress: 40

Tone: 570

Rythm: 568

Oringinal: 658

Music genre: Pop

Gen: 3rd

GP: 14390

Gender: Girl

Character: Masktchi

Her bands stats:

Band name: Grapes (don't ask XD)

Lisa: Siberitchi (Instrument: Piano)

Cho: Masktchi (Instrument: Drums)

Elaine: Onputchi (Instrument: Drums)

Music Genre: Pop Music

OK so now that you know who's who lets get the band in here to talk to you guys!!!

Cho: Hey! So readers this is Cho here! And i would like to introduce you to my band!! This is Lisa and Elaine! Say hi guys!

Elaine: Yo readers!! I'm so excited this is our first group talk to the readers!!! Oi Lisa introduce yourself girl!

Lisa: Sup! I'm Lisa the siberitchi, and i am really happy to finally be talking to everyone! Well we are the Grapes, i am the founder of the Grapes and also the bands leader, i tell everyone what's happening, when we have our next gig-

Elaine: Umm, Lisa

Lisa: What??

Elaine: Who said you were the leader and founder??? We are all in the band together, there are no "leaders" We all help each other out equally.

Cho: Yea Lisa, you think your the boss of everything.

Me: umm guys-

Cho: Not now mum.

Lisa: Haha your so funny Elaine, i AM the founder and leader of Grapes. So just be quiet and let me talk to these wonderful readers :) So anyway readers as i was saying, i find out when our gigs are and arrange the practices-

Cho: Lisa!! Why are you acting like this?? Your not usually this snobby! Is it because we are talking to the readers? Sorry readers, she gets a bit weird sometimes D:

Elaine: Yea Lisa, you really need to come down and stop telling stupid tales to our readers, you are not the founder and we all make our decisions together! Plus we all already know when our next gig is so stop hogging the spotlight!

Lisa: Look, I'm just trying to make our band famous by telling our wonderful readers that all of this was my idea-

Cho: NO, actually what you are trying to do is make it seem like YOU do all the hard work while me and Elaine sit there all day doing nothing!

Lisa: Hon, you don't understand, this is showbiz not pre-school OK? Just let me handle everything and you guys will be fine.

Me: Alright, that's enough all of you! This will be the last time you talk to the readers if you don't stop! Now say good-bye, we really need to talk about you guys and how you treat each other.

All three: BYEEEE!!!!

God, sorry about that readers! I didn't know Lisa could be so horrible to her fellow band mates!! Ahh well hopefully if i let them chat to you tomorrow they will be nicer! This is Sakura signing out, bye my wonderful readers! See you in the next post!!!

Sakura-san123 and Cho <3

PS: Sorry it was meant to be two pics not one, my computer has being failing alot lately! There will be more tomorrow though i promise bye!!! :p

Hey readers!!

Alright so i know i have being slacking off again with updating this log and i am really sorry about that!! There are no pics today, i keep forgetting to take some sorreyeh :'(

So cho is all good, she hasn't really being doing much since i last updated. She has being to a couple of concerts and her fans are increasing everyday :) I caught her to doing the 'pee pee wiggle dance' a little while ago and got her to the toilet just in time, she told me she felt good to be able to go to the toilet! So i will just quickly you her stats:


Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Age: 5 years old

Weight: 25LBS

Stress: 39

Tone: 754

Rythm: 781

Oringinal: 890

Music genre:

Gen: 3rd

GP: 13370

Gender: Girl

Character: Masktchi

Her bands stats:

Band name: Grapes (don't ask XD)

Lisa: Siberitchi (Instrument: Piano)

Cho: Masktchi (Instrument: Drums)

Elaine: Onputchi (Instrument: Drums)

Music Genre: Rock 'n' roll Music

Fans: 4864

Ranking: 999th :(

So there are her stats, she should be mating tomorrow!!! Or maybe even today if im lucky because she turned 5 yesterday. Anyway i will be sure to snap some pics!!

I think thats basically all, sorry about the sucky post guys i promise the next one will be better and will have pics!!!

Love Sakura-san123 and Cho! <3


OK so this time i have a excuse for not updating! I had a english exam yeserday and so i had to study real hard for it, and that's why i haven't being posting. And i promise you i have been taking pics...... until my SD card broke and now well.... no pics REALLLY sorry!!! I know that this seems to happen way to often, but i can't help it! My stupid SD card broke on me and i had some really awesome pics of Cho to show you!!! Anyway speaking of Cho she is 7 years old now and still hasn't mated, I'm kinda getting worried about her. I really hope she mates soon!! I'm also worried because she has being getting sick alot lately as well, its probably because i haven't been paying much attention to her due to exams. SHe got sick this morning too! But that's because i slept in till about 10:30AM and Cho wakes at around 7AM so she also had a poop next to her and most of her hearts were empty. But i have made a promise to myself to do MUCH better on my next gen (which will be my 4th) that is if Cho ever mates!!! Alright if she doesn't mate soon i fear she will turn into a oldie and i really don't want that! I wouldn't mind so much if she was only on 1st gen but since shes not there is no way i want an olide!!! If i want a oldie i will just start up a tama that's on 1st gen :)

OK i ramble way to much :p But I'm just saying i don't particularly want a oldie right now. So i guess i had better put up her stats so that you can see:


Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Age: 7 years old

Weight: 27LBS

Stress: 44

Tone: 878

Rythm: 914

Oringinal: 999 ( Yay!! SHe has the highest amount of oringinal!!)

Music genre: Rock 'n' Roll

Gen: 3rd

GP: 13370

Gender: Girl

Character: Masktchi

Her bands stats:

Band name: Grapes (don't ask XD)

Lisa: Siberitchi (Instrument: Piano)

Cho: Masktchi (Instrument: Drums)

Elaine: Onputchi (Instrument: Drums)

Music Genre: Rock 'n' roll Music

Fans: 35354

Ranking: 999th :(

OK So i know her band's stats aren't much different but i always put them up anyway. Oh yes i forgot to say that last night i caught Cho doing the 'pee pee wiggle' dance and i got her to the toilet just in the nick of time. It was funny because i actually needed to go myself! Anyway I'm not quite sure weather or not i should let Cho and her band talk to you guys after what happened last time.... Ahh what the heck they can talk, but if Elaine start her sillyness again they will be stopped. Here they are:

Cho: Yay Mum cracked!! We get to talk to you readers!!! Eliane promise you won't spoil it for all of us, we have being wanting to talk to the readers for a very long time!

Eliane: Finneee, i won't brag about how fabulous and wonderful i am.....

Me: Ahem....

Elaine: I mean... ok ok i will stop.

Lisa: Thanks Elaine that's all we ask for! Hey readers how's it going, I'm so glad we can finally talk to you!!

Cho: Yes we are very excited.... except what are we meant to say to the readers?? I mean we always get so happy and worked up about actually talking to them. But when we do get the chance we never reallu say much!! We just ramble!

Eliane: Hmm. We could brag....

Cho and Lisa: ELAINE!

Elaine: Alright sorry sorry don't get your pants in a twist. Gosh.

Lisa: *sighs* Don't gosh us missy!! We know you love to brag but you do realize that we are a GROUP your not the only one in the this band you know. Andonly bragging about yourself... well how do you think that makes me and Cho feel??

Cho: Yea Elaine... We wouldn't tell you off so much if you just stop being soo... stuck-up about everything.

Elaine: Well I'm sorry but it kinda runs in my family.

Cho: Bragging runs in your family?

Lisa: Welll no wonder......

Elaine: Yes it does, and seen as though were meant to be a GROUP and all that you'd think my so-called band mates would support me about the fact that i may have a teensy weensy bragging problem.

Lisa: Oh Elaine!! We are so sorry we haven't being there for you! Why didn't you just tell us that you had a problem??

Cho: Yea girl! Come on we telll each other everything!

Elaine: Yes well this was just one thing i didn't particuarly want everyone to know, And now even the readers and Cho's Mum knows! God you guys must think I'm some freak!

Cho: No!! The readers and my Mum don't think that at all!! Guys i think we had better leave i think one of our band mates needs some time to tell us what's going on.

Lisa: Alright bye readers!!!

Elaine: BYee!


Well that was an in interesting conversation...... OK well i had better go readers, i have got more studying to do for my next exam!!


Sakura-san123 and CHo! <3

PS: I promise i will update more reguarly from now on!! :D

Hey readers!!!

OK i'm just gonna straight into the logging i won't bother telling you why i haven't being logging because i have sooo much to tell you about Cho!!

OK so on a good note she got her pro Debut!!! For rock 'n' Roll which is really awesome!! The band are very happy about this! They got it a couple of days ago but i forgot to say anything sorry :( . So then the band manager came and gave Cho ALOT of gp!! Which was really exciting so that happened after she won her pro Debut and then the Band Manager came again this morning to give her more money!! So this is her current GP: 7022870!! I know it's quite a bit! Cho is very excited to spend it! She has being nagging at me to take her to the shops today but i have being putting it off for a while, because Cho needs to learn how to save since she's gonna be around for a very long time......

Ok you may be wondering what the heck I'm talking about when i say Cho's gonna be around for a very long time, well that's kinda the bad note.... She has evolved into a OTOKITCH!!!! This is not good! I know you might be thinking i am mad for saying this but its seriously not good at all!! She was suppose to mate and she never did!! So she evolved into a Otokitchi a couple of minutes ago! I did not want a Oldie because i am on 3rd gen!! And if you guys remember the Mametchi Zed, my very first character on the music star.... Well once Cho dies from old age.... Zed will be GONE!!!! I reallly didn't want this to happen which is why i have being so worried about Cho not mating! I think there may be something wrong with my tama, because i never saw the matchmaker come for Cho to mate once! Unless i missed it..... So anyway yes now Cho is a Otokitchi, even though i really didn't want her i guess i'm still proud of her. We could aim to get her as old as possible. But i have also being thinking about resetting. I mean I'm gonna lose all my progress wether i wait for Cho to die or reset so i may as well pick one.... But WHICH one????? I'm just really confused at the moment. I need you guys to help me which option to pick!!!

OK that's pretty much it. I will hopefully be updating tomorrow!


Sakura-san123 and Cho! <3 :D

Hey peeps!!

Good Lord, i must be losing viewers with my lack of updating!! Sorry guys but i am nearly at 2000 views! Which is seriously the best thing ever, i couldn't have asked for better viewers, thanks you guys :) If anyone wants a shout out or just wants to ask any questions you may have about my log please just PM me!! I would be happy to answer any questions :D . Right now let's get on with what's being happening with little Cho because i have quite a bit to tell you guys!!

Cho still can't quite get over the fact that shes a Otokitchi! It's still all a little scary for her knowing that she has reached the 'oldies' stage of tamagotchi, so i have being going easy on her in the last day or so that she has being a Otokitchi. I have actually being taking great care of her lately!!I I have decided to go on ahead and see how old i can get Cho! It should be fun!! So anyway right now she is 9 years old so tomorrow is the big double digit! Number 10! I'm gonna throw a little celebration for her :D Alrighty so since she is a oldie she doesn't get up to much anymore, but she does still beep alot! Just recently she beeped because she needed to go to a concert and i forgot to tell you guys in my last post that she is ranked 3rd!!!! Which is really awesome for her and the band Grapes.... speaking of which they seemed to have evlolved too..... into really weird looking characters, they are skinny and and have weird cloud shaped hat things on their heads. It's hard to explain and I'm afraid i don't have a pic.... but if anyone knows what i am talking about please PM me and tell me what the heck Cho's band members have evolved into!!! :eek: OK so other than that Cho also got two lots of mail today one was from the band manager giving him yet MORE GP! It's pretty awesome though because now his GP is 9022070! So now i can buy heaps of cool items and yummy food for Cho, shes a very rich little thing XDD. I have also changed Cho's instrument to a trumpet which i got off Music City with a speical code. I felt that it was time for a change in instruments so yeahh. OK i will give you Cho and the band's stats:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥ (OOPS, need to work on that ;) )

Age: 9 years old

Weight: 31LBS

Tone: 999

Rythm: 999

Oringinal: 999

Gender: girl

Character: Otokitchi

Gen: 3rd (She is stuck on here FOREVVVERR! :p )

GP: 9022070

Instrument: Trumpet

Toy: Bandai block

Stress: 43

Band's stats:

Band name: Grapes

Lisa: Weird character do not know name of. (Instrument: Piano)

Elaine: Weird character do not know name of. (Instrument: Drums)

Cho: Otokitchi, Old Timer. (Instrument: Trumpet)

Ranking: 3rd

TF (Tama fans): 384,204, 232 :eek:

Yep there's the stats.... most of them will be staying like that for a looonnnnggg time..... :p

Anything else i wanted to alert you guys of..... Ahh yes thats's right! This is not related to Cho but i have made the mistake of starting up my V4..... Which i won't be logging about but i will give you mini updates of what's happening with my V4 at the end of every post! So here comes the first ever mini post about my V4!!:


I accidently started up my V4 :eek: I don't why but i had a sudden urge to start it up so i did. So at 11:04AM i inserted the battery into my tama, set the time, date, birthday and all that other stuff and then waited for a couple of very tense moments. And then at around 11:08AM a beautiful baby boy was born! He was christianed with the name Carlo! And so i did all the usual that you do with a baby tamagotchi and after an hour or so i heard him evolve into a Puchitchi!! He also got accpeted into pre-school. I will give you his stats tomorrow!

That's it for now all my lovely readers! I will hopefully update tomorrow!


Love Sakura-san123 and Cho! <3


Alright not too much to post today, and sorry I'm posting a bit late but that's because i have being hanging with one of my bet mates all day today and i couldn't get on the computer till now! So on with the logging!

OK so with Cho i have kinda had her asleep all day >.> But that's because my mate isn't really a fan tamas so i couldn't exactly play with my little Cho. So she is awake now and has being for while, i won't put her to bed until i go to bed because she hasn't being awake for very long !! And since she was asleep twice in a row it kinda mucked up her aging pattern a bit so now shes 11!! Which is all goods for me because i am trying to get her as old as possible. Ok so just recently the band manager actually came again with even more points for Cho!! So now her GP is: 14021090!! Far out she's rich! So now everytime i log onto Music City i get a lot of GP!! Anyways so other that she hasn't done much and i think this is going to be a rather sucky post sorrry guys :( I won't give you Cho's stats until they have actually changed a little bit!! I guess that will basically be all for Cho, i would have more to say but i have being hanging with my mate all day so i couldn't exactly do much with little Cho :/ Ahh well hopefully tomorrows post will be better!!!


Well i have a little bit more to say about little Carlo, firstly he evolved into a Gourmetchi!!! Which is really exciting! I am aiming for him to turn into a Togetchi :D OK i will give you guys a quick stats update:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 17LBS (I'm doing well with keeping his weight low ^_^ )

Age: 1 yr

Training: ||||

Skill points: 9,9,10 (I am working on them atm lolz)

GP: 2010 (That's pretty lol because it's like the year haha :lol: )

Gender: Boy

Gen: 1st

There we go there's his stats. He also just got accepted into school and his teacher is Mrs Flower because i am trying to raise his gorgeous points.

That's it guys, hope to make a better post tomorrow!


Love Sakura-san123 and Cho! <3
