Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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Whoop whoop for my 400th reply on this log!! That's awesome :D

Not to much update on Nina and Ninja. As i said in my last post, i have being busy today and didn't get home till 6pm today o.o During the day i managed to check up on them and play a game or two of Long Jumper. I forgot to bring a gotchi figure with me, so i couldn't take them to a restaurant or shopping. I took Ninja to the park a couple of times. First time he met with a Loveletchi and they built a sand-castle together. Second time he met with a Kuchipatchi and they had a swing together :3

Once I got home, I took Nina and Ninja out to Kuchipatchi's restrauant on the Kuchipatchi figure and they had fried rice. It was like they were on a little date, soooo cute <3 They also beeped for attention and then had a little bath.

Super sorry for the quick update, but since I have being so busy today i didn't have much to say!! I think they are having a baby, which I'm so excited for so let's hope tomorrow's post is a little more interesting!!! Until then readers, Byeee!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Nina and Ninja <3


Whoop whoop for my 400th reply on this log!! That's awesome :D

Not to much update on Nina and Ninja. As i said in my last post, i have being busy today and didn't get home till 6pm today o.o During the day i managed to check up on them and play a game or two of Long Jumper. I forgot to bring a gotchi figure with me, so i couldn't take them to a restaurant or shopping. I took Ninja to the park a couple of times. First time he met with a Loveletchi and they built a sand-castle together. Second time he met with a Kuchipatchi and they had a swing together :3

Once I got home, I took Nina and Ninja out to Kuchipatchi's restrauant on the Kuchipatchi figure and they had fried rice. It was like they were on a little date, soooo cute <3 They also beeped for attention and then had a little bath.

Super sorry for the quick update, but since I have being so busy today i didn't have much to say!! I think they are having a baby, which I'm so excited for so let's hope tomorrow's post is a little more interesting!!! Until then readers, Byeee!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Nina and Ninja <3


This post might be kinda quick, because i need to dash out the door in a minute :p But i wanted to make a quick update because something exciting has happened!!

I woke this morning, a little later than what Nina and Ninja do. So when I glanced over at them, i noticed they had their baby!! I must have slept through the hatch XD. I got what I had being wanting, a baby girl!! So i have decided to name her Coco from the list of names from a previous post :3 I noticed that the cute little family had some happy hearts empty, so I inserted my Chamametchi figure and let the family play with the teddy bear and the slide. It was super cute watching them. After that they felt a little hungry, so i gave them some pasta and steak. Later on I also caught them going to the toilet! What a good, well-trained little family they are :3.

And will have to do for now because I need to go! But i hope you guys are having a wonderful Thursday so far, and I might see you later on this afternoon!

Love: Sakura-san123, Nina, Ninja and Baby Coco <3


Hi TamaTalkers!

Nice quick update to say that, i have just set the time to 11:59pm so that Nina and Ninja can leave Coco! Well, i haven't just set the time... I set it a while ago and I wanted to update as soon as Coco was by herself.

I can't remember the exact time when I decided I should get ready to say good-bye to Nina and Ninja but it was close to 6:15pm. I set the time and we waited... and waited.... and waited.... until after what seemed like forever, i saw Nina and Ninja rise up out of the screen back to Tamagotchi Planet. I said my last good-byes and promised them I would take good care of little Coco. This happened at 6:24pm. I have noticed the TMGO's take a lot longer to say their good-byes to their babies than most other versions i have played with do. I find this really sweet :3.

So Coco is now alone, and is still asleep because I haven't set the time back to normal yet. I don't plan on doing so until after i have had a shower and then I'm going to start taking care of little Coco and hopefully raising her into a Makiko! I'm really excited for this :D .

I'm off now to go freshen up, and when I next update it will be when Coco has evovled into a toddler, which will later on this evening so stay on the look out for that :) .

See you all later on!!!

Love: Sakura-san123 and baby Coco <3

Good evening ^.^

So, were back with the second update to tell you guys about Coco's growth and baby stage!

I had a shower and then set the time back to regular. Which was around 7:03pm. As soon as little Coco woke she was very upset and crying because she had no idea where her Mummy and Daddy had gone. I cheered her up by feeding her some cereal and pasta, then I played my favorite game Long Jump with her and of course we won :D . This made little Coco forget all about her parents leaving her and she was happy again. Also i had managed to raise 1 friendship heart after playing a game.

Later on, I caught Coco doing the 'pee pee wiggle dance' and immediately selected the toilet icon. Coco is on her way to becoming a well trained little girl :3. I noticed not long after that, that she had lost all her happy hearts again. So this time round we played a game of Shoot the Bug and also, inserted the Violetchi figure and played some Ping Pong. I have really grown to like that game :D . As a result of playing all these fun games, we have raised 3 friendship hearts!

Just before Coco's evolution, so looked kinda bored so I inserted the Chamametchi figure and we played with the baby ducks. Coco really enjoyed the little song and dance they did and seemed to make her even happier :3

After the long hour of care, games and attention was over, at 8:03pm Coco evolved into a Hositchi! Immediately after that she fell asleep.

I really hope I'm on my way to getting a Makiko! I'm going to make sure I take as much good care as I possibly can over the next couple of days, despite the fact that I'm busy and i have to work. But we will try our best! I'm not giving up on getting Makiko!!!

That concludes today's post. Hope you guys enjoyed!! Also Happy Friday, hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Will see you all in my next post tomorrow.

Love: Sakura-san123 and Coco <3

Good afternoon everybody!

Time for another update on Coco :3

She has being pretty good today. I woke up very late today because I was so tired, so when i did wake she wasn't very happy with me... Her happy and hungry hearts were completely empty, and she had pooped twice. I quickly fixed this by feeding her a sandwich, chicken pie and noodles. To cheer her up a bit we went out and played a quick game of Long Jumper, which we of course won and scored some more GP out of :D .

We also inserted the following Gotchi figures:

Kuchipatchi- To take Coco to his restraunant, where she ate some lovely egg soup for 600GP. She seemed to really enjoy this wonderful meal.

Violetchi- To play another one of my favorite games; Ping Pong :3 we only got to 12 before we lost... I'm not very good at that game but I'm trying to get better.

Ringotchi- To play a game of Shape Shooter. We won this because it's pretty much the same as the game shapes from V4.

Later on in the day, I took Coco to the park twice. First time we met a Uwasatchi, and they played on the see-saw. Second time it was a Kuchipatchi! That time round they built a sand-castle together.

Coco also beeped a couple of times for no reason, so i had to give her a time-out. But because of all the games I have being playing with her, her friendship hearts are currently at four! Which is great :) .

That will be all for now. I might be back later with another update if there are anymore exciting things to say! See ya.

Love: Sakura-san123 and Coco <3

Hi everybody!!

Super sorry about the lack of updates! I have being really busy this week so i haven't had that much time to look after Coco and keep you guys up to date o.o But I have time today, so here i am!!

Since the last time i updated, Coco hasn't really being up to much. Just the usual :) We have being to the park several times, we met up with a Kuchipatchi, Megatchi, Debatchi and Kikitchi! We also being playing plenty of Long Jump and even some Shoot the Bug even though that is my worst game XD.

And of course, the most exciting news is that Coco evolved into an adult! Sadly we didn't achieve our goal of getting her to turn into a Makiko.. Instead Coco transformed into a Ringotchi!! Which I'm perfectly happy about because Ringotchi is super cute :3 I have had her a ton already on my TMGO but that's OK, like I say, there's always next generation! :D

As for Coco's stats, we almost have full friendship hearts and 7 training bars :3 She's only 2 years at the moment, because I have had days when i have being too busy to care for her so she gets paused >.< But i can't wait to get her married!! I kinda want to get a girl again next gen, so i can maybe try for that Makiko or just get some other cute character.

I will leave it there for today Readers, so until tomorrow take care and have a fabulous Thursday! :D

Love: Sakura-san123 and Coco <3

Hi everyone, Happy Saturday :D

I know i have recently being slacking off on my logging. I do apologize for that. I was out yesterday with a friend and then working today and tomorrow I'm going out again possibly with a different friend.... So I am so busy at the moment it's ridiculous!! I think logging everyday is probably going to become a lot harder now that I have a very full schedule. So i think maybe we should try every second day? I will update you guys on the days i miss as well :p Sorry about that, but it will just make things easier, and keep me from slacking off too much!

As for the actual update on little Coco, she's being pretty chill lately because i haven't had the time to give her much attention :( I played some games of Long Jump with her and raised her friendship hearts to full! But other than that.. not much else.

I'm hoping to mate her off by Tuesday, or Wednesday at the latest. I'm busy again Tuesday (Surprise surprise XD) so if it doesn't happen Tuesday, deffo Wednesday :D I can't wait for her to get married, and she's pretty excited herself :3.

Thanks for tuning in everybody. My posts are pretty boring at the moment, but I'm still super glad people are reading! I love you all! Have a great Saturday night!!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Coco <3

Hi Guys!!

Ooops, sorry for the lack of updates!! I feel really bad o.o I have being way too busy for anything at the moment, and since were in the Christmas season now, i am even busier! So I can't promise you guys regular updates unfortunately D: But anyways, I am here now... even though it's being a very busy day... still made time for you wonderful people :3 <3 So I guess you want to hear what has being happening in Coco's life? Well.....

She got mated a couple of days ago :3 Don't ask me what day exactly because I have being losing track of them recently o.o Coco finally found a wonderful partner who happens to be a Kuchipatchi! I think they look soo cute together! I have decided to give Kuchipatchi a nice name so his name is now Sage... I think that name has a nice ring to it for some reason :p . So Coco and Sage haven't had their baby yet due to my horrible parenting skills.. I have found myself pausing them a lot more than I should be... I feel like such a bad mummy D: But whenever I don't have them paused I make sure to give them plenty of attention and love! I'm hoping to see a egg on the screen tomorrow morning before I head off to work.

As a little treat, I did take Coco and Sage out to Kuchipatchis Restaurant where they chose a Chinese salad for 700GP. They seemed to enjoy that quite a lot :D After that, i took Coco to the park and she met up with a Mametchi and they had fun building a sand castle.

That will have to do for now everybody!! I'm hoping I can update you guys more often but I'm not promising anything. If Coco and Sage have a baby tomorrow, i will be sure to update after work!!! Alright take care!

Love: Sakura-san123, Coco and Sage <3

Hey hey!!

Updating these days has being a major fail... I have being wondering if I should take a break from tamas and logging until after Xmas, because I have just being so busy. I am still thinking about it, i will make up my mind and tell you in my next post :D

Soooo as for Coco and Sage, they finally had their baby a couple of days ago ^.^ it hatched into a adorable baby boy!! Which i have decided to name Leo. Coco and Sage still haven't left Leo... again due to my bad parenting and I sometimes need to pause them :L But I'm hoping if all goes well and there is no more pausing, Coco and Sage will leave tonight :3 And then i get on with raising Leo. I haven't really bothered to think about what I want him to turn into adult-wise just because I know I'm too busy to set a goal at the moment. I think I will just go with the flow and see what happens :D

Yesterday, the little family had some fun and went out to Kuchipatchi's Restaurant, where i ordered them something a little more fancy because I felt like spoiling them, and got them Shark Fin for 6000GP. After that, we inserted the Chamametchi figure and selected the play house first and then the giant teddy bear which is my favorite because i think it's absolutely adorable how the little family cuddle together with the bear <3

And lastly, i of course had to take Coco to the park. This time round she met up with a Oyajitchi and they built a little sand castle which was cute.

And that wraps up today's post! Thank you for stopping by. I'm super sorry about the lack of posts! That will hopefully change after Xmas XD See ya!!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Coco, Sage and baby Leo <3


OK, I have come up with a way to keep my log updated and running... hopefully it works o.o I will now post every other day and will have updates for each day I missed. Annddd, i have decided to update in bullet points to make things easier to read :D I'm hoping this plan will work out because i really don't want to stop running tamas! Alright here we goooo....

12 December 2013

  • I woke up at 11amish so i kinda felt bad because it meant the little family had practically no happy/hungry hearts when i checked them. Fed them some pork and beans and some noodles to make up for it. Then i took them all out to Ringotchi's sweet shop where they had a strawberry tart for 1200GP.
  • Played some games of Long Jump and one game of Shoot the Bug with Coco to get her happy hearts back to full.
  • 2:47PM- Family were hungry again so i fed them some pork and beans and chicken pie.
  • 3:00Pm- Played a game of Long Jump with Coco- won :D
  • 3:08PM- Inserted the Violetchi figure and played a game of Ping Pong. Lost at 23 hits.
  • 3:30PM- Fed the family two kebabs and took Coco to park where she met a Gozarutchi and they went on the swings together.
  • 6:04PM- Changed the decor of the house... would show you a pic but their still failing for some reason :L The new decor cost 12000GP.
  • 6:30PM- Bath time for the family, sooo cute :3
Decided to set the time to 11:59PM and see if Sage and Coco were ready to leave Leo... and they were D: I said my good-byes and made a promise to take really good care of little Leo, and not pause him as much o.o At 8:30PM (actual time for me) Coco and Sage left little Leo. I let him sleep for a little while before waking him at 8:48PM my time. And so the 1 hours worth of care and love began, here a few things i noted down in that hour:

  • Played Hip Hop on the Mametchi figure and lost at around 40 something. But scored 500GP out of it :p Also while the Mametchi figure was on, I let Leo play with the toy car out of the item box. He seemed to really enjoy that!
  • Played a couple of games of Long Jump and won both times.
  • 9:00PM- Leo got sick! Needed two doses of medicine to cure him.
  • 9:07PM- Took Leo for his first visit to the park where he met a Kikitchi :3
  • 9:47PM- After all the hard work and care, Leo finally evolved into a adorable Ahirukutchi and then immediately fell asleep :D
13 December 2013

  • Again, woke kinda late, so poor Leo wasn't very happy with me! I had to quickly feed him some sushi and tempura and play some games of Shoot the Bug before he would forgive me.
  • 1:30PM- Leo started begging for something to eat, so i fed him pork and beans and 1 beef bowl.
  • Inserted the Kuchipatchi figure and took Leo out to play a game or two of Vegetables. Didn't get very far both times because that game isn't one of my best XD.
  • 5:00PM- Took Leo to the park to stop him from getting too bored. He ran into a ShimaShimatchi and they had some fun on the See-Saw :3
  • 5:30PM- Noticed we were running low on food and went to the shops where we purchased a hamburger, corn dog and more sushi.
And that's all up until this point! At the moment, Leo is just chilling and his happy/hungry hearts are all full :D If you guys like this new way that I'm doing my log please feel free to PM me! I always love feedback :p

Alright I will talk to you guys on Sunday!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Leo <3

Hey guys :)

So, this is unfortunately not going to be a real update about Leo... I have decided that even though i said in my last post i want to keep Leo running, i don't think there is much point at the moment because I am really not feeling it D: It happens to all tamagotchi lovers. Also with Xmas being next week and me going on vacation from the 27th-3rd, i haven't got much time to run a tama as of right now.

I hope you guys do not mind! You know i always come back eventually :D If things are going well and I really feel the urge to start a tamagotchi up again, and I'm not super busy, i think i will resume play with Leo on the 5th January 2014! So check back with my log then and I will post weather or not i I'm running Leo or another tama again!

I'm still going to be hanging around the fourms and replying to topics and such. Also feel free to PM me anytime about my log or if you just want to chat :D Alright, so this log is now inactive for a little while once again. It happens to everybody like i said :p Hoping to return to it sooooon!!!

Seee ya!!!

Love: Sakura-san123 <3
