Well-known member
OK i know i just logged guys but i have some seriously strange/awesome/excting news that just happened!!!! OK no joke. Cho started beeping and the door icon was highlighted so i pressed it and i thought i was getting yet more mail or something but it turned out to be the band manager and i thought ok cool, he has come to give me some more GP or something. But then..... HE BROUGHT ALONG A DOROTCHI!!!!!!!!!!! FOR CHO TO MATE WITH!!! And i was freaking out going what?? what..... WHATTT?? I didn't know i could mate Cho with someone now she was a oldie!!!! Anyway they did the usual marry process and as this was happening i was still shocked from seeing the band manager bring someone along for me to mate with. I am still stunned!! Which is why I'm doing another post! OK so anyway they had the egg and i just got a baby girl!!!! It looks like my 4th gen will be coming!!! So much much for getting Cho as old possible! WOOW, i still can't believe Cho has mated as an oldie! After all these days she has finally found love <3 <3
I wish i had pics to show you guys!!!! But i don't
Anyways so now i have to think of a name for the baby and i am still like seriously.... this is awesome and weird at the same time!!!
Alright all done. just thought i might post this before i forget!
Love Sakura-san123, Cho and a new unexpected addition to the family a husband and baby!! <3
OK i know i just logged guys but i have some seriously strange/awesome/excting news that just happened!!!! OK no joke. Cho started beeping and the door icon was highlighted so i pressed it and i thought i was getting yet more mail or something but it turned out to be the band manager and i thought ok cool, he has come to give me some more GP or something. But then..... HE BROUGHT ALONG A DOROTCHI!!!!!!!!!!! FOR CHO TO MATE WITH!!! And i was freaking out going what?? what..... WHATTT?? I didn't know i could mate Cho with someone now she was a oldie!!!! Anyway they did the usual marry process and as this was happening i was still shocked from seeing the band manager bring someone along for me to mate with. I am still stunned!! Which is why I'm doing another post! OK so anyway they had the egg and i just got a baby girl!!!! It looks like my 4th gen will be coming!!! So much much for getting Cho as old possible! WOOW, i still can't believe Cho has mated as an oldie! After all these days she has finally found love <3 <3
I wish i had pics to show you guys!!!! But i don't

Alright all done. just thought i might post this before i forget!
Love Sakura-san123, Cho and a new unexpected addition to the family a husband and baby!! <3