Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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Sup readers,

My little boy Joe is doing fabulous! He is now 4 years old so he mates on Tuesday, so that should be exciting!!!! So today i was pretty busy helping my parents do some housework, cleaning my room etc, etc but i still managed to give Joe the attention her needed! So while i was doing some random stuff in my room i took a quick look at Joe and he was watching the television! How cute! I have taken a pic of him so here it is:


Nawww, i know what a good boy watching T.V while his Mummie does slavery for her parents XD.

So anyway i also played Memory with him and we did pretty well until i got a bit confused and lost, so we won around 80-100GP for our efforts which is pretty good. And so then he just happily bounced around the screen while i continued cleaning, but then about 10 minutes later i checked on him again and he had done a poop and was hungry :3 So i fed him a Hamburger that i had brought from the shop the other day and cleaned up his poop and he was all god again.


Now that is all for my little Joe, but i do have a little surprise for you readers! I have finally decided to start up one of my V4s!! Yes i have started up my white polka-dot V4 and here is a pic of the egg that came up when i inserted the battery:


And then i pressed download from the download/reset menu and up popped Noddy the Gozarutchi with a little girl!!! I had completely forgotten about these two! Well anyway if you go back to page 3 of this log you will find that i had decided to name the little girl Tina once Noddy [That's his name] left. But i think i am going to change her name from Tina to......Emily, yes i like that name. So anyway here is a pic of Emily and Noddy:


Yes sorry if you can't see the baby girl, because the pic didn't come out very well!! Noddy just got fortune mail and the fortune said love: 2 strength Points: 3 So that was their fortune for this evening!


OK i think I'm done now readers but keep reading and i will post again soon!

From: Sakura-san123, Joe, Noddy and Emily :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

Hey readers,

Yes i know i have already posted twice today but i am posting again because i am a big softie when it comes to the V5 so i have started mine up again....... Yes i know i am pushing my luck here running three tamas during school weeks! But i realllly wanted to start up a V5! So anyway i downloaded my yellow pets design V5 and Carly the Sunnytchi came up! [do you rememeber her from a little while ago?? Well anyway here's a pic of her!:


Yess i know she is quite the cutie :3 Anyway so i have being playing on tamatown with her and I took some pics of that too! So here they are:





Yes i played the book game at the book store it was quite fun!!! So anyway Carly won 100GP from that yay!!


Just a quick update on Noddy and Emily they got some more fortune mail and it said: Love: 2 Points: 2 Strengh: 3

Yes and they also had envelope mail and got a heart! Naww Noddy and Emily were quite happy about that!!!


OK that's it and i don't think i will be posting again tonight so toddle pip!

From: Sakura-san123, Noddy, Emily, Joe and Carly! :lol: :lol: :D :D

Hi hi!


So Joe is now 5 years old which means he mates on wedensday! I'm very happy for him and i really hope he has a baby girl!! Anyway so i have a pretty cute pic of Joe coming up close to the screen to say hello:


Cute!!!!! He is honestly very adorable!! So anyway nothing much happened with him today so this is pretty much it for Joe.


Noddy and Emily are great, i think Noddy leaves tonight!! :( So this could very well be my last post on Noddy!! Ahh well at least he will be safe on tamagotchi planet, but i know Emily will miss him terribly and so will i!!! So anyway also have a pic of Noddy doing the same thing as Joe so here it is:


Nog!!! He's very sweet. OK the only thing that happened with Noddy today is that he got envelope mail but it had a snake in it! Poor Noddy and Emily! So then he got fortune mail and it said:

Points: 3 Love: 2 Strength: 2 Yes, he also got job mail but since he doesn't have enough skill points i just ignored it, sorry Noddy!!! And he's 7 years old so yes he should leave tonight! OK that's all.


Little Carly is all good. I took her to tamatown again and we took more pics:



There we go, i went to the Royal errr place and we played the spa time game and it was really fun! Then i also found this game where you have to click Mametchi really fast and he eats hot-dogs so it's a hot-dog eating contest!! It was very fun for little Carly!! Now i am pretty sure she can use the dating show! But i don't wanna use it yet, I'm gonna wait a little while later but i probably make another post with pics of her marriage later on! OK the last thing that happened was that she got two bonding calls today and she now has 70% bonds! Yay!! OK all done. :3


Alright thanks for clickin and i will post later with the marriage of Carly!! Byeeee!

From: Sakura-san123, Joe, Noddy, Emily and Carly! B) B)

Hi Tamatalkers!!

OK before i start i have some bad news concerning my V4. I took the battery out of it! Yea i know, i know I'm very confusing starting him up for like 2 days then taking the battery out, but i think the truth is 3 tamas is just too much to handle right now! Anyway.....


Joe is due to mate tomorrow!! I'm soooo excited! I hope he marries someone pretty, smart and kind! So anyway today i played some fun games with Joe and we got loads of GP to spend :3. So that was good. But on the downside Joe got sick! I know I'm a bad mother :( I found him sick in my school bag when i went to check on him during lunch!! So i quickly gave him 2 doses of medicene and he was fine. His hungry hearts were looking a bit bad so i quickly filled them up with a couple of apples and scone a nice healthy lunch for my beautiful healthy boy!! :3.


YAYAYAYAY!! Great news for little Carly! She mated today!!! OK so we did take a while to pick someone though because the first 2 didn't really appeal to me and Carly anyway here are the first two that the matchmaker brought along:


1. Mukugetchi [No way! I don't really like him.]

2. Uhyotchi [Ghost guy doesn't really take my fancy!]

3. Hatsugatchi! [Yes we accepted him greatly because hes pretty adorbs plus he can transform into Kuromametchi!]

So yes my beautiful Carly married a Hatsugatchi, so anyway i have several pics of the marriage!:




Yes i am very proud of little Carly! Oh BTW Carly had 70% bonds when she mated. So anyway in that last pic you see three very cute babies bouncing around that screen.... Well now their toddlers! I have daughters and one son and their names and characters are:

Sakuramotchi- Becky

Tororotchi- Lily

Mousetchi- Mickey

Yes they are very cute but i don't have any pics of them as toddlers XD. So anyway that concludes this post and i hope you liked it!!


OK byeee readers!

From: Sakura-san123, Joe, Becky, Mickey and Lily!


OK so firstly i would just like to thank you all for reading my log because i now have 800 views! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYAAAAYY!!!! I'm sooo happy thanks so much you guys!!! Oh and BTW i am home sick today so my little tamas have being getting a fair bit of love! So anyways lots to post today!


Well i think you all know whats happened with Joe today..... Yes that's right he has mated! I have 6 pics of the mating to show you, but before i do i would just like to tell you that he mated with a Wooltchi! And I'm very very proud of him! OK now for the pics:




OK sorry if some of the pics are a bit hard to see and i can't count because that's actually 5 pics not 6 XD. OK so i have come up with a name for Joe's baby oh and if you can't see the pic very well Joe has a baby girl! So anyway the name for the baby is Japanese and it is.... Yumi, it means Beauty in Japanese so basically Joes little girls name is Beauty! So i will call her either of those from now on. Oh and before Joe mated i found some shop codes earlier on and i put them in and now Joe has some cool little items to play with! And just in case you can't find these shop codes i thought i would put in them in here for you:


1. ABBA ACBA- Cake

2. BCAB ACBC- Steak

3. CBAC CABC- Cuckoo Clock

4. AABB CACB- RC car 2

5. CACA BABC- Stuffed animal

6. ACBB BACC- Hair Gel

7. BCBC CABA- Love potion [Honey]

There you are! So if you are running a V3 i hope these will help you!


OK the triplets are doing good, they have 20% bonds now which is good. I am aiming for the Smart family so i have to keep their bonding level high and hopefully i will get what i want! OK so errrm the triplets now have 7250GP because i have being using my GP cheats and it's really helping! So anyway just in case you didn't know this Becky is the eldest of the triplets and Lily is the youngest, so i have made up this little policy that i will mate the eldest tama, so it looks like Becky will be the one to get married when shes older!


OK that's it for this post i may post later if something exciting happens but until then i will see you readers later byee!!

From: Sakura-san123, Joe, Yumi, Becky, Lily and Mickey.

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Hi readers,


Alrighty it is Joe's last day today with little Beauty [Yumi] which is really sad but at least once Joe leaves i can raise Yumi, and we can share great times together :3. Anyway so today something horrible happened Yumi and Joe got sick!! I was in English and i suddenly remembered that i hadn't checked my tamas in a while so i whipped them out my bag and Joe and Yumi had that awful black skull looming over their heads, so i quickly gave them two doses of medicene and they came right again. But that wasn't the only problem they also had 2 happy ♥s empty so i refilled those with a quick game of Get. Alright so it looks like Joe and Yumi's day hasn't being very nice, and sadly i don't have any pics which just makes it worse. But on the bright side Joe and Yumi have 3663GP at the moment!


Becky, Mickey and Lily are fine. Hey have you realized that all their names end with a Y? LOL I just figured that our! Anyway so i haven't being doing too well with getting their bonding up because right now it's at 30% :eek: :eek: So i have just being setting the time back to 9:59AM so that i get their bonds up a bit more because i really want that Smart family! So anyway the triplets have being begging me all day to let them talk to you and i have agreed to let them so here they are [bTW they tend to rave on a bit so i will stop them when the convo gets to boring!]

Mickey: Blue

Becky: Pink

Lily: Red

Becky: Hi hi everyone!! I'm Becky the eldest and the prettiest of the three of us!

Lily: Becky that's mean we are all beautiful! Anyway HI readers! It's Lily here and we are all very excited to be talking in our mummies log!

Mickey: Ya!! I'm a very handsome Mosuetchi at the moment, and my goal is turn into a Mamekatchi!! I really want to be him he looks realllly cool.

Becky: You couldn't be cool to save your life Mickey, everyone knows I'M the one who is the best.

Mickey: NOT TRUE!! I'm wayyy cooler than you!! Plus I'm the only boy in this family so that means I'm deffo the best!!!

Lily: OH be quiet you two! Your always getting at each other, we are all awesome! Now lets focus on being nice to each other and-

Becky: Shut up Lily!!! All you do is rave on about feelings and it's driving me up the wall!! Grrr i wish i had better siblings....

Lily: HOW DARE YOU!!! What's wrong with me and Mickey? You are such a snob Becky always making out at school that you are way better than us two, well that's not true!! You're not the best in fact your the worst!

Mickey: Guys please! And i thought i was the one who always fought with Becky....

Becky: Whats that suppose to mean?

Mickey: It means that you guys are both as bad as me and shut up Rebecca I am sick of your nonsense!

Becky: DON'T CALL ME REBECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE THAT NAME!!!

Lily: Oh chill will you?? Sorry about this readers! I think we had better be off, this seems to be getting a bit out of hand! Mickey, Becky say bye to the readers, were off now!

Becky: You can't tell me what I'm doing, I'm the oldest and i say were staying!

Mickey: Whatever Becky i agree with Lily! Were off, byee readers hope you didn't mind our bickering i promise we will be nicer next time!!

Becky: Hmmmph

Lily and Mickey: BYEEEEE!!!

WOW those guys can fight! If i had known they were gonna be like that i wouldn't have let them talk! Sorry about that readers. :lol:

OK i have a surprise, i have started up my pink TMGO!!! Yea i couldn't resist, the TMGO is just so much fun!! Anyway here's a couple of pics i took of starting it up:



Yeaaa, i pressed download on the download reset menu and my little Shimashimatchi popped up! He's on 2nd Gen. And since i couldn't remember the name i gave him last time i just decided to name him Tadashi! Yes it's another Japanese name but i really like it!! Anyway the name means correct and righteous in Japanese and i thought that fitted him pretty well XD.


Okey Dokey that concludes this rather long log hope you enjoyed! Thanks for clickin!

From: Sakura-san123, Joe, Yumi, Becky, Mickey, Lily and Tadashi!

He-eey Readers!


Joe has finally left little Yumi!!! It happened last night but you see i took the battery out of my V3 for school today because i didn't want to look after a baby as they are way to much work. So when i got back from school i put the battery back in and pressed download and Joe and Yumi were there together! So i knew what i had to do, i set the time to 11:59PM and after one minute i saw my precious Joe saying good-bye to Yumi and I!!! I was just about in tears because i loved Joe!!! So anyway i watched my boy leave then Yumi was left all alone on the screen still asleep. Then i woke her up and named her and took care of her and now she has turned into a beautiful Mizutamatchi! So here are some pics that i took:




Sorry but some of the pics are really bad!!! I took them in rush because i was about to go out somewhere so i didn't have much time and that's also why I'm posting pretty late. So anyway that's about all for Yumi.


Tadashi is great too. I have a cute pic of him eating when i took him to Ringotchi's sweetshop:


I can't quite recall what it was that i gave him, because i took the pic last night XD But anyway so Tadashi is 3 years old at the moment and he mates on Monday which is reallly exciting!!! So just a moment ago Tadashi beeped and i pressed the A button and he started having a bath! Bless him! I did take a pic but it came it REAL bad, so bad that you couldn't even tell what was happening so i deleted it, and he has stopped now. But anyway i thought i would give you a update on Tadashi's stats since i have never actually done that before! So anyway da stats!:

Name: Tadashi

Age: 3 years

Weight: 31LBS

GP:4570620 [WOW!!!!!!!!!!!]

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Gen: 2nd

Gender: Boy

Character: ShimaShimatchi

ok that's all!


The triplets have evolved into teens!!! The characters are:

Becky: Chamametchi

Lily: Ichigotchi :ichigotchi:

Mickey: Mamekatchi [Which is exactly what he wanted! Remember he told u in my last post??!!]

OK and i also have a nice pic of them as teens, sorry if the pic is a bit blurry:


:lol: I thought the pic was blurry but it's actually pretty OK!! Anyway i think i will just give you a quick update of the triplets stats then end the post:



GP: 7250

Gen: 5

Characters: Chamametchi, Ichigotchi, Mamekatchi

Family name: Gotchi

Alrighty that's it. I don't think i will let them talk to you today because they weren't very nice yesterday, and they are still fighting so maybe another time XD. :ph34r: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :mametchi:


OK thanks for reading and i will post later see ya!

From: Sakura-san123, Yumi, Tadashi, Becky, Lily and Mickey! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

Hello readers,


I think i will start with Tadashi today! So Tadashi is doing fine. He is 4 years old now so Monday is his biggg day!!! OK so i was bored this morning, and i had woken up early for some unknown reason [Even though it's a Saturday!] so i was tinkering around with Tadashi and i took a couple of pics while i was tinkering:


Naww! It's Tadashi's close up! Isn't he gorgeous! And for once that wasn't a fail pic!


Oh dear, little Tadashi beeped, so i pressed da A button and he took a bath! Very cute. [soz no pics of the bath]


I decided to insert my Violetchi figure and muck around with the items for a bit. So Tadashi had fun watching a bunch of daisy's bloom XD

OK aside from that, i also played Long Jumper and brought some more food from the shop because we were running low. :D


The triplets have evolved!!! They are now:

Becky: Chantotchi

Lily: Hotteatchi

Mickey: Mametchi

They are soooo cutee! And they now have 90% bonds which means I am deffo on my way to a smart Family!!!! But... I have just being looking at my V5 charts and i actually have 3 options open:

1. Get the Smart Family which has being my goal all along by marrying my main character Becky to either: Kuromametchi, Furikotchi, Hatsugatchi or Mametchi.

2. Get the Mame Family by marrying Mickey to a Chantotchi but i need 100% bonds which shouldn't be so hard since i already have 90% XD

3. Do what i usually do and marry any of them to a random character.

So yes, now i think it will be a toss between option 1 and option 2.... Hmmm i will think about it and tell you tomorrow! Before i move on here is a pic of my little triplets as adults!:



Yumi is doing great. She should evolve into a teen pretty soon, hopefully tonight because it says on my charts that V3 toddlers take 24 hours to evolve into teens. Anyway nothing much has happened with Yumi today, but i did play a million games of Get with her because her happy hearts kept going down D: So that was the only downside to Yumi's day ;) So i will update when she turns into a teen!!!


Later readers, i need to be off now because it's my dinner time and were having pizza yuumm!! Bye!

From: Sakura-san123, Yumi, Becky, Lily, Mickey and Tadashi! XD

Hi guys!

Reallly sorry for not posting yesterday!! And it's 11:00PM right now so this will be a very brief post but i promise i will have more tomorrow!


Alright so Ymui evolved into a teen! She is now a Piroiroitchi! She is very cute! So she weighs around 30LBS and she is evolving tomorrow i think! All i did with her today is play some games of Heading and brought her some cool items at the shop XD.


Tadashi was doing really well until..... the batteries died on me!! And i don't have spare ones, but hopefully i can get some this week and get little Tadashi up and running again!!


The triplets are still with me, I think i will mate them tomorrow!! They have 100% bonds now which is great! And i think I'm gonna go with option 2 for the mating thing... It just sounds like a lot of fun to have a Mame family!!!


OK that's all sorry for the short post update tomoz byee!

From: Sakura-san123, Becky, Lily, Mickey and Yumi!

Hey readers!!!!!!!

Well it's being a while, but i have finally decided to start up my tamas again!!!!! And i thought i would get this log back up and running since it is my longest log! So let's start with some very very very exciting news! I'M GETTING NEW TAMAS OFF TRADEME!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY! Yes, it's a pink leopard print V5 and a blue Music Star. Yes i am getting my very first Music Star!!! I know exciting isn't it! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Haha, OK I'm getting a bit too worked up! I do have a couple of tama's running at the moment and they are my Pink TMGO and my Tamawalkie! Yes so my TMGO is on 3rd gen with a little boy called Kuri!!!! He's very cute and he's a Mattusurtchi! And my walkie is a Memetchi who i don't have a name for yet, but she's currently in Denver. And her only vehicle at the moment is a skateboard. And she has done 13296 and has 7398 steps left. :D :D

OK that's all!! I have actually completely forgotten how to put pics up! So i will find out again and make another post with some later on!!! Alright that's all thanks for clickin!

Sakura-san123, Kuri and Memetchi! B) B)

Hey again!

Haha, i know i just a made a post like 2 seconds ago, but i have just remembered how to post pics! So here is a pic of the tamas I'm getting from Trademe!:


Haha see! I'm not quite sure of the design for the music star but i like it and i hope you guys do as well!


OK that's all haha byeeeee

Sakura-san123, Kuri and Memetchi!

Hi hi readers!

OK not much to report today except that Kuri evolved into a Kilalatchi!!! He's sooo cute!!! I'm giving him loads of care misses so that i can get a bad care character!! I'm aiming for a Tarakotchi or a Nonopotchi, because I have NEVER had either of those characters on any version of tamagotchi so it would be nice to get one!!! Other than that, Kuri and I went to Kuchipatchi's Chinese restrauant and brought a nice Crab Omelette. Then we played Long Jumper to work off that extra weight that Kuri had gained!!! And that was about it.... :D


As for my Walkie, Memetchi is OK she's got 6274 steps to go and has done 15589 steps already. So she is making slow progress!!!! Plus we brought some Tacos from Tarakotchi today for 400GP, and I played Jump Rope with Memetchi heaps so that we could get more GP!!!!


Alrighty before i go i have a quick picture of Memetchi to finish off this log:


There she is!!! Nog i love Memetchi! Sooooo cute!! Alright that's it for now readers, I will post later on byee!


From: Sakura-san123, Memetchi and Kuri! :lol: :)

Hey Tamagotchi people!


Today i think i shall start with my Walkie. Memetchi is all goods, today we ran into a Masktchi who needed our help!! So, we followed her over to a little spot and it turned out she needed her car washed! Memetchi was very helpful and with a couple of shakes we had that car looking cleaner than ever!!!! And then the rest of the day was pretty boring, because Memetchi was attached to my school skirt all day and we did a lot of walking around [My school is HUGE!] Later on in the afternoon, she complained to me that she was sick of walking. So i popped her in the front pocket of my bag with Kuri for the rest of the day. XDD


Speaking of Kuri... He has evolved into an adult!!!! It happened during last period [Which for me was Geography ;) ] He has evolved into a *drumroll* WOOLTCHI!! Woot Woot!! And according to my charts he is a OK care character.... And so is Shimashimatchi! o_O So i only just missed getting him by a tiiinnny bit!! :eek: :eek: Haha anyway so after he evolved we had this stupid fire drill so i couldn't give him anymore attention. :angry: :angry:

Alright i have got a couple of pics of Kuri to share with you today... My first one is of him as Kilalatchi taking a bath, check it out:


He was having this last night, so i took a pic XD.


Now this is a little picture of him as Wooltchi. And he's coming up to the screen! Cute!! ;)

Then I decided to slide my Memetchi figure on and fiddle around with the items:


Here we are selecting an item to use....


Haha sorry this pic fails... But it's of little Kuri prancing around in a pair of overalls! :lol: too cute!


This is him in what is suppose to be a pair of jeans! But they look like a denmin dress on him!! o_O Oh well at least he had fun....


And those are my pictures for now. And that concludes this log hope you liked and keep clickin!!

From: Sakura-san123, Memetchi and Kuri :) :)

Hii, Sorry for the late post tonight o_O And i don't have any pics which is a fail.... I think i will just say now that I probably won't have pics in this log as much as i use to!! I know it makes the log interesting and all that. But the problem is that I'm currently in year 11 at high school!! And so i don't have very much time to take pics of stuff that my Tamagotchis do :mellow: But anyways, onto what this log is actually about... My tamas!!!! Kuri is good i think he's about 3 or 4 years old now, so that means he mates soon! I'm hoping for a baby girl next generation because i have had boys so far and it's kinda boring! So i want a girl... fingers crossed!


Kuri didn't get much attention today, because of stupid school :( And he's asleep at the moment because it's like 9:00PM over in New Zealand XD. I don't think Kuri is very happy with me for not playing with him much today! But i will make it up to him tomorrow!!! :) :) As for my Walkie, Memetchi is making very good progress!!! She has done 25340 steps and has 3213 to go! But today it was a little bit sucky because we kept running into stop signs! Which meant we had to back-track a couple of steps, and it was verrrrry annoying. :( Poor Memetchi! And i have set myself a little goal: My goal is for Memetchi to do at least 1000 steps a day, now i know that seems alot! But it's actually not! It doesn't take long for Memetchi to do 1000 steps when I'm around!


OK, this log is basically me just ranting on so I'm gonna stop here. I will probably be back tomorrow with more ranting!!!!! Anyways see you all later!

From: Sakura-san123, Kuri and Memetchi! ;)


PS: About my tamas that i may be getting off Trademe! I'm still leading the bid which is good!! And it closes in two days at around 2:00PM, so fingers crossed i win!!!!! I realllly want a Music Star! OK that's all XDD

Hey, OK firstly I'm realllly sorry i have being slacking off lately.... you know, i try to keep this log up but it's getting hard because school keeps getting in the way! :(


Secondly this log now has 1000 views!!!!!! :D :D I LOVE YOU GUYS YOU RULE!!!!! Big shout outs to everyone who reads my log. And also anyone who actually makes a log.... you guys are reallly awesome too.


OK, I'm done raving on now lets get down to business.....

Kuri is on his way to becoming a Daddy!! He mates tomorrow which is pretty exciting, and luckily it's a Saturday so i can do it without school getting in my way!! I haven't being taking the best care of Kuri lately, i keep getting sidetracked with you-know-what [school :angry: ] So last night i was doing my stupid homework and i left little Kuri in my room, because Mum doesn't allow tamas while homework is being done :angry: And so anyway when i ran down to check on Kuri he was fast asleep..... But little did i know that when he woke up this morning he was sick, had a poop next to him and most of his hungry hearts were gone!!!!!! :eek: Poor little Kuri!!!! So i fixed him up and he was all good XDD. And i haven't done much else with him today apart from take him to the park, he met a Mametchi very cute :) . I'm thinking about getting his room redone soon... Even though i currently have a rare room [i know it's rare cuz it cost me ALOT of money!!!] So maybe tomorrow i will give him a little treat by changing his room, and then it will be all new for his new Wife and baby!!! OK i really did go on a bit there so i will move on now! :D


Memetchi is doing verrrry well! She finally has completed all her steps that she needed to do which was like 33590 [Wow that's a long way to go!] But he's still in Denver :( Hopefully we will get to a new city soon, I'm aiming to go to Las Vegas next!!! So that should be fun..... Errmm didn't really have anything to do with Memetchi after we had finished our steps. And she only ran into one person today which was a Masktchi.... We brought some fuel off her for 150GP and that was about it! XD :lol:


OK I'm finally done! Haha i hope you guys don't mind that i raved on a bit!!!! See you in my next post!!!!!

From: Sakura-san123, Kuri and Memetchi!

Hey everyone,


OK, so great news concerning little Kuri.... He got married!!!!!! It was very fustrating to begin with because the matchmaker kept bringing along a Marotchi, and i realllly don't like her!!! So after like 3 Marotchi's the Matchmaker finally brought along someone decent.... A Chamametchi!!! And it was love at first sight between Kuri and Chamametchi :D fireworks went off and they gave each other a biggg smooch.... then before i knew it, the two lovebirds were back in Kuri's room.... Here's a little pic of them together:


And if you can see, in the background i have changed the model of the room to another rare... the columns! It looks really cute, and I know Chamametchi likes it!!! Now i need a nice name for Kuri's new wife hmmmm...... How about... Cat? Yes i think Cat should do it!!! Kuri and Cat XDD OK so apart from that little marriage thingy nothing else has really happened today :lol: Well i did insert my Memetchi figure and let Kuri and Cat prance around in dresses and what not. [sorry no pics!] That was pretty cute. Errrm i think that's about it for these two :)


As for Memetchi she's OK. She welcomed properly into Denver this morning! A violetchi and her talked and then Violetchi gave her a present!! It was a souveniar! I can't quite rememeber what it was... But anyway so yes and we also brought a new skateboard from Androtchi at the cars shop because my other one broke :angry: And that's about it...


I will see you guys later on!!

From: Sakura-san123, Kuri, Cat and Memetchi!! :D

Hey hey!

I WON THE BID ON TRADEME!!!! Yes i won those to tamas, the V5 and the Music Star!!! I'm verrrrrry happy!!! And i have being doing my research on Tama-Zone and on here of course, and i have collected up a lot of character, growth and item charts so that when I get my Music Star i will know what to expect! [i have also being looking at scans of the instructions tee hee :D ] Yes it may seem to you that I am more excited about my Music Star than the V5.... Which is kinda true because i already own a V5 and I know what their like. But I'm still excited to be getting a leopard print pink V5!!!! That's like all my favourite things combined into a tama!!! Excting!!!!! :) :)


Anyway, I'm not here to just drone on and on about my new tamas. I am also here to tell you about little Kuri and Memetchi!

Well Kuri is doing fantastic! Him and Cat are having a baby tomorrow, so that's something to look forward to!!! XD I hope they have a baby girl because i have already came up with a name for her, but I won't be telling you until tomorrow! [i have also got a boy name just in case :lol: ] Anyway, i don't have any pics for today but i will probably have some tomorrow of the new baby!!!!! Wait..... sratch that, i do have one little pic!


It's a pic of the little charms that i attached to my TMGO this morning because i was REALLY bored. Their cute but the downside to them is that they make my TMGO EXTRA heavy hehe. Ohhh and i have one more pic to show you that i just took now:


Hehe, it's of Kuri and Cat taking a bath! Very cute, they just beeped so i pressed a button and they started having a bath so i thought why not take a pic?? :p

OK moving on.....


Memetchi is still sweet. She hasn't really done much today, but when i did have a little play with her i noticed that 3 of her happy ♥'s were empty!!!!! Oh noes! So i played a game of Jump Rope with her and it seemed to fill up 2 happy ♥'s so i fed her a muffin as a little treat :D And that's about it!


Thanks for reading, peace out tamagotchi lovers!

From: Sakura-san123, Kuri, Cat and Memetchi!!!

PS: Again with the tamas from Trademe, they should be a arriving in a couple of weeks!!! They are being sent here by mail from Tauranga New Zealand..... [Let's not forget i live in New Zealand people!!!] Anyway byeeeeeeeeeeee.

Hey Tamagotchi people!


OK, I'm reallly annoyed at my TMGO at the moment because Kuri and Cat had a baby boy!!! I didn't want another boy, that's like the third generation that i have had a boy!!! :angry: OK I have calmed down now XDD. I have decided to name the baby Riley, I was trying to think of names for him all through maths class today... And then i thought of Riley and it was just stuck with me for the rest of the day. So Riley is the baby boy's name!! Another bad thing is that i have no pics, sorry! I know i told you in my previous post that there would be pics, but i just forgot! My bad. <_< <_< Nothing else has really happened with Kuri and his family today. I actually took them out at lunch to see how they were going and it turned out they were on pause! They must have accidently being put on pause while they were in my bag o_O So that's pretty much it for Kuri and his little family.


Memetchi has finally escaped from Denver!!! If you have seen my siggie lately you will notice that it says that she is now in Las Vegas, which is 100% true :D . So her aim was to do 9700 steps before she can move on and she has done 41252 steps and has 8977 steps to go. I have set Memetchi and I a goal to do 1000 steps a day. And we have being sticking to that goal :) . The only left to say is that we have just played a game of Jump Rope and won! So we got an excellent with 600G, which in my opinion is very.... Excellent :)

OK that's all readers until next time!

From: Sakura-san123, Kuri, Cat, Riley and Memetchi!

PS: About the tamas i won. My Mum isn't going to actually pay for them until Wedensday [it's Monday now] so that's two days away... And then it's gonna be a little while before i actually get the tamas!!!! :( But It's OK hopefully they are worth all this waiting!! Byeeeee....

Hey readers,

Sorry i haven't posted lately! But i feel really sick right now.... I hope I'm not getting a cold <_< But anyways on with my tamas!


Well, Kuri and Cat have left. They left 2 nights ago.... leaving little baby Riley in my care. So i did the usual that you do with babies i fed him, played with him, cleaned up his poop etc. And now he's a adorable little Ahirukutchi! I haven't had him for ages, so it was nice to see him on my screen when i herd the evoultoin sound. I'm aiming for excellent care characters, so it shall be either Mametchi or Kuromametchi! I don't care which because they are both sooooo cute!!!!! But i have being thinking i want Mametchi a tinyyy bit more, because i have the Mametchi figure so i could take him over to his shop and serve some customers! But still it would be nice to get either one :)


Well over the last two days, i have being doing HEAPS with Riley because i really want those excellent care characters!!! When Riley was a little bubba, i didn't take my eyes off him for the entire time he was a baby!.... But i did miss a few 'pee pee wiggle dances' because i was playing games with him a lot and while playing the games, he pooped... so when ever we game back from a game, i would see a little poop sitting in his room :lol: . It was rather annoying. But anyway that is all!


Good Lord. I seem to have completely forgotten about poor little Memetchi!!! I have being paying much attention to Riley i really haven't had time to care for her! :( But I'm thinking about taking the battiries out of her..... I just don't think I have time for two tamas at the moment :mellow: So yes this might be my final log about my tamawalkie for now..... Anyway so she's still in Las Vegas and we have done 45136 steps and have 7681 left... You see usually we would have wayyyyyy less than that! So that just shows how badly i have being caring for poor Memetchi :(


OK i will conclude this post here. Sorry about it being rather depressing in the last bit! Hopefully i will be a bit more perky in my next post!!!!

From: Sakura-san123, Riley and Memetchi!

TRADEME TAMAS: Alrighty so i am very excited because Mum has finally paid for my tamas!!! She payed last night... Postage is costing her $5:50 and the two tamas together are $15:50 so apparently i have to do ALOT of chores around the house to make up for this one!!!!! Anyways so i am looking forward to getting those tamas in the next week or so! Byeee :D
