Well-known member
OK a couple of things have happened with my tamas today:
Darling little Ninja is due to evolve today!!!! He's 2 years old now so I'm hoping hes gonna evolve soon!! I'm not sure what hes gonna evolve into, but I'm guessing it will be a spritual character because his current skill points are: 24,26,44 Oh maybe i will get an Ura-Kuchipatchi! That would really awesome for my Peach to marry an Ura-Kuchipatchi!! Ok moving on....
Peach evolved into an Ichigotchi!!!! YAY, i was kinda scared that i was going to get a universal because I'm no good at looking after a V4! But i got my first Ichigotchi! I'm really proud of myself! So I think Peach and Ninja are going to be very happy together! I have finally understood how to mate 2 tamas using a jar of honey thanks to Kuchipatchi Love, Violecthilluvr3, Nightpelt~Togetchi and Nazotchi25!! If it wasn't for them i wouldn't even be mating Ninja and Peach so thanks you guys!!!
Dolly has also evolved except she evolved into Obotchi, not soo happy about this. But i guess it seems fair considering the amount of neglect i gave her because i was so focused on my other 2 versions [sorry Dolly!!] But it does say on my growth chart that if i take good care of her she may evolve in Violetchi or Memetchi!! So cross your fingers readers! Anyway moving on Dolly just did a poop

Ok that that's all for today guys cya tomorrow or maybe later on today because i might have more news on Ninja evolving!! OK byeee