Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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:D :D Morning readers,

OK a couple of things have happened with my tamas today:



Darling little Ninja is due to evolve today!!!! He's 2 years old now so I'm hoping hes gonna evolve soon!! I'm not sure what hes gonna evolve into, but I'm guessing it will be a spritual character because his current skill points are: 24,26,44 Oh maybe i will get an Ura-Kuchipatchi! That would really awesome for my Peach to marry an Ura-Kuchipatchi!! Ok moving on....



Peach evolved into an Ichigotchi!!!! YAY, i was kinda scared that i was going to get a universal because I'm no good at looking after a V4! But i got my first Ichigotchi! I'm really proud of myself! So I think Peach and Ninja are going to be very happy together! I have finally understood how to mate 2 tamas using a jar of honey thanks to Kuchipatchi Love, Violecthilluvr3, Nightpelt~Togetchi and Nazotchi25!! If it wasn't for them i wouldn't even be mating Ninja and Peach so thanks you guys!!!



Dolly has also evolved except she evolved into Obotchi, not soo happy about this. But i guess it seems fair considering the amount of neglect i gave her because i was so focused on my other 2 versions [sorry Dolly!!] But it does say on my growth chart that if i take good care of her she may evolve in Violetchi or Memetchi!! So cross your fingers readers! Anyway moving on Dolly just did a poop :lol: And i had to feed her a hot dog that i got her from the hop because her hungry hearts went down. Plus I'm still sticking to getting Dolly to be an oldie i haven't forgotten about my plan!!! B)


Ok that that's all for today guys cya tomorrow or maybe later on today because i might have more news on Ninja evolving!! OK byeee


Hey readers,


Before i start i would just like to give a big shout out to missvioletchifor giving me advice on how to upload pics onto here!! [hope your Ok with me shouting you out missvioletchi!!] I won't be uploading pics on this post, but maybe another time!! Anyway lets get started with the actual log:


Yay!!! Ninja evovled!! He evolved into a Matsuritchi! Cuteness times a million :lol: He evolved last night which was really awesome, now i just gotta wait for his job mail to come..... It should come soon. OK moving on, so Ninja is very happy that hes finally an adult!! In fact he would like to talk to you guys today and he will be writing in blue

Ninja: Hey readers, I'm a Matsuritchi yay!!! I can't wait to get my job mail it should be awesome! I hope i get a decent job...... Anyway I'm now 3 years old which is really exciting! I'm just waiting for my true love Peach to evolve and turn 4 so that we can mate!! That should be really awesome!! OK that's all i have to say to you guys, i will let Mummie finish this log now. See ya!!!! Love from: Ninja.

Nagggw isn't Ninja just the cutest little guy ever!! Ok i will give you a quick update on his stats:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Skill p;oints: 24,35,55

Weight: 41LBS

Gen: 18th

GP: 58414

Job: NONE [yet!]

Character: Matsuritchi

Yep those are his stats.... Okay i think thta is about all for little Ninja....



Little Peach is all goods she is due to evolve today so I'm hoping i get a good character, so that Ninja and Peach can be soul-mates forever!! Anyway i think i will update you on Peaches stats here they are:

Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 34LBS

Skill points: 26,16,11

Training: 6 bars

Gen: 1st

GP: 3950

Job: School

Character: Ichigotchi

There are Peaches stats. I connected Peach with Ninja like 5 times today and they are best friends!! It's pretty exciting! Anyway moving on, i took Peach to school today and she won some style points for guessing which present the style icon is in!!! OK were all done for Peach, next version.....


Dolly's doing OK, except shes a bit overweight because i keep feeding her snacks [i'm a bad Mummie!] Yea she weighs 61LBS, and according to my charts her base weight is 20LBS so she has some serious weight to lose!!! But anyway that's the only downside to Dolly's life other than that shes doing really well, and i brought her some french fries from the shop and played several games of Heading with her to help the weight situation. And i think that's about all... Oh wait one more thing shes due to evolve into an adult pretty soon hopefully tomorrow so wish her luck!!!


OK all done with the log for today post tomorrow or later on, depending on what happens with my little babies!!

Ok cya!


Hey readers!

OK, just thought would let you know this is going to be my first log with pics!! And thanks so much for all the veiws I'm now up to 200!! WHOOO WHOO!!! :lol:

OK now lets get started: Firstly, little Peach evolved!!! She evolved into a pyonkotchi, i know, i know it's a universal character but thats OK because now i can mate Ninja and Peach!! Well not yet because Peach isn't 4 yet but she will be on Wensday and Ninja will be 6... So i will mate them then. Ok so i was connecting thetwo cutiepies today and GUESS WHAT!? I got their friendship level up to 4 lovehearts!!! Which means they are now in love, and to celebrate my first pic i will show a pic of the two with 4 love-hearts:


Pretty kool right! Yea ok now i think if that pic has succeeded then will now show you a pic of my v4 and v3 here they are:



Yea if you can't see the screen that's because i suck at taking pics and i took them during the night. :D Ok now i think beofre i show you another pic i should update you on Ninja and Peach's stats:


Hungry: @@@@

Happy: @@@@

weight: 44LBS

Job: Florist [Yea he got the job yesterday!!]

Skill points: 27,41,55

Gen: 18th

GP: 59474

Training: 8 bars


Hungry: @@@@

Happy: @@@@

Weight: 34LBS

Training: 9 bars

Gen: 1st

GP: 4060

Job: Still in school, should be graduating soon!

Ok thats all the stats for those 2. Now i will show you a pic of my rather small collection:


Yea thats the rest of my collection. I don't really collect tamas, so yea but i might start. B)

And i have completely left dolly out!! So i will give you a quick update:

Hungry: @@@@

Happy: @@@

Weight: 42LBS

Gen: 1st

GP: 1445

Training: 9 bars

That's all for little Dolly, i connected her with Ninja and they played the "who can eat the most bread" game and Ninja won!

OK that's all for my log today i will update later on!


PS: Sorry about the lack of pics for v4.5, haven't uploaded any yet B) :lol:

Hi guys,

Just making a quick new post because some of the pics that i sent didn't show.... So i will try again :D

Here's a pic of Ninja and Peach's mating status:


I'm hoping it works :D

And here's a pic of my v4.5 and v4:


And that's my v4.5 cute eh?


And this is my v4. Sorry if the pics are a bit sucky, i took them last night and they didn't come out good. Here's a pic of the rest of my rather small collection:


And that's all the pics for today, hope you like them!!

Sakura-san123 :furawatchi:

Grrr, it looks like i can only post one pic at a time.... :angry: Sorry for making so many posts!! I will show you the pic of the mating status then i will show you some other pics tomorrow or later on ok here's the mating status pic:


There we go, sorry about the muck-up!!

Sakura-san123 :D :D

Hey readers!!

Ok sorry about the pics problem but i got some advice from a friend on here [Missvioletchi] and so i will be posting all the pics that failed last time on here. B) OK GREAT NEWS! I mated Ninja and Peach today!!! They both have got baby girls now who i am gonna name Jade and Poppi. Anyways i thought i would post a pic of Ninja and Peach with their little babies!!:


Naggw aren't they soo cute!! Yea on BTW Jade will be my v4.5 and Poppi will be my V4. Yea and here's a pic of the that mating status two, that i still didn't manage to show you:


Yep i can't believe i got their friendship so high!!! OK and now for another pic this is my V4:


I really like this design XD...

Anyway moving on my V3 also evolved today!!! She evolved into some bird character which i can't remember the name for, so i will just show you a pic:


I think i should check out the name on one of my charts later :D

Anyway so not much else has happened sadly, apart from Peach got job mail but she doesn't have enough skill points, so she didn't get a job :(

Ok that's all for now, post later BYEE


B) Hi readers!

Yes this is my second post today but that's because i was really bored today and do i took some pics of my tamas doing different things:


Tee hee this is a pic of little Ninja talking to his daddy on da phone awwwww.....


And these are pics of little Ninja using the clone :lol: :lol:


And this is pics of Ninja and Dolly mating soz, the pics aren't very good...

And that's it I'm afraid because i couldn't think of anything else to take a pic of.....

Ok cya tomorrow readers byeeee

Sakura-san123 :) :)

Hey readers for the third time today!

Sorry about posting so much, but i have just had an idea: I'm thinking about taking the battery out of my V3 and putting it into my new famlitchi V5 for 2 reasons:

  1. I suck at taking care of a V3
  2. I really want to start up my v5 because i really enjoy it!

So i think i will and i will post pics of the V5 hatching process:


Yea, i pressed downloadto see what characters there were and i found 3 happy little babies bouncing around the screen, i have came up with some names:

Futabatchi [girl]: Dolly [in honour of Dolly from my V3 :) ]

Omututchi [girl]: Kiki

Mimifuriwatchi [boy]: Gary

Soz its only 2 pics i ran out of things to take pics of :lol: But while we are here i might as well show you a really cute pic of Peach taking a bath:


Cute i know the other pic is of all my tamas in total [8] i know it's not much but it will have to do plus I'm proud of it. B) B) Now i know what your thinking, ever since i learnt how to post pics on here, i haven't stopped!!! Its just really fun to do!! Now back to my 5 their all good the only thing they have done is poop :lol:

OK now i promise this will be my last post for tonight!!!

Good night


Hey everyone,

OK loads to report today!!! Sorry about not posting yesterday, its because my pics that i had taken of my little tamas weren't coming through, but they are here now so thats good!!

OK firstly my V5 evolved into toddlers!! Heres a pic of them as toddlers:


Yea they aren't very good, i know. The first one is of the little toddlers when they had just evolved and the second one is of the tororotchi looking in the fridge! OK heres their names and the toddlers they evolved into [just in case you can't see the pic very well!!]

Tororotchi: Dolly

Belltchi: Kiki

Mousetchi: Gary

So there you have em they have 10% bonds and about 90GP because as you may have already being told i SUCK at the games!! Now before i move on to my other 2 versions a little while back i took a couple of pics of my little toddlers taking a bath here they are:


Yea these pics are a bit easier to see, but arent they adorable!!!


OK now for the best news of the day *drumroll* Peach and Ninja left their babies!!!!!! I woke up this morning and found two crying babies on my v4 and v4.5!! So i named them the V4 is now called Poppi here's a pic of me naming her:


Yep there they are!!! i ended up putting my v4.5 baby [named Jade] next to Poppi to take up less space! :D OK there are more pics!!! I can still post 4 more!! :lol: So here i have a pic of Poppi and Jade as toddlers check it out!:

There they are! Jade is now a Tamatchi and Poppi is a Mohitmatchi just like her mummie!!! OK sadly that's all the pics i have, plus you were probably getting sick of all of them!!

OK so Jade and Poppi both just got their pre-school mail, but sadly i didn't pics! So they are now in pre-school YAY!

Alright i think i will finish here so post later/tomorrow cya!!


PS: SOoz if a couple of the pics are sideways, that's just how they came out on my phone!! :furawatchi:

Hi readers!!!

Yes this is my second post today, but this time its for a very good reason!!!! I HAVE THE NEW WAVE 2 TMGO!!!! You don't believe me?? Well here's the proof!!:


Isn't it awesome!!!! OK so if you don't already know in NZ the new wave 2 TMGO's are only $13:99 and you get one free gotchi figure!!! So i have the violetchi one!!!:


Yea I'm very very very very happy!!!!! Ok so heres some pics of what i did with my little TMGO after i had opened it:




Yea the last pic is of all the tama's I'm currently running, but my TMGO isn't in there because i didn't have it when i took that pic!!!

Ok even though i can't name my little TMGO I've still decided to name her, Kuchipatchi Love and I came up with the name Evangeline and so i agreed because its a awesome name!! Ok that's about all, but anything else comes up i will post it!!


Ok i gtg dinners up so i will post later!! Byeee


OOPs soz guys!! I accidently posted the same pic of my TMGO, Ok here's the pic of the Violetchi Figure!:


There we go. Plus Evangeline just evolved into Hoshitchi!!! I just got a pic of her as a toddler here it is!!:


There she is little cutie! :lol: :lol:


Ok now i REALLY need to go!! Cya!


Hi hi!!

HEAPS to report today!!! Sorry i haven't being posting lately but I've being quite busy lately and so yea....

Anyway lets get on:

So plenty of pics to post!! Firstly my Evangeline evolved into a shelltchi!!! SOOOOO cute! Here's some pics of what my little Evangeline has being up to lately:


Here's a pic of Evangeline eating at Kuchipatchi's Chinese restrauant on the Kuchipatchi gotchi fig [which i don't have i was using Kuchipatchi Love's one she has all the figures!]



Yep these are some pics of my little Evangeline playing a game with my Memetchi figure [which came with my wave 2 TMGO!]...... OMG SHE JUST EVOLVED INTO A RINGOTCHI EEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!! B) B)WOW that's totally awesome! I hope she's good care.... Anyway i just took a pic of her as a ringotchi:

Yea isn't she adorbs!!!


OK, onto my V4, you see Poppi wasn't really working out for me because she evolved into a universal AGAIN here is her evolvution process:

Tsubutchi-Mohitamatchi-Ojyotchi.... And after she evolved into the Ojyotchi i reset her.... Then i got a gorgeous baby boy!!! Which i named Flood [soz i don't have many pics of him] But anyway here is his evolvution process:

Tsubutchi-Mohitamatchi-YOUNG KUCHIPATCHI!!!!!!!!! I know i have my FIRST EVER good care teen on the V4!!!!! No joke i hardly ever get a good care character!! I am sooooooooo happy! Here's your proof:!

Soz if the pic is a bit blurry but i really have a youn kuchipatchi! He got pre-school mail today and his teacher is Mr canvas because i REALLY want Kuchipatchi!!!! Ok the little cutie is now asleep so lets move on....


As for my v5 well I'm gonna take the battery out of them because i want to just have my little Jade [update about her in a minute], Evangeline, Flood and Jake [?]


You may be wondering who's Jake??? Well i put a fresh battery in my walkie and i chose a Mametchi! So here's a pic of him:

Yep that's him being introduced to NY by Mimitchi [cute i know] OK i have done 1809 steps and I'm unsure of how many more steps i have to go.


Last but not least... Jade, well shes an Ura-youngmarotchi! Cute i know, sadly i have no pics of her either but I'm sure you all know what a Ur-youngmarotchi looks like!!! Now she too is asleep and she also got mail school mail today and i chose Miss Flower.... And i think that's it!!


Now to finish the log off i will show a pic of my new and improved TMGO collection!:


:lol: I know you can see some of my room in the background... Anyway if you can't see the figures very well i have the following: Chamametchi, violetchi, memetchi and Ringotchi And then that's my TMGO on the right and the packaging it came in with the Memetchi fig on top because that's the fig that came with the TMGO, and then theres all my figs in their correct packaging!!

OK this post is now OFFICALLY my longest post in my log!!! So I'm gonna stop it here and leave you to read this long boring post! see ya!!


Good afternoon readers,

OK before i update you on my tamas, i have just realised that in my last post i posted 2 of the same pic, sorry about that guys i hopefully won't happen again but I'm not making any promises!!


OK well not much has actually happened growth/stats wise so i am just gonna post a bunch of assorted pics of my tamas doing things check it out:

Nog little Flood having a bath soo sweet!

Tee hee this is a pic of Jake sightseeing!

These next two pics are of Jade playing climb! And she won! But soz no pics of that.

aww isn't she soo cute playing climb!!

And this is the last pic. Its of all my tamas that im running at the moment [but minus the V5] and i don't have all my figs there because that pic was taken eariler :D :D


OK that's all the pics. Now I'm gonna let all my current running tamas talk to you all at once!!

Jake- red

Evangeline- purple

Flood- green

Jade- pink

Me: Blue

All together: Yellow[/i]


Flood: Hi-tchi!!! Im a young Kuchipatchi!!! So cool-tchi!!!!

Jade: Yes flood we know we know.... I'm a Ura-youngmarotchi I like being Ura-youngmarotchi!

Evangeline: I'm Evangeline! Hi everyone!! I'm not gonna brag ab out myself like the others! I'm just be clam and talk to you, today i went to the park but there was no one there! :(

Jake: Hi.... Sorry can't talk right now working on a new invention......

Flood: Jake-tchi! Stop working on your invention and come talk to our viewers-tchi! Were famous-tchi!!!

Jade: Oh just leave him be Flood, at least we can talk to our awesome viewers!

Evangeline: Yep they are pretty darn kool!!!

Flood: YA-TCHI!!!!

Jake: so if i connect the blue wire to the black wire and then........

Evangline: Jake what in the world are you making??

Jake: You will see soon it's a suprise...

Jade: Ok but.... EVOVLES!!! ZOMG i just evolved into a Horoyotchi!!! WHOO WHOO!!

Flood: kool-tchi

Evangeline: Awesome!!

Me: Sorry guys you can't talk anymore it's time to go

All together: AWWWWWW BUT MUM!!!!!!

Me: no buts lets go say bye to everyone guys




Nog, the are soo cutw. YAY Jade really did evolve into a Horoyotchi which is really awesome! OK see ya later readers post soon!!


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Hi readers,

Tee hee second update for today. But i have being SO bored lately so i have being taking a bunch of pics for this log. There are some on my Flood [V4] and some on Evangeline [TMGO] so i will firstly show you the V4 pics:



These are some pics of Flood being unhappy :( So i cheered him up by playing a game of jump rope but we only won 200GP.... But i think little Flood is very happy with his efforts. :lol:


And i just thought i would let you know that today while i had a bit of spare time on my hands, i printed out a faceplate for my little TMGO! It's a really awesome design and here's some pics:


This is the faceplate when i had just cut it out, and then the next pic is of the new faceplate on my TMGO! Pretty cool i know. Sorry if one pic is bigger than the other. That's only because Tinypic hasn't being very nice to me lately and won't do what i tell it to do. Anyway the design is pretty detailed. It's got assorted characters on it [eg: Kuchipatchi, Lovelitchi, Chamametchi etc] and it's a really pretty pink color. [Pink is my all time fave color!] Anyway lets move on i also have a pic of little Evangeline doing one of her really cute C animations check it out:


Cute!!! Yea that's all the pics i can show you at the moment until i take some more.\\


Until then keep reading and i will post more tomorrow byee!


Hi everyone,

Lets just say that i have quite a bit to report today because a lot has happened .


All i have to say on little Jade is that she is now 4 yrs old and doing really well, she will be mating on Wedensday and I'm hoping for another baby girl plus a decent partner!! Err that's about it, oh wait no its not!! Jade also got job mail [but sorry there are no pics] She now works at the bakery!! Cute! I might take her to her job later on.... But now we must move on to the next bit of news......


Little Flood hasn't evolved into a adult yet. :mellow: But I'm hoping it will be tonight! Ohh just got mail from the king...... Nog!! It was some makeup how sweet :lol: :lol: Anyway I have just being checking Flood's stats and it seems that his happy hearts are empty!! So i will just play some games hang on......


Just played some games of Jump Rope with Flood and now he is as happy as a jellybean B) I will now post some pics of Flood and Jade playing a game:



REALLY sorry if the pics aren't very good, but only because i am using the camrea on my phone and its not the best one to take pics with XD. Anyway moving along, Flood is now 2 years old so I'm really excited to see him evolve into an adult [and if that adult is a kuchipatchi i have all the more reason to be excited!!!] Tee hee just caught him doing the pee pee wiggle dance so that's one more training bar for me! He now has 6 training bars :) :)



Evangeline is making good progress shes still a ringotchi and i caught her taking a bth last night have a look at the pic i took of her in the bath:


Sorry i don't really have any other cute pics to take of her at the moment. She i also mating on Wedensday because she is 4 years old. I took little Evangeline to school today and inserted my Chamametchi figure [sorry like i said no pics] and i played shuffle shuffle with Evangeline and won 400GP! Yay for Evangeline!!! OK moving on to my walkie......


Jake is making good progress, i attached to my school skirt and took him to school with me, and we walked quite a lot!! Here's a pic of where Jake currently is at the moment:


If you can't see the pic very well, it sais he's in Chicago and here's a pic of his steps and distance:


Yep that's his steps and how much further he has to go. I also brought several food items from Tarakotchi today. Jake was very pleased about this :D


OK that's it keep reading and i hope your enjoying my log so far!!


Hi fellow readers,

Not much to post today sadly but i do have several pics that i think you will enjoy:


This pic is of my little Flood close up, oh i totally forgot BIG news Flood evolved into the character that i have being wanting a KUCHIPATCHI!!! So that's a close up of him.


There is your proof that Flood is now a Kuchipatchi!! [bTW he evolved last night, but i was so excited about the whole thing that i forgot to post it as soon as it happened!]


Here's a pic of Evangeline at the park, she met a makiko my all-time favourite character!!! Sadly the pic i took of them on the swing didn't come out very well so I'm afraid i can't post it on here.


On my walkie i checked out my items/souveiners list and i found this strange looking item on as my 1st souvenair! I'm not quite sure what it is but oh well it looks funny :D

And this is a pic of Jade as a horoyotchi, sorry if you can't see her very well but I'm afraid my phone hasn't got a very good camrea......

Anyway not much has happened apart from what you see in the pics. But i will say that Evangeline and Jade are due to evolve tomorrow!! So that should be something exciting to see!!! Flood just did a poop :lol: As for Jake i took him to school again and we did quite a few steps. But didn't buy much..... OK i think that's all sorry the post is a bit short!!


Hey guys,

OK before i start the log i would just like to say that i am SO proud of all the views I'm getting!!! 5 more views and i will have 300!! :lol: :lol: So thanks to all my wonderful viewers for reading my log and please don't be shy to PM me for anything you might want to know about my log!!

Alright lets get on with the actual log:


YIPEEEEE!! Evangeline mated!! Here are some pics of her getting married [be warned they may be a little big! ;) ]


Yea most of the pics i took today aren't the best, but i tried!! And i hope you can see from this pic that Evangeline managed to marry a Kuchipatchi!! SOOOO cute!


Oh God sorry these pics are worse!!!! But yea there's Evangeline and Kuchipatchi kissing and the marry menu where it sais weather or not you want to marry.


And here's a couple of pics of the two lovebirds eating nagwwww.....


Anyway that's it for Evangeline her and her husband are fast asleep.



And of course little Jade was due to mate today so i took a couple of pics of her mating [bTW she mated with Ura-togetchi!!]



There we are here are the pics i took of Jade mating [i hope you can actually see them!!]

And Jade and her little baby boy are now also fast asleep. Oh and if you can't see in the pic Jade had a baby boy and I'm going to name him Aka [which means red in Japanese :D ]



Nada has happened with little Flood, apart from he can mate on Friday and he got job mail today but got declined because he has low skill points!! :angry: And of course hes asleep now too. Oh plus i saw him poop during Maths class today XD.



Yep little Jake is on the road to the next city, we have being walking alot today and he's making good progress... Haven't brought anything for a while but that's OK. Also when i last checked on him at school today all his happy hearts were empty!! So i had to play some private games of jumping rope with him and he was all good afterwards.


OK I'm afraid the post will be ending here because it's my bedtime!!! Cya tomorrow readers!


Hi readers,

Sorry but i have no pics to post right now, so this log is gonna be rather boring!! But anyway lets get on with it....


Evangeline and Kuchpatchi are doing great, they are due to have their egg tomorrow so i will HAVE to get some pics of that!!! I hope i get a baby boy for my 2nd gen because i want to raise a boy!! I took Evangeline [plus Jake, Flood, Jade and Aka] to school today, but it was kinda uneventful and i kept on getting care misses!! So my plan is to put them all to sleep tomorrow and leave them at home, and then make up for it when i get home!!! I've being told this effects their growth though so..... I'm not sure i will think about it. Anyway back onto the subject of Evangeline i have just played 2 games with her, the first one was shoot the bug and i shooted about 20 something bugs before running out of time which sucked.. But on the bright side i got 400GP! And the second game was Coin catch [played on my Memetchi fig] and i suck at that game so i only got about 200GP from it. :)


Oh dear i have just realised something, Jade is leaving Aka tonight!! Which means that Aka will be alone tomorrow as a baby and.... I guess i will be taking Aka to school as well... Unless i get up REALLY early and try and get him to evolve into a toddler before i head off to school...... Oh i will think about it, sorry to sound like a bad mum i do really love Aka and Jade but yea. Just had a bit of a meltdown moment.. ANYWAY let's get on to something more positive about the two. Hmm let me see oh that's right! Today i played some games of climb with Jade during maths today and won everytime! So we got heaps of GP!!! And i caught them doing the pee pee wiggle dance so i potty trained them and it was all good. And i think that's about all for these little cuties.


Flood is now 5 years old which means he's mating tomorrow!! But as i have already said i will be doing all these things once i get home from school. I just got envelope mail.... AWW the robber came and took away 100GP!! Now i am left with 1800GP,that's not so bad i guess... He also got fortune mail this afternoon but i can't remember what it said. And that's all for Flood.


Jake is all goods. He walked alot today hes still in Chicago and we still haven't come across any shops which isn't very good.... But that's OK we will eventually. He has 3423 steps to go before he reaches his next destination, and he has 1170 mile points [Which is like GP in walkie speak] And i played fishing with him today as well to keep him happy.


OK everyone GTG now but i will post later/tomorrow and hopefully the post will be a little more cheerful!!


Hey hey readers

Well I'm kinda sad right now because i have decided to take the batteries out of Flood and Jade... I know, you might be thinking why i did it. Well it's because now that i am back at school it is just too hard to deal with so many little tamas at one time. But i do still have my TMGO and Walkie running because they are really easy to look after. I do still LOVE tamas but i can't run too many now that I'm back in school.


OK lets get onto to more cheerful things like the log:



Evangeline and Kuchipatchi had their baby yesterday!! SQUEEE Here's a couple of pics of the baby:


Sorry i missed the baby hatching which sucked but i did get these really cute pics!! So the baby is a boy also known as a Kinotchi on the TMGO. He's such a sweetiepie! I have decided to name him Arthur once his parents leave. Yes so i also have some other assorted cute pics of my TMGO family doing things: [bTW i have 1 pic XD]


This is a pic of Evangeline and Arthur going down the slide i brought with my Chmametchi fig, you can't really see Arthur very well because the camrea on my phone is useless.... But you can at least see Evangeline B) I also took Evangeline to the park and we caught up with a Marotchi and they played on the swingsoo cute!!!


Jake is doing pretty well, he's still in Chicago though LOL. But he met up with a Mimitchi yesterday who needed help so Jake helped her and won 60GP but other than that, that's all.....


Now before i go i have last pic to post of Jade and Aka:


Yea.... I took that this morning just before i took the battery out...... Oh man now im really depressed :angry: I need to go now guys, maybe cheer myself up a little CYA post later!

Sakura-san123 :lol:

Hey readers!


Well... Excellent news! Evangeline and Kuchipatchi left Arthur this morning!!! I didn't get pics but they did leave and now my little Arthur is a Ahirukutchi! SQUEEEE He's such a sweetie. OK so once Arthur had evolved into a toddler i played some Long Jumper with him and we did 65 jumps before losing :( We won 600GP :D And then i decided to take Arthur to Ringotchi's sweetshop using my Ringotchi fig [obviously :lol: ] Anyway here are some pics of Arthur at going to the sweet shop:


Here's Arthur on his way to the sweet shop in a train XD


Sorry if this pic isn't very good, but thats of Arthur meeting Ringotchi at the sweet shop


And here;s him eating a upside down cake that i brought him for 800GP, he was in love with that cake!!

And i also took Arthur to the park twice today and he caught up with a Makiko the first time and they played on the swing. And then the second time Arthur saw a Uwasatchi and they built a sandcastle :) :)


Jake and i were out and about at the park a little while ago and we did a fair bit of walking! We caught up with a Kuramametchi who needed our help cleaning his car, we got 50GP as our reward. And then we got to go to a new city!! I picked Toronto and i thought i would take some pics of Jake's stats at the moment so here they are:




Yea i know the second pic isn't the best XD. So i will just tell you what it says in case its too hard to read it says that we have done 46950 steps and have 6915 steps to go, but that's because we just got to Toronto :ph34r:

OK i think i have said all i need to with Jake.

Alrighty readers that's all for now. Might update you again later if anything exciting happens byeee!!


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