Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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Ready for part 2? Here we go:

So a couple of days ago i decided it was time to start a Tamagotchi. I sorted through my collection and debated between my TMGO and Music Star. My TMGO won so i popped some batteries into it and pressed Download to see if I had anything worth keeping. After a beep, a cute little Gozarutchi appeared on the screen!! I decided to name him Ninja.. suits him doesn't it? Anyways, I checked his stats and noticed he was on 15th Gen! I decided I should keep him since he's on such a high generation. (BTW sorry if the second pic is backwards.. that's my webcams fault XD). I also noticed he is 5 years old, which means he is due to mate soon! Maybe tomorrow. I can't actually say when since I have being a naughty mother and I paused him for a little while yesterday because I was busy... But hopefully he will mate in the next couple of days! I think I want a girl for 16th Gen :D

That's all the pictures I have for now, but i can say that I have taken Ninja to the park several times now and he has met up with a Makiko, Tarakotchi and a Memetchi! We also went to Ringotchi's Sweet Shop and ordered the Coffee Cake for 1000GP. I think Ninja really enjoyed it! :D

That's all from me today! Be back tomorrow afternoon with a new update and maybe some pictures of Ninja Mating??? See you guys tomorrow!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Ninja <3

PS: Sorry for the no pictures, it's playing up a little bit. But hopefully it will be all good by tomorrow! Fingers crossed.

Good Evening TamaTalk ^.^

Hate to start on a sad note but unfortunately i still can not get pictures up on here right now. It's still playing up for me. But I will keep trying and maybe it will just work! Secondly, my TMGO with my little Ninja who was actually about to mate today... the batteries decided to go dead on me :L So I can't even mate little Ninja now until i can get my hands on some fresh triple AAA's. I only got to make one post with Ninja which sucks because i was really looking forward to starting my 16th Gen on there. I guess i gotta wait now.

Despite all that there is some good news! My urge to start playing and looking after Tamas again is becoming too great so i wasn't just about to wait around for my TMGO to get new batteries! Once I got home from working today i looked around in my collection for a different version to start up. It was hard deciding. I wanted to start my Music Star up soo badly but i realized that was a bad idea because they are so needy and I'm back at school next week :L Then it was a toss-up between my V3 and one of my V4's. I popped a battery into my V3 and pressed Download to see what i had previously... I had a Warusotchi on 2nd Gen. His name was Ron and he hadn't mated yet. Then i popped another working battery into my pink V4 (Since i found out my white V4's previous character had passed on :( ), and saw that I had a Debatchi named Cole with a little baby girl.

After a little debate to myself i decided on my V4! I have come up with a name for the baby girl. Her name is now Sassy :3 So Sassy and Cole are doing wonderfully. There really isn't much to say because I only just downloaded them, and they haven't really done anything except eat some scones and get star mail. I can't wait for Cole to leave so I can start on 4th Gen with Sassy! I don't have any goals for her yet. I'm going to think about it tonight and get back to you tomorrow! One of my missions right now is to try and hunt down Cole's favorite food at the shop (pear) so far we haven't had any luck.

OK, that will have to be the end of this post since there's nothing else to update you guys about. I will either see you guys tomorrow afternoon or later on if anything exciting does happen!

Love: Sakura-san123, Cole and Sassy <3


Oh Hai!

Quick update for today.

Cole and Sassy haven't actually being doing that much. I haven't being feeling 100% recently, so I haven't being giving them as much love and attention as I usually would. They have being getting several lots of mail today. Two lots of star mail and two lots of envelope mail. The king decided to appear and give Cole and Sassy 200GP, and then the second time round they got sent a love heart awww :3 .

I have yet to seek and find Cole's favorite food the pear. I have this weird thing where i like to feed my tama their favorite food before they leave.. I don't know why, I just started doing that one day and haven't really stopped since. :D

I have an idea.. I know a lot of people do this in their logs and I thought i could start doing it too. I'm going to let my tamas have their say in my logs from now on, I-

Hi TamaTalk, it's Cole here!!

Hey, Cole wait let me finish my sentence!

Oh... sorry Mum >.<

As I was saying, I really like the idea of letting my babies speak to you guys, i think it makes my log seem more interesting since I can't get my darn pictures to work...

Well I don't like pictures anyways. Can I talk nowwwww please????

Alright alright, here but not for long.

Me: Purple

Cole: Red

Sassy: Pink

Yay! As I was saying, I'm Cole everybody and I am a proud father of a little baby girl called Sassy! Say hi to TamaTalk Sassy.

Boo...gahhgs... boo boo!

Uhhh... Yeah she can't really talk properly yet, but i think she was meaning to say Hi!

Hey Cole, would you like to tell the readers about your job interviews?

Ohh yah, thanks Mum! Well today the other lot of mail we got was my job interviews! I was really excited to try out for a new job and earn some GP to spend on my little Sassy at the shops. Anyway, Mum took me in and we hunted for a job. I got rejected at a lot of places which made me feel really sad and i thought I was never going to find a job... But then, I tried out for the RockStar job and they accepted me! I was so happy! Weren't you happy Mum?

Of course!! Very proud Cole :)

So yay i have a job! OK, next I wanted to tell you guys about...

And, time for me to finish off this post!

Mum! Really?? I wanted to tell the readers something cool!

Maybe another time Cole OK? Say bye now.

Finee... Bye readers!!! Sassy says gahboo... I think that means Bye as well!

Did you guys enjoy that? If so i think i will continue to put that kind of thing in my logs to make it more interesting! You can tell Cole really enjoys talking to you!

OK, thanks for checking in everyone. Have a great day!

Love: Sakura-San123, Cole and Sassy <3

Hello Everybody!!

Some exciting news for you all today!

Last night, Cole decided it was time to leave his baby Sassy. He said his good-byes and disappeared. So when I woke up eariler on today, I found poor Sassy crying her eyes out calling for her Daddy. I named her and started to raise her. Making sure I didn't let her get too hungry or unhappy because guess what I am aiming for this generation? A MIMITCHI!!! :mimitchi: I have never had one before so I thought I would try for one now and make the most of it.

I took really good care of little Sassy for the next hour making sure I didn't miss a beep, and keeping her happy and hungry hearts up at all times. The long hard hour dragged on, but eventually I heard the magical evolving sound and right before my eyes, Sassy transformed into a cute little Harutchi! I was so happy about this because now I can for sure get my Mimitchi! I'm going to start working on getting her smart points up real high as soon as I have finished making this post!

So since Sassy had evolved nothing much has happened. I fed her some sushi and played some more jump rope with her to keep her weight down. She's in really good health right now and I intend to keep it that way!

OK, I might be back later if I have any exciting news to post, but if not I will see you all in tomorrows post! Byeee

Love: Sakura-san123 and Sassy <3

Hi again!!

Second post for today because I have some more news to post! It's getting late though, so I'm just going to try and keep this as brief as I can :D

Let's just cut straight to the point... basically, i had a really annoying urge to start up a new tama.. So i just have ^_^ . I decided on my V5.5 because it's low maintence and easy to look after. I hunted around for a fresh battery and popped one in. I discovered that it had being reset so I set the time, date and my Brithday and then waited... and waited. Eventually at around 8:32PM the eggs started to hatch. I now have two girls and one boy, I have given them the following names:

Omututchi- Candy (Female)

Mimifurawatchi- Chiquita (Female)

Futabatchi- Bounce (Male)

They have only just hatched so they are still in their cute little baby stage. Their family name is Cooki. (It's meant to be Cookie but then I realized that doesn't fit so i had to settle for Cooki :D ).

I need to go and feed them and play some games because their happy hearts are still empty! I'm also going to bring out my little cheats chart that lets me get stuff for free. Mehehehehe >D.

Just quickly if you are wondering about little Sassy, I still have her running. She is fast asleep now but eariler on, she was crying so I gave her some praise and she earned 1 training bar. We also played a game of Mimic and won! :D

Alright, see you guys tomorrow for another update!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Bounce, Chiquita and Candy <3

Gooood Morning!!! :p

I have decided I am now going to give you guys quick updates every few hours if anything exciting happens to my tamas! So pretty much you guys could be getting 4 posts a day from me. It all just depends what is happening! Also, I will see if i can figure out this picture situation. Hopefully I can and then we can have pics again! Anyways moving right along...


Sassy woke up this morning before i did as always (I'm not a early morning person XD) and when I woke to her she was pretty good. Only had 2 hungry and 1 happy heart missing. I filled them all up again with scones and a game of jump rope. She also had star mail. Her star mail was: Points: 1 Love: 2 Strength: 3

I also took her to pre-school today, where she sung with her teacher and had a lot of fun. When I came back, I noticed one gorgeous point had being raised. Her smart points are still in the lead, which means I am hoping to get that Mimitchi! I'm also hoping Sassy will evolve into Young Mimitchi for the teen! Fingers crossed. ^_^


These guys wake at 7am every morning so when I woke a few hours later.. it wasn't a pretty sight :L All their happy and hungry were empty and they had done 1 poo. I fixed this straight away with lots of food and heaps of games of Tama Fans (That's my best game on v5.5 :D ) I also managed to get their bonding up to 10%. Hoping to have it up to 20% by the end of today. ;) Ohh also, the most important part, they evolved into toddlers last night!!!

Belltchi- Candy

Mattaritchi- Bounce

Sakuramotchi- Chiquita

Yay, my favorite toddler is Sakuramotchi :3 Anyone guess why? :lol: :lol:

Other than that, the Cooki family have being pretty sweet.

Thanks for tuning in readers! See you guys all in another update this afternoon!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Bounce, Chiquita and Candy <3

Hello Everyone!

OK, so cutting straight to it! :p


Yay! Sassy evolved eariler on today while i was cleaning my room. I heard the evolving sound and quickly raced over to my table to watch Sassy evolve into a cute little Ringotchi!! I wanted Young Mimitchi of course, but I'm really happy to have a Ringotchi! According to my chart she can still turn into Mimitchi if I raise her smart points high enough :lol: :lol:

So as soon as she evolved we got [!] mail and it was time for Sassy to leave pre-school! She said good-bye to her pre-school teacher and then we got the mail saying we can move on to School! Sassy was so excited so I immediately took her there. We selected Mr. Turtlepedia because he is the one we need to raise them smart points! I took her there for her first day straight after. We got the correct present which means we were rewarded with some smart points! Here is a current record of her skill points:

Smart: 20

Gorgeous: 10

Social: 11

Deffo on the way to that Mimitchi! Plus Sassy is still in good health.


Not too much to say about the triplets apart from i reached my goal of getting them to 20% bonds! Currently working on getting it to 30%. I am only selecting the middle one each time they get a bonding call. I don't quite know what this will result in because I'm not use to the v5.5 as much as i am to the v5. But that's OK, we will just keep going and see what happens! :D

I need to dash now guys, off to do some shopping! See ya!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Bounce, Candy and Chiquita <3


First day back at school today sadly, which is why you guys didn't get your regular updates from me today! I think this might be my only one for today unless anything else happens that is worth updating!


Sassy was being a really good girl today while i had to endure my first day back. She tagged along with me and the triplets in my school bag. Since she is pretty well cared for, i didn't really have to check up on her that much. She beeped for attention and was crying so I gave her some praise. She now has 5 training bars! Almost at the full mark ^_^ ^_^ I sneakily played a game of jump rope and shape with her as well, just to keep her happy :3 Other than that she was being very well behaved! :D Gah, i will admit though I did have to pause her a couple of times today :L. But only when I knew I couldn't check on her in class because of the teacher I had or if I was just too busy. So her growth might be stunted. Which means I have no idea when she is due to evolve... Hopefully soon though! I really want to see if she turns in Mimitchi!! :mimitchi:


The triplets were also no trouble. I checked on them whenever I checked on Sassy and most times they were fine, only some poo to clean up or a couple of happy hearts missing. Tama Fans is a relatively easy game to play during class so that's what I did whenever they were getting too unhappy. I discovered earlier today that I have also managed to make them into the Active Family!! I was pretty happy about that, and they are currently sitting on 30% bonds. I think i missed most of the bonding calls today due to first day back. :angry: Oh well, I can work on that now that I'm at home!

Okey dokey, that shall be the end of this post. If i update again later on, I might let the triplets talk to you! They have being eager to do that recently ^_^ But sadly I have to go tend to some boring old homework, and work on Sassy's skill points and the triplets bonding! See yaaaa.

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Bounce, Candy and Chiquita <3

This is not a proper update... legit one coming in a couple of hours... just wanted to say....


Why? Because my log has just hit 7000 views!!! sjafhsafh that is a pretty amazing achievement for me :) It means so much as well! I still can't believe that people enjoy and read my log! Because of all you wonderful readers, I have managed to keep this log going for a whole 18 pages! Crazy right?? :D :D

I do not intend to stop anytime soon, even though I go off tamas every now and then whenever I get back into them I make sure to keep this baby updated!!

I wanted to THANK YOU one more time. I loveee you all!!! ♥♥♥

OK, I will make and post a legit update in a little while! See you then wonderful readers! :lol: :wub:

Love: Sakura-san123 <3

Ello Ello!

Even there isn't too much to update about, I thought i should anyway!!


Sassy still hasn't evolved... curse my darn habit of pausing her at school when I'm too busy. :( She wasn't paused for too long today. I guess the other times i paused her yesterday has definitely stunted her growth. Which sucks because I'm really curious to see what she's going to evolve into!! Still really hoping we get that goal of Sassy becoming a Mimitchi!!! Today was a pretty productive day for Sassy. We played plenty of games including mimic, jump rope and Dance! Sassy got a surprise in the mail today where the King awarded her with 1100GP! Sassy was so happy! I also took her to school. I have being taking her everyday so we can get those smart points up! So far we haven't picked a wrong present, so we have being getting plenty of them points. :D Overall apart from Sassy not evolving, today as being pretty good!


Ahhh yes :3 The triplets did something super awesome today! Can you guess what it is?? Well it's something Sassy didn't quite get round to doing... does that give you a hint? Yep, the triplets finally evolved into teens!!! I woke up this morning to the evolving sound and immediately checked to see the following three cuties jumping around on the screen:

Candy- Ichigotchi

Chiquita- Chamametchi

Bounce- Kikitchi

Soo happy, i love all these teens!! Only downside is that i noticed they have gone back to the blended family :L Not sure why, but that's OK, i still love them! They are currently sitting on 50% bonds which is awesome because that's half way now! My goal is too get them up to at least 70% by the time they evolve. We played some games as well today, mainly Tama Fans but i also have discovered that I'm really good at the game Safe Box! I got really far this afternoon, the triplets earned heaps of GP from it too! Now i did promise i would let the triplets talk to you all in my next post. This post is already pretty long.. But oh what the heck! Here are my little triplets!

Candy- Pink

Chiquita- Light Blue

Bounce- Green

Well Hello everybody, Bounce here! I thought i would introduce us because the girls can sometimes be a little shy! Were the Cooki family and were so happy because today we turned into teens!

Hey! Were not shy Bounce!! Hi everyone, I'm Chiquita! As Bounce was saying we turned into teens today, and I am the wonderful Chamametchi! :3 Hey Candy, tell them about your evolution!

Umm... OK. Hey, I'm Candy and today I evolved into Ichigotchi.

OK, maybe Candy is a little shy, but were trying to fix that right Chiquita?

Yep! Were working on it. Candy has being shy since birth. We need to boost that confidence before she transforms into an adult in a couple of days!

Guys!!! Stop talking about my shyness to everybody....

Sorry sissy, we will stop.

Thank you.

Well, were all really happy about our transformations! Mum has being working really hard on our bonding recently! Like Mum, we want to get to at least 70% before we evolve again!

I know Mum can do it, cause shes the best :3

Oh Chiquita, always sucking up to Mum.

Bounce i do not!!! *blushes*

Yeahhh... sure :unsure: Candy, anything else you wanna say before we go? It's half an hour to bedtime!
Uh... Bye everybody..

*sighs* come on Candy you can do better than that!

Just leave her alone Bounce! Alright readers, were off now. Were going to hand you back to Mummy! SEE YA!


There they are. They finally got to talk to you. They had being nagging at me forever! ^_^ ^_^

Alright, this post has turned into a rather large one, when it was only meant to be quick! I will see you guys tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully something exciting would have happened to Sassy by then! Seee yaaa.

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Bounce, Candy and Chiquita <3



SOOO PROUD AND HAPPY FOR SASSY RIGHT NOW!!! You guys can probably already guess why! Today i was in my 1st period class and I realized it was 9:30am so I checked the triplets and then checked Sassy and saw she had evolved... Can anyone guess what she is now? Come on just try... MY SASSY IS FINALLY A :mimitchi: MIMITCHI!!!! :mimitchi: I have never ever had a Mimitchi on any tamagotchi.. or not that i recall. So I am pretty much the happiest mummy right now :3 I had to try not to freak out when I found out this morning because everyone would have thought i had gone nuts. Instead i gave a really small squeal and couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the class ^_^ ^_^ So apart from the amazing transformation, Sassy has being a pretty good girl today. We played out typical games like Mimic and Shape. We also got 200GP stolen from the robber :L That was not the highlight of Sassy's day. Everything else has being pretty chill. ;)


Meanwhile, the triplets have had a very relaxing day :3 At 9:30am when I checked on them, i realized that was one of their bonding calls and got to it just in time. They are now sitting at 60% bonds which is great because that now means we are only 10% away from reaching our goal ^_^ I seem to be doing really well at reaching my goals for my Tamagotchis these days! Oh and also, the triplets have gone back to being the Active Family... which i am happy about, but found it really weird that they randomly went back to blended! Anyways, that's all for the triplets. Nice quick update for them today.

Thank you for reading guys! Still sooo happy about the 7000 views!! Lets see if we can get to 8000! :p I'm off to go play heaps of games with Sassy and get those bonds up for the triplets! Laterz!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Bounce, Candy and Chiquita <3

Good afternoon readers! :lol:

Got home from school and thought I had better post because something awesome happened today!! :)


All is well with Sassy at the moment. She just turned 4 years old today. Which means on Saturday she will be mating! I'm excited, but at the same time sad because I kinda don't want Sassy to leave! I think I have become attached to her... She's my first Mimitchi, it's hard not too ♥ I think i will be pretty sad when she does leave, but there is always next generation right? :)

I am also proud to announce that Sassy is only one bar away from having full training!! I just need to look out for that one more time where i catch her doing the pee pee wiggle dance or beeping for no reason and we have reached full training. :D Right now, Sassy is in good health and at a reasonable weight of 33LBS. I try not to let it get into the forties! Her skill points currently read 45,23,17. Really up there with the smart points! I haven't really being able to raise the others though :L Will try to tonight maybe. We are also waiting on her job mail to come! Nervous to find out what she will become for her career. :mimitchi:


The awesome news happened to the triplets today! It actually happened as soon as they woke up... Yes the triplets have evolved into adults! I am so happy with what they transformed into because I don't run my v5.5 much so I feel as if i haven't really had these adults before! Anyway let me tell you who they are:

Candy- Anesatchi

Chiquita- Chandelitchi

Bounce- Magictchi

Soo cute! Also their bonds now sit at 70%, goal reached!! I can't wait to mate one of them off and see what the next generation brings! :D Speaking of the mating, the triplets were having a little argument this afternoon over who should get married. Here is their conversation:

Candy: Pink

Chiquita: Purple

Bounce: Orange

Hey readers! Chiquita here. Today apart from our transformation hasn't being all that good. All we have done today is fight!

Well Chiquita, if you would just listen to reason...

Bounce, i have said this many times now and I'm not changing my mind! I believe the eldest of us three should be married... So Candy is our future bride!

How do you know Candy wants to get married? Besides, I'm the male of the family so....

So? Hey Candy, since we have boosted your confidence a bit since we last spoke to the readers... Do you want to get married?

Um... guys this is kind of a pointless fight.... I was always going to be the bride.

That's where your wrong Candy....

No, I'm right thank-you Bounce. Part of the family tradition we have started is that the eldest is always going to mate unless he/she absolutely does not want too. I thought that was always the tradition from now onwards?

Oh, i forgot about that... So i guess the real question here is... Do you absolutely want to be married??

Candy, of course you don't! Why would you want some man tagging along with you for the rest of your life?

Bounce!! Don't be so rude, your meant to be our brother... your meant to support us.

Well in this situation i don't. I think it's stupid that the eldest should always marry!

It's not stupid. It's within reason. The eldest only marries if he/she absolutely wants to. And... I do.

Oh Candy! That's wonderful!!! I'm so proud of you!! You are too right Bounce? *gives stern look*

*sighs*... OK, Ok. I guess i support you Candy and I am proud that you want to be the one in this generation who starts future generations...

Sorry Bounce, i know you wanted to be the one to do all that. But I have being so shy all my life so I'm ready to step out of my shell a little. Ready to start a family. :)

Awwwww. Good for you Candy!!! Love you guys! We had better be off before we ramble on for too much longer!

Good idea Chiquita. See you all next time readers.

Until then! Bye!

Yes, my triplets... always fighting and bickering. So it looks like it is settled. Candy is the bride-to-be in a few days!

That will have to do for now guys, see you all later or tomorrow!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Candy, Chiquita and Bounce <3

Gooood morning!!! :)

Really exciting post for today! Sorry about not logging yesterday, i just didn't feel the need to because both my tamas didn't really do anything that exciting yesterday.


Today, Sassy turned 6 years old! Today is the day of her marriage! I have not mated her off yet. I'm actually going to wait until later on this afternoon when I get home because I'm going out in a like a hour, and i don't want this process to be too rushed. ^_^ So when I get back we will be mating Sassy in a new post and I really cannot wait! I know Sassy is super nervous, but she will be OK. I'm hoping for a boy next generation. I don't quite know what character I should aim for though... Hmmm. I will think about it, and get back to you guys this afternoon! :D

Other than that, Sassy has being pretty chill. She got 1000GP in the mail from the king yesterday! She was pretty happy and couldn't wait to spend it. We went off to the shop and brought a pear and make-up! Ohhhhh, i almost forgot! Another important thing, Sassy got a job today! We tried out for a lot of different jobs, and didn't really have much luck. But on the last job which was the chef bakery job, Sassy got in! I'm so proud of her :D She was awarded with her little chef hat from the king and then we came home. I'm going to take her to her job for the first time a little later.


I think this version has the most exciting news! :D So, when i woke up this morning at around 8:30am, i realized my triplets would already be awake so i checked on them and they were a little hungry so i fed them some croissant. Candy, Chiquita and Bounce were all nervous this morning for some reason and I couldn't figure out why... And then it hit me! When I had woken up a little more, I realized today Candy was getting married!!! Here is the conversation between the three of them before Candy's big moment:

Candy: Pink

Chiquita: Purple

Bounce: Red


Thanks Chiquita! *hugs back* Of course I'm excited but at the same time I am sooo nervous! What if i don't find the right man??

Trust me sis you will :)

*blushes* I sure hope so :p

Well, Candy i always thought it would be me who's big day was today...

Really Bounce? Your still annoyed about that? Lets all just be happy and make the most of our last few moments together.

OK...OK sorry. I am really happy for you Candy.

I know you are. Oh goodness, guys it's almost time! I just got the warning from Mummy!

I'm going to miss you guys....

Aww same. It's not going to be the same without you...

We can always visit ^_^

Of course, Bounce is right. We will visit every chance we get, OK Candy?

Thanks everyone, I love you guys soooooooooooo much! *hugs*

*BIG HUGS* GOOD LUCK SISSY!!! (Bounce + Chiquita)

And then it was time for Candy's big moment. We went off to the Dating Show where we met the lovely MatchMaker. She went off to find somebody and came back with a Magictchi... Just like Bounce! Candy said no to him though because it would be awkward. So the MatchMaker tried again. Second time round she brought back a Kuromametchi!!! Candy immediately fell in love with him. Then it was time to say the last good-byes to Chiquita and Bounce... They all hugged and then Chiquita and Bounce disappeared. Kuromametchi and Candy kissed, fireworks went off and then they transformed into parents! (Candy- Jyooubatchi Kuromametchi- Papakurotchi). A second later three new eggs appeared on the screen!

At around 9:05am they hatched! Here's what they hatched into:

Omututchi- Lily (Oldest) Female

Omututchi- Lola (Youngest) Female

Lino- (Middle) Male

Notice I made all their names start with L? I decided to just pick a random letter of the alphabet and then come up with three names using that letter. I think it worked out pretty well :3

The new triplets are still babies. They will evolve later and I will tell you about that in my next post! Their currently asleep :3

That's all everyone, gotta dash!! See ya!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Lily, Lola and Lino <3

Hello Tamagotchi world!!

Sorry, this is a delayed post for yesterday afternoon! It's complicated why I didn't get round to posting yesterday o.o So were just going to say, my busy day got extended! :D


Well it's happened. Sassy has just being mated!!! And I'm super duper happy because the first person the matchmaker brought along was a Mametchi!!! I couldn't say no, because they are literally the perfect couple! Sassy fell in love instantly, so I said yes and we had the usual fireworks and kissing and then Sassy came back with an adorable baby girl with her! I did say I wanted a baby boy for next gen. But it's OK, i still love baby Sammi :3 I decided to name her Sammi.. I don't know why, i guess i like that name. Now Sassy and Sammi are happily bouncing around the screen. I have yet to take Sassy to her new job, I think I might do that later on today ^_^ She's really excited to start! Other than all the excitment of marriage, Sassy has being great :)


No surprises for this version really. But they did evolve into toddlers yesterday! Here's what they turned into:

Lily- Belltchi

Lola- Tororotchi

Lino- Ahirukutchi

They are super cute! I have being working on getting their bonds up, and they are currently only on 10% because I haven't being able to work on them much this weekend. I'm going to try and get them up to at least 30% by tomorrow! We have also played a game or two of Tama Fans to keep the happy hearts full. :lol:

That will be all for this post. I might update later on, but it just depends! Have a happy Sunday!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sassy, Sammi, Lily, Lola and Lino <3

Hey Hey!

Pretty exciting updates for both versions today!


Something I totally did not mean to do today happened. I decided to put Sassy and baby Sammi to bed so i wouldn't have to worry about them so much at school, and it's better than putting them on pause. Plus they already become sick once today because of my lack of time to care for them because I have being sooo busy at school lately. I put them sleep... Come home and go to wake them up again and find that there is only one little z on the screen... I did not realize Sassy would be leaving tonight if I hadn't put them to bed throughout today... I am kind of sad at the moment, because as you guys know, i worked hard to get Sassy to become a Mimitchi. I had to give up and risk a lot in school to keep her in perfect health. Gahh I didn't even get to say a proper good-bye :( I had become so attached to little Sassy <3. Oh well, she's gone off to other places now and left me with little Sammi who I have promised to care for and raise just as well as I raised Sassy.

I have only just woken Sammi from her slumber without her Mummy. She was as usual crying when i woke her because she wanted Sassy back. I named her and cheered her up by feeding her sushi and playing some jump rope with her. She has since then cheered right up and all that has happened to her so far is she has pooped twice and being sick. Other than that, baby Sammi is perfectly happy ^_^ She is yet to evolve. I will most likely make another really quick update if she does. But if i don't or forget too, you guys know I will tell you tomorrow. :D I have come to the decision that I want to raise Sammi to become a Violetchi! :furawatchi: I love Violetchi and I know I can get her if I take really good care of Sammi. My goal shall be reached! I managed to do it with Sassy!


As for the triplets, too my surprise sometime today I noticed they had evolved into teens!! I was really happy to see this, so here's the characters they turned into:

Lily- Chamametchi

Lola- Shelltchi

Lino- Mamekatchi

Yay, another Chamametchi for the teenager stage! I wasn't even expecting them to evolve today... I was thinking they wouldn't evolve until tomorrow. Well i certainly can't keep up!! :p Their bonds are still at a mere 20% because I have literally had too much stuff on my plate recently to even be able to get their bonding calls. So I think were going to have a low bonds family this generation. Which doesn't really bother me, because I still love them! No other exciting updates for this version as of right now :p

Alright, until tomorrow readers peace out!!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sammi, Lily, Lola and Lino <3

Oh Hai :3

Nice quick update today since nothing that exciting happened.


Sammi has indeed evolved into a toddler! She evolved into a cute little Harutchi last night :) I checked my V4 growth chart and noticed that any toddler can evolve into the Meme family! This made me super happy because it means I can still aim for that Violetchi. :furawatchi: Today, sad as it is... I had Sammi on pause for a lot of the time. School has really being making me quite busy. I thought I would pause Sammi just so I don't risk her dying on me. I unpaused her at the end of lunch and played some mimic with her, and fed her a scone. I'm well on the way to getting Violetchi because her social points are the highest out of all of them! :D I'm just waiting on her pre-school mail now, it hasn't come yet because of the pausing. Hopefully it will soon!


The triplets didn't really get paused today just because they are easier to care for. I noticed today that they are now the socialable family! I thought that was pretty cool :) Their bonds are still at 20%. But they are very close to getting to 30%! Hoping to do that today. Other than that, it has being a pretty chill day for the triplets. They have being dying to introduce themselves to you guys, but they won't be allowed today because this is only meant to be a quick post. I have homework and a ton of other things to do, so i think I will let them talk in tomorrow's post or if I post again tonight!

Thanks for tuning in :D Might talk to you all later on tonight!

Love: Sakura-san123, Sammi, Lily, Lola and Lino <3

This will not be a legit post.

Note to all readers: Sadly I will be deactivating both of my tamagotchis due to the fact that this weekend I'm on vacation until the beginning (7th) November. I have deactivated them already and I will probably most likely resume play when I get back from my trip! Sorry for the such short notice. I only have 2 days of school left before i leave, but i still don't really have the time to run tamas anyway.

This is not me going completely off tamas again. Trust me, i will be back with this log when i return. Not 100% sure i will be running Sammi and the triplets. It will depend on what i feel like :) .

I won't be logging until I get back. Thank you for understanding (if you even did o.o) and i will talk to you guys when i return!

Sakura <3 <3 <3

PS: I'M GOING TO HAWAIII!!!!!!!! I completely forgot to mention that. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I'm back from my amazing vacation to Hawaii and LA (LA was a surprise o.o) But anyways I'm back and it feels great to be back and here with everyone :D Today is my 18th Birthday (feeling old :p ) But i thought i had better make a post to let you guys know what will be happening with the tamagotchi issue!

Sad to say that i will not be starting anything up until the 17th November... Why you might ask? Because this upcoming week I am SO busy. I have year 13 NCEA exams and work and also on top of that I'm hanging with a mate on Saturday and most of Sunday so i literally have no time for tamas next week :( But i promise on the 17th November which is next Sunday when I get home i shall be back into the world of logging and tamagotchis! :D I'm super excited for that! So don't worry I'm only going to be away from my tamas for another week before I can get back into it :3 I will still be around on TamaTalk if anyone wants to talk to me or anything :D .

If your wondering my vacation was AMAZING and I had a great time. But I really missed you guys <3 So I'm glad to be back! Have a wonderful Saturday night and i will see you guys next week on Sunday!!!

Love: Sakura-san123 <3


Yay! So today is Sundayyyy so it means I am now back into my tamagotchi log!! I am super happy to be back! <3

I only just dug out my tamas from my wardrobe and got started on debating which version to start.... I really could not decide and I was going to start my v4.5 up when, but then i had a sudden urge to get Sammi back up and running if you guys remember her from where we left off :D So i popped a battery in her and pressed download and there was little Sammi, all happy and bouncing around on the screen. Forgot how much i missed her :3

So when we last discussed Sammi, i believe she was the toddler Harutchi. And i got super excited because it meant I could get Sammi into the Meme family and aim for that Violetchi. :furawatchi: Well... that was all going great until just before I took the battery out of her, she evolved into a teen... and that teen was Ringotchi xD. So it looks like I won't be aiming for a Violetchi this generation. Which is completely fine. I still need to figure out what adult i want Sammi to become though! I was thinking Ponytchi... Hmmm, will have to have a think and then get back to you.

We just finished our first game together since I left her and that was Mimic. We lost in the 6th round against Shimashimatchi... but we still got heaps of GP! :p I've checked Sammi's skill points and their pretty low at the moment, so i need to get them up so that I don't end up with a universal o.o.

Alright, that's all for now. Another update will be up later on about my debate for Sammi's future! (What adult i would like to get). So until then, hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!! Tooodles!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Sammi <3

Hey everyone :D

So, this is a little sudden but I have actually removed the batteries from Sammi again.... only because I finally managed to get some new batteries for my TMGO!!! Yay! So i decided running two tamas is not what I'm really up to right now, since I'm still kinda busy despite being done with High School. Anyways....

I have just popped the new batteries in my TMGO and selected download. I already knew what was coming, it was Ninja my Gozarutchi from when I first wanted to start my TMGO and then the batteries failed because they were pretty old. I have to say I missed Ninja and I was super excited to find that when I checked his stats he's six years old!!! I knew what that meant. I took him straight to the Date Place, where he first was welcomed to a Ringotchi...For some reason, Ringotchi didn't seem to click for Ninja it was a no for poor Ringotchi. Second time round we got lucky. Ninja came across a cute little Marotchi, and it was like magic, they immedateily fell for each other and decided they wanted to be together forever. So fireworks exploded and they kissed and Ninja brought Marotchi home. I have decided to give Marotchi a name, so her name is now Nina and that's what i will refer her to :) Nina and Ninja ♥ How cute :3

So now Nina and Ninja are just settling in together and looking cute. I can't wait for them to have a baby! I'm really hoping for a girl... but I will be super happy with whatever happens :D . If i do so happen to get a girl I might try for a Makiko! I have never had a Makiko so i wouldn't mind getting one.

Here are some possible names for the baby I get next:


  • Coco
  • Lilo
  • Cinderella (Don't ask why, i just think this would make a cute tamagotchi name :3)
  • Victoria
  • Bunny
  • Katniss (Really love the Hunger Games so why not?)

  • Domo
  • Yoshi :3
  • Teddy
  • Xavier
  • Oreo
  • Nico
Just some names that sprung to mind :D

I think that will do it for today's post. Just a heads up, tomorrow's post will be a little late like today because I'm out all day tomorrow. So I will see you guys tomorrow evening!

Love: Sakura-san123, Nina and Ninja <3
