Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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So it's being a while since i have updated. Which i apologize for! Just being super busy, and the worst part is i have to go back to school tomorrow :/ So that's going to mean even less time to update!! Which sucks, but you guys will just have to bare with me :)

Anyways, REALLLYYYY happyyy!!! Why? Because yesterday morning Fred finally evolved into an adult! I have a pic of what he evolved into..... *drumroll*


MAMETCHI!!!!!! :newmametchi: :newmametchi: :newmametchi: YESS!!! Exactly what i wanted! Isn't he sooo cutee? I still can't believe i got him! I guess taking really good care of your tama pays off :D . Anyways, here are some more pics of Fred:


Here's Fred versing a Hanatchi in Mimic! I think i have become addicted to this game XD I can't stop playing it!



So Fred left school today. He seemed a little angry at Mr. Turtlepedia though.....


And then he got Job mail!! We tried out for three different jobs. But i didn't snap pics of them all because otherwise i will reach the limit for pictures! Anyways as you can see in the pic above, the first job we tried out for was TV news. But sadly Fred didn't get into that.


The second job Fred tried out for was the lab one (Not sure of the exact name). He didn't get this job either.

But it was third time lucky, because when we tried for Rockstar, Fred got the job!!!


Here's a pic of his mircophone that he recieved from the King ^_^ .

And that's all the news for today. I should hopefully be able to log tomorrow after school. But there might not be pics much now, because i won't have any time to take them! But i will try my hardest :) Thanks for reading!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Fred! <3

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Good evening people :D

Sadly i am now back at school. First day back today, overall wasn't that bad. And i did let Fred tag along in my school bag, i don't think he really enjoyed it, but i didn't want to leave him at home on pause all day because that wouldn't have being much fun either. So anyway, i managed to take reasonable care of him throughout the day. I played a lot of Jumping Rope because it's a good game to play sneakily in your bag while in class >D.

I don't have pics. I had a feeling this would happen since i had school today. But hopefully tomorrow's post will have some! So this really is just a update to give you guys Fred's stats and such. Here are the stats:


Hungry: <3 <3 <3 </3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 </3

Age: 4 years old.

Weight: 34LBS

Training Bar: |||||| (6)

Smart Points: 48

Gorgeous Points: 30

Social Points: 31

Gen: 1st

GP: 8130

Character: Mametchi!

He shall be mating on Wedensday! Which is actually pretty handy for me at least, because that's a public holiday! So i will have all the time in the world to look after Fred well and then mate him off! I'm hoping for a baby girl for my next generation :3 I really wanna aim for a Mimitchi or a Memetchi if i get a girl next gen.... Hmmm, if i get a boy i think i might try for Togetchi! Just while were thinking ahead here, if your wondering what i will name the baby for next gen here are some ideas i had in mind:







I'm still keeping to the harry potter theme :D . But I'm probably going to stop once i get to 3rd gen because i am running out of names!.

Ok, that will be all for this post. It's getting late and i have school tomorrow, so talk later!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Fred! <3


Happy Waitangi Day everyone!! ^_^ If you live in New Zealand, Waitangi Day is a public holiday. It's on the 6th of Feb and if it's on a weekday it means no school!! So i got the day off whoop whoop! :D

Ok, on with the log update. I have some awesome news involving Fred!! Yep, that's right Fred mated today!! He mated at 3pm and I did indeed snap pics of the whole thing! I guess i will just cut the rambling short and show you all the pics!:







So as you can see in the pics, Fred was lucky enough to marry a Mimitchi!! I thought the looked sooo cute together, and Fred couldn't take his eyes off Mimitchi so we said yes! And the usual fireworks went off and such, and then Fred was left with a sweet little baby boy!! I was kinda hoping for a girl, but i can always try for a girl on my next gen!!!

If you remember my last post, i listed the names i had come up with depending on the gender i got. Since I got a boy, i will name him either Snape or Albus...... I think Albus has a nice ring to it :D I think Snape is kinda evil sounding, and i don't want an evil sounding name for such a cute baby!! So Albus it is ^_^

Also like i said in my last post, i was gonna try for a Togetchi if i got a boy. I think i will. But i might also try for a ShimaShimatchi! We will just see how it goes, when Fred leaves.

That's all for today readers. Hope everyone is having a great Wedensday!

Love: Sakura-san123, Fred and Baby Albus! <3

Happy Fridayy!!! :D

Well actually, today for me this wasn't such a happy Friday.... Because Fred has left Albus!!! :( I'm gonna miss him sooooooo muccchhh!!!! I had to get him to leave so i could take some pics. It was sooo sad. I set the time to 11:59pm... waited one minute, and this came up:


This is seriously the saddest thing, any mother should have to see on her tamas....


Here's a rather sucky pic of Albus sleeping all by himself :(

So now I'm just going to set the time back to normal....




So when i set the time back to normal, i found Albus crying, poor little guy! Then in the middle pic you see me naming him... Yes the last letter is blacked out XD And then in the last pic, you have beautiful Baby Albus ready to be fed, played with and raised into hopefully an amazing character just like his Daddy :wub: :wub:

I will make another update later when i have cared for Albus properly and when he has turned into a toddler! See you all in that update!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Baby Albus <3

Hello all viewers :)

Sorryeh, i didn't get round to posting again yesterday on Albus. I was busy with homework and school stuff in general. School can get in the way alot sometimes XD.

Moving right along. I didn't really bother to snap any pictures of Albus while he was in his baby stage. I don't really see the point anymore, because everyone knows what happens when you look after a baby on tamagotchi's anyways :D .

After the hour, i heard the evolving sound, and here's who i found on the screen!


Harutchi!!!! Just like his Daddy :3.


Here's a random pic of Albus versing a Hinotamatchi in Mimic!





And of course, Albus got his pre-school mail today. So the above 4 pics are of him going off to school with Mrs. Flower :3 He received his backpack and then came back home. I told him he can go to his first day of school tomorrow, so he's pretty happy about that :) .

Also, i haven't quite confirmed what i really want Albus to be when he is an adult. But i know i want a adult from a different group. Not the Mame group :p .

So there's todays post. Thank's for tuning in everyone!! Have a awesome day!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Albus! <3

Oh Hai :3

Not too much to post today. Albus and I haven't being doing much. But i do have some exciting news! Albus evolved into a teen this morning!!


He evolved into a Young Androtchi! Whoop whoop! Now i am going to aim for a Androtchi!

Albus got his school mail as well today. We chose the second teacher (I can't remember her name), but she raises gorgeous points. I took Albus to school about three times today, just because i want to make sure his gorgeous points are higher than the rest XD. Plus it's the only way i can really raise them because I am not very good at the game Dance!

I don't really think there is much else to say. Albus is fast asleep now :3. And i only have one pic today sadly. Haven't really being able to catch Albus doing much lately.

Sorryeh for the short update. Guess there isn't much to update about today XD. Anyways, i will talk to you guys in tomorrow's post!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Albus! <3

Hello and welcome! ^_^

Kinda quick update for today's post.

Albus still hasn't evolved into a adult. Hoping he will tonight though!! I only have a couple of pics for you all today. Their just of Albus doing random stuff. Then i think i will do a stats update, and that will be today's post. Ok, on with the random pics!!!!


Only just caught little Albus taking a bath a couple of minutes ago! So cute :)


Today i decided to take Albus to the shop. He wanted to spend some money. We brought a sausage and a couple of other foods (Muffin and Pasta) But i didn't take pics of that. Also, i looked up Young Androtchi's fave food, and it's pasta! So that's the reason why i brought it.




And of course, i took Albus to school today to raise some of his goregous points! I take him everyday XD.

And we selected the correct pressie. I used photobucket to edit the last pic if you were wondering :D

Alright, stats update time!!!

FULL: <3 EMPTY: </3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 3 years old

Weight: 21LBS

Training Bar: |||||| (6)

Smart Points: 29

Gorgeous Points: 31

Social Points: 19

GP: 15440

Character: Young Androtchi!

Were still aiming to get a Androtchi, so fingers crossed!!

Thanks for reading everybody! Talk sooooon!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Albus! <3

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Really super excited and happy!!! Why you may ask? Well of course it's because Albus evolved. And he didn't evolve into just any character....


He evolved into ANDROTCHI!!!! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: The character that i was hoping to get!!! Yayyyyyy :D . I seem to be having a lot of luck at getting the characters i want on my vV4 these days.

Other than that, Albus got some GP from the king, he recieved 1100GP!! He's eager to spend it, but i am telling him not just yet xD.

Ummm.. not much else really. Again being at school today so there's never really much to update about on weekdays anymore just because I don't get enough one on one time with Albus! But tomorrow i actually won't be at school, so i will have heaps of time to take pics, and give Albus lots and lots of love! <3 <3 I know that sounds kinda like i have no life, but.... I kinda don't :p :p

To stop me from rambling on and on, i am going to end this post now. Thanks for reading!!!!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Albus! <3

PS: I also apologize for the kinda short posts. Just being super busy lately! But thanks for sticking around anyways, looooveee you guys!!!!! <3


This isn't going to be a proper update, because it's late and i need to go to sleep. But i wanted to make this post to say Happy Valentines Day! Even thought i am alone, but it's ok because i have you lovely tamatalkers! :D

Proper update on Albus with pics tomorrow, i promise! :)

Thanks for reading!

Love: Sakura-san123 <3


Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day yesterday! I did ^_^ . So here is the promised update on Albus!

He just turned 5 years old today! Which is awesome because now i can mate him off tomorrow! And i can also start planning ahead for what i wante the baby to grow into and what i shall name the baby! Name ideas? Well, I'm thinking of ditching the Harry Potter theme, just because i am running out of names! But i really enjoyed using the Harry Potter theme, it was pretty fun :)

So with that being said here is a list of possible names for the next baby:


  • Kat
  • Bunny
  • Poppi

  • Alfie
  • Kirby
  • Ollie
I’m kinda hoping for a girl this generation, because i really want to try and get a Mimitchi!!! I know she’s hard to get, but since i am doing pretty well at getting characters i have being wanting lately, i thought why not give it a shot? :D So here's the plan:

GIRL: Aim for a Mimitchi and call it Bunny. (Bunny is honestly a awesome name for Mimitchi, since she looks like
a Bunny! :3 )

BOY: Aim for a ShimaShimatchi and call it Alfie :3

OK, moving on. Another exciting thing that happened is that Albus got a job!! He actually had to try twice because the first time we couldn’t
find a job that he could get accepted into! Here’s pics of the first go we had yesterday:



First off he applied for a job at the TV Studio. But didn’t get in. Next he applied for a job as a Fashion Designer and he didn't get into that either. The third time round we tried getting into the school but they didn't accpet us either. (I didn't get a pic of the third try). So after three tires we just gave up and decided to wait for the next time Albus would get job mail. And he got it again today!

So he first tried for Fashion Designer again, but still no luck. And then the second time round, we tried for a job at the restrauant and we got in!!! Which was suprising because to get a job there you need social points! But oh well, I'm still happy Albus got a job :D

And to finish this post off, here is a pic of Albus brushing his teeth. This was taken a couple of nights ago XD.


Phew, nice long update for you guys today! Thanks for stopping by!
Love Sakura-san123 and Albus! <3

Hai! And also Happy Saturday!

Sadly Ablus didn't mate today :\ even though is 6 years old, he hasn't mated. Which sucks because i was looking forward to logging about it! But no biggie, i can just wait till tomorrow, and see what happens :D

So this will be a short little update with some random pics and a stats update! Here's the stats update:

FULL: <3 EMPTY: </3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 </3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 6 years old

Weight: 32LBS

Training Bar: About 3 more bars and it will be full! :D

Smart Points: 36

Gorgeous Points: 43

Social Points: 29

Gen: 2nd

GP 17830

Character: Androtchi!

OK. Now here are some fun pics i have taken today:




So if you didn't already know, Albus's fave food is pasta! (Because he's a Androtchi XD). I had previously brought some pasta a while ago when Albus was a Young Androtchi. And i had forgotten i still had it! So when Albus got hungry for dinner this evening, i was scrolling through my MEALS menu, and came across pasta. And of course i had to feed it to him! So the about three pics are of Albus eating his fave food. So cute :3


And of course, here's a sweet pic of Albus having a nice bath. He looks so happy :3

I think i have finished with today's post! Hopefully tomorrows post will be all about Albus's Marriage! I'm really excited for it, and i know Albus is too!. Still really hoping for that baby girl! Have a great day everyone!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Albus! <3


Cutting straight to the log, i am super happy because Albus has finally mated! He just mated like 5 minutes ago! Ummm if you are wondering... No luck with getting a baby girl :\ Yes i have yet again got another boy! But you know what it's ok, because there is always the next generation right? Anyways, without further ado, here are the wedding pics! :D







So as you can see, Albus married a cute little Memetchi!! Albus fell in love instantly, and they were married. So yes yet another boy to kick off our 3rd generation XD. I'm perfectly happy though :D

If you remember from a couple of posts back, i said i would be calling the baby Alfie if i got a boy? Well i am sticking to that! So we have Albus and baby Alfie :3

And i also am still going to try for a ShimaShimatchi!!! I have never had one on the V4 so this should be fun!

Also, before Albus mated, we were playing some games of jumping rope and Flag. And we also brought some more food from the shop! (Tacos and Corn!).

Thanks so much for tuning in peoples! (Seriously thanks soooooo much! :) :) )

Love: Sakura-san123, Albus and Baby Alfie! <3


Sorryeh about my absence of posts guys! I have being pretty busy with school work and such >.> I am so bored with school... but that's no the point of this post! So let's get to the point :D

Point of this post, is that Albus has now left Alfie :( I am really gonna miss Albus! He left a couple of nights ago. I went to school the next day, and saw that Alfie was all alone! So i sneakily named him during English and also played with him and fed him. I had to keep a very close watch on him for the next hour. (I had him in my school skirt pocket at all times XD) And then i think it was during interval break that he finally evolved into a toddler!


Here's Alfie as a baby! ^_^


And here's Alfie as a toddler, he evolved into Puchitchi! I don't usually get this character, so it was nice to see Puchitchi on the screen! I checked my V4 growth chart when i got home from school the other day, and i saw that Alfie is the right toddler to go into the Meme family to become a ShimaShimatchi! I was really happy about this! :D

Ok, last thing to say before i go, Today Alfie got his pre-school mail! Here are some pics:





Yay! I will be taking Alfie to pre-school tomorrow!

That will be it for today. Again, sorryeh about that post lacking! I will deffo update everyday again now :)

Love: Sakura-san123 and Alfie! <3

Hello and yay it's Friday!!!

This will just be a quick update! I have so much homework to do, i don't have time to make a decent update today, sorryeh everyone :(

Anyway, I don't think i will be getting that ShimaShimatchi after all... because Alfie evolved into a Young Androtchi! I wasn't exactly wanting one, but I'm still glad i didn't get a universal! I checked my skill points, and i noticed i had 10 smart points and then the gorgeous and social points were below that. So yep, I can't get a ShimaShimatchi this generation. But there's always next time! I'm still gonna raise Alfie and give him heaps of love and attention! :D I might try for a Zukyutchi! I don't know if i want another Androtchi or Mametchi... It's always good to try and get new characters! So Zukyutchi shall be my aim adult-wise!!

Thanks for reading guys! Short update tonight, because of stupid homework like a i said eariler. But tomorrow, i will have pics and everything so don't worry!

Sakura-san123 and Alfie! <3

Hi hi!

Ok, I will just go straight into the logging!

Not exactly great news for little Alfie. I guess i wasn't taking as great care as i would have liked... Because eariler on today, Alfie evolved into a adult. But it wasn't really the adult i wanted,... Alfie has evolved into a universal :\ I do love all characters, but i kinda feel sad when my tamas evolve into bad care characters. It makes me feel bad for not taking very good care of them. Anyways, Alfie evolved into a Pyontitchi.


So no Zukyutchi for me this generation. I still love Alfie though, he's still a good boy and he's pretty cute :3


Here's a pic of Alfie while he was a Young Androtchi!

I don't really have too much else to update on. If you are wondering, Alfie did get into School while he was a teen. We chose Mr. Canvas for our teacher, because i was trying for a Zukyutchi but yea... obviously failed XD. I will give you Alfie's current stats, and then finish this post.

FULL: <3 EMPTY: </3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 </3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 3 years old

Weight: 31LBS

Smart points: 15

Gorgeous Points: 10

Social Points: 20

Training Bar: ||||| (5)

GP: 23370

Gen: 3rd!

Character: Pyontitchi!

So yes, as you can see by these stats, i wasn't really trying my best to get a Zukyutchi. I have being pretty busy recently though, so i think that may be why!

Alright. Thanks for reading guys! I gotta go have dinner now, so talk later!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Alfie! <3


I am so unhappy right now :( Quick update.

I LET MY V4 DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( It wasn't on purpose!!! I just have being soooo busy, and today at school i lost little Alfie.... RIP ALFIE YOU WILL MISSED! :mellow: :mellow: :( ♥♥♥♥♥

I can't believe i let him die! I feel like such a bad mummy right now.... Might not be starting a new generation or anything for a while. Sorryeh everyone!

Such a depressing post.. Thanks for reading anyways.

Love: Sakura-san123 <3......

Hi Readers!

I know, i know i haven't being logging recently! I am acutally not running any tamas at this present moment. Why? Because since it is my last year in high school i am super duper packed with homework and tests so i have literally had no time for tamas. Which is probably why Alfie died on me :(

I'm hoping to be back into tamas as soon as i can. It might not happen for at least another 2 weeks though.I will have to see if the homework load dies down or not xD So super sorryeh for the delay in logging people! But i hope to back soon, and thanks for still viewing my log anyways! It means the world to me! <3 <3

Sakura <3

Hey hey!

So i need your help on this peoples. When i get around to starting up a tama again..... Which one shall i start up? I won't be going for the v4 for a while... But i still have other options, and i have narrowed my choice down to these three :D


First option is my TMGO! This is one of my fave versions by far. But i feel like i run this version too much... hmmm..


Second option is my v5.5 celebrity.. I haven't run this one in ageees!!! I guess it's because it's one of my least fave versions, but i kinda wanna run a different version other than what i usually go for, like v4/v3/tmgo.


My third and final option is my Music Star! I also haven't picked up this one for a while. I actually really the Music Stars, but they are kinda hard to care for and require a bit more attention than most of my tamas. Which is why i might have some troubles running this one with school and everything.

Ahhh it's so hard to choose! XD I guess i will give myself a week and see if i can make up my mind :D . Meanwhile, thanks for reading everyone! And i should hopefully have made a choice by the end of next week, and then i will be back into logging soooon!!!!

Love: Sakura-san <3

PS: If you guys would like, you can always PM me and tell me which version you think i should run! That would be very helpful! :) <3


No time no log o.o You guys already know why thought right?... Good :D

Umm ok. I am pretty excited to tell you that on my Easter Break (Which is from the 29th March-1st April), i will be starting up a tamagotchi! FINALLY! I feel like it's being forever XD. Anyways, so on the 29th or maybe possibly the 28th of March i will be back with a tamagotchi running, and this log shall be up and running again! :D

I won't tell you guys which tama I'm gonna start up. You will just have to wait and see ;)

Thanks for reading!!!!

Sakura-san123 <3

OH HAI!!!!

Does anybody remember me??? Does anybody remember this log?? Gahhhh it has being SO LONG!!! The last time i posted was March of this year o.o That's crazy! I guess we all go through that phase where we sort drift away from Tamagotchi. Well I kinda drifted away for a long long time :L It's just because I'm almost 18 and I'm in my last year of High School so i guess I felt like i was getting to busy to care for Tamagotchi plus i wasn't really that enthusiastic anymore. But that's all about to change!! My love for tamas has finally sprung back after being hidden away in a little box in my brain for all those months XD.

I am proud to announce that this little log is soon going to be up and running again!! :D I am super excited for this! I have noticed that since my absence I have reached 6,000 views?? WHAT? THANK YOUU! I'm pretty when I left there weren't that many... or were there? Can't remember now, but nonetheless THANKS SOO MUCH <3 <3 Because of this awesome achievement, i feel like I can't just leave this log hanging! So here I am again ready to start fresh (Even though I'm not starting a new log). I have indeed started a Tamagotchi up. The reveal of which Tamagotchi that is will be in the next post! This is just a little introductory post to tell you guys I'm back and ready to rumble :D

I hope my log is going to continue getting views since it has being a while XD. Anyway I guess this kinda part 1 of this post. In part 2 we will be getting down to business and I will be showing you guys what version I have decided to bring out! Until then, you guys can take a little guess :D

Alright, see you in part 2!!!

Love: Sakura-San123 <3

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