Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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Hiii everyone!!!

Good to see you all again! I'm back from my holiday, and ready to do some more logging! But this is not a proper update, mainly because i haven't quite gotten round to starting my tamas back up again because i have being unpacking and such. But as soon as i start them up i will update again! I'm hoping to start them up tonight, but if i don't get round to it, then i deffo will tomorrow!!

Alright, that's all for now. I will talk to you guys later! Hope everyone is having a great 2013 so far!!!

Love: Sakura-san123! <3


Gooood morning readers! And happy Saturday!

I just realized today, that i have now reached the 16th page of this log!!!! YESSSS!!! I'm sooo happy and grateful to be getting this far with something that i didn't think would one day reach 4,000 views!! I can't tell you guys how much that means to me! :D <3 <3

Anyway, on with why i am posting today!

So as you well know, i was meant to start up my tamas again yesterday and get this log underway again.... Ermm, i was a bit busy instead. So starting up tamas again yesterday really wasn't a option. But i am here at 9:34am for you guys and i have indeed started up a tamagotchi! It's my V3! Remember? Ginny the Young Mametchi? Well shes back up and running! I only just stuck the battery in her and pressed Download. So not much has really happened to her since then. But i did notice that when i checked her stats her happy hearts were empty! So i might have to go fix that with a game of Get very soon :D .

I'm actually about to go out shopping which is why this log may be a bit quick. I'm still pondering weather or not to start up my TMGO again.... I miss Lily, and i would like to see what adult she evolves into.... Hmm, we shall see. Maybe after i come back from my shopping trip i will decide.

Anyway that's us for now. Sorryeh about the brief post. But i gotta dash!

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Ginny! <3


Sorry, haven't updated much o.o. Not really much to say i guess. I haven't started up my TMGO quite just yet... I'm still thinking about it XD. But as for Ginny she's fineee. Still hasn't evolved :/ I think it's because i keep pausing her.... Erm, there have being sometimes this week, that i just cannot look after her properly and if i don't pause her I'm afraid she's going to die! So yea, Ginny's growth process is having a bit of delay everyone.

I have being playing heaps of games and such with her though. Just finished off a game of Get. We did pretty well. I think to make this post a little more interesting i should give you guys another stats update! Alright here we go:

KEY: <3= Full </3= Empty

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy:<3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 2 years old

Weight: 20LBS (She now weighs exactly what a teenager is meant to weigh, pretty proud of myself! :D )

Training Bar: ||||||| (7)

GP: 2480 (Getting quite a lot of pocket money there Ginny!)

Gen: 1st

Character: Young Mametchi!

There's her stats! I gotta say, shes a very well looked after tama. Hopefully all this good care results in a awesome adult!!

Anyways, that concludes this post. Hope you guys are having a awesome day so far!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Ginny! <3

PS: OMG OMG OMG..... YOU GUYS ARE AMAZINGGGG! Wanna know why?? Because this log has almost reached 5,000 views!!!! SAY WHAT? I never thought that would actually happen :3 <3 <3 THANK YOUUUU!!!!!

Hey Readers!

Welcome back to another post!

Ok.... I have finally decided what i want to do with my TMGO.... I want to start it up!! I have actually being missing it quite a lot! So I haven't even started it up yet, but I'm about to right now, and i think i will post some pics of me doing so! Alright hold up a sec, gotta grab some batteries....


So here it is. I haven't opened it up yet, just put the Kuchpatchi faceplate on :)


Inserted the batteries and had a cute little egg pop up. And once i pressed Download....


My cute little Shelltchi came up! I have missed her :3 So here's Lily back on track! She's happy to be back! Here's a couple more pics of her just doing random stuff!



These two pics are of Lily chilling at the park with a Oyajitchi!! So cute. They had fun building a sandcastle!

In other news, Ginny is all good. Even though i will admit i still keep pausing her :/ I really hope it doesn't become a bad habit so i really should stop before it does!! But don't worry she isn't paused atm. I just played two games of Heading with her to keep her happy, and she just earned another training bar from getting some praise! Check out her training bar now:


Almost full!! I really want to full it up before she evolves but I don't know if that will happen. Oh and btw, yes my web cam makes the picture of my V3 back to front, i apologise about that XD. But you can still tell it's almost full!

Thanks for reading peoples! I'm gonna go now, and give Lily and Ginny some love!! I will be sure to take pics if anything exciting happens!! See ya!

Love: Sakura-san123, Ginny and Lily! <3

Hello hello all!

Great news!!! Both of my tamas evolved this morning!!! Yay! I actually slept in a little bit, but when i woke up to find that both my tamas were adults it was a nice surprise!. So anyways, let's start off with Lily. So she evolved into a.......


Cute little Ringotchi!! I haven't had this little cutie on my TMGO in a while, so i am very pleased with Lily!! She's soo cute! Also before she evolved, yesterday i did a couple of little activities with her, just to keep her happy:


Firstly, i inserted my Violetchi figure, and we planted a Bonsai tree!! I think Lily enjoyed doing some gardening on a nice sunny day :) . We also played a game of Ping Pong, but i forgot to get pics of that XD.




And of course i had to take her to Kuchipatchi's Chinese Restrauant! We ordered fired noodles, they were very tasty :D .


Whoop whoop! Ginny FINALLY evolved!!! I feel bad for pausing her so much now :/ She would probably have a baby by now, not just have turned into a adult.... But oh well, i have made a promise to myself and to Ginny to stop pausing her unless i am really really busy and can't look after her. (I have made the same promise to Lily!). ANYWAY. I know you all want to know what she's turned into, soooo here's a pic!:


Tsunotchi!!! She's super sweet!! Not a Violetchi or anything, but you know what i don't even mind because she's super adorable! ^_^ So like Young Mametchi, her base weight is 20LBS, and i have somehow managed to let her weight go up to 24! Whoops! I'm gonna have to fix that by playing a game of sprint once i am done logging! (Sprint is my fave game!). Ok, i guess i should update Ginny's stats for you guys now that she's evolved:

KEY: Full: <3 Empty: </3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 </3 </3

Age: 3 years old

Weight: 24LBS

Training Bar:



GP: 2945

Gen: 1st

Character: Tsunotchi!

There we go! And i believe that is the end of this post! Thanks for reading everyone! Gotta go play that game of sprint with Ginny now! Byees!

Love: Sakura-san123, Ginny and Lily! <3

Good evening TamaTalk!! And readers :)

I feel bad for not posting today, so even though my babies are now asleep, i thought i would just make a quick post!

Both Ginny and Lily are OK. They got a reasonable amount of care today. Not amazing though because i was busy. And I'm busy again tomorrow, so they won't be getting my full attention again :/ But i remembered i made that promise that i wouldn't pause them unless it's absolutely nesscessary! I will just have to check on them every 5 minutes XD.

I won't put any pics up today, but there will deffo be some tomorrow! Both of my tama's had quite a peaceful day today. A little bit of game-playing as well for each one. Ginny got two games of Get and Lily got a game or two of Ping Pong on the Violetchi figure!

Also, i guess i was a little bit careless today, as Ginny got sick! :/ I quickly fed her two doses of medicene and she came right again.

Ok, to finish off the post i will give you guys stats updates on both Ginny and Lily, and then call it a night and go to bed, since i have to wake up early tomorrow!

KEY: Full: <3 Empty </3


Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 </3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 4 years old!

Weight: 56LBS (Yea. I bit my tongue while typing this out! I feel so bad! Poor Lily... Need to play more Long Jumper!)

Training Bar: ||||||| (7)

Friendship: <3 <3 <3

GP: 2400730 (HOLYYY :D )

Gen: 14th!!!! YAY

Character: Ringotchi!


Hungry: <3 <3 <3 </3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 4 years old

Weight: 20LBS (Doing well with keeping it at 20!)

Training Bar: Same as yesterday, almost full!

GP: 3710

Gen: 1st

Character Tsunotchi!

OK. That's me for tonight! Good Nite TamaTalk!!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Ginny and Lily! <3,


Ok, i have had a very busy day, so hopefully my tamas don't feel to neglected because I didn't give all the attention i should of today :/ But don't worry they weren't paused at all!!! I'm keeping my promise!!! Anyways...


Lily is all goods. She didn't get too much attention from me today, but i did take her to the park....



So Lily met up with a Kuromametchi and they had a nice time building a little sandcastle. So cute :3


Last night i managed to snatch a pic of Lily in the bath!! Hope she doesn't mind XD


And here's a really sucky pic of Lily sleeping, just because i had nothing else to take a pic of o.o

We also played some Long Jumper and won a little more GP.


Little Ginny is good too.... although, i wouldn't say she's that good judging by her happy hearts....


Erm, yes this is what i get for being super busy today :/ Poor Ginny!


But after a quick game of Get, her happy hearts filled right back up again and she lost some weight!! Bonus :D .

Those all the pics i have of Ginny. Haven't really being able to catch her doing anything interesting o.o.

Oh, and also the most exciting news for this post is that both my tamas are mating tomorrow!! They both turned 5 years old today :3 They are growing up so fast, but I'm so proud! :D .

Lily is very excited and ready to be married with that one special guy... But Ginny on the other hand, is a little more nervous about it... But I'm sure she will pull through when the MatchMaker brings her a cute boy!!!

Alright I'm off now! Hope you enjoyed this post!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Ginny and Lily! <3

Happy Saturday!! ^_^

OK, I'm just get straight to it, and tell you guys that Lily was married today!!!! She was very excited to married, and kept telling me how excited she was all morning. So to shut her up i took her off to the Date Place! Here's the pics!:



So the first boy the Matchmaker picked for Lily was a ShimaShimatchi! But for some reason Lily didn't feel like he was quite the right guy for her, so she said no. I feel sorry for little Shimashimatchi...


Next up, we came across a Nonopotchi. Lily didn't really fancy him either so she said no. Nonopotchi was very unhappy. o.o


And last but not least, a Kuchipatchi! (Sorry this pic is a bit of a fail XD). Lily couldn't say no, she just knew Kuchipatchi was the right man for her.... Sooooo




The two were happily married!! They kissed, as fireworks exploded... And then Lily and Kuchipatchi came back home and settled in. I think they look so cute together :3.

Not much else to say at the moment. If your wondering what Ginny is up to. She hasn't being married yet. She's just waiting for that right moment :D . But she's all good, and i have being playing loads of games of Get with her just recently, so she's quite happy right now. When i marry Ginny off, i will be sure to make another post all about it!!! (pics included of course!). But for now, that shall be all. I hope you are all having a great day. See you later on for the update about Ginny's marriage!!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Ginny, Lily and Kuchipatchi! <3

Heellloooo everyone!!!

Sorry, I'm a little late on updating you guys on Ginny's marriage!!! She did indeed marry, and i will you pics of it right after i give you a quick update on Lily and her husband who i have decided to name Jim XD


Lily and Jim are awesome! They have just being chilling and enjoying each others company. They are going to be having a baby soon!! Really excited for that! I'm kinda hoping for a boy, but we will just have to wait and see what happens. Ohh and here are the names i am thinking about naming the baby when it comes. BTW, we are still sticking to the Harry Potter theme!! :D . Girl: Tonks! (I really love this name!!) Boy: Malfoy! ( Haha yea, i have actually always wanted to name my tama this :3 ) Ok, i only have one pic of the happy couple for you today:


And that is of them taking a little bath! How sweet.


Alright! Now it is time for the update you guys have being waiting for... Ginny's Marriage!! :D . Ok, I'm just gonna stop rambling and cut straight to the pics!


Erm, before i do put up the marriage pics, here is a cute pic of Ginny going close up to the screen!

Ok, NOW we will do marriage pics XD:



So, the first partner to come along was a Teketchi! Ginny took a good look at this young male, and decided that she wasn't right for him. So sadly Teketchi got rejected. :/


Ok... you guys are probably going to find this quite funny XD. The next partner to come along was a... Kuchpatchi of all characters XDD. And of course, Ginny being the sucker for fat lazy males......




SAID YESS!!!!! XD.... so now both Ginny and Lily have the same husband! Funny how things turn out :3

Lastly before i leave, quickly wanted say that I have thought of a name for Ginny's little boy! He shall be named Ron! After the awesome Ron Wealsy! Again keeping that Harry Potter theme.

Alright, that finishes off todays post! Hope you all enjoyed. Peace out readers!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Lily, Jim, Ginny and Baby Ron! <3

Good evening readers!!

So, today was a bit of a sad day :/ Well for baby Ron anyways.... Let me start off with my V3 and explain why.


Yep.... You probably already guessed it. Ginny left her little boy today!!! I actually set the time to 11:59PM so i could watch her, because i haven't done that in a while... It was soo sad seeing Ginny leave! We had being bonding heaps and she was so well behaved and looked after.... I'm gonna miss you Ginny!! <3 :( :( Have fun back on Tamagotchi Planet. I promise to take amazing care of Baby Ron for you! He's gonna grow up and be just as amazing as you were! Ok, enough of the sad stuff, here's some pics i took of this hard and sad little event:


I edited this particular pic of Ginny saying good-bye to Baby Ron because i felt like it needed some special editing :) . (Edited using Photobucket!)


Well... there he is.. all alone now. Well not quite, because I'm here for him! I am going to be taking excellent care of this little guy, so that it will make Ginny proud :D .

Those are the only pictures for my V3. I still have yet to wake Baby Ron up from his slumber. I promise to take some pictures of him in his baby stage and then update you guys again when he evolves!


On a slightly happier note, Lily and Jim have indeed had a baby!!! They had it yesterday. And they were blessed with a gorgeous baby boy! So if you read my eariler posts on what i was gonna name the baby... Since this one is a boy, it shall be named Malfoy! Like i said in different post!.



So i inserted my Chamametchi fig and let the happy family play with the Play-House! I gotta say, Baby Malfoy looks rather cute in the Play- House :3

Those are the only pics i have of my TMGO sadly. I haven't really had time to take many pics! Anyways, apart from that, the family have just being chilling. Nothing much else has happened to them today.

That's all for now. I promise to update again with Baby Ron's pics and what he evolves into!!! Thanks for reading! Your all the best :D

Love: Sakura-san123, Lily, Jim, Baby Malfoy, and Baby Ron! <3

Hi Hi!!!!

Ok. This is going to be a 2 part type deal today because there are too many pictures to fit into one post XD. I am going to focus this post on Ron, and then later on when i have gathered all my pics I am going to do a seperate post on my TMGO. Ok?? Alright let's get started with what's happening with Ron....

So as you all already know, Ginny left Ron last night. I let him just sleep for about an hour or so because i had some other things to do. It was kinda late before i finally woke him up and started taking care of him. Anyway here are some pictures!:


So i woke him up and found him crying for his mummy on the screen. Poor Ron:(.


And then of course i had to name him.


Here's me preparing to play my first game of Get with the little cutie!


Look at how cute he is! ^_^

I didn't take pictures of his entire baby stage, because i wouldn't have being able to put them all into one post. It wasn't that exciting anyway. He did what all baby tamagotchis... Get sick, poop, cry, demand constant attention... you know the usual :D .

And then of course he evolved into a toddler after the long hour of care was up.


Yay! Ron evolved into a cute little Mizatumatchi!! I have to say he's my favourite toddler :3.

And I think that is the end of Ron's post! He hasn't done anything else since. But i do need to go play another game with him, because he is losing his happy hearts! Alright readers, i will talk to you when i make the post on my TMGO!! See ya!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Ron! <3


So this is the sort of late part 2! Remember? I did the update on Ron yesterday, and now I am doing my update on my TMGO today! I was meant to do it last night i know, but i sort of got caught up in other stuff. I had to go out to my Aunty's Place for dinner and such so i had no time to do the update yesterday!


So.... Malfoy is now by himself. Lily and Jim left a couple of days ago. He was very sad, but he knew that i was going to look after him and be a great mother. Which I'm doing this job as Mother very well i think :D Because the hour of care that i had to give to Malfoy while he was in his baby stage was pretty good! OK. I didn't get too many pics of little Malfoy while he was a baby... But here are the ones i did manage to get! (Sorryeh some of them kinda suck o.o)


Kinda sucky pic of Baby Malfoy doing the classic Pee Pee Wiggle dance!!! I didn't get a pic of him on the toilet sadly, but at least he earned a training bar!


Here's just a random pic of Malfoy and some of his stats, just because i had nothing else to take a pic of :3


Malfoy got kinda bored. So he asked me if i would play a game with him, and of course is said yes. So we played Long Jumper.... And Shoot the Bug as well, even though i'm not that good at that game!


Oh yea, we also ended up going out to the shop to get some food, as we were running a little low :D . I didn't buy the juice, but i did get some more Teriyaki Chicken and Fried Rice Bowl.

Then after all that hard work and care, Malfoy evolved into a Ahirukutchi! The toddler i was kind of hoping for :) Here's a pic of him:


Cutee :3



Eariler on today, i decided to take Malfoy to the park! As you can see in the pic he met up with the Kuchipatchi! And they made a nice sand-castle together!

Okey Dokey, that's all for this update on Malfoy!! Tomorrow's update will be back to normal, where i will be logging both Ron and Malfoy :) OK, take care readers, and i will talk to you later!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Malfoy! <3

Happy Saturday!!! XD

This is probably just going to be a quick update, because there's not too much to say and i only have three pics o.o The reason for this is because I don't always find the time to take pics of my tamas, or my tama's just aren't doing anything exciting. Anyway on with the update!!


There is only one pic for this version today. But i have some great news! Malfoy evovled into a Korokotchi!!! Yay! He's so cute :3


He evolved last night while i was asleep i think. Because when i woke up this morning i saw a Korokotchi on the screen!

We have being playing quite a few games. Long Jumper being the main one. But we have also played some Ping Pong and Vegetables! I'm planning on taking Malfoy to the shops later on today to see what food there is.


Ron is awesome as well, because he also evolved into a teen!!! This was actually the teen i was kinda hoping for....


Hashitamatchi!! I think he evolved yesterday or the day before, i can't really remember XD. I just found out that Ron's favourite food is Donut! So i just went and checked the shop and there weren't any donuts. Ron was a little sad. But oh well, I'm gonna try and get him a donut before he evolves!! Also i caught Ron having a bath so i took a pic of it:


Cute right? We also have being playing Flag and Get for most of the morning to keep Ron happy. He is also weighing in at 16LBS. And his base weight is 15LBS!! So he's only 1 LB over weight which isn't that bad. I think i have being doing pretty well with keeping my tama's weight recently :D .

Ok, that will do it for now. Hope you guys enjoyed this rather quick update!! Be back hopefully tomorrow with more updates!!

Love: Sakura-san123, Ron and Malfoy! <3

Hi everyone!

This is just going to be a quick update with no pics. Hopefully i can make a better post with some pics later on, but right now I will just give you guys a stats update and such on both versions. The reason for this quick update is because I'm pretty busy right now, but I wanted to give you all some kind of update so i didn't feel bad! Alright here goes:


Well... I was awoken today by the sound of the evolving sound coming from Malfoy. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my TMGO off my desk. I was slightly annoyed with myself when i found that i had yet again failed at taking good care of Malfoy, because he had evolved into a Gozarutchi -___-. Don't get me wrong i actually love Gozarutchi! But it's getting to be a little ridiculous when i keep getting him on my TMGO.... I think i need to work harder, and be a better mother, but that's kinda hard when I'm also running my V3... Hmmmm. Anyways let's do a stats update shall we!

Full: <3 Empty: </3


Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 </3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 3 years old

Weight: 31LBS (Merp....)

Training Bar: |||| (Probably one of the main reasons why Malfoy turned into a Gozarutchi o.o)

Friendship: <3 <3 <3

GP: 2405710

Gen: 15th (WHOOO!!)

Character: Gozarutchi!

There we go. So yes, i know not the best care... But i have decided that on the next generation things will be different! I will be working at my hardest and best to get a decent adult!!!


Ron is all goods. He doesn't evolve until he's 3 years old, and he's still 2. So i just gotta wait another day or so. We haven't being doing too much today. Just playing Heading and Flag, but other than that having a pretty chill day. Here's Ron's Stats:

Full: <3 Empty: </3


Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 </3

Age: 2 years old

Weight: 16LBS (Only 1 LB overweight!)

Training Bar: ||||| (5)

GP: 5957

Gen: 2nd

Character: Hashitamatchi!

Ok. I should hopefully be back with a better update and some pics a little later! Thanks for reading!

Love: Sakura-san123, Malfoy and Ron! <3

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It's 10PM right now, where i live and i have decided to make another update for you guys because your just that special :3

Soo, here's my second update for the day!


Were gonna start off with Ron. There's actually not much to say about him so i don't even know why I'm updating for him but oh well XD. Ron is fine though. Obviously he's fast asleep right now, because it's late. He's had a OK day. We played some games, checked the shop for that donut (No luck) and just sat around not really doing anything. I don't actually have any pics for you guys because i didn't find anything exciting to take a pic of. Sooo i guess were finished with Ron's updatee!


Ermm... Alright, Malfoy... is no more. Now before you guys ask if he is dead, no he's not dead!!! Not really. I took the batteries out of him o.o. The reason is because i have found that i haven't being taking the best care of that version in general, and i just didn't particularly want anymore bad care characters. So i ended up just shutting my TMGO down completely. Maybe i will come back to Malfoy another day though :) . I also just wanted to say, that i couldn't have handled it to take the batteries out of Malfoy while he was awake, so i did it while he was sleeping. Just make things less hard.


Just quickly, here's a pic of my TMGO all closed up and ready to go back into my box with all my other tama's until the next time i decide to start it up.


Well.... yes i am!!! But not tonight, because it's a bit late but i will be tomorrow first thing! I probably wouldn't even be starting up a different version if my mother hadn't brought me some new CR2032 batteries!!!


Whoop Whoop! Two brand new batteries baby! XD. Now lets see... what tama should i start up tomorrow!? This is always the hardest part. I'm having a tough time deciding between these two:


Music Star or V4??? IDK, i really love both these versions... Hmm. I guess i will make up my mind tonight, and then in tomorrow's post you guys shall find out who i started up!!

Thanks for reading!! Talk tomorrowww!!!

Love: Sakura-San123, Ron and Mystery tama!! <3


Were just gonna get straight into the updatin!


Ron is still a teen o.o He turned 4 years old today. Ermmm, I'm hoping he will evolve today! He's being very good though. Just happily bouncing around the screen. His training bar is also almost full! Were about half away there. I'm hoping to have it fulled up by the time he mates!. Ok... what else can i tell you about Ron?? We played Get today... And won! Ohh and Ron is pretty rich now. He's got 7091GP! Go Ron! He's dying to go spend some of his pocket money, but i am restricting him. I think we should save up a bit more first before we go spending it.

Sorryeh, there won't be any pics of Ron again for this post. But i will make an effort to take some tonight for tomorrows post!


Drumroll please :D ...... I have decided after a lot of pondering because it was quite a hard choice. But i finally came to the conclusion that i wanted to start up my V4!! Why you ask? Because i really like the V4 and i haven't run it for a while. I feel like it's also a bit more of an upgrade from my V3 which is nice :) . I was deffo considering slipping a battery into my Music Star because it's being a long while since i have run that as well. But then i remembered how much attention Music Star's require, and with the school year starting in February... I thought it wouldn't be the best idea. ANYWAY. Let's just get into what's happening with my V4!

Alright, after all the pondering and thinking, i finally picked out my V4 and slipped the battery in. I selected the RESET option after pressing download and finding that the previous tama i had had on this version had passed on :(


Here i am setting the time, date, birthday, username and all that good stuff.


Oh, and here's the cute little egg bobbing up and down on the screen. :)



After waiting for what seemed like forever, the egg finally hatched! And out popped a gorgeous baby boy, who as you can see i have named Fred. We are still sticking to that Harry Potter theme. So Fred is named after the awesome weasley twins Fred and George!



In the first pic, you see baby Fred happily bobbing around the screen after i had given him plenty to eat and a game or two of Jumping Rope. In the second pic you see poor Fred got a bit sick. But after one dose of medicene, he came right again!.

I didn't take pictures of Fred's entire baby stage, because i think you all pretty much know the drill now. I feed him, clean up after him, cure him of sickness, praise him, discipline him, play with him. And after all that, this is what he evolves into:


Harutchi!! I have missed some of the characters on the V4. I was very happy to see this little guy on the screen when i heard that wonderful evolving sound. :)

That shall be all for this post. Thank-you for waiting paiently for this post! I know it's a day late. Sorryeh about that everyone! Anyway, take care and i will talk later.

Love: Sakura-san123, Ron and baby Fred! <3

Afternoon TamaTalk! ^_^

I have some sadly sad news. I decided to take the battery out of my V3.... Why? Because i found myself ignoring Ron. I think it was because i was trying to take good care of Fred and, i just kinda stopped looking after Ron as much as i use too. I felt bad and also i am starting school again in 2 weeks so it's best that i only run one tama anyways. So i picked Fred because i had only just started him up. So this will now be a one tamagotchi log! Hope you guys don't find that too boring o.o.

Moving right along. Fred is better than ever! Why? Because he evolved into a teen yesterday!!! I will tell you what teen that was once i have shown you guys some pics and given a general update.

Soooo, while Fred was still a toddler of course he had to get accepted into pre-school! I took some pics of it:




Fred was very excited to be starting school. As soon as we got in, i took him there straight away. He told me he had loads of fun which was good :)

Also while he was a toddler, we played plenty of games of Jumping Rope and Mimic. Here's a pic of us playing Mimic:


I think Mimic is one of Fred's favourite games! It's all he ever wants to play XD.

Ok, now for what teen Fred evolved into! He evolved into a........... *drumroll*


YOUNG MAMETCHI!!! whoop whoop!! I was so happy to see this character on the screen. I think i am going to aim for a Mametchi!! But I don't know if i will get him because i don't have very many smart skill points right now... I need to work on that. Fred also got accepted into regular school today! We chose Mr.Turtlepedia as our teacher, so that Fred can get his smart points up.

And about 10 minutes ago, i played a game of Flag with Fred, because he's happy hearts were a bit low. :D

And were finished! Hope everyone has a awesome Thursday! Byee!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Fred! <3


Jeepers. I am super sorry for not posting much lately!! I actually had to take the battery out of Fred because i had a sleepover with a couple of friends and i didn't want to have him running and getting no attention!

This isn't a proper update, because i still need to put the battery back in Fred!! But once i do, I will make a proper update!! Hopefully with pics! So until then, hope you guys are having a awesome day so far!

Love: Sakura-San123! <3


Hello! Here's my promised second update about Fred!!

I finally managed to to start Fred back up. I have missed him. There aren't too many pics. I only have 3, because I just started him up so nothing exciting has happened just yet!


Just quickly. Wanted to show you guys the little box i keep my collection in! ^-^ Since i don't have a very big collection, everything fits nicely in this little box.


Here's a pic of the Download/Reset menu. Obviously i selected Download :D


And lastly, here's a random pic of Fred coming up to the screen! Sooo cute :3 I love Mametchi!

Oh, and Fred just got star mail, but that's nothing exciting XD

There's my post. It's not much i know. Hopefully there will be a better one tomorrow!! Thanks for reading! And again wanted to thank you guys A LOT for the almost 5000 views!! Do you guys know how much that means to me???? Omg, i am so lucky to have wonderful readers!! :) <3 I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Fred! <3

Omgg...... *falls over*... 5000 views.... WHATTT??? :D :D Do you guys have any idea how happy that makes me?? I did not think this was even possible for my log to get this far and have sooo many views! I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGHHH!!!!! <3 <3 *virtual hugs for everyonee!!*

Good afternoon readers ^_^

Despite the awesome intro about this log reaching 5000 views (Still shocked!). This will only be a rather quick update.

Fred is still a Young Mametchi. Which i honestly don't mind because i looove Young Mametchis! He's soo cute :3. Since i have being a bad mummy and haven't taken any pics of Fred, i have decided to just give you guys a stats update. Here we go!:

Full: <3 Empty: </3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Age: 2 years old.

Weight: 22 LBS

Training bar: ||||| (5). (Not too great with the training bar. Haven't really had time to get it fulled up!)

Smart points: 23

Gorgeous Points: 23

Social Points: 17

GP: 4270

Gen: 1st

Character: Young Mametchi!

Not much has really being happening with Fred lately. He actually earned his fifth training bar today, when i caught him crying and had to give him some praise. We played a game of Mimic and a game of Shapes. Then i took Fred to school! We picked the correct present which meant more smart points for little Fred!

Not much else to say. So that concludes this post. I promise to take some pics of Fred later on today! I feel bad for not putting some pics in this post after reaching 5000 views :/ Sorry everyone, but there will deffo be some sooon!!! Hope you are all having a awesome dayyy!!!

Love: Sakura-san123 and Fred! <3
