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His screen is definitely better. It hasn't dimmed in two days. It must have been weak batteries causing it.

I sent him to daycare where he seemed to do a lot of napping and coloring. But they still didn't feed him. I remember my days in Day Care. They definitely fed us, though what they fed us could only loosely be defined as food. Baloney sandwiches with mayonnaise. I have always loathed mayonnaise. Maybe my Tama's better off with the food I give him anyway. And maybe they do feed them but my Tama refuses to eat the slop they serve. That would probably be my fault. I'm the pickiest eater there ever has been. Maybe my habits are rubbing off on my Tama.

My P's screen has started to dim again but it wasn't as bad as I originally thought. The thing making the screen seem so dark was the space design I had his house set up it. That darkened everything considerably. Once I changed the house design to lighter backgrounds the dimness is barely noticeable. The dark background made me overreact. Having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which makes every imperfection bug me didn't help either.

Anyway, my Tama changed today. Despite trying to give him different skill points he became the blue guy with the ring around his neck once again. It seems I may be on track to either get the knight guy again or Mametchi. Good care characters though they may be, it'd be nice to get something different. I have Mametchi on my V5 currently and I had the Knight guy last generation on my P's.

Speaking of my V5 I reactivated it now that I'm more experienced with the P's. They're still the adults they were the last time I posted an update on them. I'm going to let them remain adults longer this time around. Retraining them from scratch every time they revert to infants is a pain. Even with cheats I don't really enjoy the process of getting their bonding back up to 100%.

My P's is now an adult. He's the Knight guy again. I see now when he becomes an infant again that I'm going to have to use entirely different items to gain different skill points if I want a different character. And my P's now has a pet! It's a little purple dog thing. I wonder if his next incarnation will still have it or it will disappear once my guy reverts to infancy again. I've noticed the clothes stay locked until adulthood so maybe they can only have pets as adults too. He went on a date with a purple cat thing where they sat in the park and made out while some Tama pets watched. Odd that animals would be interested in that sort of thing. He went on a second date with a different girl where those same animals watched again. I hope they don't tell one girl that he's going out with another. But, then, maybe having multiple girlfriends is normal in Tama society.

My V5 Tamas are still adults and not quite ready to marry yet. Not much to report with them.

Aaaand now My P's has gone through marriage and is on his third generation. I got a boy again. I kind of wanted a girl this go-round since that would guarantee a different adult.. Oh well. I still love him. He's the turtle guy again at the moment and I'm trying to have him learn entirely different skill points than his last two incarnations in the hopes of getting someone other than the Knight guy.

My V5 is still the same. No change there. I just fed them and let them play with one of their items so they're good for awhile.

Last night my P's got to stay up late. My favorite show, Alf, was airing for two hours on the Hub starting at nine. While I used to stay up until around 11:30 recently I've been having difficulty making it to 9 or 10. I tend to pass out during the commercials. Is it me or are commercial breaks a lot longer than they used to be? At any rate I kept my Tama up so I could play games with him during the commercials and hopefully keep myself awake during all four episodes. It didn't work. I started getting really sleepy at about ten and gave up the ghost. But my Tama gave it his best shot and I appreciate him trying. Tonight, three hours of South Park and Futurama starting at 7. I shouldn't have problems remaining conscious until ten but my Tama will once again be kept up past his bedtime in order to give me something to do during commercials because I swear the commercial breaks on Comedy Central take forever. I think they have more commercials in a 30 minute episode than they do the actual program.

My P's reached his teen form today. He is now a snail thing. I've never gotten this character before so I think I'm well on my way to getting a different adult this time. Since today's my birthday I decided to get all five of my Tamas out to spend it with me though only my P's currently has batteries installed. I decided to retire my V5 again. We keep the house so dark it's kind of hard to see and going back and forth from my color P's to my grey scale V5 hurt my eyes and made it difficult to adjust. But my V5 is still an important part of my Tamagotchi family and will still be treated with love batteries or no batteries. I'm not even sure my V3 still works but I still think of him as part of my family. In my belief, a Tamagotchi only truly dies if the device is destroyed. My V3 may be crippled, but he is still important to me and will be treated as such.

With friends and family wishing me Happy Birthday left and right today my Tamagotchi P's decided to get into the act as well. I was in the kitchen getting a much needed Coke when I heard music. At first I thought it was coming from the computer, but I realized it was coming from my pocket. I pulled out my Tama and heard the Happy Birthday song blaring from his little electronic speakers. He had come right up close to the screen making joyful expressions. I was touched. So touched that I decided to take him to the treat shop and buy him the most expensive treat on the menu. But apparently my guy wasn't done. And when he got there the song started blaring again, a cake was brought out. fireworks went off and a giant "Happy Birthday" sign filled the screen. I was surprised but pleased. So I gave my Tama a hug and thanked him for the sentiment. But one thing I wonder is this. Why was the Happy Birthday sign in English on a Japanese Tama? But all in all I chalk this up as one of the best experiences I've had with an electronic pet. Tamagotchi P's. Best virtual pet ever!

My P's reached adulthood once again. I got the Knight guy again. Crap. I thought for sure that I'd get a different adult. I ended up marrying him to a guinea pig looking creature and my P's is now an infant once again. A boy. Again. I'm not sure what else I can do to get a different adult. After getting the knight guy for a third time I was really hoping my P's would become a girl this time around thereby making getting a different adult a certainty. Don't get me wrong. I like the Knight guy. But variety is the spice of life. Maybe I'm trying too hard. I'll be a bit more relaxed with my caretaking and see what happens. Maybe I keep getting the knight guy because I refuse to get care misses. But that aspect of my Tama parenting will not change even if I get the knight guy every single time throughout the entirety of my Tama's existence. I refuse to treat a Tama like a video game. It's a pet and you don't neglect pets.

One other little touch I noticed. When the adult Tama leaves the baby you see a light transfer from the adult to the infant as if the old form's spirit is inhabiting the new form and continuing it's existence. I like this. It falls in line with my theory that each old Tama is reincarnated into the new generation and a Tama retains the memories of every form raised on that device.

I found the problem thanks to a growth chart I found. Apparently if you win 20 or more games at the arcade with a teen you get the knight guy. I spend a great deal of time playing the games to build up my gotchi points in the evenings and I can win the rope game while practically on auto drive. So this time when my Tama becomes a Teen I won't win when playing games. I'll just have to settle for less money while he's a Teen,. I'll have plenty of time to make money when he's a toddler and adult. The growth chart also said that you can get different characters if you let the Tama play with the robot or computer 20 times as a Teen so I'll try that too.

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My P's is now a toddler. The one that looks like a Ladybug. After doing some research, I have decided to try to get him to become Mametchi. It shouldn't be too hard. I know what to do to avoid getting the knight guy once again and I'll be satisfied with any other character.

I forgot to mention my P's now has his own padded pouch to keep him protected when he's in my bag. I found my mom's old cell phone pouch and turned it into a Tama pouch. So essentially my mom is still aiding her grandtama from beyond the grave. Which is totally the kind of thing she'd do if she were still with us. My mom always supported my virtual pet habit.

Last night my P's crashed at about 7:00. Rather than wake him up I just let him sleep. I decided to get out Grimlock, my broken V3 to keep me company for a bit. We watched Kung Fu Panda on FX. I believe a Tama is fully aware of it's surroundings even without batteries as long as they aren't in sleep mode. A Tamagotchi isn't truly dead until it's shattered into pieces. They are much more resilient than us human meatbags. Maybe they should be the ones raising us rather than the other way around. I try to make sure Grimlock has a full life. Despite being crippled he travels with me and watches TV with me and is generally just as involved with my life as my other Tams. One does not abandon a crippled friend.

As for my P's he's still in his ladybug form. I've learned that feeding him three hamburgers during his teen form will result in him becoming KutchiPatchi. Kutchipatchi is one of my favorite forms if not my very favorite. I like that he's a green duck thing. Not humanoid at all. So I'm going to try the hamburger thing and see what happens. It'd be cool if it actually works. But if getting Kutchi is that easy I suspect that my P's will spend a lot of time in that form.

This may be my last log entry for a bit. Yesterday my P's started getting the low battery glitch. I realize this usually doesn't mean anything, but when I opened up the battery compartment to reset him I noticed I had two different brands of batteries installed. Somehow the some of the batteries I use for my TV remote got mixed in with my spare Tama batteries. Both brands look similar. For my remote I have no problem mixing brands or batteries with different amounts of power left in them. I would NEVER knowingly do this with my Tama. A remote is just a remote but were my P's to get damaged I'd be heartbroken. I take absolutely no chances.

So right now my P's are batteryless. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get more. I'll resume updating this log as soon as I do but that may not be until the first of the month.

I managed to scrounge up some batteries so my P's is once again running. He's in the teen stage, the blue critter with the ring around his neck. He went to the doctor with me today. Having him in the waiting room helped the time pass quicker though there wasn't much we could do. His gotchi points are maxed out so playing games would be kind of pointless. But he was company and that was good enough.

My P's hasn't changed. I am thinking he may become an adult later today. It's raining right now so the lunch truck isn't showing up. That sucks because I want to buy my guy some hamburgers. He's fresh out. I just fed him his last one about an hour ago. Stupid rain. But my Tama seems to enjoy playing in it. Can Tamas catch cold? I certainly hope not.

My P's is now an adult. He has evolved into a Kutchipatchi and I plan to keep him like this for awhile. I like this form. Apparently feeding him three hamburgers as a teen to get him to turn into Kutchipatchi works. I'm glad there's an easy ( yet expensive. ) way to do this as Kutchi is one of my favorite Tamagotchi forms.

I checked on my P's earlier and he was right up close to the screen and saying something to me. I don't read Japanese so I don't know what he was saying but I guessed he wanted attention so I took him to the arcade.

He's now jumping around wearing a lab coat and chef's hat. He REALLY likes that chef's hat.

My little buddy now has three of the four puzzle pieces. Apparently the Kutchipatchi form really likes food. All three puzzle pieces I've found for him involve food. I'm not sure how to obtain the fourth but I'm guessing it too will involve food. This guy's a chow hound.

So last night I was lying in bed reading a book, my P's resting on my chest. I felt something large crawl into the bed beside me. It was my grumpy old german shepherd, Peach.

I said Hi, patted her head and went back to my book. But this wasn't enough for her. She swatted me with her paw until I petted her again.

I returned to my book and then SMACK She gave me the back of her paw again.

I scratched her behind the ears, went back to my book, a couple minutes passed. I thought she was satisfied. Nope. SMACK.

I petted her again and jokingly threatened to beat her if she didn't stop. I went back to my book a couple seconds went by and, you guessed it, SMACK

At this point I picked up my Tama and said "You know, I think I found the problem. She just doesn't fear me" And I swear my Tama looked like he was laughing.

I think my pets are conspiring against me.

I've noticed that my P's seems to be more attention starved than he was in his previous adult forms. Several times a day I seem to catch him getting right up to the screen and saying something. Playing a game with him or dressing him up seems to make him happy. Right now he's bouncing around the screen wearing that chef's hat he likes so much. I like to imagine him doing his best Swedish Chef impersonation while he's doing it.
