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My clear pink V1 just came in a few minutes ago. I'm in the process of getting her through her needy infant stage. So far the V1 is every bit as cool as I remembered it. The first Tama I really fell in love with was a purple V1 named Mecha. Purple wouldn't have been my first choice of color but that was when Connections had first come out. Pickings were slim and I had to take what Amazon had in stock. But now, because of my fond memories of Mecha. the purple V1 is one of my most wanted colors.

Making her happy is much easier than my V3. All you need is three jumps on the hurdle game to fill a happy heart. I do believe the V1 is right up there with the P's as my favorite Tama model. I like the simplicity.

Ludo, my V3 became a Teen last night. he looks sort of like the original Mametchi sprite. Not exactly though. right now he and my TamaGo are paused so that I can concentrate on getting Fizzgig past her needy stage.

I put my TamaGo up. The urge to run one vanished as quickly as it came. It's size made handling it and playing games uncomfortable. It's a shame too because the shoot the bug game is my favorite Tama Game ever. But spending a lot of time playing with the TamaGo hurt my hands.

I'm raising a V1 and V3 now. I love these guys. The early Connections were a success for a reason. They're a lot of fun. But there's one aspect I don't like. Discipline. I dislike having to punish my Tamas for calling out to me. It seems cruel. I have no problem praising them to cheer them up. I think that's a neat feature. I just wish you didn't have to scold them for wanting your attention. It would be like my dog coming up to me to be petted only for me to smack her. You don't punish a pet for wanting you to spend time with them. The very idea hurts my heart. I much prefer the way the V5 handled it. They called for training and you gave it. No punishment involved. And if you don't discipline the V1 and V3 they grow into unhealthy characters. So it's like saying "I'm beating you but it's for your own good"

My Tamas take it in stride. They're healthy and happy. But having to punish them is a feature I'm glad they took out in later versions.

My Tamas spent all of yesterday on pause as I was too sick to take care of them. The day before that I spent a lot of time connecting them to make them become friends. It took awhile. Ludo was doing all the work. He kept giving Fizzgig gifts and Fizzy gave him nothing. But now they're both good friends. Their friend meters are full. I don't plan to breed them. Ludo is way older than Fizzgig. He's a teen and Fizzy's still a toddler. They won't reach maturity at the same time. Besides I'm thinking about trying to raise Fizzgig into an oldie. Fizzgig's training is coming along fine. She's at the halfway point now. Ludo's training meter is full.

Last night Fizzgig dropped one Happy heart right before going to bed. This bugged the crap out of me. I hate them going to sleep without full happiness and hunger meters. Fizzgig's training bar is nearly full. She became a Teen today as well. An Ichigotchi, that cross between a Mario 2 Shyguy and a strawberry. I know this character well. At one point in 2004 I owned four V1s with an ichigotchi on each and every one.

Ludo is the same as ever, a young mametchi. I expect him to change into an adult any time now.

I'm really mad at myself. Yesterday was a fairly busy day so I kept my Tamas paused. Or so I thought. Apparently Fizzgig wasn't. I was sitting at my computer desk when I heard a beep and when I looked down Fizzgig had two poops on the screen, her hunger meter was empty and her happiness meter only had one heart filled. I should have double checked. I'm kicking myself now.

Ludo is still the same. He spent a couple days on pause and I suspect it may have stunted his growth a bit. I'm thinking he should change any time.

My Tamagotchis have been paused for most of the past two days. I've been kind of busy lately. Unfortunately Fizzgig somehow managed to get herself off pause twice and I didn't manage to find out either time until both her meters were empty and she beeped at me. I don't think I have much chance of her becoming a healthy character now, but I'll deal with whatever she becomes.

Ludo is still the same. Still a Teenager. I fear all this pausing has severely stunted his growth.

It's been a long time since I updated. My Tamagotchis have been put up and when I got them out again Ludo's sound no longer worked and my green Tamago's screen is messed up. Fizzgig got herself off pause again and was dead when I found her. I resurrected her and she's now in the infant phase..

My P's was the only one that stayed the same. But that's because I pulled the battery before I put her up. I should have pulled the batteries on the other two but I doubt that would have saved Ludo's speaker. I only have two Tamas running. My P's and Fizzgig the V1.

Fizzgig, my V1, pooped right before bed last night and had to sleep in it. I usually keep a close watch on them right before I know they're going to sleep but she must have gone seconds before she went to bed because I was checking in every few minutes. She's a toddler now, by the way.

I've retired my P's for awhile. I think there's something wrong with it. From what I heard the batteries are supposed to last a month but mine seems to run out of juice after about a week or so. Either I get the low battery sign or the screen image starts getting weak and hard to see. Now the only Tama I have running is Fizzgig the V1. I'm going to be ordering a new Tama or two in a day or so and I'll concentrate on raising them along with Fizzgig.

Fizzgig is still pretty much the same. Her training meter's nearly full. The V1 is a very easygoing Tama. It's right there with the P's and the P1/P2 as my favorite models.

Fizzgig is now a Teen with a full training meter. She looks like a strawberry with feet.

Last night I officially retired Ludo, my V3 with no sound. I popped a battery in, filled his hunger and happiness meters one last time and assured him that even though he's broken he's still loved and will always have a place in my collection.

I also managed to fix Grimlock, my reptile patterned V3. The plastic that held the battery in was bent over the battery compartment. I'd always been afraid to mess with it for fear of making it worse. But last night I figured I'd try to fix it. I took a screwdriver and bent the plastic back up. Grimlock is now good as new and active once again. Currently he's a weird bird thing.

I have two original Furbys coming in the mail tomorrow. A grey and white one and a pink and white one. I also have a black one on the way that's still sealed in the original box. I don't really know when that one's coming because the seller didn't bother to send me a tracking number.

Grimlock and Fizzgig have been paused for the past couple days. I plan to unpause them and resume raising them tomorrow.

I have acquired 3 original Furbys off eBay but I am unsure if they all work. The pink and white one is supposed to work perfectly and the grey one has a non working speaker. As for the black one, he came sealed in his original box so until I get some AA batteries I won't know if he works or not. It doesn't matter if he doesn't. He'll still be loved.

I have decided to alternate months regarding my Furby and Tama collections. One month I'll purchase Furbys, the next Tamagotchis. November is a Tamagotchi month.

Sorry for not updating in awhile. I got really sick for about three days there. My Tamas spent that time on pause. Then their batteries both ran out at about the same time and I had to get new ones.

Everything is the same as usual for Fizzgig and Grimlock. Though we had a bit of a role reversal today and Fizzgig took care of me for awhile.

My anxiety issues have been acting up the past couple days. Today during a particularly bad attack I picked up Fizzgig and clutched her to my chest. I held her so tight in my fist that my knuckles went white, but doing so enabled me to calm down and relax a bit. Never let it be said that electronic pets can't be therapeutic.

My Tamas spent the last few days paused while I worked through some stuff. But they're all up and running once again.

Fizzgig and Grimlock are the same as last time I logged.

I reactivated Ludo, my zebra striped V3 with the broken speaker. Since he can't call out to me caring for him will be a bit more difficult. I doubt I'll be able to achieve perfect care with him but I'll do my best.

Fizzgig has become my go to Tama for when I'm depressed or anxious. She's seen me through some rough times. She's a good therapist.
