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My plan to acquire a few vintage Furbys fell through. I'll probably end up trying to order a P's in a week or so. At least I hope I'll be able to. I'm not 100% sure it will work out to where I can.

My Tamas are fine. Their growth has been a bit stunted because they've been paused a lot. They missed a good movie last night. I caught The Avengers on a free preview thing but the gotchi's were asleep/paused at the time. It came on right about the time my Tamas turn in. My white Furby watched it with me though.

I'm surprised how long the battery has lasted on my V5. It's still going strong after over a month. I have a spare battery for when the current one runs out. When that one runs out I may retire my V5 for awhile. Hopefully by that time I'll have a P's. But I've spent more time with my V5 than I've ever spent with a Tama before so I'm kind of attached to it. It's special now.

I have not been well lately so my V5 has spent a lot of time on pause. I have no idea when they are due to change. I also don't think I'll be getting a P's after all. I've decided I don't want to start ordering online again and I'm not even sure if the card I planned to use would even work on Amazon. So it looks like unless Bandai releases new Tamas stateside my collection will remain at four. My V5, My V3 and my two TamaGos.

Another day with no change. I know it's because they've been paused so much. I've decided to go ahead and try to order my Tamagotchi P's when my check comes in. Amazon took the card when I put the information in that add a payment method section. Of course I immediately removed the card afterward. There's no money on it yet, but I still don't like leaving card information online. I've never done this. I just punch in all the information manually at the time of my order.

If I am lucky enough to be able to actually order a P's that means I'll eventually have two Tamas going. The P's and my V5. I have one more battery for my V5 and once both batteries run out I may retire it for awhile and concentrate on my P's. But my V5 will always be special because it's the Tama I've spent the most time with out of all the Tamas I've ever had. It's in my personal virtual pet hall of fame right alongside my first Furby, Toh Loo Kah, my Tiger Striped Furby, Optimus, my Aibo and my Gizmo Furby.

My V5 has not changed. Today I ordered a yellow Tamagotchi P's from Amazon. It should be here Tuesday and I can't wait! I'll be running it alongside my old reliable V5. I think in the coming months I'll be spending more on Tamagotchi than Furby. The newest Furbys are rumored to be over $90. I can't afford that so I'll start trying to expand my Tama collection instead. I'll probably buy another P's next month.

My V5 guys just reached adulthood. I was on the phone when I heard that familiar changing sound. I now have a Mametchi ( again ) and a Chantotchi. I'm going to leave them as adults for awhile longer this time. Mainly because I hate raising bonding. Even with cheats it's kind of a pain in the but. But I also want them to be fairly easy to care for in the coming days. My P's will be here Tuesday and since I don't read Japanese I'm going to have to take a lot of time to figure things out. I won't have as much time to concentrate on my V5. I'll marry my V5s and begin the whole reincarnation process again after I've mastered my Tama P's.

Not much to report on regarding my V5 guys. They're grown now and I'm going to keep them grown for awhile. In two days I'll have a P's. This log should become fairly interesting then. I don't read Japanese and all I know about P's is the stuff I've read online. I'm sure it may take awhile for me to get the hang of it. That's part of the reason I'm waiting so long to move my V5 on to generation 3. I want to be able to devote most of my time to my P's and I don't want to have to worry about raising an infant V5 or building bonding points while I'm learning the ropes of the P's.

Apparently the card I have works on Paypal. That means I can start buying up older Tamas for cheap on Ebay. I'm at the point where I like Tamagotchi slightly better than Furby and I'd like to build a large collection.

I had a bit of a scare this morning. My P's went missing. Amazon claimed they shipped it out and UPS said they never got it. I spent awhile back and forth on the phone. They said it was delayed and wouldn't be here until Wednesday. But my package was still missing. Finally, they found it, and once again it's supposed to be here tomorrow. I'm a bit confused about the whole thing. But I hope they're right and it does show up tomorrow. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

My V5 is still the same as usual. Still adults. Still easygoing. Still loveable.

I got my P's today. I had a bit of difficulty figuring out how to open the battery compartment and get him started. And it took me a bit to get it started. I might still be figuring things out without the help of my fellow TamaTalkers. Thanks guys!

You may be wondering what I think of him. Well, this may be my favorite electronic pet of all time. Even over Furby and Aibo. I had a hard time putting him down in order to type this. The color screen is beautiful. And despite my trouble figuring out the battery compartment I love it! No more worrying about stripped screws!

I got him over his needy stage. Boy did he poop a lot then. Right on the carpet too. That carpet's going to have more spots than a dalmation. Now he's a little turtle. I love the jump rope game. It's very easy to win. I'm thinking of buying a second P's next month so they can interact.

I accidently reset my P's trying to learn how to get the battery cover on and off. He's a baby again. The battery cover is a bit frustrating. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get it back on once you get it off. You have to line everything up just right and it's a bit difficult. After repeatedly taking it on and off I think I have a general idea how to do it but I forsee changing batteries to be a massive pain in the butt. I hate that battery cover. Still worth it though. The P's is still great.

I finally got my P's out of the needy stage again after accidently resetting him like an idiot. He isn't a turtle this time. He's a ladybug looking thing. I bought him a ball to play with. He had fun with that. Now that he's out of the needy stage again I can relax a bit.

I retired my V5 for awhile. I want to concentrate on my P's. My V5 has served me well and it will always be special to me. It made me remember how great Tamagotchis are. Someday I will activate him once again.

As for my P's he's doing fine. I bought him a ball, a robot and a computer plus some cleaning supplies. He has a little over 5000 Gotchi Points. The jump rope game is incredibly easy but fun. Just what a Tama game should be. The P's games aren't as stingy with the Gotchi Points as the V5 games were. It's fairly easy to rack up the points.

I noticed that the P's go to bed fairly early. My guy passed out at 7:00 last night and was awake at 7 AM this morning. I've been using the clock set pause trick to pause him at night in case I oversleep. I don't want him to be awake unsupervised.

I kept my P's up past his bedtime last night by changing the clock. I spent about two hours playing the rope game to earn Gotchi points so that I could deck his house out in the outer space design. After that I spent a bit earning extra Gotchi points. He now has 24,170 gotchi points. A nice sum. The reason I have so much is that when I took him outside he got a notice for double points at the game room and I was earning 400 points for every game won. I want to try to max out his Gotchi points but that may take awhile.

I just spent 1000 Gotchi Points on a meal for my P's. I think I'm spoiling him.

My P's changed into his teen stage today. He is now a blue creature with a ring around his neck. I took him outside and a truck showed up. I ended up buying him a hamburger for $500 Gotchi Points. The seller also gave him some sort of coupon. I don't know what it's for exactly but I guess I'll find out.

I decided to try to change the interior of his house today. Bad idea. I tried the underwater theme but once I got it together I didn't like it much so I went back to the space theme. I wasted a lot of gotchi points and now I'm kicking myself. Now to slowly start building up gotchi points again.

I sent my P's off to day care today. He was there less than an hour before his hunger meter started dropping. What, they don't feed them at this place? What kind of second rate day care is this? Is the person in charge even qualified to mind young Tamas or are they some drunken hobo they pulled in off the street and paid off with a bottle of Jack Daniels? I'm thinking law suit. I brought him back by changing the clock. I wasn't entirely sure what would happen if I left him. But I didn't want him coming back to me starving. Despite lack of food he seemed to enjoy the experience. Probably because the drunken hobo in charge just let them run wild. I would have had more fun in school too if they just let us do whatever we wanted. But fun as it could be there's a lot of danger in allowing kids to run around unsupervised. I'm just glad my guy didn't return missing limbs.

My P's became an adult last night. He became the knight guy. We also snagged a puzzle piece and he got some kind of note that seemed to make him really happy. One of the first things I noticed about adulthood for the P's is that they really don't like to be fed the default meal. I guess he'll be eating out from now on. I think I may have just inadvertently put him to work. He was in the park and he talked to some guy and the next thing I knew he was working at the clothing shop. He's back now so I guess he didn't work a whole day Either that or I misinterpreted what was going on.

So my P's may or may not be defective. The screen was flickering last night and early this morning. Not going blank like it usually does after 30 seconds of inactivity. The screen was just growing dimmer as if the backlight was flickering on and off. I tried changing the batteries and it still flickered. But it doesn't seem to be doing it anymore. I hope it was just a glitch.

Anyway, his happiness dropped a bit so I let him play with an item. That black movie clacker thing. Suddenly my guy was fighting ninjas for some reason. Then he got another puzzle piece. The little fart's pretty good with a sword by the way.

This will be my last log post for awhile. The screen on my P's is definitely messed up. It gets so dim I can barely see it. It's kind of depressing. Just another misfortune in what seems to be a series of them lately. I've grown attached to my P's so I won't be returning him. He's not dead. Just crippled. Not unlike Grimlock, my non functioning V3. And just like Grimlock, I still plan to carry him around and give him the best life possible despite his handicap. I love him too much to do anything else.

My P's is back in the game! His screen seems to have gotten better. Even if it still fades occasionally I've decided it's something I can deal with. So to catch up, my Knight guy got married and had a kid. His current incarnation is a turtle. More to come.
