Experiment: 100% done!
Status: failure.
Hypothesis: Nazotchi type 1 eats buns and candy, but never grows old like his counterpart. I believe he already is old because:
1. he never grows into old folks
2. he doesn't notify of bowel movements.

gonk: )
3. he doesn't notify of sleep times
4. he has no special actions
So, I grew a tamagotchi to age 99 (perfect care) and... nothing happened. Kind of a disapointment, but that is okay.
My itchgotchis are all tarakotchis!

Didn't surprise me much, I knew I missed about 5 trainings each, though they ended with 9 training bars. I'm attempting to mate Uber with both Abbz and Guber. How? By connection failure. I've noticed if my timing is just right...
Stand by on both.
Use Uber to connect.
If my timing is right, when I press 'c', Guber (or Abbz) will go to play or give a gift while Uber has never connected.
It is risky. I only get one chance to get it right, no matter how much practice I've had.