Nazochi's other attempts at nazotchi


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Sen turned into a hinotamatchi. I gave her all but 1 disipline, and neglected her spirit needs directly twice. I'm hoping for a tarakotchi. I let a friend play with my gozarutchi, Devil. She mated her! :D Ah well, I'm okay with that, it was a boy! ^_^ First time I've ever gotten a boy from a parent. His name is Haku. He's a marutchi now, should turn into a itchigotchi around noon my time. Any ideas for him? I'm fresh out, so if anybody has an experiment for me to try on him, post it here. ^_^

Haku turned into Hinotamatchi too. I'm going to make a conjecture (or two):

Marutchi's will always turn into the worse of the 4 teens unless on first generation. Kinakomotchis can turn into any dependent on care.

bebitchis and shirobebetchis will turn into marutchi regardless of parental training if you give them enough bad care.

Haku is still hinotamatchi, and is two. He would be older if the battery didn't DIE!!! :( Stupid connections.

Sen transformed into... TARAKOTCHI!!! Just what I was hoping for ;) . Now I have ALL of the characters except the old timers and secret ones! ;) Soo happy! I remember giving her 2 direct spirit neglects, and one indirect ignoring of disipline. :lol:

A few seconds ago, Haku turned into what I thought would be a mametchi. Of course, letting my friends play with him screwed him up bad, another masktchi! :lol: :) He wasn't supposed to be born in the first place. >.> *points to friend who made them make love with devil*

How to get the characters: part 1



This is the key:


Direct neglects: 4 of these will kill your tama**. These include:


happy hearts below zero for over 15 minutes"


body hearts below zero for over 15 minutes*



Indirect neglects: So far, no amount of these has killed my tama. Includes:


sleeping 15 minutes after need"

cleaning 15 minutes after need*

getting a toothache*

forgetting to disipline 15 minutes after need"


"=suspected to lower hidden parameter of spirit

*=suspected to lower hidden parameter of body

any of them=suspected to lower game luck level


**tamagotchis cannot die as bebitchi/shirobebitchis

How to get the Characters: part 2




NO neglects whatsoever. Even forgetting to disipline can change the character.





One direct body or spirit neglect gave me these. Another possibility is to directly spirit neglect him twice.





I got this character by directly spirit neglecting twice, and not disiplining once.





These characters were obtained by directly body neglecting three times, with perfect spirit care.





Many ways to get these characters. You can always forget to disipline, or break its spirit three direct times. Always leaving the light on will cause this, as will feeding it too many snacks. *once again rolls eyes at friends*



*=occurs in the odd numbered generations

^=occurs in the even numbered generations

+=occurs in any generation


sidenote: all of these characters can be obtained in different ways than I have noted, with the possible exception of the two perfect characters. This charty-thingy is just my summed up accounts of how to get these characters, but I do believe if you follow them that you will get these characters.


another sidenote: when I speak of all of these neglects, they start at the teen age, not the toddler or baby stage. In other words, it is okay to mess up as a baby or toddler as long as you follow the neglect chart as a teen.

Phew. That took a while. I haven't quite found the fine line between the good and bad teens yet, that will be my next experiment. I'll mate haku and sen because they both have full disipline. I shall then treat one baby horribly and the other perfectly to see what children I get. If the badly treated one is a marutchi, then I'll treat it perfectly and see if I get an oniontchi. (I treated haku perfectly and got a hinotamatchi from a marutchi. The reason I have to prove this again is because I had no other child to compare it to)

With thanks to Vahkidude, I'll be on my way to a nazotchi tommorow night.

Sen has mated with a robotchi and she is now playing with her little friend. Names. If the other is a boy when it is born, then drew and skylr. If a girl is born, then it will be named emily. *inside joke* Anyway, I guess Sen's luck level is really low. I kept resetting the time to the matchmaker, and she kept giving robo's, hana's, maskt's, and goza's. All of the sickly characters. >_> well, I think I'll raise Skylr in the dark, if that is possible.

I shouldn't let my friends borrow my tamagotchis anymore. After warning my friend to take good care of Skylr, she neglected him and turned him into marutchi! :( :D it isn't cool to always get the bad teens, which I know is going to happen even with the best care. Haku still hasn't been matchmade.

and so... Late last night I thought I'd have to wait until 3:00 pm (masktchi's b-day) before the matchmaker came. Unsure, I lethargically marched up to bed, setting my tama's clock for 6:59 one last time before going to sleep. I put my pajamas on. I looked back at my tama and... The matchmaker had come! I was so pleased! :D I quickly pushed the b button to see what she brought. Just my luck! Another masktchi! I said yes and Drew shall be born officially around 10:00 pm. :D

Even with perfect child care, marutchi turned into oniontchi. She is now commiting suicide (what my friends call it when a teen runs and falls). Haku the mastchi has been sleeping all day, which is how I'm keeping him from bieng unhapppy and eventually needing a snack (which would be transfered to Drew)

OMG!!! Batteries! sweet cr3022 batteries! I'm so happy! yet, so... weak... I can't reach the screwdriver.. But. I must! *reaches* yes! Now I just gotta... *faints from lack of tamagotchi* ...........




*wakes up* oh. Now I can do this! *puts batteries in* Yay! Drew and Skylr are alive again! one year old, Drew is oniontchi, just as planned.

M-kay. I know for a fact I've neglected Skylr spiritually once. I must've forgotten to disipline a couple times because and 2.5 yrs old, he is tarakotchi.

Drew is still one, and with 12 or 13 disipline. I forget which. :)
