Nazochi's other attempts at nazotchi


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Oyajitchi can only be boys. ^_^ I've tried.

My mini evolved into a ginjirotchi without even trying! He was a mametchi, and I gave him O.K. care, letting him go hungry once and forgetting to clean up after him when he sleeps, not shutting out the light sometimes, etc. <== picture.

I took the battery out of my gozarutchi and gave it to Rini, who had a male hitodetchi, born today, named Katri because he was born as Katrina made landfall. My masktchi, mupi gave birth to my hinotamatchi, Kupo! yesterday.

Kupo! went from hinotamatchi to mametchi! Exellent! Katri is still a puroperatchi. Now I can choose his destiny. If I treat him perfect, he'll be a chohimetchi (cute!). On Rivenn's chart, there is no sickly character reported for a puroperatchi. Though Chohimetchi tempts me, I believe it will be in best interest to try and make the puroperatchi sickly. :(

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Sorry to interrupt again, but I think there's a bit of a mistake... :blink: .
You mentioned earlier that Cho Himetchi is a character that is gotten out of perfect care? Well, I accidentally let my tama's happiness level drop to zero until he beeped at me twice, and he still evolved into a Cho Himetchi! Lol!

Also, I always thought Mametchi was the almost perfect, and Memetchi was the healthy one...but I might be wrong. But anyway, cool log! :furawatchi: !
I could be wrong. Nothing's final until Bandai America lets us see an official growth chart. But it probably won't happen. I see new tamagotchi names on their site, but no pictures! :huh:

Thanks for the reply. :furawatchi:

Dox is a kinakomotchi born from Kupo!. He is Spike's brother, which says kuribotchis may come from low disiplined-well manered parents. Kupo! and Katri both had 6 disipline, pretty low because I had them asleep a lot.

Spike is a kuribotchi! I'm interested in what teen he will evolve in tomorrow. Then I can character aim. :3

Here is a suggestion... The old secret charecter, oyajitchi, is rumoured to turn into a secret charester nazotchi if you feed it know snacks.also it is rumoured that if you mate an oyajitchi with another chareterthe baby is born a girl then turns into a nazotchi.

Anyway, the key to a nazotchi is definately through the oyajitchi.
Interesting twist on the no-snack theory. *adds to list*

I've mated an oyajitchi with a character before; nothing special happens. The child was a girl, but it grew up to be a normal character.

Well, no duck-billed character for me. Spike is a hanatchi, a guy I haven't had in a while, and was happy to see again. Now a shiropuchitchi sits by his side.

The batteries ran out on my V1's. :pochitchi:

There is a small chance of me getting a few P1 and P2 tamagotchi within the next few weeks...

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I feel really discouraged. My batteries died, with my respect for this forum. Everything's so chaotic here. I see misplaced threads, flamers, and it's kind of sad. When will this forum come back to life?

Anyway, Broke died, and Dox is a mimitchi. I'll update once I reset Broke.

I haven't been here in a while due to... Lack of summer. :marumimitchi: ;; I've been really busy, but I'll update my log every now and then.

Bean is a male marutchi, generation three, two training bars. His father was a gozarutchi and his mother was a tarakotchi (v1).

All the way at 16th generation is my oniontchi, Kyuti. He has the same parents as Bean, also with two training bars. I've given him perfect care, but I let him sleep when I'm too busy to take care of him. I'm hoping for him to be a mimitchi despite his disiplinary neglect. I think it's possible if I...


Purple shall be the color of V3 information! Hooray!


Teletchi->Tamatchi->Obotchi. Four disipline bars. I named him Link, because I'm becoming entranced with Majora's Mask.


I was upset to hear Nyatchi was only a costume, and that tamatchi and kuchitamatchi were toddlers instead of teens...

I need batteries for the other tamagotchis. I reckon' I'll buy them someday...

Did I mention Link is in a blue bubble egg? I like this design the best!


Link has 8 bars now. Happy! I've been careful to keep him happy. Today we went fishing. After catching several cans we caught a titanic fish that looked like a giant version of the teenager in Umi no Tamagotchi (ocean tamagotchi). The big fish ate the swimming pole. T_T

Link mated with... The kutchipatchi-counterpart from P2 tamagotchi... Hashi-something-tchi. XD


Now he left Makar, a male kutchitamatchi with only one training bar whom I have neglected in order to set up a new aquarium!
