Name Glitches - the evilest things


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i had the name glitch too my tamas name was tama it turned to sama


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My sister was relived to hear that. But the name wasent itch, it was glitch. So the first 2 letters changed.
ur lyin glich has 6 letters whatch g1 l2 i3 t4 c5 h6

and thats glich u can olie have letters in ur tams name :rolleyes:

I am SO angry because my tama had the name glitch. It's name changed from Roo to Poo. Not kidding. :rolleyes: Will it go away back to normal or will I be stuck with this stupid name forever? Please help. :mellow:

///Matchy :rolleyes:
my tama rose changed to pose then to rose (hmm mabey after time rs will chang to ps

My friend's tama's name changed two times (different generations) when seen on the parents list

Hahaha! It was SO funny to read about your people's name glitches! :furawatchi: :wacko: :blink:

I cannot wait for that to happen to me, (if it ever does..).

I have an adult called "April" (she is a parent now),

and one adult called "Max" he is my current tama.

I can't really think of any bad or funny words that those name could change into.

But the name glitch sounds fun! :chohimetchi:

My opinion.

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I had a tama and it's name was Jessy, the next day when it got a baby it's name was Hessy, it showed up as Jessy on the parent list though.

Sometimes it does not all the time lets hope it goes back

I named my :) Lexy, and the day after it had evolved, it's name was... Sexy...

I reset it, because when a girl at school saw the name, she said she'd tell because it was a naughty word... also, my current :unsure: used to be called Mick, but it's name is now Lick!!! I hate name glitches soooo much... grrr.....

Woah! That name glitch thing is seriously weird! Luckily, it hasn't affected my tama as of yet... Does anyone know if it affects a certain generation, age group etc??

It seems like it happens a lot to adults, but mine changed as a teen. Some people say after they named it, it came out different on the screen. That happened to my brother.

Matchy :D

I named my tama Joe and it turned to Hoe!!**

But I downloaded it and it turned back to normal, but there was a skull and all my hungry and happy hearts were gone !!** :D B) :p ;) :D :D :D

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It hasn't happened to me but is has happened to my brother...

the name changed from Skate to Qkate! :D

u mean...not sayn it!4 a day my tamas name changed frum Bobby 2 Obby.its weird!
hey, mines was bobby to obby too! Maybe there's some kinda pattern with name glitches :)

I forgot...I also had a Tamagotchi with the name JAKE but it turned into HAKE. Its somewhere under What Happened To My Tamagotchi?!
Hey, mine was JAKE to HAKE but it died and in history it says JAKE. My new one was also JAKE to HAKE, but I just did reset download and it turned back to JAKE

This name glitch happened to my sister! Her Tama was named 'Jay' and now it's 'Hay'.

Never happened to me, though. I kinda wish it would. :furawatchi:

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