Name Glitches - the evilest things


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I don't think it can change back. Can you change back the name when you have named your tama? :blink:

Well, luckily. I haven't gotten the name change, never have.

Bt, Never say never.


I am SO angry because my tama had the name glitch. It's name changed from Roo to Poo. Not kidding. :p Will it go away back to normal or will I be stuck with this stupid name forever? Please help. :p

///Matchy :D
I had the exact same thing happen on my V4 it canged from Rich to Pich! I pressed reset and download then the name was back to normal. :p

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I think most of you are making this up. There is NO WAY you all had the name glitch. If there even is one sorry to ruin your "game" but this is most likely the truth.

This happened to me!!! I named mine Boo. but later, it went to oo, with a space where the B was. what the heck?? I swear im not lying! :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :blink:

I am SO angry because my tama had the name glitch. It's name changed from Roo to Poo. Not kidding. :p Will it go away back to normal or will I be stuck with this stupid name forever? Please help. :p

///Matchy :D
It happens to me alot and it is annoying i once had a tama called chomp ad it turned in to ahomp weired hey !! but just reset and download

Once that happened to me, only the name disappeared completely! I was trying to name it Anna, but then it temporarily froze and turned to nothing! My poor Tama didn't have a name!

The only solution was to reset it. :D

I am SO angry because my tama had the name glitch. It's name changed from Roo to Poo. Not kidding. :angry: Will it go away back to normal or will I be stuck with this stupid name forever? Please help. :p

///Matchy :angry:
Just DOWNLOAD it is it will go back to normal

Mine was JULIE and it turned into HULIE !!!!

I was shocked!!

I have no idea why or how this happened. I think that maybe you should just reset and download like eveyone else is saying.

Mine was Onepu, but it changed to Mnepu. that doent even sound like a proper name!

good news: its back to Onepu. :wacko:

i think you are all lieing, i mean who would name a tama ROO??? You probably posted this to make it sound funny and put poo. There is no way every1 can have this same thing, and every1 i know or even mine has never had these! But if however it possibly is true then idk.

Today was my very first time I've ever gotten the name glitch. I have two Tamagotchi, a boy called Kai on my v1 and a girl called Kiri on my v4. I checked on Kiri's stats and I found that her name had changed to Iiri!

I had one of those my tamagotchi's name was candy and turned to aandy.It was weird then it changed to candy when it was in the family section.

this has happened to me be4 dont worry i just reset mine and it was bak to normal

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