Name Glitches - the evilest things


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I've had that problem before. My tama's name was Coco but then it changed to Aoco! :D I reseted it & downloaded it and its name was Coco again. xP

xD I'm sorry, I was cracking up when I read the name change.

That happened to my friend once. Her tamagotchi baby hatched, but she didn't see the gender (it was a boy.) and named it a girl name. She named it Daria and it changed to Dan! It was weird. She didn't mind, since that was her choice for a boy name ;D I don't think it goes away until the tama dies. I'm sorry! :huh:


Odd, lots of people have had this, I'll check my tama now, female, masktchi, name is SAISE,hmmmm, I don't remember naming it that, I'm trying to remeber if I did I think I did.OOps, I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S HER NAME, HELPME!!!!..................


well it's never happened to me before but if i were you i would buy a new one,reset or download sorry if i wasen't much help just trying to help you out :unsure: :blink:

Restting DOES work!

Mines was ducky... and guess what it turned to!?


That is totally weird! Wow. Let me try that name when I have a nother tama.

The name glitch happened to me too B) B) My tama's name is Neji but turned in Leji this happened to me the first time is it dies and you go to history and will it say Leji or Neji? if a press the reset button and download will anything be gone or reseted?

My friends tama had spaces on the screen in which you couldn't see things properly. She accidently spilled water on her tama so she couldnt read the name or how happy the tama was etc. properly, she could still play with it though, because the battery wasn't harmed, it was only the screen. Maybe you just can't see the slanted line of the R anymore and it seems like hes called Poo.

it happened to me i named mine silo (thats right blackheart)

and then it decided to glitch and rename him qilo

and i had one named scone

now it's calle mcone

if i press the reset button and i press download what will happen? will anything be erased? will my tamagotchi turn into baby please help i dont want the name to be leji :furawatchi:

omg this happened to me 2 weeks ago my tama was named muck and it turned to f**k yes the f word


Yeah, if you reset and download, it prolly will be back to normal. I did it with my tama and it worked. I already said this, so please pay attention.

my sister had a :ph34r: and was called CORNY. our tamagotchis were married. then her :) got its name changed to AORNY. when i looked in my friends list i still had it as CORNY but when i looked at the end there was a nother :hitodetchi: wich was called AORNY!!! :mametchi: :pochitchi:

my sis is crazy about kuchipatchi

Yes that happened to me her name was Cady and it changed to Ady donlowd it and it goes back to normal. :D :eek:

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