Name Glitches - the evilest things


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That happened to my sis. She tried to name hers Omi ans it came out Pmi. ^_^

I have had a name glitch, my friend called her's Bob, and it came out as Gob. :) However she restarted and downloaded and it went back to normal. :)

;) Fairytale Romance :)

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I had a tama named Gaara, it's name became blank when I feed it a cookie. o-o

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my last generation my tamas name was neji but changed into lleji now this generation my tams name was rukia but changed into pukia! HAPPEND TO MY TWO IN A ROW

Yeah i named mine hitch and it changed into the b word
yer my ones name was my ones name was hob then it changed to the n word

i want a name glitch all iget i get is shemale tamas or gay tamas and Miss Matchmaker that is very ... sad

u mean...not sayn it!4 a day my tamas name changed frum Bobby 2 Obby.its weird!
my tamas name was thich and it change to the b word and my others name was tuck and it chaned to the f word

it's not always the first letter my friends tama's name was bob and it turned to um...BO*insert o here*B

Its really sad. My tama has a never ending glitch or somethin. Cause I named mine "BUCK" Then the first letter changed to a "F" and you dont want to know... :huh: :eek: :( :( :( :(

Y`a know how I menioned the never endin thing in the last post? IT KEEPS ON HAPPENNING!!! =( :( :( :huh: :(

Once, I called my tama 'Pebs' and connected it with a different version tama. When I looked for the tama on the othre tamas friends list one picture said 'Pebs' and the other was 'Pebs' witha few pixels missing so it read closest to 'Iebs'.In the end i got so annoyed with seeing that evil glitchy picture I deleted it.

I've never had any more trouble since.



None of mine have done that. I don't want my V4 Wurm to become Zurm! :furawatchi:

I don't know if it goes back to normal because my friend's V4 she named it Kiki but it turned out Iiki. It never turned back to normal but when she looks in parent it says Kiki. I think it's weird. Sorry I'm not help to you. :p
thanks 4 telling dat 2 us :( :( :(

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