Moonlight War


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its like..

a grocery store?

but not like Walmart

"you just do." Nathaniel playfully knocked her over, hovering above. "your smile. your giggle.."

There is a war against creatures of the night and humans. So far, the creatures are loosing. The army has recruited your characters to fight in the war.. to make new allies... and friends, and too destroy the enemy... ( you can be:vamps, ghost, neko's, wolves, werewolves... etc... or a human)

Name: Sorrow/ Willard

Age: ??/ ??

Gender: f/m

Looks: /

Side: creture/ creature

Creature or human: mostly ghost, little vamp./ full vamp.

Powers: ICE, super speed+intellect/ super speed+strengh+intellect

Crush: ............./.........

Other: are cousins
Name: Enick

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Looks: small albino with a red streak in his hair


Creature or human?: Demon

Powers: Fire, earthquakes, summoning

Crush: N/A

Other: Water is like acid to him,


i hate food shopping though.

i made a whole aisle of cans fall >__>

both sides.


Nathaniel nodded, "very." He let go by accident, dizzy. He stumbled back, and fell into the water.

Enick:*wandering down an alley when its raining* *has an umbrella* I dont remember this ally here..


I laugh hard.

Her face of happiness suddenly turned into a scream, and she backed up against the wall (for her fear of water was great). The water was deep enough to drown someone- if he hit his head and was knocked out, he would sink seven feet and his lungs would deteriorate quickly, and he would be no more.

i know i'm funny, Axie~

but that was accidental.


it was sooo embarrasing.

a lot of people got money off for dented cans though!


Nathaniel was floating on his back, perfectly fine. "Don't scream!" He cried. "I just need a quick bath.."

Enick: ... *walks away* *a sudden gust of wind blows his umbrella out of his hands* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *secreams in pain and runs into the nearest building*

kk, thanks.

Enick: *umbrella gets caught on a stalactite* *the water dripping from the ceiling runs down his face* AHhhhh! *runs out of the cave*


Enick: *yells back into the cave* *sarcastic* Im ok, thanks!

Avi randomly took hold of Jade's hand and started walking into the darker, more dangerous parts of the woods.

Jade made a swift motion of her head, bidding the others follow.

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