Moonlight War


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oh wow xD

lucky's like that

it could be OCD.

Elda made a face, and playfully smacked his hand. "meanie.." She whispered, and then kissed him.

Maybe she obsesses with ripping all the d*mn fur off her butt.

something came over him, suddenly- guilt?- and he directed his now ghost-like gaze to Gio, so near to them, the husband of his most current lover.

It is!

I swear, its sooo awesome X3

Hes like... His name is Josh, and Sam calls him Pretty Boy.

me and him knew each other over the phone for years and never really met till last night.

so were like, best friend but we never even met each other X3

His girlfriends awesome too. And shes like.... "you too, I swear, shes like your female forme, Josh!"

We had a laugh.

"so Ive noticed." he whispered, in her ear, before kissing her neck.

that's kinda weird xD

absolutely amazing.

you've got a video game counterpart..

and a male counterpart

you know who everyone keeps saying is my male counterpart?

She giggled, "good observation."

yep you are xD

and he's a michael jackson sound a like xDD

that makes it better~

-grrr- amazing phil

ever since i showed everyone his vids,

they keep saying he looks and acts like me


i was watching a vid of his, and zach says 'that sammi!'

Elda ran her hands his back, "i see."

nooo, you stole away my Amzing Phil


Oh well. Hes so awesome so then your awesome too.

(?I think?)

Aww, Zach.

I have to take his word for it.

He had slipped one of his hands in her shirt, just then kissing her soft spot.

lol, when ever zach sees some one with dark hair, and a hair cut similar to mine..

"... that sammi!"

but martha swears he looks like me too >__>

yay, i'm awesome?

Elda shivered, "very keen."

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