Moonlight War


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thats awesome <3

i dreamed i fell off a sky scraper and then started to fly

"I'm sorry about that. Well... You'll find someone. You're a handsome boy."

That sounds pretty cool too ~

He sat back though, on a stool next to Avars bed.

Avar sighed, and hauled himself up. "Your dads right. Your a cute kid. Someone is bound to fall right in love with you. But hey, I have a question."

Catalin glanced up at him for a second. "...Yha?"

Avar kept his eye open as he focused on him. "You havent been sleeping well, have you?"

Catalin shook his head.

....But you were flying!

"I have nightmares a lot." He said quietly, and Avar glanced up at Willard, wondering if he knew.

i was asleep in the car, and my mom took an embarrassing pic of me.

everyone was making fun of me and sending it to everyone in the car

Willard bit his lips, "Thats not good."

My school is retarded, so I have to go there and pick up my schedule cause they wont give it to me and maybe my report card too, cause we never got it. Then I have to go get a new backpack (Because as much as my old bag is awesome and durable, Messanger bags are awkward to carry to and from home every day.)

He shook his head again. "Its not important, and im not important. Vinn has lots of things to do and take care of. I would only bother him. Dreams are dreams."

that is really dumb.

my school is dumb too-

they won't even tell us where my bus stop is at

"You are important. And... Cat, it could be serious."

They didnt even give me my schedual, stupid b*stards.

But guess what-

You know the state standerdized tests?

I didnt get a single question wrong on the reading FCAT

"Dreams?" He shook his head. "I dont think so."

I feel so smart~

Even though my language arts skills have always been through the roof.

Highschool isnt bad at all. For me (And many others) Its much better then Middle School

"Oh. Yha." He nodded. "Well, I sleep. But the bad dreams make me more tired when I wake up."

Well, what are the odds youll get classes with all of them?

He shrugged, and then pulled away from Willard, sitting on the stool again. "Give Avar medication now."

Avar huffed. "Meds? Well, im sure your lovely doctor friend put reaserch into what hes giving me, right?"

Well, why?

Is the school a limited access, or public? Magnet?

Catalin shook his head. "You put them in your pocket."

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