Moonlight War


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i am happy <3

i didn't burn.

i'm a nice light olive color

"He... He's not my biological son. I adopted him here. He's been here before me. He has... ESP or something."


not a light olive.

more like a medium.

what clothes did you get~~~?

"Vinn already adopted those girls, and besides, me and Catalin have known each other for a long time. Before I arrived here."

One tux immitation jacket, vest, shirt, a tie, and three jeans.

Avar shook his head. "Vinns a scientist, but he cares for his subjects enough to... adopt them? And then your lucky enough to end up in this place with both your wife and someone you care about enough to call your son. Lucky, man."

sounds lovely~~!

(i'm getting attacked with licks by Justone)

"He lost his family years ago, and these girls are like daughters to him. And yes, it is lucky." Willard smiled, and then picked Avar up. "Time to give you meds."

hahaha xDD

Everytime you say Justone, I think it says Justin.

Avar closed his eyes and leaned into Willard, one arm around him and the other hanging from his side.

lol, everyone says the same thing~~

she's been very cuddly lately

"You're lucky too, because you are a part of my family now." He carried Avar to his room, gently setting him on the bed. "Vinn should be here with the medicine, and I need to heat you up some soup."

Aww <3

thas adorable.

Avar just looked at him a bit, with an unreadable expression in his eyes, before closing it again. "...Soup sounds great, except I dont really want to eat anything."

its kind of odd.

she's never really been a lap cat

Willard blinked, "okay... A granola bar? You need something in your system before you take the meds."

lol, Lucky is human like as well.

He sleeps with his head on a pillow, under a blanket, on his back or side.

Willard smiled, "glad to make you laugh." He kissed his forehead, and ran out.

Thats awesome xDD

Nicoma is like, a clingy jealous housewife.

Vinn was accessing info, writing in his journal, printing and doing an array of other things he was good at while Catalin hung over his shoulder like a shadow, trying to figure out what was going on.

Willard blinked, "Vinn, he's refusing to eat. And I need you to help give the medicine."

jealous house wife?

that's soooo cute!!!!

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Its mostly freaking annoying >.>

Like when I go out with friends, I come home and she yells at me

When I wake up she never, never lets me go back to sleep.

God forbid I pet another cat.

Vinn glanced up, and Catalin backed away.

"Well, didnt you put him back on the IVs?"

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