Moonlight War


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Jade wouldn't talk. She just stared ahead, tears streaming down her face.

Adam pulled a piece of a blade from her shoulder, and watched, amazed, as the skin healed up right before his eyes. She had spontaneous regeneration. She'd probably never be able to die.

Toby held tightly to her hand, tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe what had almost happened to his sister-- his best friend.

Isaac bit his lip when he saw a look in Dani's eyes. "You don't like it? I'm sorry, Dani..." He put the scissors down, and held Dani in his arms.

Jackson, however, had missed the bit anout the blade- he settled beside Jade, afraid if he touched her he would scare her, but wanting her to know he was there. He hadnt made the connection between Croy and her yet. "Jade? Its me, Jackson." He murmured. "Im so sorry about what happened."

He shrugged. "Its okay. Its your hair." He smiled a little. "Might as well finish."

"Nah, it's good this length. I don't want it to short." He had been dressing more casual, so he wasn't too intimidating. He also cut his hair for that reason. "I love you, Dani." He kissed his cheek.

Jade turned to him, and stared at him, as if she had no idea where she was, or who he was, or anything. She seemed so lost, broken. Small. And it was obvious now, she was sick. If she hadn't been, she could have defended herself. Her mouth moved, very slightly, but no words came out. And then she took a shuddering breath, and then she whimpered, trying to keep from sobbing. She was holding onto herself, trying to hide her body from the world.

Dani snuggled into him, smiling a little. "Love you too." He murmured.

Jackson was about to speak again, more reassuring words, when Croy walked in. covered in blood, dirt, and other foresty things, he dint look all to pleasent, and the lifeless gleam in his eyes and black liquid falling from his lips were not at all apeasing. Jackson let out a squeak of fear, and scrambled backwards to the wall of the tent, his eyes narrowed at such a sight. Would this thing decide to attack him and Adam next? Toby?

Jade? Would it attack Jade after all this?

It certainly seemed intent on nothing but Jade, dismissing everyone else in the tent as jut being there- or maybe he didnt realize they were there at all, which, as far as Jackson could (Or couldnot) tell, was neither a good or bad thing.

He decided to stay where he was.

Croy had finished the guy in a violent way only meant for men like him who would hurt girls in such a way, and now he had come for Jade. His mind had blanked out with the rage that had come with the discovery, and he could not summon much a thought other then to make sure Jade was alright, and so that was what he did. Leaning down, he took Jades face, gently, slowly, in one of his cool hands.

"Are you allright?"

Jade couldn't hide any longer. She started sobbing. "He.... he... said horrible things to me... and I tried to fight him away... but I couldn't! I'm so weak! He almost had me... and that's when the others came and saved me from him. Croy, you were right! I should have told them what was going on!? I'm such an idiot!" She wanted to curl up and die. "I had it coming to me! I deserved it, for lying!"

Croy pulled her up again, and into a careful hug. "No." he murmured. "No. this is not[i/] your fault. How does any of that tie into him having a sick mind? ... Anyways, he will never hurt you again." He murmured. "I promise. I made sure."


He shrugged. "I dont know." He murmured.

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Jade wanted to disappear. She felt shamed. Almost the whole camp had seen her without part of her shirt on, her pants undone and everything. Burying her face into Croy's chest, she sniffled, "Do you still love me?"

Croy nodded, wiping off his face and burying it in her hair. "Yes, of course." He whispered. "I dont love you any less then I did. Jade, you should... I mean..." He paused. "I would never leave you."

He shook his head. "I dont feel good." He murmured.

Jade whispered, "Croy... you don't know how much it means to hear you say that."

"Im all sore." He said. "It feels like my arms are covered in bruises, or something."

Croy nuzzled her a bit more. "I mean it, down to the marrow of my bones." He whispered. "I should never have left you here with these creeps... If anything, its my fault this happened to you!"

Jade stared up at him, horrified. "Croy, please don't say that!" She begged, taking his hands in hers. "I never want you to blame yourself. Everyone else in the camp is very kind to me. He's the only creep, I promise."

From about mid forearm to the shoulder, the skin was turning a dark red color, blotted with purple, as if he was bleeding under the skin. It felt softer then usual, as well.

"I think I am finally turning." He murmured. "I think. It keeps wanting to happen and then not. But I think its happening now."

Croy stroked her a bit, looking doubtful. "but how could you be sure!" He said, suddenly swinging his head side to side wildly, as if someone was there to hurt her again. His long, elf-like ears were pushed back, and his animalistic ears were perked for danger. "You said you were safe, and you were not."

Jade said, "I believed I was safe. I felt safe." She moved, kissing his cheek. "I really did..."

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