Moonlight War


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He blinked. "A girl." He said. "I turn into a girl, full moons. But then when Sorrow froze me, I was ot turning for a while. And no lightning. but now im going back to normal."

"But your not safe." He murmured, before demanding, "Do you feel safe?"

Jade looked down. "Croy... I don't know anymore. How am I supposed to feel after what happened to me? I... I don't know what I feel right now."

"Maybe." He said, looking down. "They told me I was dangerous, so I needed to wear it. Jeremy made me wear it too." He looked blank, as if his emotion was draining away. "I dont want to hurt people."

"Relax." He murmured. "Sleep, or something. You'll feel better, I promise. I wont leave."

Isaac lifted up Dani's head, his eyes filled with hurt. "Then lets get every last romantic thing out of our system now, so we can get it over with. Let's just cuddle, while we still can. I'll do anything to try and get you corrected, or even make myself able to stand your shocks."

Jade said, "Can we maybe... stay in the forest tonight? I don't think I'll be able to feel comfortable here as of later."

He nodded, cuddling into him. "Okay. Okay." He whispered. "Im sorry."

Croy nodded, "Of course. Do you want Toby to come?"

Jade nodded, wiping her eyes. "Y-yeah. That'd be good."

Toby said, "I'll go get some stuff together." He walked to Adam's tent to get some supplies.

Croy nodded, picking her up and holding her close. He started to back out of the tent, to follow Toby.

Jackson gaped. Jade? In love with that.... that thing? That beast! He couldnt believe what he had seen and heard. How could she choose something so unnatural, so vile, over... over him? Over someone at least like him. He wouldnt have felt nearly as bad if she had choosen, say Adam. But.... A creature, a nightwalker! Unbelievable. He had been passed up for something as nasty as that.

Was there anything he could do about that, he wondered. Could a bullet to the brain stop that beast?

Dani, a bit startled, sat up straighter, and his hair crackled- however, nothing jumped onto Isaac. He eventually adjusted to the kiss and started to kiss back, eyes closing.

Jade closed her eyes. A few minutes later, she was limp in his arms. Sickness and exhaustion had knocked her out cold. She needed sleep.

Croy shifted her around so it was easier to sustain her weight, and started his search for a comfortable place to lay her down.

"Yes?" Dani whispered, innocently.

"... I have these feelings that you two will fall in love when you're older. You guys are so close." He started to nibble, searching for a soft spot.

He started to understand in the way that Dani could understand, and nodded a little. but he looked saddened. "But I will be older then her a lot." He said. "And I love you too. And then, im this freak.."

"Dani, you're not a freak. Understand that. You're just different, and they should accept you for it. Well, it depends if we're still together. I love you Dani, a lot. But... No one here understands it, except you and I. I got threatened the other day because they thought I was taking advantage of you."

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