Moonlight War


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Jade's eyes were suddenly filled with a horrible grief. "That's terrible," she murmured, reaching out to pat his shoulder. "I'm so sorry...."

And tettra came, up in a flash. She landed on his shoulder gracefully- but she was shaking.

He shrugged. "Easy come easy go? There was nothing I could do about it."

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Jade said, "I know... but I still feel sad about it." She squeezed his shoulder gently, then stopped, hearing a ruckus up ahead.

I smell someone. Someone I know. She looked afraid. Did I ever telly you about my other brother?

He stumbled along for a few seconds more before realizing she had stopped walking with him (His head was up in the clouds), and turned back. "Hey, yha.... Jade. Whats wrong?"

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Jade said, "Why is there scuffling and shouting up ahead???"

Adam sighed and went forward, into the camp. Two of the men were fighting with each other. Adam laughed and watched them.

The group of men that lived in this camp was small. Including Adam and Jackson, there were seven men.

So you know I had two. She was eyeing the window.

Jackson shrugged and went foreward, peering at the few behind Adam. It always amused him when his friends were fighting, as morbid as that sounded- as long as it wasnt him they were picking a fight with.

Jade looked around at the camp, her face suddenly crestfallen. And it was then that she realized the ruse that Adam had set upon her.

Adam started showing Jade around the camp, showing her the mounds of laundry, the dirty dishes, the filth. he yelled to the boys, "Show some respect! there's awoman here! We'll have good food, now that she's here, and clean clothes. And our tents will be clean--"

"Now that I'm here..." She muttered.

Long time ago, longer now then it seems... We all lived together. I was very young. And my oldest brother, Sunne. She said it like soon. He was always protecting me, but he never stood up for my other brother. And my other brother loved me very much, but he could never get close to me like Sunne because Sunne felt something was wrong with him. I do not remember what happened.... But my other brother was driven away by many creatures and persons in the community, but mostly my brother. And he had become the evil in the forest, because he was driven by spite. But he wasn’t really evil- I knew that- I knew that he saved people sometimes- but he was made out to be the villain. He was told to children by their mothers that he would come and steal them away to be his slave, or his feast, if they were bad- or if they left to far on their own. And that illness and plague was his doing, that poison was his creation. That any black bird is one that serves him, and so never touch them, or you would be marked by poison with no cure, and a curse would be laid on your family. You see, he was once a beautiful bird of gold and silver and red- but his feathers darkened over the years, not because he was dying, but because he was cave dwelling and savage, and he was struck blind and venomous by the dark and seclusion. He took on a human forme more then a bird one. So black birds were related to him, with their dark and beady eyes resembling his own. That is what I heard through the stories in the forest.

She fluttered her wings.

and now, I think he is here.

Jackson watched them with an unreadable expression, Sitting back and waiting for the tour of jade to be over. He could see that her mood had fallen. At this time he also had to watch the boy, who had yet to speak to him.

Adam shifted uncomfortably, and tried to say something, but Jade spoke first. "You don't care about me or my brother at all! All you want is someone who will cook and clean for you, a washerwoman, a hired girl! I.... I can't even bear to look at you, any of you!" Then her eyes fell on Jackson, and she flinched. She turned and went into an empty tent.

Toby looked up at Jackson and said, "So... nobody even cares about us?"

She blinked a little.

I do not think he would hurt me.

But she shifted anways as he seemed to draw near.

I do not think he would kill someone for naught.

The bat now seemed uncomfortable as well.

but maybe, we should go outside to meet him if he wants me. So not to let him near to the others.

He sighed, and then looked down at the boy. "Toby, no- thats not true. I care about both of you. Iw as thinking of raising you like a little brother, you know? And your sister... well, I have no say in that. Thats not my place, thats Adams. But I woudlnt make her do such things, honest, unless she wanted to do them herself.

He paused.

"I have to protect you guys, too, expessially her, from someone here. Hes not the most moral 'o men"

Toby said, "Well...okay, I can tell you're not lying."

Jade eventually came out, wiping her eyes, which now looked bloodshot and glassy. She wandered out of the camp and sat down by herself on a rock.

She flew to the door, trying unsuccessfully to land on the door knob.

Jackson was silent between his talk with Toby and her emerging from the tent, but when she came out, he patted Toby, "Hold up." And ran over to her, settling down by her side. He was silent, but he was there, in case she wanted to talk.

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