kuchipatchi.is.blue's log of random tamaness


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So the world didn't end. Ooh, big surprise.

I know, right? I was SO surprised when the world didn't explode in a big ball of fireyness and then we all died!!

Please tell me you're joking.

I'm not.

What kind of child have you raised here, Harry? *points at what's-his-name*

It's not my fault. I tried to tell him that this was all a joke, but he insisted on making all these weapons and battle plans for zombies.

Look, I made useful things! *holds up a bunch of popsicle sticks*

Uh...that's a wad of popsicle sticks all glued together.

It's a spiky ball! I put it on the floor and some unsuspecting zombie will step on it and be distracted for 5 seconds!


Sorry super busy no time right now but Sam had fun decorating for christmas with me today.[
Brilliant post. It really makes you think, you know?

It's really thought provoking.


So...in log matters, Harry was still around last time I checked, and Neville is an Oyajitchi, because I messed up the time and made him have to go to the hospital...oops.

It was awful! I hated it! *dramatic*

Haha! You could've been a Guriguritchi, but no, you became an Oyajitchi! Hahaha!

There's nothing wrong with being an Oyajitchi. In fact, Oyajitchis are special characters, did you know?


Mhmm. On Connections, you have to connect an Otokitchi and an Ojitchi until they marry in order to get Oyajitchi.

See? I'm specialer than you! *gloat gloat gloat*

You know what's even better? Neville was a Young Oyajitchi, and then a regular Oyajitchi. ^.^

Double the Oyajitchi! Oh yeah!

Ooh, so important.


Look, my popsicle stick ball worked! ^_^

*tries not to laugh*


Here, let me try to pull that from your foot...

Thanks for reading! See you soon!


But I'm a wizard....;__;

EDIT: Wow, we're up to 21 PAGES!!! Thanks for sticking with us from page 1 to now!

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Over 6400 views!!! Yay!

So, I have a surprise...photos!


It's Neville! He's all ready for Christmas with his snowy background and Christmas tree (appeared December 20th). Neville even bought a Santa hat!


He planted a seed and was super surprised when it sprouted, because...well...you can't exactly garden in the snow, can you? xD

So that's it.

What's-his-name is now a Tamatchi. I named him Oliver. It shows up as Olive on his stats, though. xD


Ugh, Olive is a GIRL name!!

xDDD I know, right?

Stop laughing, NEVILLE!

Neville is a manly name! Neville is a respectable name! Neville owns all!!

Oliver sounds cooler.

But Neville is Nevill in six letters, not OLIVE, which is a GIRL'S NAME!!

I'm not a girl!

Girls evolve into Tamatchis too.

Blueee!! Make him stop, please.

*lazy* Neville, shut up, please.

Hmmm...I don't feel like it.

Blue, come on! He's bullying me!

Neville, don't bully your cousin/brother/roommate. That's mean, and you're an adult, you should know a bit better (although I don't really think you do), he's just a kid.

But he's older than me...technically.

*huffy sigh* You're getting married tomorrow. Grow up a little, will you?

Wha? MARRIAGE???!!! You never told me about that!!!

I love being a kid.

You never told me I was getting married! I'm not ready yet!

Suck it up and get ready, bro, because you're getting married tomorrow for the Christmas hatch.

Christmas hatch?

Yeah, I'm starting a new generation for the Christmas hatch, okay? So you're getting married, no buts about it.

*pouts* Can't you put it off?

Let me think about that....NO.

Aw. ):

And that, ladies and gentlemen, completes today's post. Have a safe, happy holiday and we'll see you soon!

EDIT: Last year's post:

when are mom and dad coming back?Erm, not until next week.

darn it. I wanted them to be here for my wedding.

Well that's not gonna happen soon unless that matchmaker gives you someone other than that desperate potetchi to marry. *rolls eyes*

well I guess I'll be here for Christmas.

We can open presents together. ;)

did you get something for me?


good. It means you don't hate me for eating all of your shepherd's pie last night.

Please don't remind me. My stomach was grumbling all night last night.

and almost 6 hours straight of tv!

Well there was an epic movie on. Now shut up and keep wrapping, minion.

*rolls eyes* I'm not your elf, you know.
Neville and Oliver can be my minions! xD

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Couldn't post yesterday, life kind of got in the way.


Yesterday, I got a lot of great presents from all the nice people in my life, including...a green Tamagotchi +Color from my parents!!! I took a lot of nice photos....but I can't show you because of 1) the background, which is people's faces/my house, and 2) I used a different camera, and I'm not sure if it has GPS settings, so just in case, no photos. I don't have a lot of good photos of starting it up either, with my usual camera. :( I haven't started an official run yet, since I'm basically using it to get 2 special connection characters for the 15th Anniversary. Must get a girl next generation!!

So that's my little rant. Hope you guys all had a great holiday.


Tama wise: I deactivated Oliver, because I can only handle keeping two Tamagotchis alive at a time. :p Neville did get married, and had a son named Awesome Pants (name suggested by CheesyNoodleTama)

Hi. I'm Awesome Pants. I am awesome.

Sure you are.

Of course I am! I will embark on the quest for awesomeness and return with power, glory, and even more awesomeness if it's possible, since I'm so awesome already!!

-.-" It's going to be a long couple of days.

Thank you to whoever voted! That's 25 rates!!

Thank you to lala0629 for following! Hope you enjoy future posts!!

Thank you to all readers, members and (possibly) non-members for 6511 views!!!!

So...I've decided that my TMGC+C can talk for now, although I will for sure be resetting it sometime soon...assuming I do get a girl.

I'm No Name. NN.

Hi NN! I, unlike you, have a name! Hahahaha! *gloat gloat gloat*

NN is currently a Young Mametchi (and has an eternal derp face), and Awesome Pants is....AKAHANATCHI!!! *happy dance* I'm so excited, he's adorable and I love Christmas and he's my first connection character and flsjl dkjf JLSDKJF LSKFD J

Someone is spazzy.

No way, I never knew.



Is this normal?

You tell me, I've only been around for two days.


Wow, so deep.



*sigh* This is boring.

Yeah, I'm jealous of everyone else who's actually having fun because they're weird.

That's it! We have to be weird!

Say what?

We can become weird! We can read up on it and choose weird obsessions?


Can mine be Santa?

Yeah! And mine will be cookies, I'll be a real cookie monster!

Awesome! Weird quest, begin!!

Thanks to CheesyNoodleTama for the ideas from our weird chat yesterday! *coughAwesomepantsandgiantburritocough*

So today, Awesome Pants got married and had...a daughter! Yay! I can get Princess Tamako (I think). NN evolved into Gozarutchi. Too many care misses. :p

I guess Awesome Pants's daughter will be called Ginny.

I'm Ginny. My dad, Awesome Pants, left me his awesome pants.

Gasp! I love those awesome pants! Good times, good times.

They have tons of sequins, glitter, a burrito making machine, some cupcake liners, cup holders, and a few pairs of socks. Oh, and he left me this gigantic burrito with a strawberry smoothie, a piano, a snowman, a cow, and 10 pounds of whipped cream.

I love whipped cream!!

Go and eat 10 pounds of it, then.

Okay! *starts eating whipped cream* This-mmmph-ish sho good!

<.< I rest my case.

I'm-mmph-a Gosharushi! I'm a bad care characsher! Dat meansh I love to eat!

I'm not a bad care character. I like to eat.

You're not a Gozarutchi like NN or a UFOtchi like me or a Tamagotchi in general, Blue.


*swallows* There, 10 pounds of whipped cream, gone.



And here, Ginny, your dad left a letter for you. *gives Ginny letter*

My dad knows how to write? *opens letter*

Dear Daughter/Son/Potato,

If you're reading this, that means NN still hasn't been reset (and if NN is reading over your shoulder, hi bestie!) and that you're probably reading this the day I got married. Oh, and that NN has probably spilled coffee or sake or something on this already-

Hey, I have! He's psychic!

<_< No, he's not.

and he probably just said that I'm psychic. Anyhow, before I got married, NN and I decided to go on a quest to become weird. I am now passing this quest on to you. With the help of our friends Artemis, Ralph, Simon, and Roger, I want you to become weird. Oh, and eat a 15 pound bucket of honey garlic chicken wings, since I like those.

Onward with your quest, young nite!

Your dad/potato, Awesome Pants

P.S. I left my awesome pants for you, not NN. Just for the record.

Aw, maaan! I was hoping to get those awesome pants.

Ha! They're mine, sucker! My dad even said so! Hmph!

So, on your quest to become weird, you're supposed to do one weird thing a day.

He didn't say that in my letter.

He said so in this sticky note that he taped to my face before he got married.


Both of us have to do a weird thing together.

Let's have an ice cream eating contest!

*snorts* That's not weird.

With a dragon and we have to dump 5 bags of M&M's on our ice cream bowls!


Do I have to-

Yes, you have to participate too, Blue! Okay, ready, set, go! *om nom nom*

YUM ICE CREAM I LOVE ICE CREAM *shovels ice cream in mouth*


You have to drink it! *slurps*

I give up. I'm way too full and you guys put weird things in my ice cream.

Ugh...I'm not hungry...*faints*

It's just you and me now!

We're both almost finished-AUGH MY LEG IS ON FIRE!! *dunks leg in sink*

*finishes ice cream* Ha! I win!

That's not fair! He set my leg on fire! *points to dragon*

Tee hee. I like her better, what can I say?


See you guys tomorrow! Or maybe the day after that...or the day after that...uhhh...


So, Ginny evolved into...Dazzilitchi!! I've never had her before (I don't have a Music Star :p ). I had to reset poor NN, so RIP NN. Instead, we have another Young Mametchi who'll I'll call I Don't Know What, or IDKW!

Thanks for my awesome name, Blue. I really appreciate it.

I hate being a Dazzilitchi.


I have hair almost up to my feet and I always trip on it and-AUGH! *trips on hair*


*evil death-

Hey, that's my thing! *evil death glare x 2*

*evil pointing finger*

That's better. ^_^

Don't you laugh at me. Anyway, I hate being a Dazzilitchi because I look too much like a human and I don't like humans.

Gasp! You don't like humans? But I'm your bestie!

No, you're not.

<_< Fine then, NOT BESTIE.

Yeah Ginny, why are you so mean?

I know, it's because she's a diva.

No I'm not!

Are you going to give up the quest to be weird? It would break your poor dad's heart if you did, and Akahanatchi is my favourite character, so you'll get a lot worse than an evil death glare if you do.

Oh yeah? What?

I'll make IDKW break your rainbow parasol, I'd eat all the strawberry Jell-o in front of you, and the worst...IDKW and I will eat alllllll the steak in the house so you can't have any.

Gasp! My precious steak! You win this time, Blue! I will resume the quest for being weird!

Yay. ^_^

What weird thing are you going to do?

Uh...I don't know.

Let's ride unicorns!

That's not weird.

While we wear waffle bowls on our heads and yell LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE (from Spongebob) the entire time.

Okay! *puts waffle bowl on head* UGH! THIS HAS ICE CREAM IN IT!

Tee hee. *waves ice cream scoop* You still gotta ride the unicorn, and keep that bowl on!

Fine. *pout*





Fall off?

AAAAHHHH *hits ground*

Ha. Ha.

I'm okay!

Thanks for reading, guys! Have a happy new year!

Thank you to tamagotchialice and CheesyNoodleTama for liking a few posts in my log! I really appreciate it!

So...same as always. Ginny is a Dazzilitchi, and IDKW is a Young Mametchi. Actually, I should see what he evolved into...


Aw, man! I wanted to evolve! ;u;

I still trip over AUGH! *trips on hair*


You don't have to-UGH! *trips on hair again*

You have so much coordination.

I'm dying. So much grace.

Shut up.

So...2013, new year...wow, if I continue until November, that'll be two years of logging! *mind blown* Anyway, I don't have any resolutions.

This is what happened last night:

Blue: Wow I'm so tired is it midnight yet so I can sleep

Hey, I wasn't THAT tired...


Blue: Ugh it's almost next year and then there's school and ugh

Me: It's 12 happy new year!!

Blue: NOOOO *chugs Fruitopia*

That was basically my new year. But I was a lot happier. I think.

You don't get out much, do you?

Wasn't invited to any other parties, so home. But I was in my pajamas and I was warm so I'm okay with that. :3

You obviously don't have a life.

Yeah I do, I just don't let nosy Tamagotchis like you into it. Besides, your only friends are me and IDKW.

*sniffs* Neither of you are my friends.

Ooh, burnnn-hey! I'm not your friend? *le gasp*

Not really...

But we connected and everything!

That makes us "friends"...

Hey! I know! How about you eat that bucket tomorrow, Ginny? Then you could become weird and make your daddy happy?

Okay! I love making my daddy happy. :3

I thought you hated him.

La gasp! No I don't!

It's impossible to hate her dad.

I'd like to challenge that.


Thank you for 6601 views!!!!!

Ginny just got her fourth happy symbol, so she's all ready to be sent to the matchmaker! We also unlocked Oyaji Town, which is pretty cool (when we visited, Otokitchi and Ojitchi gave us Gotchi Points). She also adopted a Rubitchi last night.

IDKW still hasn't evolved. -.-"

Since it's Ginny's last post, I think she should eat the 15 lb bucket of honey garlic chicken wings.

*deep breath* It's okay. I can do this. For my dad.

Yeah, Ginny!

Here's your bucket. Are you ready?

*gulp* I guess.

Ready, set...go!!

*nom nom nom* Hey, this is good! *nom nom*

You got a little bit of sauce there...

Whatever. *nom nom nom*

*15 minutes later* Finished!

Huh? Already?

Uh huh! They're alll in my tummy. *pats stomach*



And now it's time to get married! *skips away*




I don't think she gained any weight...

I just....o_O

What? I'm not going to turn into a monster...I think I'll wear my dad's white tux to my wedding! Yeah!

-.- Those chicken wings made her kind of off.

You don't say.

Ooh, air freshener! I'm going to eat some! *sprays in mouth* Gasp! A cookie! *stomps on it*

You deal with her. *pushes IDKW*

No way, you do it. You take care of her. I'm just a lowly Young Mametchi.

Hee hee hee! Hahaha! Hoo hoo hoo! *takes bite out of couch*

*sigh* I guess it's my turn. But you owe me, sucker.

^_^ Thanks for rescuing me, Blue.


So, Ginny got married and had a son, Epic Cheese-its (Thank you to CheesyNoodleTama for the name!). I'm done with resetting my TMGC+C, so I can begin my official run! I hatched a boy, named him Sirius.

Ugh! Blue, my colour is so BORING! It's not weird, it's not colourful, it's not-oh, thank you, much better.

I like my colour! It's brown, just like me, since I'm a Kuribotchi!

When I evolve, I'M going to be brown! I'm going to be Akahanatchi!

(one of my favourite characters yay)

Ha! See? Sunnytchi is one of Blue's favourite characters too, so I'm going to be both of her favourite characters!

I also like Kuchipatchi, who is one of my favourites, and Sirius is going to be one.

Ha! Take that! Blue even has KUCHIPATCHI in her username!

Both of you will be my favourite characters, okay? Okay.



But I'll be one of your favourite characters first.

Aaaargh. *headdesk* I give up.

Lots of thanks for the two other people for rating my log 5 stars!!!!whaa...????

oh. i forgot that you haven't logged before, carrie. silly me. all you do is talk and then tamatalk will hear what you have to say.

really??? yay!!! mommy told me this was fun. ;)

and i'll be posting photos of you! yay!

i'm gonna be famous! i'm gonna be famous! *dances around all weird*

:eek: oookay then....let's get on with the photos, with shania and carrie commenting!


here's shania in her newly renovated living room!

<_< a $1000 one. and the builder guys were so mean!

i like it a lot! unlike mom :p


shania arriving at the dating place with her beloved harapparatchi.

sniff...i want a pet!

when you're older.


...no comment.

the make up lady put too much blush on me!!!

<_< sure....

there was no make up lady.


there was shania's dreamy husband... :p *says it in a floaty voice*

sigh...he's really cute...sigh...



aw...he's confessing his passionate love! <3

!!!!!!! ewwww!!!!!!!


i started laughing so hard seeing this gozarutchi. :gozarutchi:

:angry: he acted like he was better than me.


i almost picked gozarutchi. ;)

!!! how rude!!!

ew, i don't want gozarutchi for my dad.


together at last!


.....really no comment

you got a photo of that???!!!

ewww!!!!!!!!!! my eyes!


they also enjoyed the flowers at the park and a dinner which involved a huge ring. ;)

it was pretty!

sorry, i need a double post!
Last year's post! My first iD L. <3

But it's not as special as ME. *puffs up*

Nah, it's more special.

*deflates* Okay.

Thanks for reading!

EPC EVOLVED INTO MAISUTATCHI. *headdesk x 297398734729387492387498*

Ugh, Blue, I'm so fat! I'm 55 grams! That's SO OVERWEIGHT FOR A TAMAGOTCHI! And I need to keep up my weight for my image and what will my fans say and what if that lady down the street thinks I'm fat and-

You could take off that squirrel suit to start, it makes your head look big.

But I look awesome in it! I won't look pretty without it! (although I do look pretty nice without it)


You know, I wouldn't be surprised if your head started swelling.

I would! Le gasp! What would happen if it did? I'D LOSE ALL MY FANS AND I WON'T GET MARRIED AND I'LL BE ALONE AND WAAAH


1) I don't think it's possible for someone's head to swell, it's an Expression-

*stage whisper* I think it is.

*evil death glare*

2) Yeah, you would probably lose your "fans", but you had a teeny part in that movie and it was giving water to an actress. I think your only fan is that old lady who is obsessed with socks.

And 3)...I can force anyone to marry you. *ahemMATCHMAKER*

Oh. Phew! I won't be alone! *happy dance*

....I don't even.

Yeah, I don't either.

yawn...do we have to log NOW? i'm so tired. yaaawwwnnnnstop *yawn* yawning. you're making me yawn. *yaaawwwnnnn*

must...stop...yawning... *yaaawwwnnn*

it's the horrible disease of the yawns! run for your lives! *yawn*

<_< oookay then....

huh, wonder why your room has happy birthday stuff in it. weeeiiirrrdddd

derp, it's my birthday!

? then every day is your birthday.


well, it's been one week since i got my iD L. does that count?

hmmm, maybe.

so, on to tama stuff: evolve! i want you to evolve! but not into perotchi :p


i like variety. you know that.

i guess....*looks through blue's school stuff* ew, science project.

<_< yeah, i know.

it's supposed to be fun?

hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! *falls over laughing*

??? awkward...


well then...i guess i'll take over the log for now. like blue said, i'm supposed to evolve today. i know she doesn't want perotchi again, but i kind of want to be a perotchi because my mom just looks so nice as a perotchi! and i want a living room reno, it would be better if i was a melodytchi but i'm not.

ok i'm done laughing now.

are you SURE? maybe you should take a nap.

nope, i'm fine.

okay. now, follow me. breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. in through your nose, out through your mouth.

<_< i don't need calming breaths, thank you very much yogi carrie. (did i say that right?)

well i'm sorry for taking a yoga class from that memetchi i met at the park. it's very calming, you know. something you of all people should try.

that's not very nice.

you're not the nicest person on earth.

nobody's perfect.

fine, fine. i'll let it go, since i'm all mature. and i will become an adult tonight, which gives me more seniority and authority and officialness over you, so you have to do what i say.

YOU? MATURE? bah hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!!!

<_< and here we go, to uncontrollable laughing disease again. please standby, tamatalkers, and enjoy me trying to calm blue down.


hahaha! okay okay. hey, that didn't sound all mature and senior and authoritative.

well, it was the only way i could get you to calm down and shut up.

and who holds your life in the palm of her hand?

....(no comment)

i could reset you, you know. (not that i ever would, i try not to reset because i like keeping all my stuff. :p )

no please don't.

just kidding. i won't. friends?

friends. *shakes hands with blue*



now what?
For the record, I don't think I'm older than you just because I'm an adult.

Haha! Yes!

I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Sirius.



I think I'm way better than you, Blue, since I'm an adult. *puffs up*

You have been living for about 4 days, EPC. I've been living for years.

Not A LOT of years...

What's a lot?

I dunno, 80.

Oh. I'm not 80.

Yeah, I kind of thought so...

I'm not 80 either! If I was, then I'd be old and wrinkly...and not in a squirrel suit!

I don't know about the squirrel suit thing...

It's time to have a life guys...


I have to meet my fans! Ta ta!

More like fan...

Thank you all so much for 6721 views!!! <3

EPC got married in his squirrel suit and had...a girl. I guess it's a good thing, but still...I really want to start running my +C, officially!

Named her Daisy. Random idea.

Sirius is evolving! Evolved into...Gozarutchi.

Nothing is going my way today. Bleh.

But it should be going your way, Blue! I exist! Isn't that a way to turn your day around? (Daisy)

*groans* SOMEONE is stuck up just like her daddy...

Who is it? I bet it's Blue! I hate stuck up people! They're way worse than MOI!

(Evidently Daisy is oblivious to boot)

I heard my name. What did you say about me? I bet that it's that I'm so pretty.

It's going to be a long generation.

since i forget things really really easily i forgot to thank everyone for over 400 views! yay! let's make it 555 views (5 is my favourite number)ew. i like 6.6666666666666666666

<_< why thank you. and it just happens to be after 5, yes?

forget it. anyway, i think we celebrated my mom's birthday! or something :p

yeah, the animation just showed shania with a kendama, an item for one of her happy symbols.

yep. that's all that happened. oh yeah, blue gave me a home grown squash or winter melon or something to eat. a very tasty snack. *not*

well i'm too cheap to spend money on your favourite food at the restaurant. :p

eeugh. you're like a human mr krabs.

???!!!! no i'm not! i actually spent money and stuff. like on seeds and room renos.

<_< and of course you pick the cheapest ones.


*sigh* fine. since i'm all mature like that, i will drop the topic.

nooo i don't wanna recycle old material, it makes people bored. let's NOT talk about your "matureness"

fine. what do you want to rant about on tamatalk so our readers will not be bored?

......i dunno. what do you want to rant about?

uh....i dunno

oh yeah i forgot! last night a puchiberetchi decided to follow carrie home!

well i kind of wanted a doremetchi but whatever. i'm a little creeped out by my pet, because i'm walking in the town and i look at it and i'm like "ooh yummy a strawberry i want to nom on it om nom nom" and then i take a closer look and i'm like "oh it's my pet that i can't eat."

that's a nice thing to say to your pet WHO LOVES YOU LIKE CRAZY

<_< pfft whatever.

did you get woken up today at school?

are you kidding me??? i was awake from recess to when you came home!

but you were sleeping..

i fell asleep in the car. you humans are so LOUD!!! why can't you be quiet?

that's how humans roll. and besides, you look very human-ish.

<_< just because i wear a headdress and a dress doesn't make me human. in fact, i-

*claps hand on carrie's mouth* ah much better. and we shall sign off, shall we?


whoa, major deja vu here. remember sam?

mmmph mmph mrrrphh!!!

no, i will not take my hand off your mouth. and now, let's get off the log and stop boring people with your mindless ranting.

I bet Carrie wasn't as pretty as ME.

Shut up, Regina George. You've only been alive for about 2 hours.

But when I was born, my daddy told me I'm the prettiest girl ever! He told me that I inherited his dashing good looks! *strikes pose*

*mutters to Blue* Do your best to make her an ugly character.

Will do.

And I want to enter a beauty pageant and hey can we go to Sephora and wait DON'T CLICK THAT POST BUTTON-

Daisy evolved into Himetchi. Ugh. Sirius is still the same.

I think I've hit an all time low in terms of Tamagotchi care...I've gotten so busy this year and just hearing a Tamagotchi beep drives me nuts. :p Particularly the +color, because the happy bar is so small, hard to fill, and empties really fast. Of course, I wouldn't have this problem if I hadn't gotten Maisutatchi (uggggggghhhhhh).


I wish I could find the time trick for the iD L to speed up the matchmaker opening...I've done it once before by accident.

*crosses fingers for a boy!!!*

*also crosses fingers so that boy WILL NOT BE a Sunnytchi*

*because Blue feeds her iD L lots of snacks*


Today's post from last year:

:eek: it's been an hour already???!!! yup! now i'm a kaubotchi! on my way to becoming a mametchi or a kuromametchi, as long as blue doesn't give me any care misses and i end up being the ugliest character alive. -_-

and you said you liked it in my care!

Ooh! I love this pretty purple dress with flowers on it, Blue! My ancestors have good taste! It matches my colour! Yay! Colour coordination!!!

Can you not, please?

Such a gentleman, he even adds the please.

Can you not be such an uptight old guy?


I'm not uptight or...old! Look, I'm young! *bends over* OW! I BROKE A BONE!

<_< Seee?

But...I can have tons of random silly fun! Look! I'm jumping up and down! *jumps*


I can juggle!


I can juggle cheeseburgers while tap dancing!

Ooh! Cool!

(the queen is now impressed)

Ta da! Ouch! *cheeseburgers fall on head*

-.-" Not impressed.

*trips on feet and falls*

Even more not impressed.


It was good while it lasted...


Daisy is all set to get married (I think I'll get her married right now). Sirius is still around, I'm not going to bother starting a new generation when I'll probably reset him soonish.

Okay? Okay!

Daisy, it's time to get married!

Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!! Wait, first I have to find the perfect outfit!

Oh no.


She's going to come out modelling every single dress and accessory she owns...

Okay! Polka dot dress? Or how about purple? Or my Chinese cheong sam would work...

Eenie meenie miney moe...

Wear the purple with the amethyst hairband.

Yeah! That'll match 'cause they're both purple and my colour is purple too and it all matches and I LOVE PURPLE

Ooooops, accidentally gave Daisy a happy symbol from the Amethyst Hairband (download).

Well of course I get a happy symbol! I love purple and that's purple and I love jewels and that's a jewel and I love hairbands and-

That's a hairband, we know.

Time to get you married!

*crosses fingers for boy*

Ooh, Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, and Oyajitchi!! Who do I choose?




I'm picking Kuchipatchi!


<.< Fine, I lost the bet. Stop rubbing it in my face.






Sorryyyyy. It's not my fault. I can't control it.



And I'm leaving. Bye.

Hey, this baby is so cute! *poke*



*le disappointed*

Disappointed? Why?

Because I wanted a boy...but this is good, it means I can work on the girl characters I haven't gotten! *brightens*

I want the characters from Puddingtchi...but I've never got her...and I can't because you're a Memeputchi.

A Meme whatsit?

You will learn the language.

Okay, to wrap this up, last year's posts...

ew. it's raining. yuck yuck yuck. :( sucks for you. today it was sunny in human land. and we didn't get snow for a billion days in a row, unlike you in iD L land.

<_< but nobody made you walk to the park, arcade, and tamadepa today.

it was to get some stuff for you! and gotchi points!

okay. gotchi points are good.

so, on today's to-do list for you: (i'm a good secretary :p )

1. evolve already!

2. get some happy symbols

3.visit mom


okay. it means you'll let me use my favourite items. yay yay yay yay!

^_^ now we're both happy. and you get $800 for evolving! i get.....$0 for growing. <_<

:p sucks for YOU.

<_< i get to turn your sound off during dinner and give you a CARE MISS, mwa hahaha!

!!!!!! please don't! i beg you!

relaaaxxx. you'll be evolved by then and care misses wouldn't matter. not that i ever would, because care misses make you sick and then you die.

a very positive story. and i'm hungry. FEED ME!

*feeds mark* ew, you went on the floor. eeewwww. enjoy your last bowls of rice, i'll be feeding you tama restaurant stuff after you evolve.

yay! eating out EVERY DAY!!! no more pink rice!

o.o the rice is pink?

i eat it every day. i think i can tell what colour it is.

i don't believe you! i'm checking it! *checks it* weelll....it has a pink tint, but it looks pink probably because it's in a pink bowl and has a little pink thing on top. therefore, i hypothesize it is white rice and not pink rice, which is what you suggested.

o_O you sound all official and smart. scary scary scary....

-_- well sorry. science projects make you do that.

:p it's okay.

wanna do a card trick?


okay, pick a card.

*picks a card* it's a -

*claps hand over mark's mouth* don't tell me! just remember what it is.

*muffled* okay.

now put it back.

*puts it back*

*shuffles deck*

is it.....8 of spades?

ummm....i forget.


<_< stop making fun of me. because of your evolving, you got 800 gotchi points richer.

money. i like money.

anyway guess guess guess what he evolved into!


he evolved into a mametchi!! a perfect care!! YESSS!!!!

and i became just what mom wanted! which means blue took perfect care of me.

i was especially careful with you. thank you for evolving! one more character closer to more destinations!

can we get to work on those happy symbols now??

Thanks for reading!

Daisy's daughter evolved into Chamametchi! *happy dance*

Can I have a name? I mean, I'm an adult and everything...

What about Boris? Boris is a good name. I like Boris. Oh yes, let's name you Boris.

Ew, no. I don't like the name Boris. It is not a good name for me.

Why do you say that it is "not a good name for me"? I think it's pretty, don't you agree?

Ugh, Blue, can we not play the Talk In Rhymes Game?

Shut up, you nasty partypooper! Or should I have to pick you up with a Pooperscooper?

No, I daresay you should not, he would be dreadful and hit you with a pot.

Please do shut up, Blue, or I shall be forced to put you in a zoo.

Blue is not the one who belongs in a zoo, the one that belongs in a zoo is, of course, you.

How rude, saying things like that to Sirius! Are you quite sure you are not delirious?

Yes, I am quite sure I am not delirious. In fact, I am sure that I am a genius.

Ha! I laugh at your claim, that you are a genius! Your creativity is most ingenious!

Is that not against the rules, to use the same word twice in a row, which is only for the lowest of fools?

This rhyming has gotten my brain in a knot, and now I am losing my train of thought!

Oh no! How dreadful! What a mess we are in! This rhyming game, it should be a sin!

No, dear child, it is not a sin! It is merely for us to practice our rhyming, which is safer and easier than doing some climbing!

But climbing is fun, climbing is safe! The thing feared is the presence of chafe!

Climbing is not safe, you ignorant dunderhead! You could easily slip and fall on your head!

Ha! Look now, who is using the same word? You must have the brain of a bird!

But birds obviously have brains of the large kind! You, mister, have the brain of a bacon rind.

That is not nice, dear Chamametchi! You must learn to have the manners of Mametchi!

Mametchi is mean at the worst of times! He is so mean, he could commit crimes!

Gasp! What horror! How dare you announce that! Why, could he hit us with bats?

No, he can't, he is too puny. When he at his worst, he is loony!

Now, feed me, dear friends, for I am starving! You, dear Sirius, shall do the turkey carving!

Bah! Why should I be carving the turkey? At best, you will have turkey jerky!

Ugh! Sirius has won, using two rhyming words next to each other!

Haha! I win! Wait, was that even in the rules?

There are tons of ways to win.

Finally, we're done. Ugh. Now, feed me, Blue, you gave me a care miss.

Thanks for reading our awful poetry! See you soon!


Chamametchi still needs a name. :p I think I'll have to go back to the alphabet theme...

Or a flower theme.

Yeah! That's cool!

Okay. I'll name you Dandelion.

Uhhh...I was thinking along the lines of Lily...

Lily. Okay. Whatever.

Last year's post:

it took me two hours to name mark's baby. :p but here he is! introducing...nino! (i'm gonna start recycling colours...please don't be confused!)he-hello. i'm nino.

how about you tell tamatalk about what we did, nino?

um, i took a long nap while blue went to school. then we went back home and watched some tv.

and looked at old log posts.

daddy was really mean to you, blue. i promise i won't be like that. i promise i'll be grateful for my food and clothes and toys and all the things you do with me.

aw....that's really sweet. here, lemme look up your favourite food...um. they don't have it. here, i'll take you to the bakery.

*goes to the bakery*

well hello! what would you like to eat?

um, kurumi pan, please.

here you are!

*takes big bite* yummy! om nom. thank you blue!!

you're welcome.

you're so nice! i love it here! i don't wanna get married and leave forever and ever! i wanna stay HERE!

but you're still a child! you'll be stuck here until you can go to the omiai party!

oh. okay.

so, nino is still a nannokitchi, due to evolve tonight. i'm hoping i didn't give you any care misses and you become a hanikamitchi, so i can make you into a kuromametchi, just like your grandpa.




hey blue, can i go out and play in the snow? please?

go ahead.

yaaayyy!!! *bundles up and starts building snowman*
Awww. Nino was so nice. Unlike SOME people I know... <_<

I'm nice!

Yeah! Me too! I'm sweet as sugar!

*cough* Yeahmhmmsure.

What? I am. I'm totally nice. Right, Sirius?

Let's see...this morning, you shoved me out of the washroom while I was exfoliating so you could do your makeup and dress up and and-

Wait, you EXFOLIATE? What do you have to exfoliate?

Never mind that....and when you were done, and we were having breakfast, you dropped a stick of butter on my foot, pushed me off the couch so you could change the TV channel, ate my chocolate bar, and spilt your smoothie all over my magic darts. Oh, and you just spit in my face.

I did not!

You so did. Some of it got on me. *wipes spit off*

-.-" I did not.

Did so.

Did not.

Girls, don't fight.

I'm not a girl!

Ha! Blue called you a girl!


Lily just got married and had...a girl. *headdesk x 10000000000*

Right when I want a boy, I get a streak of girls. -.-

Does that mean you don't want me? Rude!!

Relax, Maple, it doesn't mean I don't want you. It means I'm disappointed because you're a girl.

That's sexist.

I want to start my real +C run.

And I get reset.

Haha! I don't, because the +C has no connection characters!


hmph.to what do i owe this bad attitude, sir nino?

just the fact that your friends called me HUMPTY DUMPTY!!! *slams hand on desk*

now now, humpty, we don't want you breaking, now, do we?

stop it.

okay. so....nothing much happened. i dragged humpty-


i mean nino around places.

the only place i like was mcdonald's, except that you only gave me a few fries.

hey! i took you to your dad's house to eat lunch!

oh yeah. yum.

then we had some people over and nino was played with. and yes, i showed him to some of my friends and they were like "O_O he looks like humpty dumpty!!!"

but i'm nooottt!!! i'm a very famous, well respected MAGICIAN!! i can use the magic cane PROPERLY!

and the others use it UNproperly?

yeesss!!! der.

moving on. so i got three of nino's happy symbols and i want him to get them quick because i can't stand having humpty dumpty staring at me all the time

and i want to get married and get as far away from blue as possible.

and i want you to get married so i can get a kuromametchi AND the henshin jo.

then make my kid kuromametchi!

i'm too afraid i'll make him humpty dumpty, just like you and what if your kid is a girl?

then make her a lavulitchi, der.

you like using the word der.

and i like turkey.

random much?

so...oh yeah. a kid blue knows took me and played with me A LOT. but it was nice. and i went to the park with my hapihapitchi a lot, too.

and his batteries ran out last night/early morning. it's only been two weeks. O_O

you played with me too much, though i like it.

that's not a bad thing.

so...what are we having for dinner?

fried eggs.


EDIT: wow wow wow! thanks for over 600 views. i'm kind of obsessed with how many views go up each day and it looks like it's going up more and more! thank you to members who read regularly, and to non members who read regularly! in fact, the entire reason why i got into logging was....you know what? i'll save that for tomorrow. *devilish grin* thanks again for all these views! you guys rock!
I'm a UFOtchi. I evolved. I'm amazing.


I can fly, and you can't. Obviously, it means I'm amaaaaazing.



Wow, you can flyyyyy. I can throw ninja stars, isn't that better?



This is exactly why I want a brother.


They're not annoying like girls are.


That's really rude.

So, anyway, hi.

Hi who?

Hi, Ninja Boy.

That's a good name. Ninja Boy.

I know, right?

If I'm NInja Boy, can she be Annoying Girly Flying Thing?

I think Princess Peach is better for me.

But you're not a princess or a peach!


She can be Princess.


Or not. I think Annoying Girly Flying Thing is waaaaay better than "Princess". Ugh.

You're mean! You're just mad because I'm a girl!

I didn't have my latte this morning. SOMEONE forgot to get me one. Or a macchiato.

I had school...I didn't have time or money to get you one...

Oh. Blue! It's all your fault! If you got him his coffee, he wouldn't be so mean!

I could teach you how to make coffee.

Really? That would be awesome!

Making him coffee every day?

I want to be a barista when I grow up. :3

(Too bad you're not a P's)

We can start later.

Yay! I can finally learn how to do the pretty drawings on top!

Glad to see you're getting along.

I think this girl has a future. (Unlike her mother)



Thanks for reading! If you have any comments, feel free to send them to me (I love mail). See you soon!

flskdjfkl s djf

Thank you for over 6900 views!!!!!

Thank you all so so so much!

Maple just evolved into Antoinetchi! *victory dance*

Now, Maple, when you get married, you mustmustmust have a boy, okayyyy?

I can't guarantee that.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *runs and hides behind couch*

What? Is it me? Or I bet it's Blue. Yeah, it's Blue, isn't it?

That-that thing...with the curly blond hair...and those EYES...they so scary...mommy!!

What about my eyes? *opens eyes wider*

*screams* KHFLSKJDF LSJDLFJD SFK *faints*


Ha! I know Sirius's weakness! It's your eyes, Maple!

But...my eyes are beautiful! Not scary!

They're so big...and blueee...and....STARING INTO MY SOUL! *shrieks*

*opens eyes wider* Oooh, look at my eyes! Looook at themmmm!

Please! Stop! I'll do anything!



Then get me a large Orange Julius, strawberry.

Oh, and I want yogurt.

Yes ma'am! *leaves*

you guys never stop amazing me. wow! the views are going straight up! thanks!and this will be my last post...maybe.

:( i've gotten kind of attached to you...

aw. thanks. but i want to get married RIGHT AWAY, just like my dad.

okaaay. fiiinnneee.

what do you think of my new hairstyle? *fluffs hair*

it *snicker* looks r-real g-g-g-good. *snicker*

hmph. i can tell you are very jealous of my beautiful afro.

n-not at all. so, erm, i woke nino up and we did some boring things.

what blue meant is that she put me on a table and ate leftovers and had hot chocolate while reading case closed.

thank you for telling people about my day. so, i promised you guys that i would give you the boring story of how i got into logging just to fill up space? so, one day while i was still newly introduced to tamagotchis again, i was looking for tamatown help for my v4.5. and, one of the results was a tamagotchi log. i started reading it and fell in love with logging, so i searched it up on google and found tamatalk. i began reading various tamagotchi logs on tamatalk, up to the point when i liked tamatalk so much that i created an account and here i am now, typing up this monologue while nino sits beside me sucking his thumb. ;)

*quickly pulls thumb out of his mouth* whaaa?? i did not!

it's pretty hard to disguise your habits to me, nino.

you've only known me for a few days!

but i am pretty observant, yah?

<_< i guess.

tonight you will get married. and i am too lazy too busy to take photos so you'll just get married.

i like that. a quiet, private ceremony without you squealing and taking photos of me and my wife on our PRIVATE date.

can i help it bandai put those scenes on the iD L?

i just want to unlock the henshin jo for my kid.

you know what i just realized? getting a perfect care, for me, is basically the only kind of character i can get with the care i give my tamas.

that's nice. yet i am an AVERAGE CARE CHARACTER.

well you would have been just like your dad and not unlock the henshin jo, which would've made me extremely unhappy. so, i decided on your grandpa, but care misses are hard to control.

i guess that's reasonable.

i wish that i could get you married in the morning. then i wouldn't have to wait for your kid to evolve. i hate waiting.

that's very promising. i can't wait to leave my kid with you.

you sound just like mark! like father, like son.

EDIT: i'm a very curious person. :p i suddenly thought "ohmaigosh i wonder who else reads my log?" so, if you can and would like to, please make yourself known to me as i feel that when i do shoutouts, it's like i'm personally thanking you (e.g thanks to *insert name here* for reading! i hope you keep reading!) instead of doing a general shout out like "thanks to everyone who reads my log!" because to me, the words feel a bit empty. (i write a lot, what can i say? :p ) obviously, if you're not a member, you can't PM me or anything, but i hope you enjoy reading. so...make yourself known to me, at least. feel free to tell me if you don't want a shout out. thanks for reading!
*panting* I'm back with your smoothie! Now can you please make your eyes normal?


Oh. Good. Thanks.

You're welcome.

So today, my tree grew, and I stomped on the ground, and money fell from the tree! See? Money DOES grow on trees, Blue!

Fine, you're right, I'm wrong. Are you happy?

Remember? You have to say the entire thing.

Do I have to?


Sigh. Fine. Sirius is way smarter than me, because he is a Gozarutchi and I am a lowly human; therefore, this proves his theory that Tamagotchis are more intelligent than humans.

If they are, though, why haven't they figured out how to get out of their shells, hmm?

<_< Shut up.

Ew, Blue, is this your homework? It's so boring!

Of course it's boring. It's work I have to do at home.

Ew. Work.

No wonder you're so lazy.

Shut up.

You're always treating me like your servant and making me do things for you and AUGH! OKAY!

*opens eyes wider*

*runs out of room*

Hey, you didn't write down all the words he said, Blue, he said-

*claps hand over Maple's mouth* Those words are not appropriate for Tamatalk, Maple.


Sorry for lack of updates lately, been busy and stuff. :p But it's the weekend, so yay!


I forgot that +C's evolve into oldies. So, Sirius became an Ojitchi this morning.

Ha!!! You're oldddd! OLDIE!

But Ojitchi is cute....(I have a soft spot for old people don't judge)



Otherwise I'll turn old and die!


But...you are old!



That's rude! Don't laugh at old people!

It's true, Maple, you shouldn't laugh at old people. Old people are awesome.

See? Blue's on MY side!

But when you're just bobbing around on the screen, you always faceplant. And I leap gracefully in the air, like a ballerina.

I'm just not as...young as I used to be.

Young as in you didn't fall on your face.

Stop bullying Sirius, Maple.

Yeah. Listen to the human.


Because potato.

That's a dumb reason.

And now it's time to go!

This isn't even a good post-

Almost at 7000 views.....fajwfi aifjweoij woefj lskdfj slfdksf


Sirius got married (finally) and had a son, Oyajitchi. Let's call him Oya.

What an awesome, creative name!

Seriously? Are you for real?

I see what you did there...Sirius-ly....

What? I did nothing, therefore there is nothing for you to see what I did.

You're no fun.

I'm a bit short on time, so I'll just post last year's post.

mariah evolved today! i looked a little weird going to the bathroom every 2 minutes to check on her because i got to school early :p i'm a pretty lovelitchi now!! yay!!! i can become princess lovelitchi!!

let's go to tamamori right now!

*at tamamori*

hello dahling. what are you looking for? may i suggest a lovely soft pink, to complement the white tones of your skin?

oooh!! that's perfect!! i'm looking for the princess dress, and it's in pink! yay!

:) i'm very glad you found what you're looking for. are you a member of the tamamori club? you get discounts on your purchase.

discounts? yes! *signs up*

that will be 4000 gotchi points. have a nice day!

thank you! *returns home* whatcha up to, blue?

picking all the red skittles out of my bag of berry explosion. they taste like medicine. blech!

*twirls around* well i got my pretty princess dress!!! i'm gonna try it on right now!! *goes to dressing room* ta daaa!

ooh! pretty. uh? hey! you got one of your happy symbols!! yay!! it was so not an accident! :p

<_< it so was. let's go to the henshin jo! and no humans are allowed, so stay here and narrate the log for me. *leaves for henshin jo*

well, she's gone. yeah, i looked pretty stupid running back and forth to the bathroom this morning. i took mariah sledding with some of my friends and we had a blast. mariah enjoyed it, except for going backwards. :p (don't ask)

i'm baaack! introooducing, the lovely princess lovelitchi/mariah! *twirls around* whatcha think? i have my crown and a pretty dress!!

you look very pretty, mariah!

that's PRINCESS mariah to you, peasant! go and get me a glass of pineapple juice!

uh...we don't have pineapple juice.

then get me a strawberry cocktail! hold the alcohol!

would you like to see our extensive beverage menu? we have water, milk, and toilet water.

humph! terrible service and no pineapple juice! what kind of place is this?

your home. now, stop being all stuck up.

no way! the readers love me. yes? *strikes pose*

<_< but maybe other tamas think you're obnoxious.

i'm princess mariah! i can act any way i want.

sigh.....well, PM me with...whatever! questions, comments, criticism, a letter telling me how terrible my log is... ;) whatever! (i haven't posted a message like this for a while. :wacko: )

and don't forget: i'm princess mariah!!

EDIT: I feel so boss right now I just got Mariah another happy symbol from letting her play with the microphone. Lovelitchi can play with the microphone properly and she had mamapatchi and majorite watching her dazzling singing. Then she got a happy symbol. I'm so proud of myself, discovering these happy symbols on my own. :) bye!

Another edit: :eek: wow!!! 700 views already??? Only this week I was talking about over 600 views!! You guys are amazing! Keep the views, 5 star ratings (you know you want to) and followers (well no followers yet...ah well) coming!!
Thanks for reading!





Thank you to KeroPyontchi for your nice comments!

I just...brbdying

This is so awesome! I never imagined I'd make it past 6 months of logging...with this many views, rates and followers.... :wub: I love all of you!

I'm Oya, in case you've forgotten.

I'm Kyle! (Name courtesy of CheesyNoodleTama, thank you!)

So today, I got money and some 3D glasses and a barbell and a bunch of cool stuff from the trees I planted! Blue was trying to get my happy symbols but failed miserably.

I didn't fail-yeah, I did. Miserably.

I was a baby and Blue was super happy that I was a boy and then I evolved into Ahirukutchi and now I'm light blue just like my colour!

Oh hey, I just noticed that!

You're slow.

And today we had rice and it was really good and Blue did boring things like homework and yeah.

Blue's friend played with us and said we were cute. And also another one of Blue's friends said that my shell colour was pretty and she liked me best. ^_^

Oh yeah? Blue's friend said she liked my cover and said it was cute.

Both of you are cute.

But I'm cuter, right?

No way, I'm cuter.

Both of you are equally cute.

But...he's an OYAJITCHI! Oyajitchis are supposed to be ugly, and Ahirukutchis are supposed to be cute!!

Hey! Didn't Blue say once that Oyajitchi was cute and funny?

Yeah, I did, because when you eat, Oya, you open your mouth really wide and it looks like it's the size of your face.

Is not! *opens mouth* Oh, wait, it is.


At least I don't have an ugly yellow beak like yours!

My beak is not ugly!

Don't fight. That's mean.

Okay, last year's post before we go (so that Oya and Kyle won't fight online... <_< )

:eek: i don't believe what just happened.breathe in and out, princess. it's just meeting shania.

don't tell me what to do, peasant!


so, like the lowly peasant said, i went over to the tamatomo meal, hoping to see my great grandmother. but when i came, what did i see? i saw my great great grandmother! and she was so sweet and gave me a volcano cake that was simply divine. and this morning i visited my father and he made me sad, because he had a sad look and didn't get me anything to eat.

i wonder if that's a glitch. lemme try again.

...huh, nino gave mariah food today. that's weird. anyone know why he didn't this morning?

he was just simply stunned from my royal beauty and forgot how to cook.

well, i saw your "royal beauty" and i remember how to microwave leftovers.

that's not the same! and peasant, i would like some cranberry juice. garnish it with strawberries, fresh picked, mind you. i know it won't be perfect coming from a peasant like you. chop chop, get me the cranberry juice already!

we don't have any cranberry juice. would you like to see our beverage menu exclusive to royalty?

no, i would not. it's full of PEASANT drinks.

how about i take you to get your happy symbol?

yummy! heart parfait ice! happy happy happy happy happy!!!

oh goody, you got your happy symbol. :)

HAPPY!!! and now i'm not because it was dark and pouring rain and could've ruined my dress!

but it didn't.

<_< peasant, why are you smarter than me?

because i'm human and humans have big brains. your brain is this: :babytchi:

!!! oh-fended!!! that is no way to treat your princess!

that is no way to talk to your care taker.

fine, you win. how un-princess like.

well, let's get you a pet. how about doremitchi?

yes! she will be my loyal subject, unlike you.

<_< that's nice.

she will help me carry my purchases home!

you mean be your pack mule.

set the time and take me to the park already.


well we're back! with my lovely doremitchi. i shall name it....doremitchi!

very creative, your majesty.

thank you peasant.

yup, nothing happened today except for what i just logged about. i plan to get mariah married tomorrow.

and today, this morning, i had to celebrate bokutchi's birthday. uuugh! he scares me. and it's all because this EXTREMELY SMART PEASANT got the date wrong.

i was just too lazy to set it right. and now, say good bye to our readers. i'll be taking you to the henshin jo to make you a peasant (not really. ;) )


EDIT: i was playing on google translate and it became this: My Little Pony My beautiful, my Tamagotchi ate after stealing a smacker on my lips, throwing a banana smoothie, played with it. It then threw my shoes, because there was Mika Mika, we, after I died, died from what was singing gold.
Thanks for reading, guys!
