kuchipatchi.is.blue's log of random tamaness


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Me in Shinobi form and getting my fourth happy symbol!


Random tidbits.

It was so weird to have two other heads, and they talked and argued with me and stuff. o.0

Must be....odd...

Thanks for reading, everyone! See you soon!

Hold on, I forgot V4.5 pictures!

Le gasp! How can you forget about MOI?


Uhhhhh....not the best way to find your V4.5....


Spiderman in his egg, as a baby, and as a child! (Hitodetchi)

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Hello, world.

So...I've been thinking it over...and I want to do an experiment. What sort of experiment, you ask?

Um. A picture logging experiment.

Not anything permanent....just....I don't know. Picture logging for a week or a few on a separate topic, and if I don't really like it, I can go back to conversations, although I don't wanna abandon this log....

Agh. I'm stuck. I really want to try this, but I love doing this as well. *headdesk*

What do you guys think? (keep in mind this is probably not permanent) I could update occasionally here and give you guys a conversation once in a while...

Moving on.


Patrick just got married to Moriritchi and had a Pantsutchi. I'm aiming for Tamatchi, so I can get Young Oyajitchi and then maybe a few characters from his lineage. ^.^

*rage* I got a little brother why did this happen to me why I have the worst life ever

*snort* YOU think you have the worst life ever? You have an infinite supply of food, no bills to pay, and someone to dote on you every second *coughMEcough*. Why is your life bad?

I'm always getting neglected by you, you always pay attention to the iD L instead of me, YOU FORGOT THE PICTURES OF ME YESTERDAY, and you sat on me yesterday!

It was an accident! You were on a couch, and then you slid. Besides, it wasn't THAT bad, was it? I mean, I rescued you...

Well...yeah. But back to the point: I DON'T WANT A LITTLE BROTHER WAAAAH

Why not?

Because I was a mean younger brother and super annoying to Patrick and this brother will be exactly that to me, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT LITTLE BROTHERS DO!

I don't know...little brothers can be nice...

WHAT is this guy ranting about?

How he doesn't want a little brother and he thinks that little brothers are mean and annoying, because he was one and he was super mean and annoying to his big brother, who was your dad.

Doesn't that make him my uncle?


You're only three years old. Even if you multiply it by 10, it's 30. Not so old.


<_< You need a moment in the Quiet Corner.

*sniffle* Yes. Yes, I do. *goes to Quiet Corner*

Blue? What's the Quiet Corner?

It's where you go if you've been bad or if you need some quiet time, like this lunatic. *points to Spiderman*

Oh. Will I have to go to the Quiet Corner?

Not if you're a good boy and you don't melt down like HIM.

Oh. And...Blue? One more question?


Why is his name Spiderman? And what's my name?

You'll need to consult the elders about the Spiderman thing, he's very sensitive about it, and we'll have to figure something out for your name.

Okay. One more thing.



Thanks to whoever voted!

Page 20! (Took me a while to notice, haha) ^.^

We are less than 1 month away from our 1 year logging anniversary! I should celebrate...wonder how?

I think it was around this time last year I picked up my V4.5, dusted it off, and started on a quest for...I didn't even really have a character in mind, I just wanted an adult. Funny how I'm running it again, one year later.

Okaaay, enough rambling.

I'm an adult! I'm Kikitchi! I'M A MONKEY!!!

I'm an adult too! I'm...uhhh...hold on a sec.


I'm a Matsuritchi!

What's that?

I dunno. I wear a headband and a jacket, does that have anything to do with it?




Our mailman is...weird.

Hmm...bills, postcard, boring, boring, block of gold, blah, blah, oh! My graduation letter! I CAN GRADUATATE FROM SCHOOL YAY

It's grah-ju-ate.

Whatever! See ya, suckers! *bolts from door*

o_O How he graduated with his grades I'll never know.

That makes two of us.



Wanna play Monopoly?



You roll.

Um...oh yay, Connecticut Avenue.



*together* A baker?



You guys are supportive.


Thank you for over 5900 views!!!

Bored bored bored

Nothing to do...



I have a tiny announcement.

I'm going to experiment with picture logging.

Why? Why why why why?

1) It's simpler. I'm busier than I was last year, so I should be able to update a bit more often (conversations do take a lot of thinking).

2) It's good to try new things, no?

3) Before you start panicking and sending me frantic PM's, it's only for 4 generations.

Whaaat? 4 generations?

Yup. 4 generations.

It'll be the 4 Generation Experiment. Or something like that.

Sorry, guys. But hey, I'm sure I'll be back in time for our 1 year anniversary! O:



Yeahhh...so my plan for now is to try this out, and switch back to this either permanently or temporarily. I just really want to try this, and that's what's going to happen.

Gist: this experiment business is temporary, and I'll stick to my promise and it'll be only for 4 generations, and I'll come back.

Really. Promise.

Noooo...does this mean I don't get to talk?


Buttt....this is starting when....iD L gets married (I'm sorry bro I didn't name you)

I get to pick my name! I'll be....Bob.

Nice name.

I know, right? I'm so creative.

I'll get on with photos, and then the 4 Generation Experiment will start sometime soonish...maybe tomorrow or the day after.

(and to all who liked conversations, I'm sorry)


Patrick married a Moriritchi!


They went on a few dates before coming back home.


Bob hatched out of his egg as a Pantsutchi!

Bob. Tee heee. Baaaaauuuub. Tee hee hee.



Bob as a Kikitchi.


First happy symbol from Tama Noodles...


Next happy symbol was from the Knight's Helmet.


Taking a drive down to the beach and getting a happy symbol!


Alternate happy symbol, Fruits Mitsu.

I forgot that Kikitchi has a Henshin Jo alter ego so I'll have to get him again sometime to get Detective Kiki stored in the TaMaToMo book. It's so cute! =w=

Oh yeah, and here's a picture of Spiderman brushing his teeth.


Thanks for reading. Remember, I'll be back soon....after 4 generations on the 15th Anniversary iD L...


So....Bob did get married, but I haven't started the topic for the 4 generations yet, becauseeee....I wanna do one last post here with a few photos.

And then, after the 4, I will be back for sure to celebrate our 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exciting, no? I have to figure out what to do to celebrate, haha. Maybe bring back some old characters. We'll see.

Hi. I'm...I don't have a name.

It's an...R name.



Ah, it feels nice to talk again.

Stop making me feel the tiny bit of guilt.



Bob getting his last happy symbol.

What about photos of Dad's marriage?

They're going to go into my experiment.

Experiment? Like science? I love science!

But...you're going to be a Kuchipatchi. Kuchipatchis like eating.

I like eating too!

Wow, you're so flexible.

I know, right? :3

<_< *coughSARCASMcough*

So...I think I'll end this here for now. Thanks for sticking with us all this time, and we'll see you soon, after the 4 generations!


Thank you for over 6000 views!!!

Okay, so the 4 Generations thing wasn't successful....3 out of the 4.... :p

But I'm lazy and I've had a long enough break from conversations and it's almost been one year since 1) I joined TT and 2) I started this weird log!

Alright, so I've got my iD L, which is a Maisutatchi named Tristan, in honour of...well...Tristan and Tristan Jr. (from almost one year ago!!). I'm also running my Tama Go, with a Kuromametchi. I'll call him Kuro, for lack of a better name.



That's it?


I think I'll end for now, to make sure Tristan doesn't faint. <.< Thanks for reading!

Thank you for over 6100 views!

Thank you whoever for the rating!

Thank you to tamagotchialice for following!

jdlsjf lskjd flsdj flksjd flksjd kf s


I know what I'll do; for the next 5 posts, if I posted on that day last year, I'll post it and then we can see what happened with all that weirdness. Cool?

And now for the bad part:

My iD L left.

I don't know how...he just did a couple of days ago. :/ I didn't lose anything, the generation just went back to 1. Currently the batteries are out for a bit, because school and life have been real busy and I don't want to neglect any more poor tamas.

Another thing: I'll be taking a photo break because it takes too much time to upload and crop and resize and you guys will be okay without them, riiiight? I managed last year; maybe if something really big happens I'll post a few photos.

It's back to good old conversations, just like last year.

Yeah, only it's just me. Good old Kuro.

Who needs to get married. Let's go find today's post (2 days after starting to log!)

think blue will notice that we're playing angry birds?no....blue never notices. Besides, she's busy.

good. Then she won't know that I'm on the very first level of angry birds.

*snickers* you're still on the first level?

yep. *flings red bird at structure* I won!!!

hahaha but that was the easiest level on earth!

you're such a killjoy.

yesterday was so fun.

yeah we watched a hockey game and the first goal was total fail because one guy shot the puck and then it bounced off the leg of a guy on the other team and then there was a goal.

but the team i decided to cheer for (when i watch hockey randomly, i just pick a team to cheer for, even though it's not my favourite team :p )

uh we don't know bye tamatalk!

Hey wait a minute I'm not done with you ye-
Tess and Willa were around! I remember...I think last year was probably one of my favourite winters. ^.^

You were horrible at writing.

Hey! I wasn't THAT bad...besides, this isn't school. It's TT.

Fine then.





I wish I had a brother.

How about you go and get married.

But I won't get a brother.

Off to the matchmaker with you!


I have a little brother, a wife, and a daughter! Whee! And also Blue.

"And also Blue." So I don't count as your family?


HI guys! I'm Little Brother, or LB! I'm Kuro's little brother and I'm a Sunnytchi!!! Yay!!!

I finally have a little brother!!! *happy dance*

*mutters* Tristan Jr. wasn't so happy about his little brother...

Let's see what I posted a year ago!

heey peoplesi still think it's super unfair that i still haven't got married yet.

fine, fine. i'll get you married tonight and take photos if i can ever post photos.


hey how come i can't get married?

because the matchmaker won't let you. :(

hmph. that's mean.

you'll live, willa. besides, you'll get to go to the big family house with your dog and parents and meet everybody from your tamagotchi family.

yay!! haha in your face tess

...tess will get there eventually


so who will i marry?

what about that cute kuchipatchi we saw at the mall yesterday? or how about that furikotchi?

no way he was super ugly

hey guys the matchmaker will sort it all out

but what if she gives me that mean mametchi i met yesterday? i dropped my bag and he kicked it so all my stuff was spread out everywhere.

that's not very nice....

hey don't you want to tell tamatalk about our day?

yeah this one guy walked around with a fake mustache

and there was a lot of people singing christmas carols

tee hee that was the crazy people in my school we were having fun singing a warped version of 12 days of christmas

yeah nothing much happened today...tess and willa stayed the same as always.

now playing: silver bells again

as usual, PM me with googlewhacks, questions, and ways i can improve my log! and if you know where to get a cheap iD L, that would be appreciated ;)

hoping for an iD L for christmas....

-blue, tess, and willa
So we were still with Tess and Willa, and Tess wanted to get married...how sweet :wub:

Hey! That's cool! I just got married a few days ago!

Willa's colour is the same as mine! So cool!

You guys were wearing mustaches?

Long story. Don't ask.

Can you sneak me into school?


Why nottt???!

Because you don't wanna get stolen, do you?

Nooo!!! That's like kidnapping! Please don't sneak please don't sneak me please don't sneak me please-

We get it.

You don't understand! When someone takes you away from your person and you're in a tiny plastic shell and you CAN'T FIGHT BACK and then they start pushing the buttons and you HAVE TO OBEY THEM...it's torture!

But how would you know the difference between me and another person?

Hello. Eyes?

Oh yeah. Right.

So...ummm...thanks for reading, everyone! See you soon!

Thanks for 6202 views!!

So, LB evolved into Nonopotchi, which (I think) means a new destination, yay! He should be getting married tomorrow...maybe...or the day after...I dunno. I'll see. Kuro left his daughter, who I'll name....Lexi, in honour of whoever was named Lexi last year.

oh my gosh this stupid computer is makes my life harder. i hate old computers.hi people i'm the sakuramotchi and my name is lexi

i'm the mousetchi and my name is tristan

and my name is adele and i'm the belltchi oh my gosh i'm so super excited to be on this log we're gonna be famous yay!! :)

ok so i came up with lexi and tristan's names on a whim but adele i name her that because adele is like awesome and i like the sound of that name. adele adele adele :D

today we went to school it was super boring.

no way i think it was fun!! especially the volleyball game.

there was a volleyball game at my school today. it was awesome.

how come we didn't get shut in the closet mommy was telling us about?

*does that thing in anime where sweat slides down their faces and smiles all embarrassed* because i didn't have PE today...

ohh that explains it!!

what else was fun?

ookay then.

so i promised you guys my tama wishlist right?

well i want an iD L, and an Ocean. actually, i just want an iD L. yeah. ;)

i can't wait until christmas! it's going to be soo fun!!

hey tama story be quiet lexi, tristan, and adele

this story is about tess getting married and willa and her parents going back to tama planet:

i'm going to go to the dating show today!

already???! but don't you want to stay with us? *lip trembles*

well...i should be getting married soon. besides, don't you want nieces and nephews and a brother in law?

*perks up* okay go to the dating show NOW!!!! :p

okay okay.

*tess goes out the door and to the dating show*

matchmaker: hello dear!! are you here for the free cheese and tacos?


matchmaker: oh you must be here for the cherry pie tasting today! i hear there is one made with hot sauce! ;)

no actually i'm here for the dating show.

matchmaker: oh okay dear. let's see our first suitor! *applause*

*mukugetchi comes out*

uhh, no thank you.

matchmaker: ok thank you. next suitor! *more applause*

*furikotchi comes out*

*does double take* oh my gosh it's the furikotchi i met at the park yes yes yes yes!!!!!

matchmaker: furikotchi it is!! come and meet this lovely memetchi!

furikotchi: h-hi.

ooh it's you!! yay!! come with me and we can plan the wedding and you can meet my family!!

furikotchi: ookay...

let's go!! yay!!

and that's how they met.

Now playing: keyboard.

random: googlewhack!! quakerisation quadriplegia at 8 hits!! so close!!

PM me with comments, criticism, or any ideas on how to make this log better! or if you want nintendog tips. i've got tons.

23 days until christmas!!!!!!
There was someone else with MY NAME????!!! HOW DARE THEY COPY MEEE!!!!

Uhhh....but Blue named you AFTER her...





Soooo...what should we do today?

Let's go skating!

Hello? No feet?

Aw. D: But I'm a penguin and I love winter sports that require feet! Blue, can we go skating and leave Lexi here all by herself?

NOOOO!!!! What if someone kidnaps me and thinks I'm a real mushroom and EATS ME???!!! Waaaahhhh!

They won't. Can't you go skiing by yourself, LB?


Why not?

I don't like doing things alone.

You shower alone.

That's different.

Does it mean you don't like showering?

I like showering alone.

But you just said you don't like doing things alone. If you like showering alone, then you like doing things alone, right? So, therefore, you can go skiing by yourself and Blue can stay here with me. ^_^ Problem solved!

No! Problem not solved!

I think I'll end this here...

Everything's the same.

Nothing much has happened...just an ordinary Saturday and i'm freezing. Yum...smells like coffee....Oh yeah and i'm allowed to draw tamagotchi characters for my project! :) tamas for the win!

Well.....Lexi, Tristan, and Adele are all due to evolve today at about dinner time...I'll update when they do.

At about 5:43 pm today, Lexi, Tristan, and Adele evolved! They became shelltchi, korokotchi, and ichigotchi, in that order. Sorry I can't say much, I got a deep paper cut on my finger and it really hurts to type. :(
I'll say more tomorrow! And hopefully my finger will be better ;)

and thank you for over a hundred views! But I think part of it is blue's fault...
Sooo...not much of a conversation. Oh yeah, I remember that paper cut. That hurt. A LOT.

Haaaaa! x3

-.- You're so mean.

Bllluuuueeeee!!!!!! How come HE gets to play dress up and become red and have heart shaped icons????!!! Why can't I????!

It's because he's an iD L, and you're a Tama Go. (We unlocked Makkaka Town, new icons, and now LB is red.)

Why can't I be an iD L?? LB! Switch with me!! Pllleeeassseee???

But I like eating lunch with Sunopotchi and being in a winter themed room because I'm a penguin and I love my trench coat and I love my new Santa hat with antlers and I LOVE BEING RED!!

Girls, girls, you're both pretty.

That's not even the argument!

Yeah, we're arguing because she wants to be me!

I never said-uuuggghh, I HATE having a big brother! I'm going to go watch cartoons! *leaves*

Cartoons? Wait for me, little sister!

Uhhh...that was weird...

Awesome, we're almost to the adventures of James and Tristan Jr! Yes! Out of all my posts, I think this series has to be one of my favourites. xD

oh my gosh i'm such a bad owner i left my tama on a chair in the library....you're such a bad owner, blue. you forgot us! us, of all things. you're so BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

:( i'm sorry....

you better be!! and after i became the character you wanted too. :angry:

sniff...i thought some irresponsible kid would steal us and then kill us!!! wah :(

i said i'm sorry.


you sound like my sister. and i don't need another one.


why didn't you sneak us again today?

i thought i had PE but instead we ended up not having PE


anyway, what's really sad is that i joked that i needed some money to bid on an iD l on ebay, and then some guy was like "a tamagotchi? a tamagotchi. i had one of those, when i was like 6." :( :( -_-

that's what i get for telling my hater friends about these things.

excuse me? you should be proud of us!

i would be if some other person living in potato would give me some support here.


yeah, i know. i feel like a potato is constantly following me when i travel.

speaking of traveling, aren't we gonna go on a trip with you?

no. we never travel for the holidays, and besides, i like staying here.


blue found some adele sheet music yesterday and she was playing it! but she failed. *snickers*

excuse me? some of those notes were really hard to read! which brings me to my next point: on 'someone like you' the notes are REALLY low for the right hand. can't they just write it in bass clef since most of the song is in that anyway? and i really hate it when the write the major and minor 7th chords in because it sounds like i'm choking a moose.

haha choking a moose haha!

<_< that's not even funny, tristan.

hey hey guys, calm down.

blue, why are your teachers so mean?

i don't know. they gave me a ton of homework and two tests to study for, plus i have a bunch of concerts, a test for like placement or something, and applications for something or other to worry about. my life is so hard right now. i'm logging only because i don't have any paper or a table to do my homework. it sucks. and writing on your lap is hard, i tell you.

blue, will we be here for christmas?

depends. do v5 characters become oldies or do they just stay the same? PM me if you know!

well, i should end this post and do some studying. plus, i don't have anything to say right now. :(

19 days until christmas! but i still haven't bought or made any presents yet......

oh well!
(edited a few things from original)

So...started up my V3, no Tama Go, iD L still. Hoping for a +color for Christmas and maybe a P. ^_^ We'll have to wait and see, if I'm lucky, I might get both (or not).

V3 is named Albus, in a Harry Potter theme thing going on here.

LB got married and had a son. Another one. I've had this 10 boy streak or something, haven't had a girl for maybe a month and a half now. :/

Names names names.....uhhhh...

I'll name him! iD L, that works!

That name sucks, and you know it. I will not be named iD L, ALBUS.

Let's name you Voldemort! xD

No! Not Voldemort, that's evil! I'm good!

*cough* Mmhmmsure.


How about...Ron.


Hey, that kind of makes sense, you know, you have those weird orange spikes on your head, and Ron has red hair...matching...

You're a baby, how would you know that? I haven't even read the books yet and I'm a teenager. You, on the other hand, was born yesterday and hasn't been unpaused until now.

True, but I didn't just sit there while I was paused. I got up and actually did useful things instead of sitting on the couch and eating Pringles.

I don't always eat Pringles! I...I...bake! Yeah, I bake!

Baked what?


Ha! I knew it! You don't bake at all!

I do! Why you little-

Stop fighting.

Fighting is good! Fighting-

Shut. Up.

Correction: V3 is named Harry, not Albus.

Nothing much happened today.....and why won't Tristan's colour come out? *angry*blue what's for dinner? And shouldn't you be doing your homework?

I did my math homework and studied for my science test. I'm taking a break.

what's for dinner?

Tristan, you eat too much.

that's mean.

stop yelling at each other! That's my job!

Post later! A better post.

-blue, Lexi, Tristan, and adele
Tristan got married to a nice yonepatchi!but Lexi, Adele, and mom and dad aren't here anymore...oh no what'll I do without them????????

Um, you have your lovely wife and two kids.
Ok now I actually have some time.since my kids are really young, I'll talk for them. I haven't decided on names yet, but they're both guys. Any ideas? So anyway, I went to the dating show and what do you know, the matchmaker brings out the cutest yonepatchi ever! So we got married and now we have these two futabtchis.

So yeah, that's pretty much it.
The kids evolved onto kuchpatchi and chibipatchi. Chibipatchi looks like two characters mushed together in one.excuse me???????

don't mind him, he's just grumpy. My name is tristan jr.

and my name is James, after the furikotchi in the first generation.

As you can see, I have managed to get the kuchipa family. My next goal is to get the space family.

you make goals? For your tamagotchi? that's pathetic.

JAMES!!!!!!!! Stop that right now. Blue is a very nice owner and has kindly offered to take care of both of you. Blue has raised all the generations before you, and without blue you would not exist. so the least you can do is show some respect!!!!!

*shrinks back* okay dad. I'm sorry, blue.

It's okay. No hard feelings. Wow, a parent only for an hour and you're a pro already, Tristan. ;)

haha...thanks. Oh yeah, I got a call from adele! She says to say hi and that the family house is as amazing as you said, blue! She wishes you could visit, and Lexi says hi. Apparently Adele says the 1st gen is really nice!

Cool. Tell her hi.

will do, blue. Haha, that rhymes. Do, blue. Do, blue.

dad...stop embarrassing us on the internet....and on tamatalk.....
Awesome, we're up to Tristan Jr. and James! Fun! *happy dance*

Who's Tristan Sr, then?

Tristan Jr.'s dad, smart one. I thought you were all smarter than me since I'm only a stupid teenager.

Nuh uh, you evolved into a big old Spacytchi and now you think you're smarter because you're an adult and the thing is YOU ARE.

Awesome! I'm finally smarter than you! Whoo hoo!

And I'm only a kid, so I can act like I'm little and dumb and I have a total excuse for breaking your stuff! *knocks over Ron's drink* Oops, I spilled your drink!


I can't help it I'm a child. A Tamatchi.

Aaaaargh. *headdesk* Blue, I wanna get married the moment my fourth happy symbol comes.

Yeeaaahhh noooo, mmm, no.

Why not?

Because I'll be doing important human things then, like eating.

*huffs* I'm sure you can take a break.

But then there's baby hour...

Yah Ron. There's baby hour.

But I don't have to worry about it, since I leave anyway.

Yeah, YOU don't have to worry about it. I do.

Was Harry's baby hour long?

Yes, it was forever and ever.

No it wasn't. An hour can't last forever and ever and ever and-

Shut up, please.

Just because I keep forgetting :


Ron's son

WIN!!! WIN!!! WIN!!!!! WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what are you going win for?

i'm allowed to post photos!!! yay!!! and i found out that my mom's camera is SO DARN good for tamagotchi photos!! yay!!

stop using exclamation marks!! they're making my ears bleed!!


please stop!

:eek: never in a million years would i dream that you would say please stop.and so politely, too. you're turning into a gentleman, james! *sniffles*

<_< no i'm not. shut up, jello for brains.

good. i was worried that you were actually turning polite, james. i was *this* close to calling 911 and admitting you to a mental hospital.

????!!!!!!!!!!! why would you think that?? you've known me for...how long have we been living?

five days.


yeah. really.

change of subject. did you like home alone?

i want kevin to be my best friend. he could help me with defending my house from creepers. ;)

i fell asleep. oops.

???! but home alone is so awesome!


i have a math exam this week. my project is due tomorrow. i have a concert tomorrow. and.....i'm stressed. and i'm trying to figure out how to put photos on this log so you guys can see tristan jr. and james.

please figure it out! before i'm an uncle! i want tamatalk to see how beautiful i am! *strikes pose*

:eek: is it just me, or is that diaper getting tighter?

tsk tsk, james. spending too much time in front of your PS3.

and eating too much junk food. like my special bag of japanese candy. :angry:


well, i should really be getting off the computer now...

no i want tamatalk to know my opinion of everything! i thi-

*claps hand over james's mouth*

thank you, tristan jr.
Ohhh, I remember this day! I think it was when I tried to make lasagna. Yeah. :3

Pfft. Tried to.

Well...it was edible...

Hey, how come they watched Home Alone and we didn't???!!!


It's all your fault! I'm going to go and eat your popsicles!

Nuuuu!!! Not my popsicles!!

Hahaha! Yes, your popsicles!

But...but....not the cherry ones...please...

Yeah bro, lay off those cherry popsicles.

No! Those cherry popsicles are the ones I'll attack first! Nobody can stop me! Muahahaha!!! *shoves popsicles in mouth* CHOKING CHOKING OH MY GOTCHI *chokes*

Wanna save him?

Ahhh...no. Popsicles melt anyway.




I'm going to go eat with Nonopotchi. *leaves*

CHOKING CHOKING CHOK-wait, the popsicle melted so now I'm not choking anymore. ^_^

<_< Applause, applause.

*bows* Thank you, thank you. Kisses to all my adoring fans!

What fans?

I have tons of fans! Here's...uh...


I'm back! Nonopotchi wanted me to bring you all diced tofu. Here you go! *shoves it into Blue's and Harry's mouth*


Yay, we all have tofu! Thanks for reading, everyone!

Ron's son got married and haddd....A GIRL!!! YAY!!!

She's a Kusatchi right now. I named her Hermione.

I am pathetic at geek stuff. Seriously.I hate the closet. With passion.

I'm sorry. Can I help it that I had to change today?


Never mind. Where was I at? Oh yeah, geek stuff. So I took a bunch of really good photos, and I don't know how to upload them. *facepalm*

a lot of pictures of me!

yeah, a lot of good pictures of you falling on your face.
(Hermione) I have the same colour as James!! Yay!!

What's so yay about that?

Well, James seems weird and funny and yells a lot. Just like me!

How would you even know? You haven't even been alive for a Tama year yet.

So? I know me better than you know me.

*sighs* You're right, you are like James.

Yes! You're finally agreeing with me!

You guys are so like James and Tristan Jr. it's weird. Except Hermione is a girl and doesn't wear diapers.

*puffs up proudly* You bet I don't wear diapers! Oh yeah!

Oh. My. Gotchi.

Hello, world.

SCHOOL. IS. SO. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!and what makes you say that?

why didn't you tell me school was just partying and having fun? the party today ruled!

i didn't because school isn't just partying and having fun.

whaat??? then why was there a party today?

because it was the last day of school before winter break and we had nothing better to do.

oh. so what's really school?

work, homework, tests, exams, quizzes, stress, report cards, projects, and not fun stuff.

oh. now i don't really like school.

good. stop liking it. anyway, that doesn't matter, because now i'm on break! and i'll be running another tama now that i have some spare time. ;) but i need some time to decide first. i think i might run my v4. i dunno. and this means you'll have a brother or sister, sam!

can't you decide now?

no. i'm not really sure i want to run another one because i'm a bit bored of all the versions i have :p but maybe i'll run my v4.5 again. and you guys can meet cassy! my spazzy hanagatatchi! just give me some time to think. okay?

sigh. okay.

and i promise photos will come soon.
So we're up to Sam now. Huh.

Hi hi hi hi hi hi!!! I'm a pretty Makiko!! *twirls*

Ugh, not so loud. I'm not awake yet.

Uh, yeah you are. You're talking to me and moaning.

I'm not fully awake. I need my coffee. Where is my coffee. I need coffee.

It's called a question mark?

I don't wanna use question marks. It's too tiring to not talk in a monotone. Where. Is. That. Coffee.

Coffee? What's coffee? Is that the brown pot I drank??!!

Brown pot?

Yeah! I saw a pot with lots of brown stuff in it and I drank it ALLLL and it tasted super bitter but now I'm super awaaakeeee!!!!!!!

Noooo...my coffeee...went into....THAT... *points at Hermione*

Ohhhh I had coffeeeeee???? THAT'S what I was drinking!!! I thought it was hot chocolate! Oh well!

Can you please stop talking?

Nope, I don't think so! I like coffee, it makes me happy and awake and I LOVE COFFEE I WANT MOOORRE

There was tons of coffee in that pot she drank...


What's genius?

Letting her drink all the coffee.

Did someone say coffee? I looove coffee!! *bounces off walls*

Is she actually bouncing?



Ooh, what does this button do? *click*



-touch that.

I think I'm on fire.



I'm not hyper anymore.

*headdesk* Great, Hermione. Great.


It's ok.

So...um...can I post this?


Okay...um...PM us with any fanmail...bye...

Is it just me or are there more conversation logs popping up? Like, there was a huge long empty break...and then....new logs, boom! *whooshing noise*

Maybe it has to do with the time of year, I started my log around this time last year. ^.^

i can't believe it. the one time this week i got on this with my dad home and HE'S ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway, we have family coming over so if i log while they're here, i will be in huge huge trouble.and i'm mad because blue botched the plans for my little brother.

well sorry. i tried out my v3, but it has some weird glitch and i'm tired of the v4 and v4.5.

so no little brother?

i'm afraid not, unless i get a tama for christmas.


hey! why don't you call the family house and see who picks up?

ok! *calls house*

hello! who's this?

it's sam, mamavioletchi.

ohh! sam! hello, dearie! is blue with you?


hi cara (1st gen violetchi turned mamavioletchi)! i can't believe i'm actually talking to you! how are you doing??

i'm doing fine, thank you. my brother james sr. is very entertained by james jr.

i'll bet he is.

everyone! sam and blue are on the phone! *to blue and sam* i'll put everyone on speakerphone.


blue!!!!! hi!!!!!!! the log's still going?

yup. how are you doing, sasha?


hi blue! wow! the family house is as great as you said! and you're right! mamavioletchi's husband is so nice and manly!


hey blue! the family house is so neat and organized!

hey felicia!

i know. mamavioletchi and holly (2nd gen violetchi) are such fun to cook with! i've made so many neat things!

wow....you're my great great great great great great grandma's sister! do you look old?

well..i do have a few wrinkles...

no you don't! how are tess, willa, lexi, tristan, and adele doing?

they're so much fun! i'm definitely getting out of the house more now that they're here. especially to walk tess and willa's dog! ;)

i remember when tess walked the dog.....she walked straight into a pole. -_-

we have to go, blue. maybe next time we can talk longer.

alright. bye guys!



have you left your tama in the library again?

-_- no. not yet.

good. bye! *hangs up*

???! she hung up on us.

oh well.

like i said, photos of sam are due tomorrow. i made my dad promise to help me this weekend. ;) also, sam will evolve tomorrow! yay!

it smells like potatoes. yum yum.

well, i have to go to make sure sam doesn't eat all of my dinner. -_-

COME TO ME MY PRECIOUS POTATOES!! MWA HAHA!!! *starts running towards the kitchen*

agh! come back!
Sam tried to steal my potatoes and Tess walked into a pole. Okay.



Can you do a school sneak please please please please pleeeaaassseee????!!!


Really?! For realsies??

Maybe. For one thing, I can't check on you a lot, and another thing, I'd have to keep you out of sight, otherwise I'll totally get made fun of. Yeeeup. And my usual method is keeping you in a pencil case and carrying it around for the day, and I have a class (*cough*PE*cough*) where I don't take my pencil case along. So you'd sleep in my locker and be totally fat, because I'd fill up 6 of your ricebowls in the morning.

I just want to go to school once!

How come SHE gets to go to school? She's spazzier and younger and more immature than me and I can totally handle myself and leave this annoying baby with Hermione!

I don't take care of babies. I look at them and then they start crying. I don't get why.

*stares at Harry's baby with eyes opened reaaaally wide*

*Harry's baby starts crying*

See? I'm not good with babies. *pokes Harry's baby*

*yawns* Well, neither am I. Blue, can you take care of that, please? And while you're at it, a double double with a few shots of espresso.

Get your own coffee and take care of your own kid. I'll have to do that anyway, so maybe give me a rest and get off your lazy butt and take care of him?

Fine then, I will. *stomps off towards baby* Uh, how do you take care of one of these things? *pokes baby*

*baby stops crying (baby's colour!)*

Ha ha! I win!

<_< First you give him something to eat.

Uhm...*gives loaf of bread to baby*

*baby stares at it*

You break off a small piece and give it to him.

*breaks off piece*

Small enough to fit in his mouth!


Nom nom. :3

See? He's happy!

*burp* S'cuse me.

Gotchi King's crown! You can talk?

Yeah...what with having you as a dad...

You can talk! Wow! This makes having a baby just that more interesting!

I still need to be fed and washed and-

Shut up. You're ruining the moment.

You're my dad! You're supposed to be nice to me!

I'm not your dad, think of me as your...big brother.

And I'm your aunt! *beams*

*big sister.

I like aunt better. *pouts*

And I'm Blue!


Fine then.



I guess I'll post this then.


Anything else you want to say?

I like pie.

I like letters.



Yeah...so...see you all soon!

i'm bored. blue, why don't you have any FUN stuff lying around?because. i didn't think ahead to PACK any fun stuff, sam.

hmph. you know, it's not exactly my idea of to listen to a bunch of people talking to each other in chinese.

i think they're talking about cars. .....yeah. the guy said "car".

booring. *snore*

blue? can i ask you a favour?


well, sunny and i found a great last minute deal for a getaway in the bahamas. we've booked the tickets and everything.

i'm going to the BAHAMAS?????????????? YAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts dancing around*

yes, well, sam, the catch is that the deal only offered two tickets. aaandd...your mom and i have decided to go.

oh. so who's gonna stay home? you or mom?

neither of us, sam. you're going to stay home with blue. *winces and prepares for explosion*

WHAAAAAATTTT???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY VERY FIRST CHANCE TO GO ON VACATION AND I CAN'T?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!

(note: i'm not going to the bahamas. i'm staying in my country, thank you very much. ;) )

sorry sam...we're leaving tomorrow.

*sobs* it's not fair!

sam, why don't you go and get yourself a drink?

*walks out of the room into the kitchen, then locks self in room*

i knew he wouldn't be too happy.

well duh, tristan jr. no kid would be happy. and he's evolving tonight too, so i'll be left tomorrow teaching him about the dating show. *rolls eyes and shudders*

ah haha......it's not that bad...


and i'm really sorry but there's no time today for photos or anything. :angry: :( -_-

which means that tamatalk will not see my beautiful face.

they will, sam. i promise.
Forgot to do the school sneak today. >.<" Not sure if I can do it all this week...maybe, maybe tomorrow. But probably not.

Your locker is super boring.

And messy.

It's not boring...and yeah, it's messy.

Yeah, all we did was listen to you and your friends talk, and then when you left, other people talked, and then it was all quiet, and then there was more talking and boring stuff. And the worst part is, you didn't have any gum!!


You better be! Hmph!



Can you help me open the peanut butter jar?

i don't have arms.

Auntie Hermione? Can you?

Awwww...okay. *opens jar*

Thanks! *eats peanut butter*

Dude, it's not ice cream...

Bub ip taysh ike it! (But it tastes like it!)

o_O...no, it doesn't.

It tastes like peanut butter ice cream! ^_^

My son is weird.

You don't say.


So...Hermione got married, and had...a son. BUT...he evolved into Tamatchi! Yes!!! I can finally get a new boy character! *happy dance* His name is Neville.

Harry is still here with baby what's-his-name.

I'm Neville. I hate that my colour is so close to my weird mom's.

Hey, you're my little brother! Or little cousin!

But you're still a baby. I'm bigger than you! *puffs up*

Nooo, I was born earlier. Blue kept me and Dad paused forever, so I couldn't grow up.

But...but...I'm a Tamatchi, and you're still a little baby! So there!

I was still born earlier than you~

Ugh! You're so annoying!

I should be saying that to you.


as you can see, my collection is pretty small.....and if you look closely, you can see sam raiding the fridge with his dad. ;)

HEY! why did you catch a photo like that?

i thought it was funny.


i think this looks cute.

i look all roly poly. barf.

no you don't!


aw...he's smiling

i guess that doesn't look too bad....kind of

why are you being so critical???

well, you're not uploading photos of yourself for people to see. you're uploading photos of ME.
My first log photos! <3

Ew, why were they so big?

I didn't really get the hang of resizing yet, okay?

Hey, my colour's the same as Sam's! That makes ME more special than YOU! Ha!

Well, my colour's the same as...someone's!

But Sam's is even more special, because he was one of Blue's favourites!

Gasp! I'm not your favourite?

You're all my favourites, and stop trying to pick a fight, what's-your-name.

Ha! You don't even have a NAME!! HAHAHA!

Shut up! I've been living longer than you and I have a dad and my colour is the same as Sam's! So there!

You're mean! *cries*

I don't wanna be your brother anymore! *runs away*

Look what you did, what's-your-name! You made Neville sad, and he hasn't even been living for 6 hours yet!

He started it!

I think we should end this here...

