How did you discover Tamagotchi?


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In the summer of 2007 i was going to buy pool in carefour i look around to find good one then i look to family toys i see alooooot of toys like each other ( it was v3) and i told my brother " look is that a Digimon toy or something like that .. he told me no and come fast we will go we choose a new perfect pool " and i was thinking about this toy then after long time i go to carefour again and i forget the toy but i see it again i take one and i start asking what is these no onw know i read the box and i realize i must take care of a pet i like the idea and i take light green v3 << looooong story right X_X

in 1996. I was 4 and my sis was 6. We saw the commercial, and instantly, we HAD to get tamagotchis. Mine was a p1 and it was yellow :D

and that's all i remember. I really don't remember taking it anywhere, or even playing with it (except on the first day lol) BUT i do remember losing it and being devastated.

2005. I was 6 and everyone had one so I said I wanted one. My mom said I could get one if I remembered what they were called. I was young and had them confused with PixelChix--it took about a week and a while of repeating "Tamagotchi" before we finally ordered a pink/yellow v2 off of Amazon. It came, but my mom wanted to surprise me... when I was walking home from school, my mom asked, "Do you want to invite your friends over, or just come home to the Tamagotchi?" I looked up and knew and before I knew it I found myself rushing home. I named him Scott and took him to Florida while he was on Generation 2. I had my mom babysit him which went quite well but I paused him too much so he died. :( When we were at the hotel I was looking at one of those business card racks and saw an ad for v3, and immideately had to get my paws on one. "Zoey" was left unpaused overnight. I still can't believe I was so naive lol. I'm getting a VMigo now and those can't die :D

RIP Scott, Zoey, and whomever Scott's baby was XD ^.^

Edit: FL was a vacation. Scott got babysat when I was swimming :)

Edit: Scott's baby was Mark! Now I remember!

Edit: They are both broken :(

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I forget what year but I remember that I was in 3rd grade and I got a V4 for doing well in school

all the kids at my school were into it at the time and most my friends had a V4 and V4.5( I hade one to :p ). then I got my cousin all into it when I bought her a V4.5. Then that big event with the people in the tama suits. and it was over My friend gave her sisters friend her tamagotchis My other friend moved this year so I don't know what she did with her V3 and V4.Then when the V5 came out I got one and I got one for my cousins b day and that was it for me. until someone in summer school brought his broken V1 and I said "you have a tamagotchi?" then I got into it again I got a V5.5 and a V6 and I lost my V5.5 at summer school (those preschoolers always taking things off the ground XP) and I have found all my tamas while cleaning my room and my V4s back holder is gone.

P.S:I forgo to mention the P2 I got off of crags list:p

My best friend had one. She showed it to me and for the next six months my Mum was driven mad :angry: by my constant begging! LOL! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D

i was like 10 and i kept seeing them everywhere like a bad dream and then my best friend had one,so i had to try it out and i couldnt put it down.later that week m friend got a new tamamgotchi and gave me his..that day i fell in love (with the tama,not my best friend) a couple months later after the v3 came out i was playing w/ my tama and i must had set it down at school and some 1 stole v2 was so lonely,so my mom got me a v3 cuz thats all i talked about. i had a couple v3's and got the v4 and then 2 v4.5....then my v5.. :( i had gotten my v5 and i was having a blast and then the most horrible thing happened.....THE BATTERY DIED!!!!!1 lol the end

My first tamagotchi was a V2 that was blue with multicolored flowers at toys R us and right away I loved it

The V1 commercial! I saw it on TV and went "Oooh, a virtual pet! Kind of want." but never really gave it a second thought. One day I was at Building 19, and my dad pointed out the Tamagotchi. They were up on a high shelf so I couldn't even see them. I immediately recognized the name from the commercial and wanted it. I got the Pink Hearts V1 and it just took off from there. :p

I remember when Tamagotchi were brand new but I didn't get it, at first. My mom surprised me with a knockoff VR Godzilla virtual pet which I thought was awesome but it got stolen. A while later, I saw a Toys R Us ad for the launch of the new Digimon Tamagotchi(like, gen 1 digimon tamagotchi lol). i remember the front page of the book was dedicated to them. That Sunday, my mom took me to Toys R Us before it opened and there was a small line of people, they were all there for the Digimon. When the store opened we all rushed in and I was able to grab a yellow one, which I still have today.

That opened up the whole Tamagotchi world for me. I think I was in the 7th grade lol

In the summer of 2005, when I was 9, my Mum's friend's daughter (confusing, I know) showed me, my brother and my sister a V1 and a V2. The V1 was out of battery. They looked pretty cool, I especially liked the bump game. A few months later me and my friend were talking about them and he said they could have poos! I laughed so hard that I nearly cried.

I got my V2 that Christmas.

2007. I owe it all to these random kids at recess. :D They showed me and let me try them. They were v2's I think. I L-O-V-E-D it. I got my first on Christmas that same year, my 2nd grade year. It was a v3! I called him Luno and remember his characters n' things. It went like this: Teletchi -> Mizutamatchi -> Young Mametchi -> Gozarutchi :D I cried when he ran out of batteries. :(

I got my first tama the day they released in the U.S. so many years ago! I remember going to ToysRUs with my dad. There was a banner on the front of the store that said "Tamagotchi is here! The first virtual pet!" They had a tiny little display and I was totally confused at the time as to what a digital pet was,lol. But I had $30 to spend and I thought they were cute (but why oh why didn't I pick the clear magenta one?! lol). I picked a fuschia/teal/pink button one and fell in love. The rest is history! : )

My friend brung her v.5 to a meeting thing a ma bob. She let me play it but I didn't know how to use the buttons. As I was figuring it out they pooped on the floor and I laughed out loud. Everyone looked at me as I just ignored them trying to get to the potty icon. I fell in love with tamagotchis.

2007, when i was 8 , felt bored and is kind of interested in virtual pets (im a boy) , so i checked it out the tamagotchi's (by that time i wasn't sooo into tamagotchis)website and found the new v3 and v4 but im confused that which is more better but when i arrived at toys r us they have v4 that time. so i bought it home.

that time i think i was crazy becos my mind thinks that if i dont get a mametchi, i WILL RESET it. so i really done that :p .2008 i felt jealous when i saw ppl in youtube showing off their v5 so i bought it at toys r us again .but later then i found out that it was SOO BOORING and u can only paused it when its awake(travel show) .2009 my frens

already had a v6 music star and i bought it too until now XD.NOW, i still have my v6 ms tama (gave to my sister to take care)and i got my tama-go last week.. :mimitchi: :mametchi:

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