How did you discover Tamagotchi?


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I saw a Version 4 in about 2006, and I had been looking for one for a while, so I jumped at the chance. I fell in love with it, but it was hard at the start. I loved that Version 4, and that's why it's patterns have basically worn off xD

After that, I bought a White Snowflake V4, and my sister bought a v4. My sister then bought a V4.5. Then, we both recieved v5s for Christmas. When my sister lost interest in Tamagotchi's she gave them all to me, then I bought a v6.

Right now, I am running my v5, and v6, and I just discovered that I could connect them!

And that's my story.

When I was younger, maybe in second or third grade, I vaguely heard about Tamagotchis. I remember the principal going into my classroom and announcing that Tamagotchis would no longer be permitted in school. Ever since then, I've wondered what they were. It was only until fifth grade did I realize what fun and joy they could bring to a drab and dull life. My first Tamagotchi was a yellow v4.5 and I had a lot of fun with it until maybe sixth grade. Now, just a year before entering high school, I have rediscovered my long lost Tamagotchis and started them. I hope to expand my collection of only two Tamas, for I will be on the lookout for new versions!

A kid in 3rd grade had 2 v4s at recess so i asked him what it was so somehow he agreed that i could keep one a green camo, So now me and him have been best friends since. My friends name on TT is Skullcrusher 97

It was a bribe. My cousin, who was supposed to be babysitting my younger niece and I, sneaked out and left us there. When she came back she was alarmed to find a crying, wet Vi (Who couldn't yet reach the big-girl seat), and, myself hungry and ready to tell it all. (She was 3, I was eight).

In order to get us to be quiet about her whereabouts, she promised to clean us up and feed us, and, then, take us to Walmart as a present if we wouldn't tell.

Needless to say, we were successfully bribed (Though I don't even think Vi knew what was happening).

The next day at WalMart it was love at first sight. I had an Oragami Crane v4, and, she got, of course, a dolly. Till this day I still have it, though, it doesn't have batteries.


- Nae

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I went to a camp and everyone had the V2, so I got one lol. Not a very exciting story... but I remember when it was time to go in the pool, there would be more than ten Tamas lined up on a towel and one person would watch over them while everyone else went swimming. Those were the days...

Was in japan visiting my jaanese side of th family, and then I saw it... a V3 I wanted it sooo bad ;D . well my mom said: you can find one in english at the us I bet! so a week or two after getting back in the USA We went to toys R us and what we found? the first few V1's in the store EVER.

later my mom told me she had doubted that the tams would be in the US and hoped I wold forget about it, but as luck would have it we found a bunch of the newest tams in th US lol

I don't count the McDonalds Tamagotchis as discovering them because even though I was 6 or 7 when they debuted there I can't remember them very well (I can't remember much from those days). So I officially discovered Tamagotchi when I was 13 (6 years ago). I'd spent the night at one of my friends houses and went shopping for a Neopets handhled and we couldn't find one. So we found a Tamagotchi V1 and I asked her what it was and she told me... I fell in love with the idea and had to have one, I picked the pearlescent pink one and the rest is history :D

i saw my brother playing tamagotchi angel in his phone, so i downloaded it to my phone too. then i became more and more attached to it. when i got straight A's for my exam, my dad brought me to toys'r'us and i get to pick whatever i want (only one) i didnt know wkat to buy, until i saw tamagotchi v6 or music star. took one, show it to my dad, and he bought it for me.

that day, i feel like i just got a new life. tamagotchi's are awesomeeeee


I saw my friend playing with one,

one day, i saw one at a shop and picked it up :D

then we preceded to play together

i first discovered tamagotchis in 2007. i would go to my friends house and they would always have v2 v3 and v4s that were always broken because they dipped them in a pool.

i officially got my first tamagotchi last year on may 26th. i was going to a thing called 'kids congress' in christchurch. my friend knew id be bored so she gave me her v3 tama. it was a boy called bruce. she gave it to me because she got a v4. i didnt know how to work it so she showed me. if she's reading this i want to say thank you so much!

It was 2005, but the V2´s werent out yet in britain. I was visiting a friend of mums, who has two childern. The two of them each had a V1. I fell in love with them. So i begged my mum. At first she said no, because back then, I was 8, and due to a learning difficulty very clumsy and forgetfull. But later that day, I had already managed to get her to give me one, so when we passed a toystore, I held a yellow V1 in my hands.

I never realised there were newer tamas, untill a hype broke out. Then, They were on v3 or 4, and I was so astonished: Why in the world would one BUY FOOD for a tama? All one has to do is press this button, and get it free....

I was still thinking v1 XD

In 1996 some of my friends came to school with P1s and were playing with them during breaks and lunches. I asked them what they were and they let me play with one of them. I was hooked right away and have been collecting them ever since.

First Tama ever was the v1 solid teal one... changed forever! :wacko:

last year , when im walking after school , i saw a ketai akai in one novelty store near our home so i decided to buy one and after that ...... im addicted to tamagotchi.......until now .

I discovered my fist tama one Christmas morning, i unwrapped the paper to find a purple star design v3, it was so cute!! Then next Christmas my brother got a v4, so i had to have one, we connected all the time and my brother was really into for a while. Then when he went off them i kept on going. It was quite kool.

The memory is hazy and has "scratches" on it, but I can just about make out that summer's day when I was 5. My mom was taking me out to find a gift for a friend whose birthday was coming up. We walked into an electronics shop and I saw a few V4 Tamas. I thought they looked interesting, so I bought two for myself as well as one for the friend. When I got home, I remember playing them. My first character was a Memetchi. I had two girls on them and I cared for them great. The first time one died on me was at my sixth birthday party. I checked my Tama and found what I first interpreted as a "sweet" on the screen. I asked that friend I had given a Tama to and she said it had died. I didn't cry, only reset it and started again with a new generation. From then on, I've always called it "sweeting" insted of "dying", since I only figured out it was an angel thing and not a sweet a few months ago LOL.

from a friend..

she brought her v4 @ school

and i was like... "I LIIIIIKE THAAAAT. O.O"

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