How did you discover Tamagotchi?


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I was about 9 and i was wandering around a shop with my cousins and we spotted them and thought they looked really cool so we all got one. :D (After about 20 mins of persuading my auntie and my granny :) )

Mines was a Cameo Version 2 and my first tama character was a boy named Zack :)

in 2009 a friend of mine on my bus got one. I didn't know it was tamagotchi at first, i barely remember anything about the ones from 97 and at this point had forgotten all about them. It was a v5 and i instantly fell in love when she showed it to me. I soon got my own v5 and the rest was history. Currently i am trying to hunt down 1 of each version i don't have. v1-4.5 so i can see what the older tamas were like.

In 2008 I saw a commercial on Tv. Fron there I know about this games. But in 2008 I had a JinSei so I didn't know how I can use it. :huh: :angry: So just from 2009 I know about Tamagotchi. :blink:

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2004 when the v1's came out, ever since then I have been collecting them for many years! I got the gotchi feaver!


My cousins introduced it to me and my brothers, I loved it immediatley. :nyatchi:

I got a Tamagotchi a week before they hit the stores in the UK because my dad worked at toys r us... i was about 7 or so then... was an original 1997 white egg with blue cracked detail and buttons. Loved it. since then i bought all kinds of digi-pets (like cheap ones of dinosaurs etc) but then didn't do much for years... i saw about the connections, and got myself a v4.5... had so many nice new features but kept the lovely basics of tamagotchi in its heart (i never bought one any newer than the v4s... they went a bit weird i think)

couple years later i moved house and ive lost him somewhere, i know i packed it! but i recently again got bit by the tama-bug... trying to find my 4.5, but failing, but my fiance won me a Mothra tama on ebay so i'm awaiting her arrival! :D

I first discovered tamagotchi in 2005 or 2006.. It wasn't made by Bandai. I also had a Rakuraku Dinokun , a virtual pet similar to tamagotchis, which my mother kept since the 90's . RHYME! >_<

I got into Furby first. Then I started researching other virtual pets. When I found out about Tamagotchis I decided I wanted one, went to the local KB Toys and bought several.

Truth be told, I don't remember very well. It was back the year when they were first released. I was 11, or maybe 12. One of my buddies showed up to school with I Nano-baby I think it was. Anyway. I thought it looked interesting and asked my mother and father if I could get one- I wasn't payed allowance. My parents figured, if you need it, we give it to you, and if you want it... most of the time we get it for you.

The Nano was to much, and we got some cheap knock off. I was sorely disappointed. But, my birthday that year I received 3 little V. pets. I remember one was a Nano-baby, the other was a red Tamagotchi- I can't recall what the last one was- I think it was a cheapy-john something.

Anyway, I played with Nana-baby and Tama until their batteries died. I don't think I took very good care of them. Normally getting up to like teen, or what have you, and then forgetting about it for a while or misplacing the egg. XD

It wasn't until recently that I returned to playing with a Tama-toy... very recently like maybe a week haha, got my baby sister into them too- she's 8 and totally digging it.

I think it was it about 2005/2006 I really found out about them. My friends had their V4s out and playing (let's call them E and C). I decided I wanted one too,and bought my only tama to this day, my Union Jack V3. A few other people joined the tama craze too. E and C play with their Music Stars now (albeit always getting bad care tamas),and I still have my beloved V3.

I remember them being popular in the 90's. I have the worst memory of anyone my age so I couldn't tell you if I had one when they first came out or not.

But when the v3's came out I got one because I was surprised they still made v-pets.

There hasn't been a time since original Tamagotchi when there hasn't been some kind of VPet available. Though robotic VPets pretty much took over and keychain pets were rare until the Tamagotchi rerelease. I think there's plenty of room on the market for both kinds. They're both great.

It was back in 2005 I believe that I first found out about them. I was at my grandparents house when I found my cousin's Tamagotchi v1, or maybe it was a v2, that she accidentally left there. Not knowing what I was doing at all, I tried to take care of it. I actually thought the poo was chocolate chips at first. <_< After that I couldn't stop wanting one for myself, so I dragged my father to the store to buy one. After that I became obsessed.

In second grade, a girl named Natalia had one. She had a v1, and it was a baby. It constantly made little poos, and she liked it (strange, huh?) so everyone would gather around her and wait for it to make a mess. :rolleyes:

A ton for girls fell in love with Tamagotchis, and my best friend was the 2nd person in class to have them! She had a baby blue and a powder pink set of Tamagotchis that came in packages together that advertised "relationships" and stuff about being not lonely anymore. I eventually gave in and bought one. I remember me and all of my friends keeping ours in our desks, connecting them when the teacher wasn't looking!

Thanks for the nostalgia :) :lol:

4 years ago when i was searching for games to put in my nokia x2 phone from a game website, i saw a game called Tamagotchi Angel. i downloaded it and fell in love with it. so, i googled tamagotchi and i saw there are so many kinds of it. wanted to buy off ebay but unfortunately i dont have a credit card. so i continue play with the tmgc phone game. one yr later, i got very good exam results, so my dad brought me to toys r us and he said a get to pick whatever i want, i was walking, and saw a tamagotchi music star. took it, bought it, and im still playing it now :D :D :D

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I remember my best friend had one in 4th grade. It was the v3 stars one. I remember she would play it in class and some other people had them to. So I asked her what they were and for my birthday she gave it to me! We would switch who had it on weekends and play with them at recess. Them my mom felt bad that we had to share so when the v4 came out she got me not and my friend one. We were obsessed with them. I remember we even took them to 4th grade camp! I loved them and still do!

My friend had one (a v4) at recess in 5th grade, and we started talking about them, then, for Christmas that year, my grandmother bought me a green peacock feathers v4.5.

Loved them ever since; I just got a Tama-Go day before yesterday, and I love it. :)

I bought my first tama (v3) in...2006(?)from Farmers because it looked really cool and fun (I was originally looking at littlest pet shop and decided that the tamagotchi looks WAY cooler).

And I looked after it for a while and thought it was fun. Bought my 2nd tama, another v3 then another v4 and played with them. But I began losing interest in them and somehow got lost.

Then in 2009 (I think) I got my Music Star and loved it, but got really annoyed with it because I never pass auditions and I always get bad care characters.

And then I met Kate, one of my best friends and she has this huge obsession with tamagotchis and I began liking them too. And the Characters started to become a lot better care and now I have developed the obsession.


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My best friend in third grade had a v3 and I just had to have one. My parents gave in easily because back then it was cute to have a virtual buddy. So my grandpa took me to toys r us and he bought me a zebra striped v3. He didn't like it and neither did I but I really wanted one now. So I bought it and ever since then I'm in love.

I was SO young...


My friend and I were sitting on the playground and she was playing with her Tamagotchi. I had no idea what it was, but we both played with it and I really, really wanted one. (these were the original ones XD)


So I threw a Tamagotchi party for my 12th brithday and EVERYONE got me a tamagotchi. Haha. So I had like, 14 of them for the first time. But I only kept two active, since I had school and camp, ect. But I gave some to my friends so that we could play with them. And we did. All of the time. To the point where the councler made a new rule of No Tamagotchies because we'd literally sit out of activities just so that we can play with our tamas. XD

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