Highlands Hero High


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"Go turn into a dik dik." Eli said, before running out of the room and seeing Jade. "Hey, change of plans, my roommates are busy in there...so let's go for a walk."

"Will you go out with me?" Ezra whispered against her lips.

If Jade hadn't seen through the gap in the door, she might have gone along with it. "Was that CLAW in there?"

"I thought I already was." Emma fogged.

Ezra laughed. "Just wanted to make it official." he whispered, still holding her close.

"Yeah, he's my roommate." Eli said casually.

"Well I accept." Emma giggled, pulling away slightly, but only so she could slide onto Erza's lap. "I'm not moving."

"Lucky you." Jade said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she started to walk away. After a moment or two, she glanced back. "I'm going on a walk, are you coming?"

Eli caught up, happy to dodge that bullet. "So I'm guessing you don't like Claw..." he said.

Ezra wrapped his arms around Emma's waist. "Wouldn't want you to."

"He's a arrogant jerk, and doesn't seem to understand that defying my- Jake's team is not a good cause of action." Jade said stubbornly. "Why do you ask?"

"Good..." Emma clung onto Erza with one arm so she could lean across and spoon some of her cereal into her mouth.

Eli shrugged. "Just curious. You're teams are both different, that's all. You guys just want to steal stuff and wreck havoc, his wants world domination."

Ezra laughed at her attempt to eat.

"Who says we don't want it?" Jade rolled her eyes. "We're just smart enough to realise it can't be achieved in school. It's better if we actually learn something from this place before we try."

Emma made a small noise, trying to reach the bowl again.

I ship it.

Which one?

Eli shrugged. "I guess." he said softly.

Ezra moved the bowl over for her.

Emma and Erza xD

"So what is it that you need to tell me?" Jade asked, turning around and staring up at Eli. "Hurry up before people start moving."

"Thanks." Emma smiled, picking the bowl up and balancing on Erza's lap while she ate. "...Do we have classes today?"

Not Eli and Jade! D:

Ezra nodded, smiling.

Eli looked down. "Just how...uh:.."

Jade and Claw would be... amusing

"Oh..." Emma looked disappointed for a moment, then she smiled. "Well, as long as we have them together, I think I'll be fine..."

Jade raised an eyebrow, continuing to stare up at Eli.

I still ship Eli and Jade.

Ezra laughed. "Sorry, zoned out. We don't have classes today, it's a Saturday silly!"

Eli looked down. "It's more of a question."

xD Claw and Jade need an epic fight.

"...Oh!" Emma laughed, resting her head on Erza's shoulder. "What shall we do?"

"Ask it, then." Jade said bluntly.

Yes they do.

"Whatever you want." Ezra said.

"Well, you don't seem very happy with me. Why?" Eli asked.

"Shall we just... go hang out somewhere? I don't feel up to doing much..."

"It's not you I'm unhappy with." Jade sighed. "I'm just worked up. Seeing Claw didn't help. Is that all you had to ask me?"

"Yeah, wherever you want to hang out is cool." Ezra said.

"You want to talk? I'm here for you..." Eli said, still avoiding the truth.

"Okay!" A pause. "Just not the mall though... It'd feel strange..."

"I'm not one for opening up to people." Jade said bluntly.

"That's just who I am, okay?" Jade snapped. "Look, why don't you go and be best buddies with Claw or something instead of invading my personal space?"

Emma slid off Erza's lap, taking his hand nd pulling him outside.

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