Highlands Hero High


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Lol maybe.

Ezra nodded, sliding down against the wall.

Claw just shrugged.

Well, it would probably be more self defense on her part x) think he'd get annoyed?

Emma followed suit, sliding down next to Erza.

"Oh, so you don't have any? Professional." Jade smirked.

"Shut up if you want to live." Claw said simply.

Ezra pulled Emma close into his arms.

Nah, he'd find a way to kill her.

Guessed as much xD And typical, you get on shortly before I have to go to bed.

"Let's just stay here." Emma whispered.

Jade raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, are you threatening me?"

Emma smiled, leaning against Erza. After a while, she asked "Erza, do you think you're actually gonna become a hero?"

"Counts as a threat." Jade said, folding her arms. Adrian raised a hand. "Can we not start a fight in our dorm room? I just tidied up!"

"No." Ezra answered with a small laugh.

Eli again blasted Adrian in the wall to shut him up.

"Why not?" Emma frowned. "You've got a good power! I couldn't even put mine to use yesterday..."

Jade continued to glare at Claw, ignoring Adrian scrambling to his feet and diving at Eli. "You do realise I could just kill you right now? I wouldn't even need to call the rest of the team in."

Ezra shrugged. "Too much work."

Eli easily blew Adrian away.

Claw laughed at the thought. "Okay, whatever you say."

Get on TC, pleaseeeeeeeee.

"Yeah... that's the bit I don't like." Emma sighed. "I don't know... I want to do some good! But..."

"Stop doing that!" Adrian growled, clenching his hands into fists.

Jade joined in the laughter, although it wasn't friendly. "You think you're so much better than everyone just because you have knives sticking out of your hands, don't you?"

Claw shrugged. "No, just cause I am better than everyone."

Eli did it again.

Ezra stroked her hair. "You're amazing no matter what."

"Oh, of course." Jade rolled her eyes, getting to her feet. "Prove it. The combat room will be free tonight."

Unleashing strings of curse words, Adrian picked up Jade's vacated chair and smashed it over Eli's head with a cry of "Take THAT!" for good measure.

"Thank you." Emma smiled, though she still looked worried. "I still feel like I should do something about those villains yesterday, but..."

Eli back up a little, before blasting Adrian to the window, breaking the glass.

"What can we do?" Ezra sighed.

Claw grinned. "Your funeral."

Adrain gave a small yell as he toppled out of the window, changing into a bird and calmly flying back into the room.

"Report it." Emma said simply. "They might have footage or something."

"You wish." Jade grinned. "Combat gym, six pm. Bring a witness."

Claw nodded, just yawning.

Ezra frowned. "It doesn't sound like a good idea."


"Sure this is a good idea?" Adrian asked as he walked along next to Claw. "I mean, she could just set you on fire or whatever. Knives won't help you then!"

"It's nearly time." Jade muttered, leaning against the wall and looking around at the obstacles that clearly, no one had been bothered to put away. "Still thinking about joining him! I assume you're the third dramatic villain."

Emma was on the way to Erza's dorm, having gone back to hers to drop off some stuff before making her way out.

Eli frowned, not saying anything for a few minutes. "Just don't die tonight."

Claw say Emma from a distance, mistaking her for Jade. Deciding a sneak attack would shut her up, he charged.

"I'm not in this to kill. Brutally maim, maybe, but a dead body would not help anyone." Jade told Eli, before amending "Well, if he's in it to kill... I have no choice." She started glancing down the room, picking out things that could be blown up as a distraction or to cause damage.

Emma suddenly felt deep pain shoot across her arm and she screamed, stumbling and dropping to the floor. Clutching her arm, she didn't hesitate, using her power and coating her skin in metal. Even though she didn't know what on earth she was going to do.

Claw continued to attack, but his knives on her skin were useless.

Eli looked down. "Are you mad at me?"

Even though she wasn't actually being hurt - but she could still feel the pain on her arm - Emma kept screaming, managing to roll over and flinching as one of the knives came rather close to her face. "What do you want?!"

"Disappointed. Working my way up to mad." Jade glanced up at Eli. "You say you can't hack it as a villain and quit Jake's team. Then you join Claw's. See my point?"

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