Highlands Hero High


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After realising she was using it to check her neck, Emma put the knife she was using for her jam down, looking at Erza. "Are you okay after last night?"

"Couldn't be better." Ezra said, smiling at her. Okay, he was actually really sore, but didn't want to show it.

"Oh good." Emma smiled, reassured and taking a bite. "I wouldn't want you to be hurt too..."

Jade was sat a little way away from the two by herself, watching Emma and Erza carefully as they talked.

"That kiss last night made me a lt better." Ezra whispered.

Eli was with Claw, discussing plans and stuff.

A deep blush filled Emma's cheeks, and she would have responded, had she not heard a small cough and a quiet voice. "U-uh... Is it okay if I sit with you?" Jade asked, not making eye contact. "I-I mean, it's fine if no, but..."


Ezra looked up, and looked at Emma for an answer.

"Meet me @ my dorm ASAP." Eli sent to Jade:


"Of course! It's fine!" Emma slid along the booth seat to allow a grateful-looking Jade to sit don, not recognising her as the girl that left the mark on her neck. Ignoring the text for now, Jade said "Thanks... I was meant to be eating with some friends, but... guess they ditched me..." She said, glancing up at Erza.

Ezra sighed. "Oh, that sucks." he said, a little p*ssed he couldn't talk to Emma alone.

Eventually, after glancing between the two, Jade grinned. "Ohhhhhh, I get it! You two are together!" A pause. "Sorry..."

"Sorry I'm late!" A blonde haired boy swept into wherever the heck Eli and Claw are, sitting down in the nearest seat. "Have I missed much? I was rather caught up in devouring my breakfast."

Claw growled. "We have a little problem. Jade and Eli are together, and Eli is serious about her too, for the one time in his life."

Eli frowned. "You're gonna have to deal with it. I'll try to get her to understand, but she'll probably won't cooperate."

The boy (I have the name problem) put his hands behind his head, leaning back in his chair and watching Eli closely. "Serious? Ho hum." He said. "Jade won't listen to us. She answers to Jake. I'm surprised she hasn't surpassed him yet!"

"I haven't told her yet." Eli admitted, sighing. "I'm afraid to."

Ezra laughed, as it wasn't really official yet.

Finally Jade got around to checking her text. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she got up with a quick "I... I'll leave you to it..!" before calling Eli as she went outside. "What."

Adrian (NAME SORTED!) laughed. "Ah, that's pathetic!" He clenched one hand into a fist, holding it out in front of him. "You need to man up, Eli!"

Eli punched Adrian, at the same time using air to make the punch send him across the room into the wall.

Eli picked up the phone. "I gotta tell you something, but in person."

Completely oblivious to Adrian cursing and vowing to get his revenge at the other end of the phone line, Jade simply said "I'm walking to your block now. This has better be good."

Eli nodded, hanging up. "You guys need to get out, now."

Ezra looked at Amanda, giving her a shy smile. "What were you gonna say before?"

Who the hell is Amanda

"Why should we?" Adrian asked, scrambling to his feet. "I've never held a proper conversation with the infamous Jade."

"Oh... I was gonna ask if we could do it again..."

idek. Long day, you should see what I did to my knee. And I got a baseball game soon in an hour.

Ezra nodded, standing up and going to Emma's side of the table. He leaned in, kissing her again. "I was wondering something too..."

"Because I'll kill you if you don't. And you know I will." Eli threatened.

Oh dear.

Ignoring the noises coming from around them, Emma returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around Erza to keep him there.

"What're you gonna do, wind me?" Adrian said sarcastically. "Like you could fight the wide range of animals I can shift into!"

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