Highlands Hero High


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"Well, sorry Eli, but you're slightly different to me." Jade snapped, before sighing and looking back out over the roof. Then, just as suddenly, she smirked. "Don't tell me you're being a wuss."

"I'm not a wuss...I'm just not liking this..." Eli admitted. "It seems pointless, there are better things to do in your spare time."

"Not liking 'this'?" Jade asked, the expression on her face darkening. "I assume you mean being a villain." Without hesitation she grabbed Eli and held him over the side of the building, pinning him down by resting her arm on his throat. She knew that the threat of dropping him over the edge of the building wouldn't do anything to Air Boy, so she pulled out her knife for good measure. "Would you like to explain why?"

Eli just let her hold him. "I just find it pointless." he said simply. "I know you're better than this. You're too smart, you could be doing great things. Not as a hero, but just great things for yourself."

"I AM doing great things for myself, can't you see that?" Jade hissed, not releasing her hold at all. "You do realise you can't back out now, right? Unless you want to die. We can't have you running around knowing who we are. Besides," She grinned. "You've already got something against you."

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"You helped us beat up that group." Jade explained simply. "I don't think they're gonna forgive you anytime soon, do you?"

Jade raised the knife again. "If you go against us, I'll have to kill you." She told him simply.


"Yes." Jade said the word without hesitation, although really, she wasn't sure. "I need to keep myself safe. No offence."

"I would never do anything to get you in trouble or hurt you." Eli told her.

Jade paused for a few moments. "Here's the deal. I'm gonna let you walk away. But one move, one wrong move that suggests your going to blow my or anyone's else cover and I kill you. You got that?"

"Jade..." Eli looked down. "I can't just walk away. I'm not going to blow your cover, but I don't want to walk away from you. I want to be with you..."

"...Fine. You will have no interaction in school with me other than the odd flirt. That's normal for you." Jade amended, before grinning and pulling Eli up by his top. "Outside of school, on the other hand..."

"Oh please, you know what I'm talking about." Jade grinned, pulling Eli in for a kiss again.

Timeskip soon?

lol, soon. Jake should totally see them together, not say anything, and then find out Eli left the villains xD

Eli returned the kiss, not saying anything.

Completely unaware of the fact that Jake was watching the two, Jade deepened the kiss, pulling Eli away from the edge so they didn't fall over it or anything.

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