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Sorry, I didn't get to say goodbye to you yesterday.. I hate doing that D:

Brandon knew what that smile was for. He knew a lot of girls who ended up having to fend for themselves as soon as a baby got put into the equation. He wanted to prove his love for her, his overall decency as a person, and that he wasn't in it just for nights like the one before. Besides, he knew he'd love any baby that was theirs, even if it was so early.

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Don't worry about it!

Sadie went back to eating her breakfast, and the mood seemed to lighten after that.

Max and Jude started flicking bits of napkins at each other, getting a few caught in Lucy's hair. "Guys! Stoppit! My hair was looking pretty good for a while, until you two ruined it!"

Jude laughed and said, "I think your hair always looks beautiful, Lucy." Still, he started picking the tiny wads of paper out of Lucy's hair.

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Woop! Fashion week tomorrow!!

Brandon chuckled quietly as he watched, and was again thinking about the family atmosphere here, and how much he liked it. He finished his pancakes and set his plate down on the counter. He leaned over to Sadie slightly, talking in a soft voice. "I was thinking of taking you to meet my roomies sometime. but I don't think it'll be particularly interesting compare to here."

Yay! Make sure to take lots of pictures of the beautiful people and clothes!

Sadie quietly replied, "I would love to meet them. Even though you say they're not as interesting as these guys. Besides, maybe meeting some relatively calm, mature people would be good for me. I might learn a thing or two." She flicked a piece of pancake at Mikey.

Mikey laughed, flicking the piece back at her. "You little brat!"

Oh, I will :3 They say there are going to be scouts there tomorrow as well-- haha, don't know why I care, I'm not model material xD

"There's a fine line between calm and mature or just downright boring. And, unfortunately, they crossed it, on the boring side and way past it now," He laughed quietly, leaning slightly to dodge the piece of pancake. He cleared his throat and perfectly mimicked his adopted brother's nasaly-- and with an american accent-- voice, "'You're getting yourself in hot water now, Brandon. Mark my words. Still, I think we should get along and teach her about our family history, won't that be just excellent?" He rolled his eyes. Kyle was not his favourite person.


Bring your guitar and wow them!

"I can't model, but I play guitar!" *crazy awesome guitar-ness ensues*

Sadie had taken a sip of her drink, and she burst into laughter. That laughter caused her milk to fly out of her nose.

The others burst into hysterics, and Jude handed Sadie a napkin.

"Yucky! Sadie snot-nose has done it again!" Mikey yelled, laughing.

Sadie wiped at her face and blew her nose, still laughing. "You guys are horrible! And Brandon, that voice.... stop being so funny when I'm drinking stuff!"

Ahh, that would be so funny!

Well, they will be looking for design talent aswell, so we've been advised to take sketchbooks along :3

Brandon stifled his laughing on the back of his hand, he looked like he had the hiccups or something like that. He took his hand away once calm.

"Well, okay, I'm sorry. But I didn't think I'd make your nose squirt milk! Hey, that'd be a great party trick!" he snickered.

Yay! *shoves sktchbook in someone's face* LOOKIE! I DREW A HOUSE!

Sadie nudged him playfully with her elbow. "True, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it again! Or maybe I will... for a fee. Like, 20 dollars!" She cleaned up the mess she had made, then went back to eating her breakfast. She was definitely free-spirited, a wild-child. Her parents had told her she was pay-back for having a great son like Mikey. Who, in the end, didn't meet their expectations, either.

xD Yeah, something like that x3

"Naw, I bet I can make you do it again!" Brandon said. "After all," he started to put on Kyle's awful tone back into his voice, "My brother does talk in such an odd fashion, it's be hard not to laugh, now, wouldn't it?" He smirked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Or, I could make you. I could just weave deep into your mind and make you feel like you want to drink milk and snort it back out again. Simple, really."

Except you wouldn't show them a picture of a house.

Sadie said, "You wouldn't, though. Because you're nicer than that. Or, at least, I HOPE you're nicer than that." She smiled and kissed him. "Besides, if you made me do it, I wouldn't be very happy with you. And I don't know if I'd sleep with you again for a very very very long time."

I agree that a drawing of a dress or jacket or something similar would probably work better xP

"Haha, you know me to well already, Sadie." Brandon smiled his handsome grin and returned the kiss. "And, that would be reason not to, if I didn't have enough already. But, I wonder, would you be able to hold out that long without sleeping with me again?"


you should draw a couture ball gown or something, to show to them.

Sadie said, "Oh, believe me. I can hold a grudge. It would be a sacrifice, I'll admit it. But I think I could go for a pretty long time. I just wonder how long it would be until you cracked." She smirked, then leaned towards him provocatively, eating her breakfast slowly.

Sadie said to him, "Well then, I guess you'll just have to wait two more until we do it again, hm?" She got up to put her dished in the sink, then sat down on the counter, crossing her legs. She smiled at Brandon, and then said, "And it'll also be two centuries until you get your shirt back."

"Hmm, depending on if either of us last that long, then fine, you're on." Brandon laughed quietly, knowing he had no chance in hell of going without it for even a tiny fraction of that time. "Okay, fine, but don't get annoyed with the attention I attract when I go out to get another one. Kidding. But, sure, have it as long as you like.

Sadie said to him, "Well, I would go with you to pick out your new shirt. If I like it enough, I might steal it too!" She hopped off of the counter, then went and started tugging at Mikey's hair. "Mikey, your hair is yucky! You need to get it cut, or trimmed at least!" She frowned slightly, then burst into laughter. "No, no, you know I'm only fooling."

Sadie said to Brandon, "As happy as that would make me, I don't know if I would be able to keep from getting possessive over you." She smirked, waltzing over to him to wrap her arms around him.

Sadie giggled at that, then took his hand and led him back to her room. She removed his shirt, then changed into her own clothes. Today, she wore tattered jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather band around her waist. Then, she got out a ribbon, and tied it around her head, giving off a very hippie-indie esque look.

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