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Brandon proceeded to put his shirt on, pushing up the sleeves further and leaving the top few buttons undone, as he usually did. Once she was dressed, he hugged her from behind. "You look very pretty," he told her with a smile.

Sadie looked up at him, and kissed him below his chin. "Thank you." She told him. "It's nice to have your opinion about how I look today." She placed her hands on his, brushing her fingers against them. "I think you look very handsome. But then again, you always seem to look good."

"Well, I thought you looked nice yesterday as well. But I'll be here to tell you every day that you look nice, because I'm sure you will do." He chuckled at her comment. "Yeah, I think I should tell you now.. So maybe I lied when I said that all vampires are good looking. Wait 'till you se the ones at my house-- particularly" he cleared his troat, puting on his nasaly voice only to say his dopted borther's name "Kyle, he's a sight for sore eyes." He laughed quietly.

Sadie laughed, and told him, "I'm sure he's not as bad as you make him seem." She turned to kiss him on the cheek. "I can't wait to meet your adopted family."

"Nah, he's alright, really. He can be annoying sometimes, but hey, aren't all siblings like that sometimes?" Brandon smiled, returning the kiss to her cheek. "We can go and see them today sometime, if you're not doing anything."

Sadie said, "Well, today's my day off, so you got lucky. I'll clean up the kitchen, and then we can head out. How does that sound?" She started for the door, smiling widely.

"Sure, I'll give you a hand." Brandon followed her out and proceeded to pick up all of the plates-- some of them balanced on his arms the way waiters do it-- and stacking themn up before making a pile of the used cutlery on top of the stack, every movement swift and graceful.

Sadie started washing the dishes, whistling happily.

Lucy decided to help the pair out. She had nothing better to do anyway.

Lucy would put the dishes away after Brandon would dry them. In no time at all, the kitchen was clean. It was an epic teamwork win!

Sadie then cleaned off the table, and she found it to be satisfactory. "Okay, well Brandon, I think we can head out."

Yay for epicwins!

And epicfails, like my elephant :3

"You think?" Brandon chuckled, taking her hand. He picked up his jacket, holding it over one shoulder as they headed out.

"Now, I warn you, they'll be very curious and excited to meet you. They always do it; I swear it's to scare people away rather than to welcome them."


Sadie said, "Well, I can be pretty scary myself. They'll probably ask you if I do drugs, too, seeing as I look much like a hippie. But I think I can win them over, you'll see."

Sadie made a motion similar to popping her collar. "Is it because of my charm, my wit? Or is it because you think I'm sexy?" She laughed, jogging ahead of him a bit.

Can you ask Janna to post in Innocence, please? x3

"All of the above, I would imagine," he snickered. "And for more reasons. But I think your last suggestion was a pretty good one." He kept pace with her eventually by lengthening his stride slightly, seeming to glide across the pavement.

lol, sure

Sadie spun around, laughing. "Well, I'm glad you think so highly of me! Now if you're family thinks the same way as you-- except for the physical attraction part-- then we're in the clear!" She seemed to dance down the street, like a ballerina.

OMG!!!! https://www.chessinconcert.com/

I love Idina Menzel and Josh Groban!!!!!

Sadie said, "I just walk how I want to. I'm not easily bored, you know. I always find a way to make things lively. At least, that's what Mikey told me." She grinned and shrugged.

It won't come up on here Dx

I'll watch it on th PC sometime and get back to you..

"I can think of ways to liven it up too, but I don't mind if you don't fancy some more roofhopping for now," Brandon smiled crookedly.

It's really cool!

Sadie ran behind him and jumped onto his back. "Heigh ho Silver, away!!!" She shouted, clearly not minding roof jumping at all.

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