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I completely understand though! I've been so busy having to write papers and research essays that creative writing has barely even been on my mind!

Sadie lifted her shirt slightly so that both Cosette and Brandon could better see the progress the baby had made. True, the baby bump was quite small, but it was there, and to Sadie, it was extremely prominent. Not that it was bad, of course, it was just different. She then replaced Brandon's hand against her skin, a smile on her face. "I can't believe how fast time flies. Cosette is getting so big, and soon there will be another baby in the house." She laughed and shook her head slightly, then gave a sigh. "Crazy," she breathed, giving Brandon another kiss.

I think the thought of it has come back because everybody doing A Level English has been doing their creative writing coursework these past few weeks or something, but, no, me either. To be honest I mostly use the internet just for work now. Which is probably a good thing. Still, I can't complain about the work I'm getting, since it's all for subjects I love.

How long until you go to France? : D

Oh. Happy 2500th post for your last one, it seems! xD

Brandon nodded slightly- as well as he could have, considering their close proximity, anyway- and replied with a smile, "That's why I'm so glad that you and I finally have all the time in the world now. But, I must admit, before I met you the days were an endless blur that seemed to drag out for the longest time. It's nice to once again feel that the amount of time I have is a gift, not a burden." He also felt it was nice that he didn't have to worry about wishing time away, either, to a certain extent. He could be so excited for their new baby without feeling like he was forgetting everything else in the process. "I love you so much," he whispered, returning her kiss.

That is a VERY good thing. Productivity is the best!

51 days :) I have a countdown set on my computer XD

Hahahaha! Thank you very much!

Sadie took a deep breath and exhaled softly, taking in Brandon's scent. It was strange, since she had been changed, everything seemed so different, even though everything was practically the same. She then looked at Cosette and was amazed by how she saw the little girl. Her eye color was more defined, she could see the sheen of the light on her curly hair. The room itself looked so different, so beautiful. It was perfect. The sunlight shining in illuminated everything, she could see every speck of dust. "I love you even more," she whispered.

Wow! So it must be super close now! That's so exciting. Take me with you!!

You're welcome. And, if I can get my butt in gear every once in a while, here's to many more ahead! :3

So are Mikey and Angie still travelling right now or..?

"Not remotely possible, darling," Brandon murmured in return, a soft chuckle escaping his lips, probably at the mere idea of somebody loving him more than he loved her, but also at just how much he was enjoying himself being close to her. It never ceased to amaze him how wonderful the simple things were in life, especially when his state of being essentially allowed him to do almost anything he could possibly dream of. The truth was, Sadie and Cosette- and soon their new baby, too- were more than he could have ever wished for; in all honesty, any single one of them was. He took a moment to glance at the clock on the wall, and then asked her, "So, have we got any plans for today?"

Fifteen days! I seriously can't believe it!

Woot woot!

I'm pretty sure they are.

Sadie shook her head and said, "Essentially, no, we don't have plans. However, we could go out for a day and take Cosette out on the town. She grows out of her clothes than anybody I've ever known before." She looked over at Cosette, who was toddling around in frenzied circles, feeling empowered by her new ability to walk. "Careful sweetie," Sadie said with a quiet laugh. "You don't want to fall." She then looked over at Brandon and kissed his cheek. "We rarely go out as it is, and it would be fun to take Cosette to the park or something."

(It's cool. I'll make a post. I may make a new character at some point so I can get some work done from scratch)

Mikey was taking a few pictures while they were in Madrid, seeing as they had left the UK a few days before. At that point they were at the Plaza Mayor, which fascinated Mikey because of how many events had been held there, including the executions of heretics during the Spanish Inquisition. But now it was a big tourist destination, and the plaza was crowded with throngs of people who were taking pictures, talking, and some were even selling small wares, like key chains and other trinkets. "Honey, go stand by one of the doors. I think just one more picture will be sufficient enough." He grinned at his lovely wife, feeling very lucky that they were getting to travel together.

Right. Let's get back to this.

So, how've you been? It feels like forever since we really talked! ):

Angie was absolutely loving Madrid. It was wonderful to be back in Spain, having been born there to her American mother and Spanish father, and she hadn't been back in the last few decades. It was special to be sharing the trip with her husband, whom she was currently looking at as he stood behind the lens of a camera as she posed by the doors for him. They weren't even far into their trip yet, but she was already having the time of her life. When she was a model, people had frequently asked her about her life as a sort of celebrity- what amazing things she did with her money, the parties she attended and the other famous people she met, for instance-, and the truth was that the life she lead then was incomparable to what she had now; she wouldn't trade it for anything. She smiled for his first shot, then gave him that kind of look that she usually saved for when they were alone together for the second.

I've been very very busy! Right after I got back from France it was back into production mode, so Legally Blonde has been the central focus of my life for the past couple months!

And it really does feel like forever since we last talked! How was the concert, by the way? =D

When Angie looked at him like that, something caught in his throat, and he almost felt like his eyes would water. It still surprised him that he had a wonderful woman like her in his life. He'd dated numerous times but had never found someone who made him feel whole. But when he was with Angie, he wasn't trying to put on a facade or trying to remain just as he was. She was the person who loved him for who he was, but who also inspired him to be the very best version of himself that he could be. And he loved her for that, more and more each day. He loved it when she got mad at him, how her eyes would just glint, how she would stick up for herself. He loved her even when they were so angry that they couldn't even speak to each other. But he loved her most of all when she smiled at him, that smile that she only gave to him, and the smile that he would return with the one he saved only for her. He brought himself out of his thoughts and snapped the last couple pictures, grinning at Angie with delight. "You look stunning."

Ah yeah! How's all that going? Not long 'till the show, right? :) That's super exciting!

You have no idea. I'm serious, there's a void that's both been filled and left in my heart. Filled because I got to see the world's greatest band ever and the best vocalist of our generation (who I also happen to be hopelessly in love with, as we well know!) and it was the best night of my life, and left because I just want it to happen every day for the rest of my life. It was unbelievably incredible. Every musician on that stage was absolutely outstanding, the crowd were singing and dancing their hearts out. If they take it to the States, you really must go! :'D

Oh, and he's even more gorgeous in person xD

"You flatter me," Angie replied, waving dismissively at him and giving him a gentle smirk that said, 'Oh, please!' She made her way over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, looking as though she were about to give him a kiss, but stopping short at the last moment. "You have to say that; you're my husband." There it was again, that little thrill that coursed through her whenever she even so much as thought about that last word. In all honesty, their relationship had been such a whirlwind that she'd barely had time to adjust to the 'boyfriend' stage. Not a single cell in her body regretted it, of course. She hadn't known it before, but as soon as he'd asked her to be his wife, she was surer about going through with it than she'd ever been about anything in her long life. She felt that their passion and love for each other was as much measured by their occasional frustrations as by the times that they were blissfully happy. They didn't argue often, but when they did, it was heated. She'd had plenty of relationships where everything had just been 'fine.' No trouble, but also no fire, no danger, no excitement. She loved that about Mikey; the sparks that flew when there was friction between them showed her how much what they had meant to them both and, frankly, after a period of the silent treatment, usually what followed was equally heated, but also quite the opposite in other ways.

We open tonight! =D I can hardly believe it, but we've made it into the run of the show!

I am so jealous! That sounds like an amazing experience! I haven't been to a real concert in years! DX

(Also, I'm short on time so I will post when I can!)

That's super exciting! I hope all the shows have been incredible, and that you enjoy your final performance (which is tonight, right?) They're always the best <3

It was the best day of my life, I swear to you. Truly the most awesome thing I've ever seen and heard. I'm totally keeping an eye out in case he ever needs a guitarist. We'd make awesome music together. I watched them all- especially Brian, because of how amazing he is at guitar- and thought, "I would love to do that."

I understand! Talk to you soon! :)

I still can't believe the show is over! ): It went great, despite getting stormed out a couple times. I actually was mentioned in the review of our show, which was really really cool! =D

AH! I'm so jealous of you getting to see the concert! I can't even imagine how amazing it must have been! =O And I think you would make an amazing guitarist for Adam-- in fact, any band/artist would be lucky to have you! I love listening to you play!

Mikey looked at her skeptically, one eyebrow raised, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Angie... you can't be serious, can you? Yeah, I'm your husband, but I never compliment you because I feel like I have to. I compliment you because I really believe what I say. I'd still believe it, whether or not we were married, or even if we weren't together. You know that." He reached up with one hand to cup her face, tilting it so that their eyes met. His expression softened and he murmured, "Believe me when I tell you that I love you, that I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world, and that you make me happier than I have ever been before. Don't doubt it." He kissed her gently, then rested his forehead against hers for a few seconds. It made him sad to think that she didn't see herself the way he saw her. In his eyes, she was perfection, he didn't deserve her. He was very fortunate that he found someone who could put up with him; his goofiness, his laziness, his faults and his fears. "C'mon, I think we should grab some lunch before we head to the beach." He took her hand and led her across the plaza, becoming very protective as the crowd thickened.

That feeling is always so hard to deal with. Completely bittersweet. I remember wondering what the heck to do with myself after Les Mis finished! Oh really? That's awesome! :)

It really was something else. I was so disappointed at the closing ceremony when they played without him last night ): He is truly the only person alive who is able to stand up to the music of Queen and succeed. It was the perfect blend of being true to the songs, but making it his own so that it wasn't like Freddie Mercury karaoke night. And he's such a talented performer as well as singer. He belongs up there. Brian was awesome, too, though. If I can rock that well when I'm 60 something, I'll be happy!

Aw, thanks! You and I, we'll do a collab. someday, for sure (;

Angie gently touched his cheek, absentmindedly tracing the light stubble along his jawline. "I suppose all of it comes down to my disbelief that you really are mine after all," she replied softly, almost whispering it, in fact, "because everybody says that nothing is perfect- so how can it be that I wouldn't change a single thing about you or our relationship? That sounds like perfection to me, and that what it feels like, too. I'm not so much doubting you as much as some... higher power, should it exist, as though it's going to just take it away from me." She returned his kiss and told him, "But, if nothing else, I do at least believe that I love you, too. I always will." She held on tightly to his hand and followed him through the streets as they searched for somewhere to eat. It had been an age since she'd been to Madrid, but she suddenly found herself in a place that felt exactly as it had some decades ago. "Oh!" she exclaimed, "Speaking of food, there was a little place I visited the last time I was here that was absolutely amazing... It was a long time ago but..." She trailed off, her eyes scanning until- ah, there it was! She pointed to it and started to lead him over. It was exactly as she remembered it. Little lanterns hanging from the porch that was also covered in creeping plants, dimly lit on the inside, with the enticing smell of Tapas drifting outside. It had character, and that's what she loved about it.

Luckily, auditions for "Spring Awakening" are next month, so I have something to look forward to :) And I also get to start working on my audition pieces for summer opera programs this year. =D

I'm sad I don't have television, because I would have loved to watch the Olympics this year. ): But apparently NBC did a horrible job covering the olympics, so I'm pretty sure when the closing ceremony aired, Muse wasn't actually in the original broadcast.

Also, I thought about you recently. One of my friends is going/went to see Pat Benatar in concert.

That would be awesome!

Mikey examined the place with keen interest, smiling and nodding in approval. Yup, this definitely seemed like a place Angie would like. It was quirky, but also looked sophisticated. And the smell was mouth watering. It was strange; he thought that, as a vampire, he would be physically unable to eat real food. But he found he could eat real food-- not a lot, of course, but enough to give him energy until he could feed next. He was still having issues balancing his diet between blood and food, but it was getting better. The crowds of tourists certainly didn't help, though. Still, he hadn't done anything reckless or stupid, and had managed to keep his composure until they got to the hotel and he could have a packet of blood.

Dismissing his thoughts, he opened the door for Angie and grinned at her. "It's perfect. And the food smells great! I'm not sure what I should get, though." He followed her inside and looked around, admiring the decorations and dim atmosphere. He picked a table and pulled out a chair for Angie, smiling at her. "I'm so pumped to be here with you!"


Oh, nice :) I know nothing about Spring Awakening except for the one song, and the fact that Lea Michele was in it at one point. And they did it on 90210 back when it was good :L

That's a shame, but I have heard the same thing about the coverage in the US, actually, so it's probably for the best. The BBC did a fantastic job on it, I was very impressed. Really? Well, that's bad, of course, but considering how awful 'Survival' is, I wouldn't have minded xD

Seriously? That's so cool! I wish she'd come here <3 I saw her perform on Oprah a few months ago with Avril Lavigne, and she was still awesome :)


The visit had been purely for sentimental reasons for Angie. Admittedly, she wasn't overly hungry for ordinary food, but she was quite happy to have some simply for getting to visit the little place again. Besides, the smell was enough to even get the most stubborn of vampire senses going. She smiled at him. "I haven't been here since I was a model, but it's exactly how I remember it. I would say it's one of the few places I've been to that gives me a feeling that reminds me of real, human hunger- the food is just that good!" she chuckled, taking a quick glance over the menu. Tapas was the ideal food for the indecisive types: you could have a little bit of everything you wanted. It was also perfect because it was fast, so they could eat a little something before getting back to the hotel to satisfy the hunger that real food couldn't provide with a packet of blood. She called the waiter over and rattled off a quick succession of fluid Spanish sentences, and it was mere minutes before he returned with an array of small dishes containing various delicious foods. "Well- buen provecho! I hope you like it."

I'm finally on break, which means I have more time to get back to this! Yahoo!


Mikey looked at Angie and grinned. "if it tastes as good as it smells, then I'm sure I will like it a lot!" He chuckled and then dug in, amazed at how good the food was. It had just enough spice to give the food a kick, but it didn't take away from the flavor. He liked it more than he had thought he would. He winked at Angie before taking a drink of water. "Well, I have to admit, you did an amazing job picking from the menu! Brava!" He put down his glass of water and put more of the food on his plate. "So, where do you think we should go after our time in Spain is up? There's still France, or Italy, or we could push further east if you'd like. I wouldn't mind going for some hunting in the woods of eastern Europe, honestly. We'll just have to avoid the rural villages and such, because I really don't want to get a stake through the heart. That would put a damper on our trip, for sure!" Setting down his fork and knife, he cracked his knuckles. "I mean, I could fight them off I guess, but... well, I'd really rather not."



Sadie and Cosette were playing in the back yard, although Sadie didn't move very much, her stomach looking like it was about to explode. She figured that the baby would be arriving any day, and unlike last time, there wasn't any fighting going on, no drama. It was nice for a change. "Mama!" Cosette babbled, toddling over with a fistful of grass, tossing it into Sadie's face with a screech of delight. "Yummy yummy!" Sadie spat the grass from her mouth and laughed. "Thanks for sharing, Cosette! Mommy was so hungry, but now she's all full!" Cosette laughed, then knelt down at Sadie's stomach. "Get out please!" She said, patting her stomach gently. "Wake up!"

"The baby will be here when it's ready, sweetie," Sadie explained with a smile. "We have to be patient, okay?"

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Woo, break! Good to see you back. I just got back to all this a couple of days ago myself with Evan, which is nice :) How did all your exams go?

Don't get me started on that!! It's a British film, filmed partly at Pinewood, by a British team of directors and producers, and yet we don't get it until JANUARY!!!!!!!! I can't wait for it though. It looks beyond incredible <3 I'm guessing you've got tickets for the 26th?

The food was as good as Angie remembered it, if not better, and some of the dishes had hardly changed in flavour or presentation since she'd had them for the first time all those years ago. She chuckled to herself as she considered that it was either a long standing family-run restaurant, or the chef aged about as much as her and Mikey did with the passing of time. She smiled at him warmly, glad that he shared her enthusiasm for the place. "Almost as good as my Spanish food, I'm sure you'll agree," she giggled, winking back at him. She pondered his question, then replied, "Well, I think going eastwards would be really nice, and something a lot different to what we've seen so far. We'll have to be a little more careful, yes- people are definitely more superstitious out there, but I'm sure we'll be fine. Provided that's okay with you, of course. If you have somewhere else in mind, please say so."


Brandon had been in the kitchen fixing himself and Sadie a cup of tea. He joined them out in the back garden, seating himself on the grass next to his fiancée, handing her a mug. He laughed. "I see you've started lunch without me," he said, reaching out to wipe a stray blade of grass from around Sadie's mouth. Cosette seated herself in his lap. "It was awfully nice of you to get your Mum something to eat. She needs all that strength to carry around the baby, hm?" Their daughter was evidently excited, but honestly the feelings Cosette expressed were no different to what he felt whenever he thought about the fact that their baby would surely be arriving very soon, he was just a lot less vocal about it.

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The 25th, actually! I don't care that it's Christmas day, I'm going to see that film dangit!!! =D

I mean, there are a couple of cast members I'm not thrilled with, but Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman make up for it completely! <3 And Eddie Redmayne <3333

Mikey nodded in agreement and replied, "Almost! But I do have to say, you're my favorite chef, so maybe I'm a little biased. Not that it's a bad thing, of course!" He chuckled and continued to eat, listening to Angie's reply. "I'd say heading East is a good idea, and then maybe head back to the United States. I'm not going to lie, I am a little homesick. Not much, but it will be nice to get home and see everyone again, especially Sadie and Brandon. And who knows, maybe the baby will be born by the time we get back! That'll be exciting, I think. And hopefully Prudence will be able to come back soon too. Although I don't even know if her returning to the US is a possibility--at least for a couple years." He sighed and shook his head. "It feels like our life back home happened ages ago, but it's only been a short while. It's strange, isn't it?" He finished his plate and pushed it away, reclining in his chair and sipping from his glass of water.

Sadie took the mug gratefully and blew on the tea before taking a tentative sip. Burning her tongue, she set the mug aside to let it cool further, watching Cosette sit on Brandon's lap with a grin. "She looks more like you each day," Sadie said to Brandon. "I think she's going to be a strong healer when she gets older, I can tell. She gets it from you, too. I wonder, though.... I still haven't figured out anything about my latent abilities yet. Maybe I don't have any. Although it would be pretty cool if I did." Cosette seemed bored by the grown-up talk, and was plucking more blades of grass from the ground and dropping them in Brandon's hair, humming to herself with contentment. It was good that she was easily amused, and not fussy like other toddlers. She got that calmness from her father, too.

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