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A ha! I see!

The eldest man, who looked no older than maybe forty, stood up and smiled at Prudence warmly, opening his arms and rising to walk up to her. He embraced her tightly and murmured, "Prudence, you haven't changed at all. besides your hair! It's so short! A nice, new look, though." He stared at her, for just a bit too long, before moving on to Evander. "And you must be Evander, then. Pleasure to meet you." He shook Evander's hand, and looked at him intensively, trying to measure him up. He went back to his seat and said, "Well, it seems you need our help. We will be glad to oblige you, Prudence, if you consider rejoining. You needn't live in China forever, only until this whole thing blows over."

"I will have to consider it deeply, sir," Prudence replied quietly, keeping her eyes averted to the floor, out of respect.

Ah, thank you. I haven't even checked the second page to see what was there :) -barcelonafatiguefail-

The muscles in Evander's jaw tensed slightly as he watched the man's interaction with Prudence, even he could see that something was going on there, although it was comforting that he could see that it didn't seem to be mutual. He put on a calm facade to shake the man's hand and nodded as he replied, "Yes, that's me, sir. And the pleasure's all mine." He listened to the man's proposal, but, of course, he had no idea what they were talking about. 'Rejoining'? Rejoining what, exactly?

XD I understand!

The man said, "Why, the brethren council. We essentially make policy for vampires living in Europe and Asia, although we would like to begin branches in other continents as well. If Prudence were to rejoin us, she could return to America and start a new branch. Then we could have rules and policies in place over in America for safety and organizational purposes."

Prudence added, "It is a lot of responsibility, and I'm not quite sure I want that. Which is why I left in the first place."

Evander pursed his lips in thought. He cleared his throat and asked, "Assuming there even is one, what would be the alternative option than Prudence taking this upon herself?" If she'd left in the first place, clearly it was something she wasn't crazy about doing.

The man said, "Well... I suppose that, as old friends, we could offer our support even without her rejoining us..." He frowned slightly, then gave a sigh. "But you needn't decide right now. Your new IDs are on that table, as well as all of your new records, birth papers, etc. Keep them safe and secure, because they assure your new lives until you can return home." Prudence picked up her papers and gave a slight smile, seeing her old name written out.

"Thank you," she said politely, then turned to walk out the door.

Evander made to pick up his set of papers, looking through them, familiarising himself with the man he was to become for a while. It was a scary thought, living as somebody else entirely for even just a little while, let alone for a few years at least. But it would be worth it. He shook the hands of the people in the room again, thanking each of them, before he joined Prudence to make their way out of the place.

I'm so forgetful! AGHHH!!!! D:

Cosette was at home, playing in the nursery and testing her walking legs. She could pull herself up and stand for a couple seconds, but then she would fall back and land on her behind. Obviously frustrated, she would give a loud cry of annoyance and try again, wanting to move her legs and run across the room and grab more toys, or to run into her father's arms. She looked over at Sadie and pouted before falling down again.

I admit that I think I may have avoided this one because I honestly had no recollection of what was going on, but I'm willing to go with it now (; -thankgoodnessforyou,Ineedtowrite-

Seriously, I don't take English anymore so I don't do any creative writing whatsoever when noone's around here D':

Brandon crouched low to the floor of the living room, as he had been doing for quite some time, really, as he and Sadie watched little Cosette frustrating herself as she made her continued attempts to start walking. He had a feeling that sooner or later, it was going to happen and that she would quite literally find her feet and take her first steps, so he was intent that they would both be around to see it. He held out his arms to her and gave her some words of encouragement. "Come on, now, stand up- hold onto the couch!" he exclaimed with a gentle smile, beckoning her to him. "You can do it now. Move your leg- don't let go of it yet! That's it, keep going." Slowly, but surely, albeit with the couch being her stabilisers at first, she was making her way towards him. An anxious little frown crossed her face when she realised that she wouldn't be able to do this all the way to her father, that the couch would come to an end sooner or later, and then what would she do? Brandon read it in her expression instantly and laughed lightly. "You're okay. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Keep going, I'm right here."

XD This is why I love you!

Cosette looked at the couch, then her father, then back at the couch again. This was going to be a tough decision. She looked over at Sadie with concern, but Sadie smiled and touched her hair gently. "You can do it, Cosette," she said softly. Just keep walking-- we'll catch you!"

Cosette made a noise of disapproval, but continued approaching the end of the couch anyway. When it finally hit, she stood with indecision for a few moments, before deciding to make the effort and try walking without the couch. Hesitantly, she released the couch from her grip and toddled forward a couple steps, her movements slow and shaky.

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Aw, and don't I know it xD I love you, too.

Brandon shifted forward a little bit, so that the walk between the couch and himself was not quite as daunting for Cosette to manage. He reached his arms out as far as he could to her, and watched proudly as their little girl took her first few unaided, wobbly steps in his direction. A few times, she swayed on her feet so violently that she looked nervously at her parents, but seemingly forgot the trouble instantly as he continued to encourage her. "That's it! You're almost there!" Her final few steps were noticeably more confident, and she squealed with delight as Brandon swept her up in his big, comfortable arms, kissing her in the places that made her giggle the most. "You, my darling, are the cleverest, most beautiful girl in the whole world. On a par with your mother, of course. Only, she can already walk."

I get to study in France for two weeks in May :)

Cosette laughed with delight, clapping her hands as she congratulated herself and received the praise of her parents.

"Good job sweetie!" Sadie exclaimed, going over to the pair and giving each one a kiss on the cheek. "Cosette, you're growing up so fast! Soon you'll be running all over the place, with your new baby sibling crying and the house a disaster zone... I'm so excited!" She laughed, then smiled at Brandon adoringly. "We'll need to think of names at some point."

Really? That's so awesome! I'm super jealous! Do you know whereabouts in France yet?

You know, you're going to need an experienced French speaker to translate for you....

"There are few people who actually relish the thought of complete and utter chaos," Brandon laughed. "I'm sure Cosette will make sure we've got our work cut out. And I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled as he stroked her head, which was beginning to become covered with dark ringlets that she had received from her mother, as well as almost everything else about the way she looked. He felt that she was more like him in her mannerisms, however, in the way that she was as often calm and collected as anything else. He nodded in agreement. "We do, indeed. I can't say I've had anything spring to mind as yet, but we can talk about it. We also have a wedding to plan, my darling, although that time will come even after the excitement of another baby."

We're spending the first week in Paris (going to the louvre, studying the Gothic architecture, etc), and then the second week we're taking a bunch of day trips.

Indeed! I'm actually taking French courses, and I LOVE it! I think I'm going to major in it (as well as music)

Sadie grinned at him, then leaned down and gave Cosette a kiss on the nose. "Well, I wouldn't have my life any other way. I like it to be busy and full of laughter and family." She kissed Brandon, then scooped Cosette into her arms and tickled her. Of course, the baby screeched with delight, waving her arms and kicking her legs, her tiny teeth glimmering as she laughed. "I'm still in shock that we're getting married," she told him with a fond smile. "I can't wait. Hopefully my body will be wedding dress-ready."

Wow! Sounds amazing. I'm very jealous, even though I've been to Paris and few other places in France many times before. Oh, I love it <3 And I just love French, too.

"Me, either," Brandon agreed with a gentle smile. "I suppose it's because it already feels a lot like we are married." He took her into his arms, hands resting around her waist, and said to her, "Love, of course it will. You'll look beautiful regardless. Also, I imagine you might find yourself in near perfect shape after you've had the baby now that you're a vampire anyway. I wouldn't worry too much." He was definitely excited about everything about getting married to Sadie, and frankly he couldn't wait, just as he couldn't wait for their new baby.

I had a dream I was pregnant last night. It was so scary. The guy that was the baby daddy wasn't around, and everyone was judging me.

Sadie watched as Cosette started toddling around in circles, laughing and babbling, a few coherent words thrown in. She loved the fact that she was mobile now, and it made mommy and daddy happy.

"Well, I can't wait to see you in a tux," Sadie replied, grinning at him. "That's definitely going to be a good sight for me to see."

A dream about being pregnant? Weird, and horrible for you, I bet! ): I've been having really awful dreams lately. I wish they'd go away.

Sorry it's taken me ages to reply to this! For one, I'm so busy, and two I forget about here because almost noone is around anymore ):

Every time I see the name Cosette now it makes me want to burst into song, because I actually realise where you get the name from now xD

"And I can't wait to see you walking towards me down the aisle, looking even more beautiful than you always do anyway, if that's even possible," Brandon replied, giving her a kiss. "Have you had thoughts about anything else to do with the wedding- anything at all about it?"

It's taken me ages to reply to this as well! I hit a major writer's block with this one! ):

"Not really," Sadie replied with a smile. "I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I probably should be stressed about it or something, but I honestly feel very at ease with the whole thing. Besides, we have something important that we have to worry about. The wedding planning can be a bit delayed." She rubbed her stomach, then laughed as Cosette walked over and simply sat down on Sadie's lap, touching Sadie's stomach as well.

Yeah... Me, too. With everything. That said, every single other topic I've ever been in has now been locked up. I can't believe that I've posted once in the last three and a bit months!

The fact that I haven't been studying English anymore for half a year now probably hasn't helped, either! xD

"Well, there really isn't any need to be stressed. There's no rush, we can do whatever we like, whenever we're ready and things are organised.. And when it's able to be at the forefront of our minds," he agreed. He watched with a gentle smile as Cosette came to touch her mother's stomach, very gingerly- a sort of care you might not expect from a little girl of her age, who had just a few seconds ago been running around excitedly. Brandon leaned across to give Sadie a slow kiss, and stayed close although he'd pulled away from it, murmuring, "My turn," as he slipped a hand onto her stomach. So unbelievably slight was her bump that he could be forgiven for his moment of incredulousness at how not so long ago, Cosette had been that small.

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