How exactly can religion explain science? Please tell me because you have stated this more than once but never really explained how religion can explain science...there i was thinking that scientific experiments defined scientific knowledge and not fairy-tales written in old books.
I believe you when you say that there are many religious scientists, I agreed with you on this in previous posts. Although it seems very strange to me how scientists can allow themselves to believe in things without any proof.
It seems like you are a person who appreciates science, well let me tell you that there is a big probability that you will soon grow out of your religious beliefs. It happened to me. I was born and raised in a christian society, most of my family members and friends are christians but I still managed to realize what really matters in life. You said that you won't try to define my beliefs and it seems that most Americans don't really understand what atheists believe in, I've heard people saying in posts that atheists don't believe in anything or that they are devil-worshipers, so let me list some of the things that i believe in: love, truth, beauty, family, marriage, friendship, peace, justice, democracy, free-speech, happiness, science, knowledge, freedom; i believe that humans are able to do good out of the goodness of their own heart...i beleive in all these things, i simply refuse to believe in supernatural magics...That's practically a direct quote from Richard Dawkins, I know, but I've believed in these things before I even knew about Richard Dawkins.
You say that you respect homosexuals but still manage to admit that their very existence is a sin, what kind of respect is that? And all the 'witches' burned at the stake died because of religion, that's why I said that sometimes religion overshadows the values of love. Also, might I add that witches DON'T EXIST!! Sure there are people who think that they are witches, but there are also people who believe that they are see where I'm getting at?
Good thing the bible never said anything against Elvis.
I'm sorry, but I beg to differ with a lot of the points you have stated.
Firstly, you stated, "It seems like you are a person who appreciates science, well let me tell you that there is a big probability that you will soon grow out of your religious beliefs. It happened to me." I'll tell you one more time - please don't tell me what my faith/religion is now, or what it will be in the future. It will only offend me, and you are working on the basis here that I will forget my faith, religion, my God and Creator whom I love and worship, and the sole basis of my life, just because I appreciate Science. No way. There are some excellent Christian Scientists out there who have not abandoned their beliefs just because they appreciate Science.
You also asked, "How exactly can religion explain Science?" Well, I will tell you my beliefs, and I would appreciate if you did not try to deny them or prove them wrong, because we are dealing with my faith and beliefs here, and what you say will not change how I feel. While neither directly 'explain each other', a lot of what the Bible says is backed up by Science. For example, the Big Bang. The Earth being created. I believe that the Bible, in Genesis 1, is not being entirely
literal. More metaphorical. Sudden light appearing from nowhere as the earth is formed..seems to link in with the whole idea of the Big Bang.
After all, let's think about it. The writer of Genesis clearly gained all his knowledge about the creation of the Earth from God if he was writing it into the Bible. Would God really have gone into complicated scientifical procedures?? Nope. 2000 years ago, they didn't know all that much about Science, and it wouldn't have made any sense to anybody. I hope I have made my beliefs clear on this point.
You said, "It seems very strange to me how scientists can allow themselves to believe in things without proof." Well, this is a question of
faith, and has been discussed further in other posts. It may seem strange to you, but it is very common and seems very normal to me. As I have stated before, there are many excellent Christian Scientists out there who have helped us find out more about the wonderful world God has created for us, and I truly respect them for that. Science is fact, and cannot be denied. People's beliefs are also their reality, despite the fact that they may be different from others' faith. It all fits together.
Another thing you said was, "You say that you respect homosexuals but still manage to admit that their very existence is a sin, what kind of respect is that?". Let me first make it clear that the issue of homosexuality is for another topic, and we won't go too deep into that, but I did
not by any means say that the very existence of homosexuals is a sin. If I was treating homosexuals as any more tainted or sinful than myself, or indeed anyone else, that would be ignorance. There are many things which I do wrong, but I still expect to be treated with respect. In return, this is how I treat others - including homosexuals. I do not want all homosexuals to be banished from this Earth at all. That's like shunning and hating others for believing different things than I do, and you have misunderstood me there.
Before I finish, I'd like to point out one last thing. Please do not refer to the Bible as 'lots of fairy-tales written in an old book.' This is extremely offensive to Christians/Jews/Catholics/anyone else who lives by the Bible. I respect the fact that you are an Atheist. Although I do not agree with you, I respect you, and would never disrespect you in such a way. I would appreciate the same respectful treatment and tolerance. Thank you.