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P.S. There is some proof of Evolution, where the animals evolved into the animals we see and know today. But is there proof of god, jesus, hell, and heaven? Nope. All there is is a really old book with stories in it called the Bible and that is NOT proof because those are just stories.
Number one, there's not really 'proof'. As I've said before, you can't just build an animal out of a tooth. :/

Have you even done any research what so ever on the Bible? If you had, it's not just 'some old book'. Seriously, do some research first. If you don't believe it, fine. But I'm tired of these claims from people who haven't read a word of the Bible or done any research on it whatso ever. How can you have a debate or even just a conversation about something you have no clue about?

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One thing I believe is that once you're dead, you're gone, forever, and never coming back. When you really try to think of you being gone, forever, and never coming back, it's seriously scary to think about it. I mean, to think that you live here for maybe 80 years and then once you die, you die, you never come back. It's scary to think of yourself as dead, since you never come back and aren't reborn into another human or animal. This is why I am scared to die.

Another thing I believe is that when you die, you are reborn into another human or an animal. If we do come back again, I'd want to be a human again. I'd hate to be an animal. If I had to be an animal, I'd choose Monkey, because they're the closest thing to humans and they're actually smart.


Number one, there's not really 'proof'. As I've said before, you can't just build an animal out of a tooth. :/
Have you even done any research what so ever on the Bible? If you had, it's not just 'some old book'. Seriously, do some research first. If you don't believe it, fine. But I'm tired of these claims from people who haven't read a word of the Bible or done any research on it whatso ever. How can you have a debate or even just a conversation about something you have no clue what so ever about?
One, don't assume what you don't know. Yes I've read the bible and it's just stories. My grandma is a brainwashed god believer and I asked her how she knew god and jesus were real. She said "becasue it's in the bible". This bible isn't proof of anything.


Yes I do, very much so.
With that mentality, by the time you see God, it'll be too late. *shrugs*
I agree with you so much. tamaw/pants is right by the time you see him it'll be too late to believe. I am Muslim so I believe in god. Who do you think made the earth and the Solar System? Did it all magically appear? If there was no god we wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be answering to this topic. Thats just what I believe you all are entitled to your own opinion!






There day will come :D Life is a test Chose to believe or not believe. All of our judgement days will come one day.....Its just that simple Once again I'm sorry if any of this info offended you in any way...I'd hate to offend anyoneon here!
You believe in exactly what I believe! Thats the point I'm trying to make...




I just don't know anymore. It's pathetic......I'm rather pathetic.
It's not pathetic at all - and neither are you :)

Belief is an incredibly complex thing and comes in many different shapes and forms.

These topics are really useful. They give you a wide range of examples about the way different people believe different things and why they believe what they believe.

They give you the chance to learn about different points of view, understand how some people interpret the same thing in a different way, and ask questions, so you get a chance to understand more.

You don't have to make a decision if you don't know yet.

Belief is the kind of thing that changes and evolves as you learn and experience more in life.

So please, don't put yourself down if you haven't decided yet. Indecision - that's a completely normal feeling that lots of people experience (all the time!)

One, don't assume what you don't know. Yes I've read the bible and it's just stories. My grandma is a brainwashed god believer and I asked her how she knew god and jesus were real. She said "becasue it's in the bible". This bible isn't proof of anything.
I was more or less speaking generaly and you were just the next one to post that. Lucky yew. xP

It's not a great answer but does she understand why she believes the Bible? That's a simple answer but we don't believe 'just cuz'. We believe because on our research and personal experiences we can trust it. Not because it's the Bible and etc. ;]

personally, i think that religions come and go. There has been so may religions that people have forgotten about. But, Christianity is one of the oldest religions out there today. Even the athiests know who Jesus is.

personally, i think that religions come and go. There has been so may religions that people have forgotten about. But, Christianity is one of the oldest religions out there today. Even the athiests know who Jesus is.
Actually, not Christianity- Judaism. Our roots our there but we believe that Jesus was who they were phophising [sp?] about, unlike the Jews who are still waiting.

One thing I believe is that once you're dead, you're gone, forever, and never coming back. When you really try to think of you being gone, forever, and never coming back, it's seriously scary to think about it. I mean, to think that you live here for maybe 80 years and then once you die, you die, you never come back. It's scary to think of yourself as dead, since you never come back and aren't reborn into another human or animal. This is why I am scared to die.
Another thing I believe is that when you die, you are reborn into another human or an animal. If we do come back again, I'd want to be a human again. I'd hate to be an animal. If I had to be an animal, I'd choose Monkey, because they're the closest thing to humans and they're actually smart.

Actually, it's apes we are closely related to. Not monkeys. Monkeys are less intelligent than the great apes, parrots, ravens, elephants, dolphins/whales, etc.

I think I would want to come back as a Whale Shark or Harpy Eagle. Few creatures mess with those guys. :p

I believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, Hades and the afterlife. I don't require solid proof set in front of me in order to choose to believe something. That's just the way I have always been.

... But, Christianity is one of the oldest religions out there today. Even the athiests know who Jesus is.
I have to agree with TW-P's other post, and to let everyone know that Jesus name is probably known (but not necessarily worshiped) by more people in todays world than any other historical religious figure. This is mainly because Christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world today.

I should let everyone know that it is not accurate to claim that Christianity is one of the oldest religions out there today.

The main monotheistic (one God) religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam all believe in the same one God, but early Christianity was a Jewish sect.

The Old Testament is effectively the Hebrew Bible. The two religions diverged with the advent of Jesus Christ who Christians believe was the messiah that had been prophesied.

The Jews do not believe that Jesus was the messiah and are still waiting for their messiah.

Islam came after, they believe that Muhammad, a 7th Century prophet was their messiah (the one prophesied).

But in addition to Judaism, other world religions like Hinduism and Buddhism are much older than Christianity. The names of other gods such as Krishna, for example are also known all over the world.

(I'm pretty sure that Hinduism is one of the oldest, largest religions in the world).

I won't go on to list other belief systems like Confusianism, etc. - but they too are older than Christianity.

Please don't get the wrong idea, here. I am not knocking Christianity at all, I just think it's important to know that actually there are many older religions than Christianity still practised today and other names of Gods that are just as well known. It doesn't mean they are better, or worse :wub:

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Precisely TM. :]

Your teacher said that? Wow, that's interesting. It's old [2,000 years, lol. Pretty old] but not as old as something others because it split apart after Jesus came.

It's really not depatable [unless you don't know what you're talking about] that a guy named Jesus did actually live, but it's what you do with it and who you make of him that counts.

It's not like there isn't evidence either- there have been many things explained by the Bible or things found that do point to things told in the Bible. There was a name of a lowly carrier or scribe [i'm not exaclty the person's position, but it was lowly and considered pretty negligent] and they found something from that long ago with a list and it had his name on it.

You can't do a 'science experiement' on God, there there are things that point to Him.

Just a fun little question i found on the internet. If you get offended please let me know because i'd hate to offend you! "What are you supposed to say to an athiest when they sneeze?" Hmm....It gets me thinking lol



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