My story:
I was on a feild trip, and it was the day before my birthday. It was December 8, 2006. I was having a blast, hanging around with my favorite teacher, it was loads of fun. But then my homeroom teacher said we should use the bathroom, even if we didn't have to go. So I go in, and pull my pants down. Then I see big, brown, blotches. My heart thwumped, and since the lighting wasn't so good in their, I thought, "I am just seeing stuff, calm down." But I couldn't. My hands were trembling. I went to the nearest shaperone (which was a girl,) and told her. She said to take her cell phone and call my mom. I went outside to a corner. My best friend was pushing people back who wanted to see was going on, and she was saying, "Nothing to see here, nothing to see here."
We finally got to the school. My teacher knew by then, and she said to go to the nurse. So I did. The nurse and I are very good friend's, because I had really bad stomach ache's when I was in fourth grade. So, she instantly hugged me. "Oh, your mother was so happy!" "What?!? Happy?!?! Anyways, where can I--" "Bathroom" "Thankyou!" So I got some, and left.
Ever since that day, when I got my period from then on, it has been really off, or really early. But this is ok, because, while you're just getting used to it, so is your body. So, it will skip around alot, and then it will go on a regualr schedele, and then it will become regular. I never have cramps, but it's diffrent for other people.
But guess what? The next day, (my birthday) we had a white out! When you looked out the window, all you could see was white! It was awesome!! So, it wasn't really that bad!!
Hope I helped!!
