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[SIZE=14pt]Yes.My cramps used to bad enough to where I threw up.O_OThey aren't as bad now (thak god).[/SIZE]

Guys, if it was innappropriate, it wouldn't have been reopened. It's a good learning tool for girls that haven't gone through this yet. Nobody's forcing you to read it lol. If you don't want to know about this stuff, don't come in the topic.
very well said Sweet Kandi!


[SIZE=14pt]It is very well said indeed.^_^Though I can somewhat understand where they are coming from at this. (Hi Anime girl :furawatchi: )[/SIZE]

*Note from Bell Sprout:


This topic has been thoroughly review by the Guides. We have deemed this appropriate to remain open. Please see my post in regards to this topic:


Any further complaints about this topic WILL be removed. If you feel it is too personal, you are under no obligation to respond. This topic is an educational tool which many members have contributed towards and benefited from*

I havnt had mine yet, but I think I will be having it soon

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My story:

I was on a feild trip, and it was the day before my birthday. It was December 8, 2006. I was having a blast, hanging around with my favorite teacher, it was loads of fun. But then my homeroom teacher said we should use the bathroom, even if we didn't have to go. So I go in, and pull my pants down. Then I see big, brown, blotches. My heart thwumped, and since the lighting wasn't so good in their, I thought, "I am just seeing stuff, calm down." But I couldn't. My hands were trembling. I went to the nearest shaperone (which was a girl,) and told her. She said to take her cell phone and call my mom. I went outside to a corner. My best friend was pushing people back who wanted to see was going on, and she was saying, "Nothing to see here, nothing to see here."

We finally got to the school. My teacher knew by then, and she said to go to the nurse. So I did. The nurse and I are very good friend's, because I had really bad stomach ache's when I was in fourth grade. So, she instantly hugged me. "Oh, your mother was so happy!" "What?!? Happy?!?! Anyways, where can I--" "Bathroom" "Thankyou!" So I got some, and left.

Ever since that day, when I got my period from then on, it has been really off, or really early. But this is ok, because, while you're just getting used to it, so is your body. So, it will skip around alot, and then it will go on a regualr schedele, and then it will become regular. I never have cramps, but it's diffrent for other people.

But guess what? The next day, (my birthday) we had a white out! When you looked out the window, all you could see was white! It was awesome!! So, it wasn't really that bad!!

Hope I helped!! ;)

:( Alimania ;)

My story:
I was on a feild trip, and it was the day before my birthday. It was December 8, 2006. I was having a blast, hanging around with my favorite teacher, it was loads of fun. But then my homeroom teacher said we should use the bathroom, even if we didn't have to go. So I go in, and pull my pants down. Then I see big, brown, blotches. My heart thwumped, and since the lighting wasn't so good in their, I thought, "I am just seeing stuff, calm down." But I couldn't. My hands were trembling. I went to the nearest shaperone (which was a girl,) and told her. She said to take her cell phone and call my mom. I went outside to a corner. My best friend was pushing people back who wanted to see was going on, and she was saying, "Nothing to see here, nothing to see here."

We finally got to the school. My teacher knew by then, and she said to go to the nurse. So I did. The nurse and I are very good friend's, because I had really bad stomach ache's when I was in fourth grade. So, she instantly hugged me. "Oh, your mother was so happy!" "What?!? Happy?!?! Anyways, where can I--" "Bathroom" "Thankyou!" So I got some, and left.

Ever since that day, when I got my period from then on, it has been really off, or really early. But this is ok, because, while you're just getting used to it, so is your body. So, it will skip around alot, and then it will go on a regualr schedele, and then it will become regular. I never have cramps, but it's diffrent for other people.

But guess what? The next day, (my birthday) we had a white out! When you looked out the window, all you could see was white! It was awesome!! So, it wasn't really that bad!!

Hope I helped!! ;)

:( Alimania ;)
On a field trip? o_O' That would have scared me.

I don't really remember the first time I ever had it. I remember once I was in the bathroom and saw blood on my underwear and I got that thwump feeling you mentioned. That was at my house luckily. I think my mom was more annoyed when I started mine. It meant she had to buy extra pads/tampons. What was funny was after I started my depo and my period stopped, we were at the store and she asked if I needed 'anything', and I told her no because I didn't have a period anymore and she freaked XD She thought I didn't have one due to pregnancy. It made me laugh.

Last time I remember having a period was the beginning of 10th grade because I had to ask my boyfriend's mom and sister for a tampon x.x' Neither of them had any. I guess his sister was a spazz about them and his mom had already started menopause. It sucked. That was one of the things I hated about periods. Asking your 'lovers' parents for supplies. xP

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I don't remember a whole lot about my first one... only that it was also a "birthday" present (like Alimania). Exactly one week before my 12th birthday. I was never one of the lucky girls. I've always had cramps that put me in bed for 2 or 3 days with a heating pad on my tummy. Laying there, taking as many pain killers as safe to take. Sometimes an extra one. I was never regular either. Cycles anywhere from 28 to 42 days apart. Birth control helped regulate them for a while, but made the cramps worse, so I stopped that all together. Here are a few facts for anyone that may be wondering;

-Not every girl has cramps. Some do, some don't. Those that do get cramps can have minor to major pains, from a few hours to a few days long. It varies a lot from one girl to the next. Things that help for those that have cramps are pain killers (like motrin or tylenol), a heating pad or hot water bottle on the abdomen, and sometimes a warm shower/bath.

-Cycles do not always become regular with time. I am proof of that. The only way to help with this is either to try a birthcontrol pill, OR track your cycles, including any symptoms you may have, such as bloating, moodiness, fatigue, or whatever. My Monthly Cycles Is an excellent site with which you can track your symptoms (and cycles) and start to have a great idea of when your cycle is coming on. It's best to wait to start tracking until at least 4 months after your first cycle when your body starts to settle in.

-Cycle lenghts also vary a lot. there are some girls that aren't even shure they have had a period to those like myself that go 8 to 10 days. It is all normal!

If you ever have any questions about your cycle, what to do or not to do, all you need to do is find a trusted adult and ask away. Most women will be more than happy to help. After all, this is the start of your becoming a woman too!

I'm 12 and I haven't had it. Is there something wrong with me?


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No it's quite normal! Periods can occur anywhere between 8 and 18 years of age. There is no need to worry unless you are nearing the 18 years mark or after it and still have not had a period. That's when you should consider seeing a doctor.

There is a condition where the hymen in not perforated and blood cannot be discharged which will prevent a female from actually "having" her period. This is usually associated with lots of cramping though... There are other hormonal related conditions which can also occur. These are rare! You should not worry about these things occuring unless you have reached 18 and still haven't started to bleed.

The chances are that you will have it when you are least expecting it! :D

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One person you can always count on is your mother. She knows it; she's the one who talked to me and told me all about it. She also informed me that women in are family are very light bleeders *whew* and cramp moderately. If you aren't sure about something, talk to a mother or grandma. They'd know best!

My friend got her period... she is 9 now. She says puberty is a bit more intense now. I feel sorry for her.

Also, A quick tip. If your period stops for a day, wear the pad a little longer, like a day or two. Sometimes mine will just stop and then start again, and it's the same period for it is only a day stop.

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I'm 12 and I haven't had it. Is there something wrong with me?
As Bell Sprout said no there is absolutely nothing wrong with you - you are very normal! As you can see from this topic there are many variations in what is normal for periods - some people are heavy bleeders, some are light, some get bad cramps, others feel nothing, some may bleed for a few days, others may bleed for a week. All of it is normal.

I guess I am classed as a "late developer" - most of my friends (actually all of them really) had their period before I did. My mum had talked about it with me ages ago, and I always expected it....and I must admit I was starting to get worried and feel that there might be something wrong with me. However there was no need to worry and sure enough it came in its own good time... I guess the point of this is really that don't be embarassed to talk about things, particularly is something is worrying you, but try and talk it over with someone who is a little older and wiser, like your mum, a big sister, aunt, cousin or whatever.


Guys, I have a it okay to try a Tampon before your period?

EDIT: My mom has no idea what the heck is an Tampon...(she lives in China I phone her ya know)

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