Funny Moments at School


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Well During Social Studies class, we all went to Tim Hortons. The Teacher Bought us all Donuts.

I love our Teacher.

We had to pay for our own Coffee/Ice-caps if we wanted those though.

Natalie almost fell in a puddle on the way back to the school. [Timmy's (Tim Hortons) is like, right across from my school]

Josh was Doing Quagmire[from Family Guy] Impersonations <3

He was all "Giggity" Just all Randomly and stuff.

Linaya Tripped over a straw that was in the grass.

During Lunch/Noon Hour, Ashley and I were on the Hunt for Ramsey. Ashley likes Ramsey.

He wears a Red hat, so thats how I recognize him. I saw one guy in the hall wearing a red hat, so I was all "Ashley, Its Raaamssseeeyyy"

It wasn't.

During Math, Josh was sitting in front of me. Because He was talking too much where he was sitting before, so the teacher moved him.

I love that teacher for moving Josh to sit infront of me. <333 [i have like, a Huge Crush on him ♥, Josh, not the teacher]

Anyway, He was all "I'm Michelle 1, and You're Michelle 2." Then Becky/Rebecca was all "No, She's Michelle 1, and You're Michelle 2"

Then Josh was all, "Allrighttt"

And Supposedly, While I was reading my social studies text book, [During Math, I wasn't in a Doing Math Mood, so I was working on SS], Josh was looking at me.

Becky and I played Tic-Tac-Toe.

The Stupid Substitute in Math-class, was threataning to Move Either Josh or Natalie. Natalie sits at the desk infront of Becky, and Beside Josh.

[the one part of the desks are like this, plus theres other people too, But whatever]






Anyway, I was thinking "Keep Josh here, Don't Move him"

Neither one of them got moved.

But yeah. I <3 Josh. Alot. I barely know him, He knows me, Sort of, Because He used to go to the same School Ashley went to, And a few years ago

Ashley brought in a School pic of me from grade 7, Because She's told her friends there about me, but they never knew what I looked like.

So yeah, According to Ashley, when she showed everyone my pic a few years ago, Josh said he liked my Eyes.

I love my eyes now. <3


In Cosmeotology Class [Cos], Raven Spilt Yellow Nailpolish on her white Pants. Then she tried getting it out with nail polish remover


So She tried to use white nail polish, hoping to cover up the yellow.

So yeah, It looks like she has "C**"" stains on her knees now. XD

I am Glad Manniquens don't feel pain. Because I am Brutal when it comes to French-Braiding.

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I wasn't feeling good this afternoon, and my stuff was in the math room, [mom was coming to get me] and I walk in, and Alyssa is like, "OMG!! I love your pants!" I'm like "um, thanks." and she's like, "I've never seen pin-striped jeans before." lawl

The power went out for like 3 seconds in school today and my teacher screamed "The Serfs put a whammy on the power!"

(We were learning about serfs)

I lost it XDDDDD

Once Mrs Holmes was testing us on plurals and she asked Kavindu what the plural of foot was. He said 'foots' on purpose. It was still funny. And then she made us describe whatever she said, and my word was 'babies'. Now, everbody knows how much I hate babies, so I said 'stupid'.

WEell, this isn't really funny, but RIley started a rumour about me being a lez. Due to that, I have no friends anymore ._.

And during o'canada, Riley and Anthony were fooling around, and Riley got sacked by Anthony, and boy, was I ever laughing histerically. xD

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My class was talking about code red, (Where the whole school hides if there is like, intruders, guns, ect.) and a couple of people were asking to qustions to our teacher.

So, one of the guys asked, "What if you are going number two and code red comes on?" My class bursted out laughing.

Science yesterday was awesome.

We set a desk on fire, and our teacher let us take pictures with our phones. The only reason anyone even took a picture is because I reached into my pocket while loudly asking if I could take a picture. We also put a penny in acid, and watched it dissolve. Matt put a quarter in that he found in his pocket, on Monday he's telling us if the guy at the variety store accepted his coin. xD

1. I forgot to do my homework for SOSE once. I walked into class that day and it was the week where i had gotten into the habit of saying Soz. So im like, Soz Mr Muir i didn't do my homework. He started laughing and hes like what the hell. Im like oh crap i just said soz to my teacher. now if he like forgets me off the roll or forgets to give me a worksheet, he says soz. ITS SO EMBARASSING!!

2. I was practicing my skipping for Jump Rope For Heart. My rope got caught around my ankles and i fell backwards...into a puddle! my butt was wet all day!!

- This guy wouldnt tell me friend who he likes, so she went up to him and said "I GET IT NOW! YOURE GAY!" xDD

- At skipping practice, this girl pinched this other girl's nose and said "Your nose is so soft!" and her nose started bleeding xDD

In my classroom, we were doing science on electricity.

So we made little postcards, so my friend's front cover included this:

Water: Hey dude, wanna rub against each other?

Ice: Sure dude!

I burst out laughing. xDD

Today during social studies, I kept on bending my head back so I could face Riley and tip his water bottle, so He whacked me in the head every time I did that.

And at recess, Me, Courtney, and Allison were having a "Three-Way" on the swings, and Kyle (my crush) comes by and I screamed "HEY KYLE WANNA DO A 69!?" and then Me, Courtney, and Allison nearly died of laughter. Then Kyle walked away, and I said to Allison "Hey, next time you see a pregnant woman, you should ask her if she did a 69." And then Allison laughed so hard she fell of the swings. THEN the little kids come over to get their soccer ball, and I ran over to them screaming "HEY WHO WANTS TO DO A 69 WITH ME!?" And they're all o.o what-the-hell? And It was funny.

And at lunch, I ate so much you could tell because my stomach was huge, and my teacher (who's pregnant) comes over to me and says "We're preggo buddies!" and smiles. Then she said "Hi-five" and I'm all wtf!? So I just walk away xD it was odd

EDIT: Forgot the last thing xD

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Today, since half of the English class was absent, we only had 6 kids. And when we went down to the library to pick out books for our next essay, Courtney and I stayed down there waaay after the bell for next period rang. We had no idea they went back upstairs and never heard to bell for third period ring. xD That was embarrassing.

Social studs brings lots of laughs. Poliltics.

TAPPIMP. - There's a political party in my pants.

Our party is the LOLROFL party. We are dictators. We love the enviroment. We kill people who litter.

Love Our Land Respect Our Forest Life.

My best friends an Alien :)

At recess (swings again) people were double-swinging. (one person sits on the swing, another person sits on that person) and JC sits on me and starts squeezing my ****s, and I'm all o.o "RAAAAPPEEEEE".

And then Courtney comes along, instead we do the spider (same thing as double except your facing each other) and Courtney starts humping my leg and I'm all o.o wtf?!

Then Kyle does double with me, with JC pushing. Jaycee puts us at a 90 degree angle, then Kyle falls, and Taylor screams "KAY GAVE BIRTH TO KYLE!!!!" And I laughed my head off.

And we had a very laughable Social Studies. We had a substitute. :)

And during English, we had to think "If I had one wish, what would I wish for" and I'm like "I WANNA FREAKING RULE THE WORLD SO I CAN KILL OFFICIALS WITH BAZOOKAS!" And the teacher's like "Are you okay?" And I calm down and sarcastically I say "No, I'm high." Then she shrugs, and I'm like "I'm KING OF THE WORLD AND YOU GUYS ALL SUCK!" and then me and Anthony have a wishing-war. xD

And at lunch, we had a food fight. Me and Indie vs Anthony. It was funny xD

Ms Conry asked about illegal stuff in Antarctica and I put my hand up and said 'Sending Bradie Webb there too see if he won't be so hot anymore'

And yesterday on my civics test, the question was 'Who is the current Prime Minister of Australia?' and I accidentally wrote 'Bradie Webb'. Kevin looked at my work and told me it was wrong. So I changed it. ):

We went shopping with Mr K today. There were two different brands of water.. 'Mount Fanklin' and 'Crystal Springs'. Mr K asked everyone what the difference between the two is, and Damian answered ''Well get the one from the mountains!''. I swear, you really have to be in my class to end up almost ROFLing. Whatever Damian says is just either stupid or funny. But we didn't get the water from the mountains. D':

Also, yesterday, we had Greek. We went on this Greek computer program called Margarita. It was teaching us how to pronounce the Greek letters. So Jen, Xue Tong and myself decided to keep pressing the 'o' and 'a' buttons over and over again. It sounded like; ''OOOOOH OOOOH AAAAAAH! AAAH OOOOH!''. Quite funny indeed.

Well. As of Tuesday, Joe and I are engaged. At rehearsal, he was like "Hey. If we're sixty and single, wanna get married?"

And I said yes. But yesterday at lunch, we decided it'll be a secretive wedding in Vegas, that we'll live in separate houses, and that it's only for tax purposes.

Oh. And I'm ginna make him buy me a boat with a big bow on it.

In Science at the end of the day when we were waiting for them to call people going to the dance, me and Chris were trying on Emily's jacket. She's pretty much a midget, so it was difficult.

And we followed her around the room because we wanted to see how small her wrists were. :'D

Well, I may have skinny dipped in the school pool.

I may have rubbed chocolate cake all over my face.

I may have been covered in stickers, even ones on my butt.

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