Funny Moments at School


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Kyle tried to get me and Emmy to make out for thirty dollars. We did not do it. Much to Kyle's discontent.

In theatre, Spencer gave the class a strip show. Twice.

I discovered that I was in the same city as the Jonas Bros on Sunday and Saturday. Even though I don't really care about them, that's kind of exciting.

The kids who are obsessed with Twilight and cut themselves for no reason made fun of me and a few of my friends. Apparently we're "Preps." It went down like this.

Kid: Walks up to us while we're eating lunch. "You guys are so stupid, and obsessed with Abercombie."

Me: "Bite me, Bella sweetheart." (Noting the team Edward shirt)

Kid: "Shuht up, dumb'ss prep."

Me: "I love you too."

Kid: "Go away."

Me: "Marry me? Please?"

Kid: "I'm gonna get my boyfriend to beat you up."

Me: XD

Kid: Mumbles swears.

Me: Drinks coffee.

Kid: "Because you make fun of me, I cut myself."

Me: Cracks up. Spits coffee EVERYWHERE. Cannot breathe.

Kid: "You think this is funny?" Pulls up sleeve.

Me: "What'd you do that with? A nail filer?"

Kid: Screams something really loud then leaves.

Me and friends: XD

We didn't even know this retard xD She just, walked up and started freaking out. We just sat there all calm like. It's weird. The "Preps" are supposed to be the dramatic ones, but it's really the "Emos."

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I hold the door for everyone, and Andy said Thank You in the cutiest and happiest way ever! x3

Dan calls me doll whenever I hold the door for him. ._.


Andy did the J.G. Wentworth commerical thing. [it's MY money! And I NEED IT NOW!] x3

Taylor found her Clarinet, and she said she was gonna bring it to every class. xD


Connor got a nose bleed, and Everett and Nicholas had to help, and Nicholas came back, and Ms.Tengood asked him if he washed his hands, he says yes. Then she asks him if he used soap, he said no, and everyone in chorus was all "EW!!"

The Soprano 1's tried to hit a high A, and they messed up. xDD Only two can do it.


I had my summer band shirt on it, and on a blank page in my math workbook, I drew it! x3 It looks pretty good, tbh. o.o;



Feebee: LOL XDDD


For a lab, we had to run up and down the stairs for some reason...When I walked someone was like, "You walk like a duck!!!" and then THe teacher started quacking!!! No...It's true...I walk in first position and when I run up stairs I kinda flap my arms like a bird...yeah...


Gus came to sit with us so Kyle took a piece of chocolate from someone's chipwich and threw it at him like, "D***!" it was hillarious!!!

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This wasn't at school, it was just now, but it was from my friends, anyway. I've gotten almost thirty messages in the past twenty minutes with all this perverted crap in them. My friends told everyone to do this, I'm sure. Kyle said: "Gettin happy in the pants." I thought it was funny XD

One Time I Threw Pizza at one of the new primarys at my school. It was there VERY first day And the primarys cried.....XD

Another day I Threw Marshmellows at a grade 4. :angry:

This wasn't at school, it was just now, but it was from my friends, anyway. I've gotten almost thirty messages in the past twenty minutes with all this perverted crap in them. My friends told everyone to do this, I'm sure. Kyle said: "Gettin happy in the pants." I thought it was funny XD
I get those too Xp Kind of funny though.

Millman stole my f'ing purse this morning. I came into the locker room and my sexy big orange purse was missing so I got changed and ran out to Millman. I was all like, "MILLMAN!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH MY PURSE???" And she was like, "I took it." The only ppl's purses she didn't steal, were the girls who have a reputation for wearing SUPER SHORT SKIRTS AND SHORTS. WTF?

Heh, today was funny.

Mr K called me ''my little friend'' and since I remember Michelle saying that in one of her videos [she mentioned me], it was funny.

Me: Mr K, I've done my long times tables.

Mr K: *Takes paper* Okay, you got them wrong, sorry.

Me: Oh.

Mr K: Don't worry my little friend, I'll help you.

Me: Haha, Michelle said that.

Mr K: Michelle? Who's that?

Me: The girl who told me that Wellington IS the capital of NZ.

Mr K: Alright then.

Me and Jen: XD

Loads of awesome stuff happened, but I can't remember. Oh yeah, and I versed someone called Esther S on Mathletics.

Heh, today was funny.
Mr K called me ''my little friend'' and since I remember Michelle saying that in one of her videos [she mentioned me], it was funny.

Me: Mr K, I've done my long times tables.

Mr K: *Takes paper* Okay, you got them wrong, sorry.

Me: Oh.

Mr K: Don't worry my little friend, I'll help you.

Me: Haha, Michelle said that.

Mr K: Michelle? Who's that?

Me: The girl who told me that Wellington IS the capital of NZ.

Mr K: Alright then.

Me and Jen: XD

Loads of awesome stuff happened, but I can't remember. Oh yeah, and I versed someone called Esther S on Mathletics.
-Feels good for the first time today-

The only moment of genuine fun today was when Ash p!ssed me off so I threw her in a rose bush.

My @^%$^$^ teacher wouldn't let me go to the school nurse to go home when I was ready to die of pain and illness today. Well she did after I fell off my chair [in a not funny way] and screamed in pain.

The other day at our debate meeting we ended up debating about Graces cookie.

Goes like- (G is Grace)

G- This is supposed to be a chocolate chip cookie!

Me- It is you idiot!

G- No! Look at it!

Me- Whats that there? Oh. Its a chocolate chip!

G- But its got cinnamon in it! Its a cinnamon and chocolate chip cookie!

Me- Chocolate chip cookies have vanilla in them!

G- No they don't!

Me- Get in the kitchen!

G- No never! Theres no vanilla in them!

Me- Trust me. I actually use the kitchen!

G- Whatever, Freak!

Me- What about flour and chocolate chip cookies? Huh?

G- Shut up you freak!

Me- Admit it, you lose!


Teacher- Quiet! Grace, eat your cookie, Michelle, well... Help Grace eat her cookie.


^Heh, funny.

I ate a crayon again and Jen said I was gonna die. Yeah, Im still going on about the crayons >.<

I was at my locker, and Jacob was being a d*** so I kicked him in the shin. He swore back at me. The teacher goes "You two! Be nice to each other!" So I walked away. xD

I felt like a little kid, arguing over what a goat goes. Because I told Wyatt a goat goes bah. Then he was all "No! That's a sheep!" And no one else in our class knew what a goat goes. o__o

I took the hood off of Cully's coat and wore it on my head, and I looked like an eskimo. x3

Yeah, I just love how she cut herself because my father has more money. Or, what she thinks is cutting anyway. I swear, she did it with a nail filer, or a sticky note or something XD I don't even know her name. I think she went out with one of my guy friends, I'll have to ask him.
She sounds as much as an emo *** as I was in 5th grade (I told you that, right?). ._. I 'cut' myself with a eyebrow shaver. lolfail. I stopped though.



Mr.Hanna walked near Thomas's locker and commented on it. "It's so messy." Ne: -Rofls when Mr.Hanna goes insdie his office.- -Me to Thomas- Once my sheet music was a mess, and then Mr.Hanna said "You should see Tom's bell case!" Thomas: He has music from last year. ._. xD

Dan yelled Thank You in my face, and yelled to the other people they better say thanks. x3


Steve dared Timmy to click on the link 'Sexual Health' on or something. Then Tom turned around and asked him[steve] what was on it. xD

Steve: Sperm...Condoms.. Tom:...Srsly? Steve: No, just kidding. I didn't click it.

Tom sits behind me, and whenever he streches, I get nervous. xD So he did it today. x3

I was sooo happy we got to go to two sources on that website; 'Food & Fitness' or 'Your body'. I thought we'd have to do stuff on your body. [it was nasty! It had questions like 'Is my penis normal?'. xP]


We played TWW! And when me + Stalker got to our part, I was like one note ahead of him. xDD And I also know now that his Bari is sharp or his part is like super high for him. ._.

Peter played his highest note in his Gb scale, and the Flutes tried hitting theirs and they couldn't. Everyone was all " Make it stop! D: ". xD

I hit a low G today! -Dances- (That was in Pictures at an Exhibition), and I also learned that Stalker DOES slur when he doesn't need to. o.o

Jake's name isn't Loafy anymore, it's Toaster Strudel. xDDD [stalker made it up.] But people in band still do call him Loafy. xD

Whenever the Trumpets try to hit a high note, they always make falls and don't play for the rest of the scale. ._.


I was thinking about Stalker (The background music was our actual self played part in TWW! o.o) and then I started blushing. -.- I suck.


Were doing this project, and it's the periodic table, but we can chose anything we want. O: I think I'm doing mine on Flutes. Or Oboes. x3

Dr.Battisti told Steve to shut up. No really, he said "JUST SHUT UP ALREADY! GOD! I AM TIRED OF HEARING YOUR SMART MOUTH REMARKS!" o.o

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In theatre, me and Spencer were giggling like school girls, and Kaleb told us that we'd make a great porno if we were naked and giggling like that XD

That emo girl talked to me again. She calls me blondie. She asked me if I was Bi. I replied: "Hell, I'll touch anything BUT girls." Then she asked me why I kissed another girl on the cheek. I thought that all girls did that, I didn't know it meant anything. She called me a poser, but I'm still not sure what I'm posing.

Okay, so there's this really big football dude, and my friend accidentally mashed his lip open with a gatorade bottle. It was funny, although I know it shouldn't be.

Today, it was forty degrees. WTF. It broke records.

Casey got TOLD in science today.

We stuffed things down Kelsey's shirt then went on about how terrible his **** job was.

Will and me made a bet. On how long my friend and her newest boy-toy would last. He guessed a week, I guessed two. Loser has to kiss the winner.

In Literature:

Teacher: Where did Poe come from?


My friend later asked me why I was screaming about British people in seventh period. I was amazed that the people six doors down could hear me. I should probably learn to shut up and raise my hand more. Oh well.

In theatre, me and Spencer were giggling like school girls, and Kaleb told us that we'd make a great porno if we were naked and giggling like that XD
That emo girl talked to me again. She calls me blondie. She asked me if I was Bi. I replied: "Hell, I'll touch anything BUT girls." Then she asked me why I kissed another girl on the cheek. I thought that all girls did that, I didn't know it meant anything. She called me a poser, but I'm still not sure what I'm posing.

She sounds like a loser. -.-


Lauren asked me for my name again. -.-

Amanda asked me if she could wear my coat, and I let her. :3

Carrie wore her jacket, which is mah fave. O:

Dan called me Dear. O.O


Tom looked so adorable today, and I was thinking "How can somebody so cute/handsome be in my school?" x3

[Trust me, most of the 7th grade boys are uglieh. Except for Stalker && Molester]

Today was Pi Day, and they made bracelets. Tom took this pastel,rainbow colored, chunky bead braclet out of his pocket [dang, those pants look good on him... :F]and put it on his hand and danced in his seat with it! x3


Me & Taylor forgot our sneakers, so we had to walk around the block in the fieldhouse, so me & her were talking. Some stuff was depressing, some was secret and some was funny. :3


I asked Taylor if she did her homework for Band. [There's no measure #'s so we had to mark them. Only some are #ed. xD] As always, no. -.- And we were walking and talking about the hw, and then ironically, we see Mr.Hanna. xDDD

Hallway 2:

I was upset that I didn't get to see George! ;~; [Carrie has EVERY class with him. D:<]


I know what I'm gonna make my periodic table on. Instruments. x3 It's from highest to lowest [Piccolo, Sop. Flute, Alto Flute, Bass Flute, Soprano Clarinet, Alto Clarinet,Bass Clarinet,Trumpet,Cornet,Oboe,English Horn, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Bari sax, Horn, Baritone, Trombone and Tuba. Beat that yo.]

Hallway 3:

Clarissa & Dan thanked me for holding the door everyday.


Me and Taylor learned that our convo in ROB was actually good, as all we talk about is band. xD]

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My voice teacher told me to get these for some reason. THey are my "drugs". LOL


Me- Cat! Want some drugs?

Cat- K?

Me- *Hands her one of my "drugs"*

Cat- *Shoves it in her mouth* EW! IT TASTES LIKE OATMEAL!!!

Me- *Shoves one in mouth* It DOES!!!

THen we were spazzing and Salzer was like "GO BACK TO YOUR DESK" and I ignored him. Then Erin was giving my back spider bites so I screamed and fell off my butt hurts now :)


We had a sub today and let me tell you, she's a b!tch. It's better than the rapist who was subbing for Barnum. He was like: GALLOP!!! Ride 'em cowboy!!! it was CREEPY!!!

MySub: (we were running) NO CUTTING CORNERS!!!


Redbird Rally:

I went to get a gatorade from the confession stand, and saw Stalker! x3

I saw Molester!

Food stand:

I was talking to Taylor, and this bi*** went up to Manny and HUGGED him. HELLO PEOPLE! I MET MANNY FIRST! D:<

Redbird Rally:

Marcus's dad had to go to the Redbird rally with him. pwn'd. xD

Molester just HAD to sit next to Stalker. I couldn't look at Stalker without Molester looking at me! D:

Me + Amanda took a picture together. :3

I saw Tom's belly! x3

Marcus threw his jacket near me. -.-

Tuba Wannabe was a sign holder. xD

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